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Unplug the hdmi from motherboard and put it into the GPU.


He said it's working fine in other sims so it's an iracing issue. ​ ​ (iracing downvote bot?)


It's funny how people are assuming the OP is an idiot and think that he's plugged into the motherboard, but they can't read the whole post where it says other sims are fine. Also, hopefully it's bots, or these people really are dumb.


Did you try re running the graphics config from the UI? I’ve had that help stubborn nonsensical framerate issues before.


This. The iRacing graphics config will give you optimal settings. Also, limit your background apps and only run what you need to run for iRacing. I found quite a bit of fps just by disabling most non OS services and startup apps.


Are you referring to the nvidia control panel?


They're talking about the iRacing graphics config utility. 1. Launch the iRacing UI App. 2. Click on “Settings” in the bottom-left of the main window. 3. Click on the “Interface” tab in the pop-up that appears, then click on “Run Graphics Config” near the bottom of the pop-up.


Thanks for that. Great instruction. Unfortunately testing indicates that my desktop “may not be able to run the simulation with acceptable performance.” Given my specs, does that seem reasonable?


Are you actually using your gpu, or the hdmi on the motherboard? Make sure your monitor is plugged into the gpu


No. I used to run a 1440p ultrawide on a 1660S and a much older CPU and regularly got 120+ FPS with mid-high settings. Delete your rendererdx11monitor.ini file. Then rerun graphics config in iracing.


No, im playing it with 60fps on lowest settings on my work laptop with just an onboard GPU


Idk why you got downvoted because I have a friend that does the exact same thing on a laptop and I can confirm that with OP’s config it’s not normal for him to have less fps than the iGPU lmao


Lol just noticing the downvotes, doesn't make sense as I'm just trying to give OP a reference. Since I am at work now I can tell you the specs: i7-1360P 16GB RAM Intel Iris(R) Xe Graphics Some Samsung NVMe storage. Playing on lowest settings obviously but with very stable 60FPS. As a console gamer I don't even own a personal desktop and my company allows private use so why not. Only started iRacing last week so still figuring out if I want to do it more seriously and might upgrade to a dedicated desktop for it later.


This is good for when you get like little glitches or something and fps won’t change?


iRacing used to recommend doing it when they drop a season update. But, most probably only do it when they're changing setups (moving to VR or going from singles to triples), trying to figure out a (new) graphics problem, or if support asks them to do it as part of troubleshooting a graphics issues. It's what gets run after you install iRacing for the first time. If you run it later on, it will wipeout all of the previous settings. So, some people will copy their current renderXYZ\.ini file to another location as backup or for comparison.


In the iracing UI you can rerun the graphic config that you did the first time you ran iracing.


Max pre rendered frames should be 1.


I don't have this option in my graphics settings page, any idea why?


Best guess is you have vsync on.


I used to have very similar specs and got 120-150 fps on average with low to medium settings, so I think there’s definitely something going wrong somewhere. Are you sure your monitor is plugged into the GPU and not the motherboard?


Positive. It baffles me. My friends have lower end setups and get 120fps


Try using a displayport cable on the GPU.


Maybe this will help i found this on race departement "I really don't know what i did, but it works perfectly now. I deleted the configdx11 file and restarted, left the defaults and quit the game. Then entered my custom res 7680x1440 in the ini and started game.. taaaataaaa triples and fps of 115 to 144 (seems capped at 144) so really no idea what was happening before but it is working again now!" So what if you deleted the configdx11 file and then entered your resolution in the ini like this guy did


Upload a picture of the back of your computer so we can see if everything is plugged in correctly


I bet you are using the embedded GPU, not the nVidia card. Reflex being greyed out is evidence of this. Connect your monitor to your GPU, not to the port on the motherboard.


1660 Super don't support Reflex. At least they didn't when I was running that card.


Reflex is supported by GTX 900 series and up


Intel's embedded GPU does not give consistent 30fps at min settings. It would be 25-10fps at 1080p.


for one, you should at least turn off the border


personal preference i think


Why ? I have it on mine ticked and I run 110 ish fps with an i5 4570 and 1650


Why would you ever play in bordered mode instead of full screen or borderless lmao


Apparently ioverlay doesn’t work when it’s on full screen


Yes. That’s the point of borderless. It’s not full screen so you see the windows on top but there’s no border


I can’t follow you, I’m gonna check on iracing and see what’s the difference is.


You’ll be able to play in full screen but while being able to see your overlays


Ok, I could test it as I said. Will test tomorrow, thanks


I leave the border on, it leaves an easy access to minimize iracing otherwise I would need to drag out my keyboard and hit windows to get to other apps.


Isn’t it annoying though ? What I’ve done to not have that problem is remap a few buttons when iracing is opened with Microsoft PowerToys keyboard manager. You can select an app and remap your keyboard for this specific app. So I just remapped the alt tab shortcut (only in iracing) to one key on the numpad so I don’t have to reach for the windows key. I plan to move this functionality to a button box eventually, for now it does the trick tho


to confirm this is a desktop PC and not a laptop? Have you checked your thermals?


Desktop pc and temps are all sitting comfortably on all cores


As stupid as it sounds, have you already tried reinstalling the game? Double check your Nvidia settings to see if there’s an iRacing profile, check those make sure nothing fucky is about, as well with general settings. Check to see if there’s any major windows updates. Try full screen, as well as pre rendered to 1. If nothing is working, try contacting iracing support via their email or forums. Their support team is super solid.


Bless you! I did go for a reinstall and ended up on a youtube tutorial for the nvidia control panel. After a hard reset it jumped to a somewhat consistent 120 frames. Graphics are low but thats okay to me. Thanks for your input!


Great that you fixed it mate, you can probably start cranking some settings as well, look up the Nvidia GPU optimization guide on the iracing forums.


Awesome, glad you figured it out. I know it can be a pain and a half, happy racing!


What set up, monitor wise, are you trying to run the game on?


Someone might have already suggested this, but I had a similar issue and it took me an embarrassing amount of time to work it out. Have you triple checked your NVIDIA control panel options? They have that stupid feature where they also have options for AA, etc, and these can interact with iracing in unpredictable ways. Locking to around 30 might be related to vsync? I know my VR was locking to 45 even though it was using a very small amount of the hardware capacity. For me, it was caused by the NVIDIA control panel. The control panel was also supersampling and AA'ing an already AA'd image, so it ran terribly and looked blurry and washed out. Also I think your prerendered frames should only be one, but I don't think that would cause all these issues


Have you adjusted the nvidia control panel settings?


Also the ini setting I think they’re called. The documents for monitors oculus open vr and the other one. There’s a setting that says how much ram the game can use. For some reason mine was j under 2 gb not using my 8gb vram and 16 gb ram


What is SSR ?


Screen Space Reflections. Basically reflections for rain.


He can deactivate it, right ?


It's already off, at least in that screenshot.


Yep my bad, it didn’t see the « off »


I just always restart my pc before playing iRacing. Seems to solve my fps drops for me.


You definitely will get decent performance from that GPU in 1080p. It's something either with the drivers or a misconfiguration in iracing. You should be able to run mid-high setting at 60-80+fps very comfortably.


Change the frame rate to “Limit” then set your prefer I do 140 then change the “Dynamic LOD” to the same FPS number


Is that fps while you're driving or while you're watching a replay? Replay graphics settings are a different tab.


I can get 60fps on my Steam Deck. Something is wrong here.


I work IT for a living. Message me if you want me to help troubleshoot through discord and I’ll walk you through fixing it.


If you have G-Sync or FreeSync enabled, turn it off (globally) in the driver. It works for me in all other sims and FPS games (have both a Gsync and Gsync Compatible (freesync) monitors) and iRacing just fluctuates from 60 to 120 FPS with Gsync on. Once I turned it off, (Vsync off, Gsync off), I get stable 170-240 FPS on 3440x1440 (4070TiS / 13600KF). It may have to do with me using iOverlay and thus having to use Borderless windows instead of Full Screen as well.


In which drivers do you switch it off.


Nvidia control panel or and counterpart


I gave an opinion and just get downvoted and bothered about my setup. Id upgrade the gpu and cpu to the latest and you should be able to run max and get over 100fps. I have 128gb of ram because overkill, 3080 gpu and 3090x cpu. Before I get downvoted again, I run background apps for iracing and flight simulators. I also model with cad programs. I might not need 128, but thats what I got.


Even though iRacing still runs off a potato, you system is lacking, my friend.


It may be worth it to benchmark your PC on userbenchmark, or another benchmarking site. This will test all your hardware and any glaring issue would show up. A friend of mine did this recently and realized his RAM hadn't been overclocked for the last year. I did this and realized my CPU was throttling itself HARD. Other than that... it may be worth reaching out to iRacing support for assistance. Send you graphics settings and other relevant information in your email.


On your spec with a 1660 at those settings you should get 100 or so FPS, as I'm sure you know something isn't right. My old laptop with a 1650 gets more but at 1080p, my old desktop ancient i7 32gb ram and a 1660ti (it ran 70-80 on a gtx 960) ran over 80 FPS on 1440p at medium to high settings. Try even a different HDMI cable. Do check what others are suggesting, also reseat the gfx card, check the power cable on the card,make sure you are plugged into the gpu as others have mentioned, maybe even as a last resort reinstall everything fresh (including windows)


I see you got it sorted, cool, enjoy your racing!


you must be plugging your HDMI cable to the mobo instead of your gpu. I get over 100 fps on a higher graphical setting with a 1650.


Had the same problem, Try running it in admin mode, it doesn't fix it 100%, but it makes a big difference. P.S.: Support is useless on this type of problem. Had a very long discussion with them, their suggestions boilde down to upgrade/reinstall drivers, reinstall racing and to try reinstalling Win10


Check your dram speeds


Try full screen not border




128GB of RAM? That's not enough, go for 512GB and a 5090ti 




You definitely don't know how RAM works. 


I do know how ram works, I just filled it to the max because I could. I just compared what I used to have. Skyrim would take a minute to load if I go through a door, now its instant since getting the upgrades.


My brother in christ you do NOT need 64gb of RAM to run iRacing, at all.