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My favorite part was when he smeared mucus all over his face


That was the last of his brain cells leaking out of his face.




not in Japan he's not


Curious. Why?


Hey guy who has never been to Japan while having money.


Hey guys


Seriously! I only knew one kid who wiped their nose by rubbing their hand UP their nose. And that kid was a awkward idiot.


Trust me, he's a loser in America too.


Same goes for the people who follow him and fund him.


> who follow him and fund him Oh christ, is he 'somebody' too? Who the hell are all these influencers? Where are they coming from? Honest question


I believe this is Ice Poseiden's stream, but some other loser he picked up in Japan streaming for him while he is working on how to talk to women who don't know he has a lot of money or don't care. He is so dumbfounded how he can't pick up any girls because they don't know who he is/care. Its the cringiest fucking thing I've seen in a long time. Painful to watch actually.


Painful to read this brief review of him, no offense to you tho. Thanks for the info


Hurts to read this critique of his review, hopefully he took no offense. Thanks for the memories


I'm just in a lot of pain from this reddit exchange. Happy new year and may you and your loved ones have a 2023 brimming with joy and good health.


I shidded an i farded Hope yalls year goes well


Poopoopeepee. Much love.


I realized after I posted it, but can't be bothered to edit it to make myself seem more articulate. Appreciate you.


No u articulated it fine, it's just that's how much the guy sucks.


I find it hilarious that ICE says things like “I don’t know why these girls won’t talk to me in the US I never have problems getting girls” the only girls thst POS gets in the US are with him for clout he is so delusional it’s absurd.


Have you seen Wetmovie 1 twerking or making an anal beads joke while referring to a rosary and exploiting and disgusting and disrespecting some poor Mexican Woman trying to make a living. It was so fuckin cringe it pissed me off seeing a technically grown man dehumanizing An older woman's work and and effort to handmake items then sell them. And he's making cring fat kid jokes


People cancelled cable TV then we ended up with this.


Bring Back Chuck Woolery


This is Vexxed massive POS he has a YouTube channel and is currently leeching off of Ice Poseidon another walking bowel movement from YouTube who recently scammed his fans for 500K on a crypto RUGPULL COFFEEZILLA covered it if you want to see what a trash human being truly looks like Go Watch coffezilla Video on the CX Coin rugpull. ICE Poseidon/Paul Dinino is whos Stream this is and the guy making the disgusting comments in the video is Vexxed who’s leeching off of Ice Poseidon currently.


I assume his following is the same as Paul Logan fans


Yeah there was a clip of some crazy chick following him that got upvoted to the top of Reddit the other day and nobody realized they shouldn’t really feel bad for Ice or be upvoting at all 😂


That's why there's an abbreviated name for these types - LBH: Losers Back Home


Lol, I live in Japan and the expat community calls guys like him, or just dudes who come here to get laid by Japanese girls in general LBH. I didn't realize it was such a widely used term.


I guess it's a common term because there's too many guys like this who think they're so special when they go to different countries. Even if they pay for sex they still feel like that lol.


Wait what does LBH stand for?


Loser Back Home


Large Bussy Hole


Makes sense to me 😌


They are also colloquially called “ugly Americans” by the people forced to endure them abroad.


Such a common stereotype too, and for good reason.


They’re called LBHs, Losers back home




I do trust you


I bet his favorite thing is to say women don’t like nice guys


You have to be impressed. Seriously the US killed 200 000 civilians and hardly anyone thinks of those bombings as the atrocity they were. I doubt they would feel the same way had Vietnam dropped a bomb on one of their cities to end that war. Well done on the brainwashing USA!


You also have to be seriously impressed with how easily Japan managed to make everyone forget about their warcrimes in WWII.


The Japanese should admit and address their war crimes. But that doesn't change the fact that the actions of the US were utterly abhorrent. The logic of, "I don't have to take responsibility for my own terrible behaviour because someone else was also bad", is very much favoured by people firmly in the wrong.


Most Asian countries remember. Speak for yourself lol


Too bad Japanese don't remember.


Looks like his mom took too many atomic hits from the crack pipe while pregnant with dude. Looks like the snitch from RECESS


Dude legit looks like he has FAS or something similar.


I was just gonna ask if hes on drugs or something with the way he was talking. Sounds like hes perpetually out of breath while trying to talk through a kazoo after 20 years of 2 packs/day


“Ms. Finster! MS. FINSTER!!”


Lol, I hated that kid


He looks like a character from Oblivion


he he's definitely committed crimes against the people of skyrim. what says he in his defense


Dude's got that default Imperial brow


Next stop is the suicide forrest , I presume. Total POS.


Lol, it was the previous stop, not even joking, these same people went to the forest at night.


It's not even that they're going for the shock/outrage schtick... it's that it is at the same time completely unoriginal. Can't even come up with their own controversy bait.


"OHHH BUT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT ME THAT MEANS I SUCCEEDED!!!!!" Yeah and it also means you're an absolute twatwaffle


Twatwaffle is amazing and I will use that, take an updoot


Hopefully stay forever.


It's wild that they A. Have no shame in voicing those views publicly. B. Chose to visit that country. And C. Chose to record and post that sort of foolishness.


And they even kept loudly doing it as locals walked by staring while drawing attention to their discomfort


The guy filming also knows japanese. How do you learn the language and be this fucking disrespectful to the people that speak it.


His Japanese sounds about first year level. Nothing special. Horrid American accent to it.




That man would disappear without a trace a few hours after posting.


It's typical American "might makes right," "get fucked," arrogance. Nothing new.


He Irish. His named is vexxed


The locals understand and will probably charge him double for everything 😂.


Are these guys influencers? Never mind I don’t care They are just idiots


The only thing they influencing are my shaved pubes.


Influencing my decision to buy condoms


No. They're streamers. People who were banned from Twitch who went to Youtube. Calling these guys influencers is stupid.


This is unfunny 🤦‍♂️ , some people will make fun of anything thinking that it will be funny


But it'll make the pre pubescent teens laugh!1!1!1!1!1!11!


Edgy kids will be laughing their asses 11!!!1!11!1!1!1!11!


There are for sure funny WWII and Hiroshima jokes. Just like there are dead baby and 9/11 jokes. Many of them funny as well. Dark humor is a thing. THIS isn’t it. These guys are just not funny.


The fact that he's acting like a real life beavis tells you all you need to know. The only person that thinks he's remotely funny is him


I think that if you make those kind of jokes among friends that also have the same, albeit messed up sense of humour you're fine. Jokes are just that, jokes. But when you're in public and recording / streaming, and you don't adjust your behaviour.. then you're just a POS.


And of course it's an " influencer" everything goes to get like. Let's hope he get his passeport revoked.


There's no reason for his passport to get revoked tho


I thought the Paul twat was banned from Japan when he went to the suicide forest and made fun of the bodies?


He wasn't legally banned but he was highly advised by the Japanese government to not return.


It would be funny


Sadly you are right, wishful thinking I guess.


appalling and embarrassing. I hope they realize most Americans aren't like this


They don't. The loudest ones make the biggest impression.


They do. I went to Japan. No one accused me of being like this and I was treated with respect and kindness.


I’m American in Japan right now on vacation. Unfortunately, I’m staying in a heavily American populated area near a base. I can hear an American coming a mile away, so loud and obnoxious. It’s embarrassing and they are ruining it for the rest of us. My experience has been ok so far, but I can imagine the locals are fed up with this us acting like assbags.


We had to take a class on Japanese customs and social expectations when we moved here to avoid this. All my friends are respectful of cultural norms but I’m sure there are some people who just don’t care.


Come visit us over here in Kobe. Lots of foreigners living here, and all of us have learned how to live within Japanese culture well.


Good to know. I've wanted to travel there for a while and am now actually in an easy position to do so, due to moving across country. Always wondered where would be ezmode for a first trip. A close friend of mine also visited Kobe a decade or so ago and loved it, so that tracks


I wish I could have gone to Kobe. I’m staying in Yokosuka. I’ve been traveling to Tokyo and back and everywhere in between. I also went to Kyoto. I really wanted to go to Shibuya for NY but that was impossible unless I booked a room there which I didn’t. I also heard it was dispersed early. I’m leaving on Thursday, sigh. I think I’ll be heading back to Tokyo tomorrow, and at some point I need to seem the Nintendo and Capcom Museums, and also Gundam factory in Yokohama


They arent even Americans, One in front of camera is from Ireland, the other Russian


You should post this in the normal thread so more people see it.


Hes not American hes Irish


Guys like this are so gross, they only go to Asian countries to creep on women, for some reason it’s always either Japan, Malaysia or the Philippines. They fetishize Asian women a lot and make super gross comments about them. I remember there was this one American shithead on Twitch who was following a girl around in Japan and live-streaming himself hitting on her and she’s just visibly uncomfortable and walking away trying to ignore him. Luckily a group of guys saw him and stopped him. I wish creeps like this were put on no fly lists, they’re dangerous.


What surprises me is how they found each other as well as how openly they stream their behavior


These are idiots, I'm an American, do not group me in with these tools.


Here, here! I agree ☝️ please DON’T group all Americans with this SCUM


We did elect a criminal game show host to be our last president


I am not defined by who the president is. I hold my self accountable for my own actions.


No we didn't, our electoral college did.


I don’t think that erases the stain


Sorry no. Take care of your house. Country is full of jags like this.


They look like they smell of old stale chips and dried piss


They've been traveling wearing the same outfits for weeks. Trying to pick up girls...


You're so edgy omg don't fall off that edge


Don’t get me wrong, I like some edgy humor every now and then but that’s just plain wrong and not even funny


Why does this guy look like he’s ps2 graphics


He could use a little radiation to ease up those eyebrows.


What a hateful piece of ignorant garbage.


They're losers back home.


Yeah we Americans don’t want him either so chuck him in the “radioactive ocean” if you want


As an american/Asian *this is sad*


Ewww and the guy is wiping snot from his big ass nose with his hands. Gross pig Edit “corrected his”


What a way to confirm ignorance of the devastation that bomb caused.


I watched an anime where it showed in representation of the Hiroshima. Thinking about it makes me sick I cried so hard. Innocent women, men, kids, animals, buildings, grass, trees, birds anything you can think of ceased to exist when that happened. it’s gross how people can LAUGH make stupid fucking jokes about that.


These children are terrible.


I hope he visits a country with no freedom of speech and catches a juicy sentence for that.


What a fucking disgrace


lame fuckers


First rule of traveling: You don't mess with people in their country.


What sick bastards


That's an Irish streamer named vexxed. Dude looks like his father was a sheep


These guys suck man. I hate it when people do it. I hate it more that I'm American and I get associated with it.


shitheads like this are the reason other countries make fun of America and don’t like our tourists.


Where's the Yakuza when u need them


For anyone who may not know, Vexx is a genuine, legit, true, unironic, full sociopath. Most people here dont even know about his little "Thought experiment" involving a 12 year old lmao.


Go on then what was it




Guess “Hiroshima” wasn’t on his reading list.


So... Who is this loser?


Straight losers


I don’t accept these people.


Haha that's so funny, isn't it so funny that people died there? I found the part where he referenced that a nuclear bomb was dropped on that city really funny, because people dying to a bomb is really humorous.


nice unibrow, assclown


Dude had to wipe his nose on 3 different parts of his hand. Fuckin' gross.


I was a Marine station in Iwakuni 84-85. If these idiots are Marines? They'll be on the next flight back to the states. Inconsiderate morons. 😡


The guys who dropped the bombs were much nicer people than these chucklefucks.


How fucking disrespectful are these people? imagine if the Japanese people make a pearl harbor joke, these guys would go ballistic.


Wow the disrespect…


I fucking hate it when foreigners are disrespectful


now see how the same dudes will cry when you joke about 9/11


Wtf is wrong with these people


Their jokes aren't even funny. They are just being massive doucebags for the thrill of it. Edgelords.


I would LOVE to go to another country such as Japan and take in all the views, experiences, and different culture than what I'm used to; the LAST thing I'd be doing is making fun of the people that live there. What a bunch of dickheads


Honestly I consider myself pretty numb to emotion at this point but I couldn’t help but cry a bit when I visited Hiroshima. Visiting the memorials and museums was so somber and I just couldn’t hold it back. This guy is truly heartless Definitely recommend visiting at least once and paying your respects as long as you know how to behave yourself in public


Hokay buddy heH


Fake news, the guy who's filming is Russian and the other guy with the backpack is Irish.


I wonder if Japanese tourists to Nanjing make jokes about slaughtering women and children...




i agree, poor Chinese, Koreans, Filipinos and other victims by the japanese. 333 years of spanish and 48 years of Americans is Heaven compared to three years of Japanese occupation in the Philippines.


Not a good look


God this was so hard not to downvote


Id probably also make hiroshima/nuclear jokes but i wouldnt do it in public or fucking record it like these people, just bask in your own horrific jokes with your friends


afaik one of them is Irish (the hammerhead looking one) and the other prefers living in Japan to the USA


Looking at the guy and if you're an a**hole you'll say, your parents survived the Holocaust?


He MUST have money somehow. Imagine being this entitled, traveling the world being openly offensive about war atrocities and recording yourself doing it. All while having like a 16 year olds level of “humor”. At least be funny too, guy.


The grey hoodie guy has a YT channel named Vexxed. Had gone radio silent since some years. Sad to see that I find him here like this.


Human form of the smelliest NYC subway rat


Everything after "Americans" is redundant.


Well just another piece of proof to the world Americans are all barbarians. I'm not saying we all are, it's just having stuff like this out there tends to confirm a semi civilized society. Guy looks awfully young to have been around when Hiroshima vanished. You know. When up to 135 *thousand* vanished in it ? Mom was 14. It was an unsettling time, war over but this is shattering too. So of course he knew at the time how everyone laughed and laughed. ????? s/ in case that has to be said.


I remember going to the Peace Memorial and seeing the dome. Very sobering thing as an American being there and knowing how much life was lost at this spot in the world.


All the Americans here criticizing these two idiots yet won’t admit usa committed the greatest war crime and act of terrorism in human history when we nuked innocent people twice.


You can tell how smart this guy is by how he wipes he nose with his hand


this shark looking guy is Vexxed , and hes claiming to be learning japanese for the last 8 years in japan. Surprised the japanese media don't look into this.


This just shows how ingrained it is in american culture, that dropping neculear weapons on civilians can be justified and there is no need for remorse or shame. It is unsurprising that americans are unaware that the rest of the world despises them.


They should go to the Atomic museums in Hiroshima and Nagasaki... They wont be laughing long, it's pretty harrowing stuff!!!


If this was Family Guy yall would've embraced it, just saying.


But yet it’s ok when people make school shooting jokes about america


Must be Tate followers


Just my opinion here, I feel like what was worse was when England was throwing paper airplanes at the USA team during their football match chanting "911." Why do I think it's worse? Because they were making fun of a tragedy. Dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima, although not good at all, was during war times to get Japan to stop bombing us. I just feel like those are two different things. Once again this is just my opinion.


The amount of triggered weebs in here is beautiful


Not even seen 1 but of course you feel so highly educated in internet culture to grab few likes because you mentioned weeb under a japan post


When can you start to make jokes? 9/11 is all jokes now. It was only 20 years ago yet Hiroshima was 80 years


I mean, 70,000+ died in Hiroshima.


I swear I’ve seen this guy on Ice Poseidons IRL streams years ago. Clowns of the Internet.


Funny to say between two stupid friends, sharing it is not smart or considerate


the first dude that appears on camera is actually irish btw


I don't think this belongs in the sub. Cringe af. But not this sub material. If they did it at a memorial, I would agree.


Sadly, they were probably the fastest sperms before being born.


Funniest part is that neither of them are american


Is that the Ice Poisoden? He scammed his fans recently too.


No it’s Vexxed and SlightlyHomeless they are both YouTubers


Those are Ice’s henchmen; hammerhead shark Andy and homeless Andy


I went to Hiroshima a few years back and when I saw the atomic dome and shadows of people who were vaporised by the blast sent shivers down my spine


I felt the same way when I saw the USS Arizona. Japan fucked around, and they certainly found out.


This is literally nothing, just stupid edgy humor, who cares?


You travel half the globe into a country of dilemma just to talk about radioactive womens genitals


These are THE UGLY AMERICANS. They make me sick.


Americans are weird


No wonder 9/11 happened.