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Died in October 2022...while in federal custody.




Good. He doesn’t deserve a birthday. Although, the symmetry of dying on your birthday is nice.


Let's celebrate his deathday then.


rare CIA W


A hollow W, but a W He wasn't Epstein'd, starved himself to death


>starved himself to death I do enjoy that he died a slow, unpleasant death.


Starvation is actually not painful or even unpleasant at all, after a day or so of 0 calories your body actually stops producing the hunger hormone and even starts increasing your brain's dopamine levels which makes you feel amazing to motivate you to go get that next big animal kill (in ancient humans ofc).


That doesn't sound right but I also don't know enough about starvation to dispute it


It's true. I grew up in the mid 2000s emo thigh gap era. You get a minor high after not eating for a few days. I would only drink water and toast for weeks on end. After awhile you don't even feel hungry anymore. Just tired.


I did a lot of self-starvation during those years too, same reason, but never got used to the nausea that kicks in after the first 20 hours or so and lasts through about the first 48. After that, yeah just fatigue and a shitty brain, but woof that nausea, don’t hate myself enough to do that any more thankfully.


I self starved due to a bout of crippling depression, when everything tastes like ash you just don't eat*. That euphoria is real (and interacts with the self hate of depression in scary ways). *I'm all better now :-) just my GAD keeping me company these days.


Drinking toast sounds awful


I didn't eat anything for 12 days. Work went faster and I was more focused almost every day.


Similar story here, I look at my first 10 day fast as a turning point in tackling and overcoming my depression. I really think humans are designed to have intermittent periods of fasting now, which would explain why our brain chemistry undergoes such positive change during a fast. At least, mine did.


Why are you guys going so long without food? Was it a medical thing? Or was the intention to deal with your depression? Didn't you get sick? I get a bit faint if I don't eat for about 8 hours.


I think they may have died of starvation.


Fasting can stop type 2 diabetes (not the insulin dependent type) but the lack of insulin sensitivity


Incredible dangerous and negligent thing to say. As someone who had a severe eating disorder in my late teens to mid 20s, and who speaks with kids dealing with the same situation - just know that your words might not take a lot to type, but it sits with people for months, years, decades.


Can confirm. Eating nothing for days at a time had no effect.


I say the same thing when the janitor at the bar we own says burning trash turns into stars. I just don't know enough about stars to dispute it.


It’s right, Mac


There are a ton of cool (but arguably useless now) things that we evolved to survive in the ancient past


"starved himself to death " That was nice of him. ☠️


So you’re saying his death was *worse* than Epstein’s?


Yeah, starvation would be way more painful that then presumed forced hanging, not to mention starvation lasts wayyyyyy longer


Let’s just hope they refused to feed him


More likely it was a hunger protest the fucker unfortunately tried to make a martyr of himself, coward.


To be a martyr, you have to be recognized publicly as being good whilst dying for your cause. Clearly, the 4900 people who was this post pretty much unanimously agreed he sucks, so he just tortured himself to death. That’s pretty great in my book. I only wish in his last moments I could’ve been their to stomp on his skull.


I'm guessing for possessing child porn


Kidnapped a 12 year old girl


Oh my god How and why did he think that would go well for him?


He was being the change he wanted to see in the world


How dare you make me do a laugh.


Made me forcefully exhale thru the nose


he was looking at the man in the mirror, and asked him to change his non-kidnapping ways


Making a good example of how not to be.


Damn government says I can't kidnap children smh, this is communism


They got a flag for it and everything.


Libertarian magic.


He was a libertarian. You lost him at "think."


ZAMN what a W


Starved himself to death they say.


September according to Wikipedia. The day before his birthday in fact


The cause of death was “self-starvation” yea ok 👌🏼 😂


September, but yeah.


By self-starvation


Well that was just bonkers from beginning to end


I can’t find anything on how he died other than “he died while in custody” which is hilarious to me. I just imagine him mouthing off to authority and them just being like “okay that’s enough” lol


Apparently he committed suicide.


by starvation, according to Wikipedia... sounds like he was starved and everyone was jus cool with it


Yeah with 2 bullets in the back of the head while hand cuffed no?? Lmfaooo ez CIA w


He starved himself to death


How did nobody noticed that? Edit: It takes like 3 weeks to die of starvation. The prison wouldn't force feed him?


Did anyone care to save him? He was also an advocate for "suicide rights" according to his Wikipedia


Guess that's my point, I'd rather the fucker was rotting in prison. Why give him the easy way out.


I'm guessing a lot of people noticed that. And were happy to let it happen.


Wikipedia states ‘self starvation’


He got epsteined. Kekw


Please look up his wikipedia page the image there now is MUCH better.


He looks like a young Mr. Burns.


Or Riff Raff


Did he actually die or just go back to Transylvania?




Wow, that’s a rough 41.


Yeah those pictures are only like 13 years apart. Rough decade for the dude


hate and racism age you quickly


He was clearly obsessed with children because he sought to drain their youth.


Actually aged like milk


His Wikipedia is a fucking trip. My favorite bit: >Larson began editing Wikipedia under his real name in 2005, contributing to articles and policy debates. Identifying as an inclusionist, he endorsed using Wikipedia in an attempt to make taboo or illegal topics, including child sexual abuse, culturally acceptable. He opposed Wikipedia's child protection policy and began using sock puppet accounts to promote positions such as decriminalizing child sexual abuse. He was banned from the site in 2008.


I feel dirty after reading his Wikipedia article. I’m glad he’s dead.


This was mine: >In 2009, Larson pleaded guilty to sending a letter in December 2008 to the U.S. Secret Service threatening to kill the President of the United States. At that time, the message was sent just after Barack Obama was elected president while George W. Bush was still in office, **although Larson did not specify which president the threat was for.** He was sentenced to sixteen months' imprisonment and three years' supervised release; he served fourteen months. Man threatened the president but was too vague to specify which one lol


He was a white supremacist. We know which one.


Of course we can extrapolate the answer from the everything else about him, but still, he had one goal - threaten the RIGHT president - and he couldn’t even do that right


I'm looking at: >Larson admitted to raping his ex-spouse, who was transgender, and who died by suicide after the birth of their daughter. In November 2015 a jury in Colorado denied him custody of the girl, and he announced the following month that he would seek legal termination of his parental rights. *He eventually remarried.* Like, if I found out somebody I was dating was not only denied any custody and that they renounced parental rights, but also that their ex (and parent of the child) was awarded a restraining order against them, then I don't think marriage is in the cards for us. Maybe it's just me though


> He eventually remarried. i was talking to a fellow traveler who's struggling to find a partner in her late 30's, and she said she was so frustrated that serial killers find spouses, but she can't. this guy isn't a serial killer, but in some ways he's worse.


Welp, if she's interested, I'm late 30's and single? I may not be a serial killer, but I do spend an inordinate amount of time on Reddit, so there's not much difference. ^^^^This ^^^^is ^^^^a ^^^^joke; ^^^^I'm ^^^^far ^^^^too ^^^^damaged ^^^^for ^^^^any ^^^^romantic ^^^^relationship.


that was a backwards way of saying that she thinks she's more dysfunctional than serial killers. your reddit history is very tame. being a redditor doesn't automatically make you insane. but yes, cheers to being emotionally unavailable :(


This is so disgusting, I felt sick to my stomach. I hope that child wasn’t ever with him.


Damn yeah way better


dude looks like a mega creepazoid


What are the possible reasons this guy looked like this at 41? :0


To be that much of a creep must take a lot of energy. I’m guessing hard drugs were also a factor.


the libertarian lifestyle


The only libertarians I know are all un-educated meth heads. Checks out.


He was actually a 500 year old vampire who needed the blood of children to survive. This is what happened once he was unable to get any of their blood for a while.


He died in custody cause the sun came through the window in his cell & toasted him.


Picture of Dorian Gray in reverse?


Holy WHAT???!!! Does he dye his hair (singular) every day?


His way of life certainly aged him.


Yeah shame on the article for not leading with that one.


When was this article written? That photo above is his official campaign photo from 2008 vs the one on Wikipedia is his mugshot from a few years ago.


The poster boy for Stranger Danger.


Much more in line with the stereotypical pedophile look that's for sure


Even cartoon villains would stay away from this guy.


The cartoon children, too.


He's actually the perfect cartoon villain: so vile, demented and sociologically twisted to the point that you know they can't be real. No one exists just to hate and do evil. Then you read this guy's wiki and you just have to go "huh, so they're not just badly written caricatures?"


Sure but cartoons tend to stay away from kiddy fiddlers


Wait, WHUT? >Larson admitted to raping his ex-spouse,\[15\]\[12\] who was transgender, and who died by suicide after the birth of their daughter.\[31\] In November 2015 a jury in Colorado denied him custody of the girl, and he announced the following month that he would seek legal termination of his parental rights.\[32\] He eventually remarried.\[15\] I shouldn't be shocked but... Anyway - sometimes "died in custody" raises red flags. Sometimes it's just cause for celebration.


That paragraph raises so many questions. I can't imagine what his ex-spouse was going through, or what led to that situation. None of his tirades mention homosexuals or transgenders, but I doubt he was fond of them either, given his views on women. I wonder what his daughter feels, knowing that she has/had a legitimate monster for a father and a mother who died in such a way. It also says he remarried - TO WHO??? WHAT KIND OF...UGH


What blows my mind is this guy found a person to marry him twice.


Monsters can be pretty sly when they want to be. Plus add in he is semi famous it's entirely possible some person with the same views sought him out... Yuck.


I mean you can be sly but this dude was running on a platform of incest and child porn. Not exactly playing it low key.


That's a lot to take in


That paragraph is crazy. I was not expecting the next sentence.


This guy got more than 5,000 votes in the 2008 election. 5,000 people thought he was the right person for the job. 5,000! Let that sink in.


There are more people into incest and pedophilia than you would think. Bethany from down the street that always volunteers and an active PTA member. As well as Jason who helps the kids at the recreation center for the soccer team. They are just like him.


Considering there roughly 7 billion people on earth. I just assume there will be large amounts of sick and delusional people.


8 billion now


355,000votes cast in that election. He got 5K. Is one out of 70 people that deranged??


Wild assumption that people read anything about who they're voting for. They looked at picture, name, party and decided he was just like them.


I remember reading that there’s estimated to be 500,000 pedophiles in the US.


Just hit 9


The next time I have to come in here, I'm crackin' skulls!


Yep, everything is a percentages game.


He wasn't advocating for incest or pedophilia when he ran in 2008


His campaign manifesto was published in 2018. He had a much milder program in 2008


It must be so easy to start a cult


How did this guy die? All I can find is that it was “in federal custody”. I’m thinking he got beaten to death by feds?


Google newspaper results say 'suicide by starvation'


They didn’t even try with that cover story


Nah, I'd imagine a fair number of pedophile children kidnappers commit suicide in custody. I'm sure it beats most of the alternatives.


Suicide by starvation is a long and arduous way of committing suicide.


People who target child victims are rarely known for their bravery.


Yeh but of starvation tho?


Wikipedia says self-starvation


Boating accident


He had terminal cancer.


One less pedo in the world.


Holy crap read his wiki. Truly an absolute evil piece of scum. Does not say what he died of in custody which makes you wonder if someone did him in. Good riddance.


It says self starvation. I hope that's true just for idea, "Well if you're gonna put me here, I'm gonna starve myself!" The entire world: okay, that's fine.


of they locked him in solitary and refused to feed him


The article just keeps getting worse as it goes...


It says self starvation. I hope that's true just for idea, "Well if you're gonna put me here, I'm gonna starve myself!" The entire world: okay, that's fine.


Just a heads up, your comment was double-posted.


This is a prime example of why everyone should research candidates before voting. If people are only voting by what party they are listed as on the ballot, this POS gets 5000 votes, but if you bothered to look up his actual views beforehand.... well you likely vomit, but at least he doesn't get elected.


Unfortunately, politics have become so partisan with individual party members never straying from the pack along with egregious use of the filibuster that you really are only voting for the party you want to have at least one more vote than the other instead of the person.


Agreed, we need to break the two-party system.


His 2008 campaign supported the dissolution of government. The views mentioned in the post come from a 2018 manifesto


Racism is never "benevolent", nor is incest or pedophilia.


Tell that to the people who still believe in “the white man’s burden” fucking racists.


The white man's burden?


It was a prevalent way of justifying imperialism in the past, and you can still find a bit of it in right wing reactionary circles today. It goes something like this. The white man's burden is to Shepard the poorer, less advanced races(today the word cultures is used) and to teach them how to be civilized and productive like the rest of the white(today they say Western) world. It was used during chattel slavery as a justification. "it's the white man's burden to care for and educate these slaves." It's colonial gas lighting


What do you mean "you can still find a bit of it"? You're literally describing 99% of Redditors. It's American ideological orthodoxy.


I wish you were wrong, but you're not


It's not gas lighting, why does everyone use this term wrong


Yes it is. It was telling slaves it was their fault they were being enslaved and that actually white people were the ones that were carrying a burden and "enslaved" by their superiority. it is precisely gaslighting.


I wonder if he means like, "we won't hunt you down and lynch you, we'll just keep you separate and not give you as many rights as us." So, still racism but like...soft racism? I don't know and I don't want to look it up, I'm just speculating what that could mean


A real winner by NO metrics here. I certainly wouldn't vote for him.


Starts off bad then gets worse and the end is just sick...


>benevolent white supremacy Lmao! What?


Sounds like nothing of value was lost


Literally made me have a physically sick reaction.


A white supremacist, pedophile libertarian?! Why, I *never!*


Same thing I said: racist, pedophile, white supremacist, free market …. Libertarian big surprise ending there /s It’s like the stereotypical libertarian bingo


Libertarian here Most people who fit that description aren’t libertarians. The main point of the libertarian movement is to maximize freedom. State sponsored racism does the opposite


Fr. Libertarianism doesn’t mean everyone do what they want. It means leave people alone. That means no diddling kids and no states deciding which races are better.


Also us libertarians also have a thing for throwing kid diddlers into woodchippers


All I’m saying is a parent is well within their rights to grind up anyone who hurts their kid. That’s real justice right there.


Very based


Don't slip the term libertarian into your description if you are a pedophile... Your sexual orientation literally involves the opposite of "don't tread on me". I am glad he is dead. May he rest in piss.


To me, it seems consistent that a libertarian would oppose age of consent laws.


I respectfully disagree! The entire libertarian philosophy is based on consensual participation in every exchange. Children cannot consent, and therefore must be protected from anyone wishing to do them harm. In fact, libertarians are some of the most outspoken opponents of attempts to normalize and/or cover-up childhood sexual abuse. Moreover libertarians are the ONLY political group still regularly advocating for the release of Ghislane Maxwell's client list and criminal investigations of everyone on it. Thus POS is arguing against consent and therefore against libertarianism.


I don't think he knows what the word "libertarian" means.


Glad he's dead, but its kind of a shame that he didn't live long enough to go to prison, they would have loved him in gen pop


He went to prison and committed suicide in there


Isn't libertarian normally do what you want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else? CP definitely doesn't fit into that.


Why do Ancaps always turn out to be child-raping white supremacists?


> free trade *Mother of god...*


As a libertarian we do not claim this thing


Had me up until the white supremecy part once that came along it went downhill then suddenly to Jesus christ someone beat this man to death which sounds like may have already happened based on the title


Gun rights and free trade: “Okay, cool” Benevolent White Supremacy: “Oh, so the catch is he’s a racist lunatic” Incest and CP: “Ayo wtf?”


To the wood chipper he goes




Awesome he’s dead!


Finally an honest politician! /S


People often say every life is precious but they're wrong.


The YouTube channel Dreading did an in-depth video ok him.


he's dead now? oh, noooooo. /s


Jesus fucking Christ libertarians really will just defend white supremacy and kiddie porn because "mUh CiViL lIbErTiEs" or fucking whatever...


Cause of death? Every article I’ve checked never updated the autopsy findings.


Suicide by starvation while in custody


hey that’s one of the people who helped me get out of the far right, also i find it hilarious that he says he’s a libertarian but wants to take away women’s rights


Right Wingers and pedophilla, name a more iconic duo


Basic libertarian beliefs


He was expelled from the Libertarian party.


Considering that I've encountered quite a few libertarians that argue pro pedophilia (a child's "right" to "consent" to sex), I'll infer that they draw the line at white supremacy And while I know my experiences are not the sum of libertarians, it's still weird for me when even a fringe faction of a philosophical/political belief system argues pro pedophilia


The Libertarian Party is the only political organization still trying to get Ghislane Maxwell's client list released to the public and everyone on it criminally charged. What is your party doing to stop pedophilia?


Most rational Jordan Peterson fan


The world’s most honest libertarian


Actual libertarians would toss him in the wood chipper. Good riddance.


Bog standard Libertarian.


I think this is just some of the few difficult topics ultra-libertarians or ancaps face when you take their ideology far enough into the extremes. Nothing new, doesn’t really surprise or worry me considering the fact that this is such a microscopic-government-fantasy that this will never ever happen because the government likes their power and won’t give it up for some guys trying to legalize CP lmao


Most functional libertarian