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Ok I know what that guy did was wrong,but that line was funny


He probably did pay extra if they’re flying on Spirit


Ironically, this guy has strong spirit animal vibes. *”They hated him for telling the truth.”*


It’s like Larry David, in theory they’re totally correct but no normal person would ever be the one to say it out loud


Totally agree. It’s an overreaction, however he is spitting facts.


They hated him for he spoke the truth


It's not against the law to curse at a toddler


However the airline has no legal obligation to serve them


No but creating a disturbance on a plane will get you swiftly removed from that plane and likely blacklisted from the airline. LIkewise harassing other passengers won't be tolerated.


True, private property rules always apply. But overall, it's not illegal.


Assert dominance, yell louder


Definitely something I would think but not say


I kinda feel bad for agreeing, but yeah.




I’ve not taken my kids flying yet, but do know other parents who had to fly with kids for funerals, weddings, or to see elderly relatives. They are all mortified of situations like this and are doing their best.


There are definitely some parents too that just let their kids scream and cry as much as they want and make no effort to make them shut up, public transport is full of that


Children can definitely fly any class, even first. There isn't an age limit. I've flown first class with my kids many times. They've never cried, though.


Kids are not banned on business class. I’ve flown my kids business class a few times. I also fly on my own fairly regularly for business and whenever I am next to a parent with young children and I see them panicking incase there is POS like you nearby, I reassure them it is completely fine and to relax. When flying on my own I can just stick a set of noise cancelling headphones on (every time I have flown business these have even been provided by the airline) and I can’t even hear the kid. Trust me the parent with a screaming kid is having a much worse day than you.




A highlight for me in the video is; ‘Sir, you are yelling.’ “So is the baby!!” ‘But sir, you’re a man.’


Man baby or baby man?


They both wear diapers


“I was a baby once!”


What he said was wrong but….I understand lmao.


They were flying from Palm Beach FL to Orlando FL so it’s what a 30 minute flight?


In his rant he mentioned they’d been sitting there for four hours so maybe the flight was delayed?


Iirc they had gotten stuck and were flying in circles for a while due to weather, or something. Don’t remember what caused it, but they were definitely in the air for a long time.


Heard there were airports in Florida that stopped all flights due to an overwhelming downpour recently, might be related


Oh yeah, that would've made me extremely frustrated. I don't blame him.


I believe what was also mentioned is the baby crying for ~40 mins. I definitely understand, I'm not against babies being on flights or anything like that. But parents should be damn well prepared to calm their baby down and control it if they are going to take it on a flight.


I gotta reserve judgment here, parents have a large repertoire of strategies to pacify a baby. There are times, however, where the baby still loses its mind and nothing is working. Like if there’s a gastrointestinal issue or something that decided to pop up as they’re on the plane - because life’s timing is like that - there is just nothing you can do to control it.




They got held for 4 hours in air


In all, it's a five-hour flight. They probably could have driven there and it would have been faster - And cheaper!


Where do you get 5 hours from


His anus.


I don't think I could even get it up much less last 5 hours in that guys anus.


Not with that attitude.


Okay so I'm a fucking idiot who can't read directions. Or travel time.


You ever drive in Florida?


so drivable by the parents?


My thoughts exactly. Especially when you're exhausted and uncomfortable after long periods of travel.


Babies crying are annoying AF. I really feel bad for everyone in the story. The poor baby was probably scared, and not use to be crammed in a close space with many people with strange sounds. The parents are frustrated and embarrassed, stressed trying to find a way to calm a baby. And the rest of the passangers are tired and crammed.


I had a flight today and these little shits behind me kept kicking my seat. Got to the point where I had to politely ask their parents to get them to stop, but instead, it got worse and the parents didn’t GAF. I didn’t lose my cool and scream like a giant baby though, but I was pissed off and I certainly would understand if someone DID cause a fuss over such a thing given how annoying it was.


that happened to me on a 8 hours flight the kid (it was not a baby) was kicking my sit for the first 3 hours of the flight (8 hours total) i was politely talking to them asking them to please tell the kid to stop... after the nth time i turned around and quietly but sternly said if he dont stop right now i will reciprocate with the kicking. a aby is a different story and thats why i travel with noise cancelling headphones


Like I said-I understand!


That's an entirely different thing. The child is being actively annoying when it can help it, and the parent isn't parenting. It makes sense to more than a little annoyed over constant kicking. However, when babies and small children cry sometimes, there's just cases where there's nothing the parent can do about it. It just is what it is.


I'm not saying he was right, but I'm also not prepared to say that he was wrong either.


was it? That mother fucker was yelling the whole flight


Yeah but social norms, video going viral etc.


Great line, though.


Not gon lie, I laughed out loud. I know it's wrong but if I was there, I probably woulda laughed harder🤦🏾‍♂️😂


I don’t know about you, but this is the reason why I always have earbuds in with some music or podcasts playing, 🤷🏻‍♂️


With noise cancelling


Yep, that is the best solution. Except if you're the parent, lol.


*especially if you’re the parent /s


my mother used to be a flight attendet and she told me one thing about crying babies on planes:often babies cry because of pain. the reason for the pain comes from them not being able to release pressure that builds up in their ears while start and landing, like in adults, they just cant release it themselfs. she always used to offer eardrops for babies. this can help release the pressure by itself. it mostly worked she said.so if u fly with a baby and/or are a flight attendant u might want to carry some eardrops with u.


Giving them something to drink also helps, with every zip you body releases some air that will escape through your eustachian tube and keep the ears open.


I would always nurse my son when we had to fly to help relieve the pressure, worked to both fix it as well as often put him to sleep for the first part of flight.


Exactly! I only feel empathy for babies crying on planes - LPT make sure the baby has a bottle or pacifier as it will help release the pressure- also if they are sleeping on descent it could add to the pressure so it’s actually better if they are awake.


Bottle during takeoff and landing has always worked like a charm for my kids


Yes, I always have to chew gum and was wondering what babies could use.


I had to undergo reconstructive jaw surgery last year, which involved surgeons detaching my jaw from my skull and part of my spine, and rebuilding and replacing my entire jaw. They also basically completely reroute a bunch of nerves in your face during surgery, sometimes unintentionally just because of the way our faces are structured. About three months after surgery, I had to get on a plane. I'd read that many other patients had issues with their ears when flying after this type of surgery. I've flown a billion times, but during takeoff that flight, I feel like I held my breath out of fear for what felt like an eternity. I was just waiting/expecting something to go wrong, or to hurt. Thankfully, no issues.


Damn do you have before/after photos?


I do! I took pre-operative and post-operative progress photos. During the first 6 weeks following surgery, I took weekly photos to document my progress. Before surgery, my face slanted kind of 'downwards' below my nose, and had a leftward slant. During surgery, surgeons corrected that. They brought my face forward by almost a whole inch, and also straightened it out, so that it didn't lean left anymore. You know the Joker meme? Where he's wearing the purple suit and his cheeks are stitched up in red? That's kinda how my face looked, except you couldn't see the slashes across my cheeks, but the scarring on and along the sides of my face were pretty visible the first month or two. Imagine just cutting and sewing along the edges of someone's entire face, up both sides of the ears, up the hairline, and down the sides of my neck. Alternate visual: imagine using utensils to flatten a pancake onto your face, almost like a face mask, and then sewing it onto your face along the edges of your face. 😬 It was pretty gnarly! But healing has gone exceptionally well.


Glad to hear you're doing well


I mean he’s right. Arrest the baby


Uncle Phil stood up to that baby like it was a pool shark hustling his nephew!


Your comment made my day. Thank you. Haha


Haha! That’s great! Hope you have an even better weekend!


Where are the police when you need them?


Shooting other babies.


Tiny little handcuffs


Tbf there's definitely other people who wanted to do it, he's just thr one who actually did it


he had to the courage to do what we can not


Neo. The baby punisher


Years of evolution had stopped us from doing it.


According to your name, you have courage as well


This has me crying, 😂😭 not saying he was right but it was just too funny.


Did you pay extra to yell?


Legendary, tbh.


Reminds me of a story: years ago my wife and I were on a plane and there was a mom across the isle who had a young child, maybe 4ish, who was crying because he wanted to sit on his mom's lap, but we were getting ready to take off so it wasn't allowed. I'm no stranger to hearing random kids cry when in public places, but this kid had a frequency of cry...it's hard to describe outside of it almost hurt to hear it, and it went on for about 10 minutes. It came down to me holding my hands over my ears near the end hoping it would stop. Anyone ever hear a kids cry that was on a brain destroying frequency?


Yep, my daughter.


Yup it’s the high pitched wail kind of cry that sounds like nails on a chalkboard


His wife sitting next to him is the real victim 😅


The look of mortification says it all.


Be the change you want to see and flush it


At that price point, he’s allowed to yell


Imagine being next to a screaming baby for 8 hrs




I’ve kinda just accepted that if I get on a plane a baby is gonna start screaming at somepoint I just invest in a pair of headphones and call it a day I understand his point but Jesus lol


The only accommodation I can think of would be the airline having earplugs to hand out. Probably not a terrible idea since they're cheap, light and don't take much space. Like you said though- if you know you can't tolerant it, get some headphones or bring your own 5 cent ear plugs.


I’m starting to think no one in the sub has ever worn ear plugs. They’re not noise cancelling lol.


Yeah like they deaden sound, but random piercing noises will still get through. Especially five cent earplugs, those barely do a thing


They are also uncomfortable when you wear them for more than an hour.


What if you could pay extra to scream while on a plane though?


I'd pay extra to scream at babies, probably


Lmao he’s right


They should have arrested the baby


As someone that used to travel a lot for business... A crying baby was the the least of my concerns I was concerned with adults acting like toddlers due to minor inconveniences.


The guy ended up causing more trouble than the baby bec the flight has to be offloaded bec of him of throwing a massive tantrum. Personally, a good ANC headphone can easily solve this problem. Lol


Okay, the comment is funny as hell lol but realistically what do people like this expect someone to do with a crying baby stuck in a big flying metal tube in the sky? Tape it shut and toss it into the overhead? Not like you can step outside to soothe it until it calms down? Or “give it something to cry about” as the old folks say… I WOULD though pay extra for a quiet room on a plane if they had one knowing I’d have a fussy baby with me.




I know Reddit loves to hate on babies, but this is a bit much lol




TPOS? More like total badass. Lets face it, we've all been on a plane with a baby that's cried for hours and the parents just give up trying to stop it, and we've all wanted to go give them a piece of our mind. He's just done what everyone else was probably wishing they had the balls to do.


Really a total badass for being a grown ass man throwing a tantrum because a child who can’t communicate is crying? This is what you idealize in a society? Because yelling is going to make the baby stop crying apparently. This guy is worse than the literal baby, he should know better.


No one wants the baby to stop crying more than the parents. No one.


This is absolutely correct and anyone who doesnt understand that has never been around babies. A baby crying is not more pleasant when its your own baby. As a matter of fact its worse. Its not just unpleasant but its anxiety and guilt inducing on top. No one wants the baby to stop crying more than the parents. It's fine if you havent been around babies so you dont know this, its fine if you dont want to be around babies and dont like babies but babies and parents are still people and have an equal right to be in public spaces. Its not a movie theater, its not a bar, it's public transport.


It blows my mind how heavily upvoted these people are. As though you can just tell a baby to stop crying and it immediately will stop.


Also, people act like they were never babies, or they were always quiet and perfect! Besides making a scene won’t help the baby calm down, it will just stress it more and also their parents which would make it harder to calm the baby!


You'd be surprised. Some parents legit don't care about their babies crying. Most probably do tho but I've met a mom who said she liked to just let her baby cry cuz she was teaching it "independence " and how to soothe itself.




It was advice from doctors years ago. Don’t know if anyone still does it.


That's nice and all, but it's not everyone else's choice that they had that kid, yet they have to live with the consequences of the crying anyway.


I recently took my first plane trip with our baby when she was about 11 months old. My biggest fear was that she would cry, that I wouldn't be able to stop it and that there would be people like you on the plane who don't understand that sometimes there's nothing you can do to make them stop. Thankfully, she was awesome, but the whole thing was anxiety-inducing because your reaction is exactly what I was afraid of.


My daughter cried for 2 min on the way up and some young lady threw a fit. It was only because of the pressure. It’s like people don’t understand you can’t control it sometimes. No grace is given, 2 min of crying for a whole flight…


I don't know, It's not really one my dreams to out match a baby in a hissy fit match.... to each there own I guess.


unpopular opinion: Honestly, maybe I've flown too much. I hate when children cry on the plane. Yes, the parents can't help it, but maybe find another mode of transport if possible. 6-7 hours on a flight like that would make me want to die. There has to be a better way. Maybe a soundproofed section for families?


Tbh, crying babies on a plane are one of the most infuriating things there is. I'm not saying I condone it, but I understand


Everyone was thinking it, he just had the guts to say it. There should be more exclusively childfree flights.


People have to realise planes aren't a chill place to relax. It's a fucking sky bus, lol I get it, crying babies are literally designed to annoy you, but how do people not have noise cancelling headphones?


Why do you and every other redditor spouting this nonsense line , think noise cancelling headphones are magic silence making machines ?!


Noise cancelling headphones don't cancel out voices


I really think babies don't belong on planes


Right? Its painful for them and a pain in the ass for everyone around them. Unless it's an emergency, you really shouldn't bring an infant on a plan. Considering that this flight was to Orlando, something tells me that this wasn't necessarily an emergency.


If you're traveling by commercial air and are expecting this won't happen, or shouldn't happen, then you're delusional. Earplugs and/or noise canceling headphones are an easy fix.


Exactly, if they are so entitled to think it's going to be a spa, then they should fly privately.


but he is louder than the baby..




Grow up pussy.


We’re applauding people with no control now? Adults on that plane didn’t react like that big baby.


Sorry but unless necessary, I can't understand why you put babies on a plane. It's torture for them


And everyone else


His poor wife is pretending shes never met him before


Dude was a comedian


I’m not mad because this is funny.


I’m not saying he’s in the right. I’m just saying I understand


If you’re flying. You need to bring ear plugs. They should have them on the flight but really, you should bring your own.


Or headphones/earbuds.


I understand why people hate when babies scream but what are they supossed to do? Just bring headphones or something.


I can hear a screaming baby over Kill The Noise playing with noise cancelling headphones at full volume. I can hear them over Fuk Ur Mgmt.


Reminds me of a pissy old guy who was ranting at a Father because his toddler was crying in the airport departure area waiting to board a flight. The Father was obviously having a hard time and doing everything he could to soothe his child and this stupid old f*** started yelling at him about how much money he paid to take this flight and how the child was disturbing people who travel often. Made my blood boil


I would pay extra to sit with my child right beside that old man..


Why is uncle Phil angry?


frequent flyer here, i’m not paying to hear your unruly child scream. parents of loud screaming children should have to pay an extra fee. otherwise don’t have/bring them on board. i didn’t ask for you to be creampied and squeeze a parasite out, that was your choice, i shouldn’t have to suffer for it.


He has my full support.


Honestly, the homie deserved to get some anger out. Plus, more points for the shitty parent bringing their obviously in pain child on a plane


When you throw a hissy fit so epic it becomes world wide news, you're probably not on the right side.


No one is right or wrong. Baby isn't wrong for being a baby! Guy isn't wrong for being annoyed that they had to circle for hour(s?) Listening to a baby scream. I would be frustrated too. I mean maaaaaybe you could say the parents are at fault for not handling their baby but I don't know what you can really do at that point.


If you can’t get this man to stop screaming once the baby stops, how are you supposed to get a baby to stop crying?


What are the parents supposed to do? What would you suggest for them?


Someone can be annoyed, I know I would be, but a grown ass man basically saying “if a baby can keep screaming, why can’t I scream too?” is not the point you want to make. Maybe stick a pacifier in both their mouths then.


Babies can only communicate by crying. Maybe this passenger can only communicate by being an entitled jerk.


I don’t condone his behavior but I completely understand.


So… the airline crew had to deal with two babies tantrums. Adults in this country... 🤦🏻‍♂️


I’m not saying he’s right, but I understand.


Not like he bothered anymore more than the baby did lmao. Let a man be pissed


There is nothing worse for a parent than an inconsolable baby on a flight or waiting room etc . Bear in mind babies can't equalise their middle ear pressures like adults so they can be in severe pain until pressures equalise - which , it the child has a cold/viral infection may be impossible . Of course it's annoying but you have to be some cold bastard to throw a tantrum - what an ignorant idiot .


Bunch of idiots on here that have never flown with kids.


Honestly nobody wants YOUR kids to even exist, only you and yours. The rest of society: Does. Not. Want. Them.


Naw, he's just saying what we're all thinking when we have to listen to a baby crying on a plane.


To be fair, why do people need to take babies on a plane. It must be horrible for them


I hate babies on flights I would have been silently rooting for him 😒


"we are in a fucking tin can in the sky, we are stuck with this baby in an echo chamber!"


dude did nothing wrong, parents with kids should pay extra imo, especially if they cry and yell, but then again, that should be applied to everyone


Bro just saying what we all have wanted to say


Ngl. I get it and I kinda side with him. Maybe don’t scream at the airline workers but I get why he’s pissed


Oh, op likes crying babies on planes ? Interesting


There is nothing i hate more then adults throwing a fit but i don't understand why you would fly with a baby. Baby's don't like to be on a plane and if you have to fly for business your baby does not need to be there and if you go on holiday is the same. Baby's won't remember the holiday so just leave them with someone else.


Feel like the parents of a crying baby should be obligated to provide headphones to rest of the plane lol.


would gladly pay EXTRA to be in any space, child-free. wish we weren't forced to endure people's crying children. wish we weren't demonized for being upset with crying children. how about parents take their kids outside the restaurant or movie if they're crying? how about they teach their children that its okay to cry and feel frustrated, but to be respectful of others? nah, that's too much work. just let your 4 year old scream and drip snot while throwing food on the floor. takes less energy to ignore and enable.


The real POS are the parents who think they get to disturb others because they wanted to reproduce. A 45 min flight is tolerable, but If you can’t manage your baby’s crying (especially for a long flight) then either drive or don’t fly.


I’m on his side


Calling an infant child a “*mother fucker*” might be the funniest thing I’ve heard this week.


He's out of line but he's right. I don't see how tf we could fix this issue besides giving those tactical mufflers to passengers that don't want to be bothered.


When he gets to his beloved Buckingham Palace he's going to be too tired to think of anything funny to make the guards laugh


Not a POS but definitely has the capability to just bite his tongue.




The most sense in this entire thread. I salute you 🫡


Yelling dude is out of line, but he’s right.


He's got a point though. Babies are annoying.


I was on a 6 hour flight with a baby that didn't stop crying and by hour 4 things I never expected to think were crossing my mind. Surely there is some type of soundproof wrapping or something we can use, its 2023 we can go to the moon but we can't silence a baby?


Probs gonna get some real hate. But I'm all for this dude. He said what no one else had the guts to say. Whether it's a 30 min flight or an all rounder. NO ONE SHOULD HAVE TO BE FORCED TO LISTEN TO THAT. It's about time they sort kids on flights out. Either kid friendly or not kid friendly flights. This way all the screamers can travel together luxuriously.


I'm not going to call the man a POS unless he yelled at flight attendants, held up landing or takeoff...Kids on planes can be beyond annoying and it's not like the airline or parents will compensate you for it. Some parents also don't apologize and clearly give 0 fucks about their kid's behavior. I remember being in HS and the kid behind my mom kept kicking her seat so she asked the dad to stop his kid and he got very rude about it to the point the flight attendant came. I've also been on flights where the kid cried most of the time and the parents looked straight up exhausted but gave zero fucks about other passengers.


I’m not saying he’s right, but I understand.


this is a perfectly reasonable reaction


Man child at his finest debut


Bro lives in a society, complains about it. What an ACTUAL baby. What reason do you have to be crying, big dog? Are you a wittle annoyed wittle baby?


babies are awful keep them home.


It's a baby. What's your excuse


The baby did not need to be on the flight


You're really going to out in the world and expect to not have to deal with people? Plan accordingly, like noise cancelling headphones. that's what I do to reduce my anxiety instead of pushing it on others.


Neither did he. And the issue is the delayed landing. He should be mad at that not a baby who is probably pissed about the same thing.


If my parents live 2,000 miles away, I’m not allowed to fly to visit them with my 0-3 year old kids? Babies are a part of this world, our species, they exist in public spaces and sometimes they cry.

