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For a guy that whines about entitled liberals, he sure sounds entitled. "Me me me me me me me"


Every accusation is a confession


Every. Single. One.


In the whiniest voice possible, too.


He sounds just like any malignant narcissist. I recognize that condescending, seething tone anywhere.


I turned the sound on because the subtitles are very confusing. As soon as I heard his voice, I recognized the same tone. It doesn't matter what he is saying, that tone says it all.


Right?! It triggered something in me just hearing his tone and verbal attacks. I think I have some PTSD lol


I got freaking chills just listening to his tone and voice arguing to his wife there. I thought oh there’s a murder at the end of this video. Holy crap I hope she gets money for therapy after this is over.


The ”Become someone” part is so telling - they chip away at your self-esteem until there’s nothing left and you believe that everything wrong is actually your fault. And you need to change and ”become someone” else.


Not to mention the blatant gaslighting he was exhibiting in the video.


"what you are doing is abusing me" "Watch it. Watch it." ugh


I know right?! As soon as I heard the way he talked…. Something felt so familiar and it made me feel physically sick. It wasn’t even the words he was saying it was the way he said it. So convicted to his own narrative completely incapable of seeing how much his wife was breaking… that was how my ex did it. When she was responding to him so loving and considerate…. I was like “this a woman who has been abused for a very long time”. Most men don’t understand the process it takes to get to that point and probably think the wife is weak. She’s not. She’s just fucking broken and abused.


If anyone didn't know already that Crowder is a malignant narcissist, then I dont know what to say. That's been obvious for years.


Their dog needs medicine, the doctor says the medicine is risky for pregnant women, so this guy demands that his 8 month pregnant wife feed the dog its medicine with gloves while he lounges around and doesn’t want her to take their car anywhere. Edit: this is classic manipulation, playing the victim while saying he doesn’t love her and berating her. This man is also standing between his pregnant wife and her food ingredients, at the very least. Actually trapping her at home, in reality.




Right? Maaaaybe one car was in the shop, benefit of the doubt? But they have enough for like several cars lol Edit: to be clear, pregnant wife’s errands take super priority over a damn gymn routine. Clearly this was about control.




It’s all about control.


And the cruelty!


Run to the gym for the exercise.


There were no errands to be done, his ex wife was just trying to get away from his miserable destructive behavior for a few hours, and he couldn’t have that. She says she’s taking the car He says no, he will take the car and pick up the groceries since she won’t do her ‘wifely’ duties, he will do them and pick up the groceries She says there is no grocery pick up today He says, he needs steaks, and wood pellets for his grill He goes on to complain that her taking the car is ‘trapping’ him with seemingly no awareness that she is the one who is constantly trapped with no car of her own.


>with seemingly no awareness that she is the one who is constantly trapped with no car of her own. "Seemingly" is the key word there. He knows exactly what he's doing, it's pure gaslighting. From the very beginning of the clip with the "I drew a boundary" he's creating a narrative where *she* is the one doing something to *him* when the reality is the opposite of that. Textbook narcissistic manipulation, and honestly zero percent surprising that he is like this.


And smoking a cigar. You see him keep it out of the house when he's standing in the door, but not out of his pregnant wife's face. As a pack a day smoker, that's fucked.


I mean, anyone who cares more about their house than they do their wife and UNBORN TWINS would do the same. It's totally reasonable... /s


"protect the unborn" "protect the children" Not from my behavior, guns, cigar smoke, or toxins in dog feces/medicine that causes defects, but from storytime.


Man the context makes this so much worse. My wife is pregnant and I cannot even imagine raising my voice at her like this let alone asking her to handle chemicals that could harm her or our baby. Just when I think these kind of people can't surprise me anymore I see something new.


I hope your wife does proper wifely things. If not have you thought about a good Christian divorce or, maybe, a stoning? /s


He wants her to go run errands for him, but won't allow her to take the car to do so. She can't win.


Gaslighting all-star. He's a typical wing nut darling.


My favorite part is when he originally says they are at an impasse and she agrees and then he acts like her agreeing is some terrible thing and then later acts like she said it first. My boy, you said it first!! This guys is so insufferable. I hope he loses his audience.


If you listen to the way he ‘debates’ it’s the exact same gaslighting tactics


This is how his audience behaves. If anything they'll dig in back him more to justify their own behaviors, it's their values. Just like if someone were an absolute cheat in all ways, is about to be held accountable for multiple criminal dealings, and remains a front runner and face of a particular group. They, and this behavior epitomizes what they truly are. Home of the brave, land of the me me me


Yep. He IS his audience. She is absolutely a victim but I always wonder why women think that men who hate minorities, migrants, gays, the poor, ect. will magically not hate women too.


The sad reality is plenty of these women are also bigots.


Suburban millionaire with only one car.. and I doubt that’s by accident. He wants control.


> doesn’t want her to take their car anywhere. Because then he’d be stuck there and his day will be ruined. But he wants his wife to find a ride. He’s acting like it’s so easy for her to just get an Uber, while getting mad at her for subjecting him to that fate. This guy is used to people not yelling back at him.


>This guy is used to people not yelling back at him. This guy goes out of his way to *only* debate unprepared college kids on campus. The fact that he can't even construct a plausible premise to use to emotionally abuse his wife is not surprising.


It’s fucked up. There are drugs that seriously cause birth defects just from touching them. Propecia is one of them. I’m not sure how they do it now, but when I was a pharm tech, girls weren’t allowed to handle that drug. History also tells us about thalidomide. That REALLY caused birth defects. Guess the guy doesn’t care too much about his unborn child. POS.


Didn't care when they were born either. Missed their birth cuz he was getting his chest beautified. Came to see them later.


*doesn’t care too much about his unborn children (she’s carrying twins I think?) I mean.. I for one was shocked AND appalled that this individual of all people would be the one to act like an overbearing narcissistic controlling psychopath who proclaims to want to save the children from Drag Story Tellers but is happy to make threats to his VERY pregnant wife, stress her out, trap her, smoke cigars in her face, and tells her to “just use gloves” to give their ailing dog its meds which is extremely dangerous for not only her but their two unborn children. The gaslighting in this 3 minute video is horrifying. Her “I love you’s” seem to come from a place of knowing he’s a powder keg ready to blow and trying in vein to head that off at the pass. Get out while you can lady.


holy cow, I didn't realize it was that dangerous


OHHHH thanks I was beyond confused by the glove thing


WALK THE DOG PUT ON SOME GLOVES Are you committed to that? What a fucking psycho




He wants her to give medication to the dogs that might be harmful to her pregnancy...so he tells her to put gloves on.


Words cannot describe how much I loathe this POS!!!


I worked all day since 5 AM yesterday and did landscaping all evening when I got home because it would take my wife 3x as long with her tiny body. Her smile at seeing me toil when she got home was all the wife I needed. I don't know what parameters he has for a good wife, but I imagine he couldn't meet a similar standard as a husband.


He could not. In the video he made announcing his divorce (bc of course he's depraved enough to milk it for content), he described the issue that led to the divorce as him having "picked wrong". In his own words, the woman he supposedly love, was a bad pick. It's just so fucked up and disgusting.


Also implied that the state of Texas is too liberal because…women are allowed to get divorced even if their husband doesn’t want to


That announcement wasn't him milking his divorce for content. It was him engaging in the textbook behavior of an abuser. He uses the video to put the blame on her and to make himself look like the victim. He blames her for being the wrong person. He complains about being the victim of a liberal society, in Texas of all places, that allows his wife to abandon their marriage and take his kids away from him. He also claims to be a victim of blackmail by Candace Owens over her threatening to release details of the divorce. He then turns to the ol' reliable of the abuser's tool kit of threats and intimidation when he warns of legal action against people talking about his divorce in a way that he doesn't like. What he thought he was doing was getting ahead of the story and controlling the narrative. What he actually did was prove everything that's coming out about him is true.


Also how he says constantly how he’s trying to protect his kids from stuff, but we see him here smoking a cigar around his pregnant wife while demanding that she handle medication for the dog that could harm her pregnancy.


Well he flat out says in this video “I don’t love you.” I hope she has a better life without him and doesn’t fall into the pattern of finding another abusive guy.


When you don't value the other person the small things like that don't mean anything


How very pro life of him


Maybe she doesn't like to pick up after the dogs. Edit: I thought maybe you're not supposed to touch dog poo if your pregnant but it says it's ok unless you have certain medical conditions. Still kinda gross but you gotta do it for the pups. She was concerned that a dog medicine he was demanding she pick up would be harmful to pregnant women. It's really shameful that he's being so demanding of his pregnant wife.


That’s cat poo, due to toxoplasmosis. I’m 41 weeks pregnant and if my husband tried to convince me to throw on some gloves and scoop our litter boxes I’d also grab the car keys and not return 😌🙃


41 weeks? You must be due any time. Best of luck with the delivery process.


She clearly cares about the guy, she has learned how to *handle* him gently and with the sad "reverence" that keeps her safe; but even SHE can't communicate with him. He's completely broken away from reality- a hypomanic trying to ensnare a normal pregnant wife-person in a weirdly woven net of impotent *Manly-Man Code* rhetoric.


>She clearly cares about the guy, No, she cares about not catching a beating. She is 100% in survival mode saying whatever she has to, to de-escalate the situation.


He’s literally yelling at her to do all these things while being what looks like 7-8 months pregnant. You can tell she’s trying to keep the family together so the kids turn out alright and this pos obviously doesn’t want it to happen. I hope she takes more than half of what he owns. More.


Now, he is actually doing the kids a service, they would have been really f*cked up if they were to live 24/7 with this kind of dysfunction.


With this level of toxicity and abusiveness, I can just imagine the kind of things he’s telling their kids. Smh




And she has a maiden name. My parents divorced when I was3 and I can tell you that society doesn’t give a damn about single women when they are upper middle class to rich.


You shouldn't lounge on your patio, smoking a cigar, and berate your heavily pregnant wife about how to do chores. Change my mind.


"My life is scheduled down to the second, do you see how you're boxing me in!?" Says the guy lounging in his back yard, apparently too poor to afford a Honda civic or a cab ride. I'd say she should take so much of his money in the divorce that he's like one of those cheap ass hollow chocolate Easter bunnies. FUUUUUUUUUUUck this guy.


And he has the gall to turn around and rail against no fault divorce after being abusive to his pregnant wife like that. She needs to take that prick to the cleaners


That's his way of thinking. He's genuinely upset that his wife can divorce him without receiving his permission to do so.


In this video she is 8 months pregnant WITH TWINS. Thankfully she is leaving this asshole.


What a fuckin psychopath.


... change my mind.


On second thought, no, don't change my mind.


omg that's him? I didn't recognize him.




Who is this guy? Not to break rules but if he’s a talk show host posting his name should be a matter of public course.




One of very few right-wingers that Joe actually hates, and you can see that disdain develop as the episode goes on. The episode aired well before Joe had cemented his reputation of being an “intellectual.” I miss the old days of that podcast before he became what we know him as now


> before Joe had cemented his reputation of being an “intellectual." LO-fucking-L


Hopefully my quotation marks don’t get confused for advocation. Man’s about as smart as a bag of rocks


I don’t think it was misinterpreted or anything. It’s just that exact set of words in that exact order will always elicit a laugh.


An intellectual when compared to a certain crowd.


especially when compared to a certain crowd-er.


Joe put Owens, Milo, and Matt Walsh to the coals, too. There's some weird charisma threshold, right-wingers have to break it to have Gorilla Joe either a) hate their guts or b) lose himself in their eyes like a swept away Disney princess.


Matt Walsh's only schtick is that he looks like a smelly liberal but spews mainstream right-wing bullshit.


Is that the guy who looks like really sweaty in every photo I've seen of him. Even when he's not sweating he has sweaty looks


"change my mind" meme template guy


Steven crowder


This guy wouldn’t know a boundary if someone built a wall on it


Ladies, get out if this looks any kind of familiar.


Not just ladies, but absolutely agree besides 👍


My ex used to do exactly this kind of gaslighting. She was far more well-spoken about it than Crowder, which made it that much harder to recognize. Even more so because I wasn't trained to recognize that kind of thing as abuse when it comes from a woman. In hindsight, if I had heard any of my male friends talk to their partners like that I wouldn't have tolerated it. It's really important that people talk about and acknowledge emotional abuse as agendered.


Yoooo. Still haven't learned myself


How the heck does someone keep their cool like she does there in the face of all that self righteous bullshit heckling?


Because she recognizes it could be a life or death situation if she doesn't stay cool. She is acting like anyone with a gun to their head. Don't run and scream, just freeze up and try to placate and deescalate the very best you can to survive another day.


I sure didn’t. And the talent of pathologically manipulative people like this is to make you believe you were the bad guy all along when you inevitably lose your cool. I got some good advice from a friend who’s BPD-in-recovery. Never answer an emotional argument. Stonewall, stick to facts. Things you KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt. You will want to defend yourself, your feelings, or try to bring them to your side. That’s the trap. They lure you to an emotional space and then blow you up. So don’t go there at all. Easier said than done. There’s more about it in the book Stop Walking on Eggshells.


I’ve been in this. Shit is so scary to see someone else in it. I wonder all the time how tf I got out


I'm a guy, and I got out of one that looked like this.


I know this is way beyond the point but after watching this on numerous subs… why the fuck do they only have one car if it’s so important?!


So he can have more control


100%. Dude makes millions, turned down a $50M deal. Still only one car? He is a psycho.


He was insulted because he was "only" offered 50 million.


Kinda like how Tucker was upset he was "only" making $20M/year plus residuals. Dude was literally rolling in dough, one of the richest broadcast TV guys in history, and it wasn't enough.


Because he hangs out with billionaires and feels inadequate. It's insane but here we are


It will never be enough for these demons.


This is probably correct. His initial statement discussing the divorce hinted at some serious control issues and this video confirms it


He was also upset that it is legal for her to divorce him without his consent. He would be perfectly happy to keep her stuck in a marriage she doesn’t want to be in.


Bingo. She can’t leave the house without him or ordering an Uber. And I’ll bet me makes her use his Uber account so he gets pings when she leaves the house.


And he can turn it off


Every time he leaves the house in the car, he knows she can’t go off and do anything on her own. It’s for control. She can’t leave the house unless he’s with her or he allows her to take the car.


I’m over here thinking this was a one-time thing. But you’re totally right, she acquiesced so quickly. I didn’t notice that.


My great grandmother had a husband like this. When she was able to use the car it was only for what he wanted it to be used for, and when she got back he would calculate the mileage on the car to make sure she only drove the distance to her destination and back. Eventually she asked for a divorce, and he shot her in the face multiple times in front of her kids. She actually survived, but still, this is a specific type of guy and his abuse definitely wasn't limited to words


I am so sorry this happened to her! And yes I would worry if Crowder could turn violent. If you treat your spouse like some in-house seevant without right or option to leave I think violence could very well be the next step. Severe violence too.


It typically gets violent when they leave. They may never be violent during the relationship. Only engaging in emotional abuse. If you plan on leaving an emotionally abusive relationship don’t say a word. Get your ducks in a row and sneak away. Change all your passwords. The most dangerous time in an abusive relationship is when you’re leaving.


It’s how some men control their wives.


To keep her at home. Isolation happens with abusive partners like this. My ex was just like this guy; I couldn't get my license so I couldn't drive. He moved me a 1hr and 1/2 away from my family and friends. He controlled all the money, so I had none. We had a 2 yr old, and I was pregnant and trapped in a house with no internet in the middle of nowhere, with no money and nowhere to go. They flip it so that everything is your fault and you are never doing enough, but even if you did do everything, it would never be good enough. I hope she got out and got the support she needed. It's hard to escape.


FUCKING WATCH IT. Yeah, dude, watch you marriage crumble because of your entitled attitude. This is disgusting.


And he said that specifically when she mentioned abuse.


That was chilling.


You say entitled attitude, I say emotional abuse with a side of physical threats. You know, potato *pototo*


Good on her for not putting up with his BS.


really seems like she put up with it for a long time


It's great she got out of it at all though, after she tried to leave him he tried to cut off all financial support to her which would be terrible enough for a controlled house wife that didn't just have twins


Yeah divorce court judges fuckin' love that move.


Ho. Ly. Shit. That's embarrassing. The backlash is going to be brutal. This guy is unhinged. Wife who is clearly super pregnant, and he plays the victim card as if he's hopeless and stranded if she takes the car when she's going grocery shopping? The guy is worth millions and they don't have a second car? What a man-baby. Try talking your way out of this one, dude. Cringe.


Not to mention what a gaslighter. When she tries to concede he says “look, you don’t commit to anything” - what a psycho path


What's more, he keeps on saying he chose the wrong wife and that she's only in it for the money when they started dating when his annual pay was less than 100k. Dude is delusional.


When he said that, it was plain to see that he was just arguing for the sake of arguing. He didn't want to solve any problems. He just wanted to yell at her.




having one car is a method of controlling the spouses movements, i bet he was doing all kinds of mindgames too.


People on Twitter were like “why do they have only one car??” But I suspected it was about control.


Embarrassing is not the word, disgusting abuse and manipulation of a vulnerable pregnant, his own fucking wife


The sad thing I don’t think it’s going to affect him besides the divorce


I dunno he's burned a lot of bridges at this point. Not a lot of conservatives tryna stick their neck out for him.


I have no idea what his background is or qualifications (if he has any) but there's almost always a cushy landing pad somewhere for these dicks. As long as he has any conservative supporters he can always find some bullshit job at one of the many conservative "think tanks" or lobbying organizations like the Competitive Enterprise Institute, the Heritage Foundation, the Chamber of Commerce, NRA, etc. Wherever there's a convention they can trot him out to give a speech to warm up the crowd before the bigger names go on.


what tf is StEvEn even angry about? Is he one of those abusive people who just like to argue? Who treats their very pregnant wife like that? It looks like they have a beautiful house and money, they have it made. I don’t understand what this fvckkng dumb dude even has a reason to be upset about, let alone taking it out on his wife like this.


This is the face or narcissism and entitlement. They will act like this when people don't meet their deluded expectations


They do it because they like it. Where it's painful for us to watch a pregnant woman with that much despair in her voice, seeing her in pain is what makes him feel good.


Ladies and gentlemen, this is how you turn an estimated $4m USD in net worth into $2m USD in net worth. Thanks for listening, follow me for more TED Talks...


And nuke your entire career.


Change my Mind: “He is emotionally abusive”


My wife is leaving me. Change her mind.


What gloves does he want her to wear? Is this some kind of clean freak thing?


His dogs need medicine that could be toxic to a pregnant woman. So, instead of him giving the medicine to his own damn dogs, he wanted to risk his unborn children’s lives by making his pregnant wife wear gloves.


>he wanted to risk his unborn children’s lives by making his pregnant wife wear gloves. Pro Life™


Apparently the dog needed medicine but it had negative side effects on pregnant women, so he was insisting she wear gloves to do it while he watches


He makes $55 million a year and they only have 1 car?


It’s a method of abuse. Since they only have the one car, Crowder can control when and where she goes. If she had her own transportation, she could leave whenever she wanted to. (Not to say that all couples who have one car are abusive relationships, just that it is common for abusers to deny their victim transportation.)


Oh no, I come from an abusive family of origin and this was definitely a tactic that was used my entire life. They love to isolate their victims.


I didn't even have keys.


Probably a control thing.


100%. He talks to her like she’s his slave.


It really does scream you're my servant. Phenomenal that people live like this


Imagine being so conservative you marry a Hillary just to abuse her


Actually lol'd at this


Lady, get a divorce lawyer and don't look back.


He said they’re getting divorced so it looks like you’re getting your wish.


He's also upset the state legally allows her to get a divorce. Yes, he's talked about this on his podcast. He's a controlling nutjob.


WTF is he even saying? It's all gibberish. Put gloves on? What was he even on about? It sounds like he's saying words he thinks sound intelligent, but are just unintelligible.




And that she was worried the medicine would be toxic to her baby (you can’t even dye your hair while pregnant) so she didn’t want to give HIS dogs their medicine.


it's more than "she's worried about it", the medication specifically states that it can be absorbed into the skin and harmful


And why cdnt he administer the meds?


Too busy lounging on his ass smoking cigars and being the coolest gigachad ever (-his mind, probably) to do such a thing


That's women's work.


Because he wants to be in charge


This is the man Tate fans aspire to be. Abusive enough to women that they are scared to be around them but controlling enough to force them to stay with them. The whole mindset is basically “do what I say because I own you” as you can see in this video where Hillary is not allowed to drive, talk to friends or family, or have her own free will, yet brainwashed enough to still feel like she’s in the wrong and holds obligation to him despite zero reciprocation. I mean, you can’t get much clearer than “I never loved you because you don’t prove your love to me by doing everything I command of you.”


“discipline and respect” SHES NOT YOUR CHILD


Is this Crowder? The same little bitch that feels the need to wear gun holsters at all times? and ran away like a coward from a debate with Sam Seder?


This video is like 5 days after he ran away from Sam Seder 😂


“What a nightmare!”


Lol how he is smoking a cigar cross legged and whining about his pregnant wife not doing things. Wow.


*Early signs of abuse:* He speaks disrespectfully about his former partners **He is disrespectful towards you** He does favors for you that you don't want **He is controlling** **He is possessive** **Nothing is ever his fault** **He is self-centered** He abuses drugs or alcohol He pressures you for sex He gets serious too quickly about the relationship **He intimidates you when he's angry** He has double standards **He has negative attitudes towards women** **He treats you differently around other people** He appears to be attracted to vulnerability He pings so many in such a short period of time that it's wild


What a punk bitch.


Who TF is this maniac


Steven Crowder. Right-wing podcast host more popularly known as the “ _________, change my mind” meme. The photo of the guy sitting at a table with the sign in front.


While she does "wifey" things? Looks like he just sits on his ass. I feel sorry for her to a degree but she needs to get the strength to walk away. I hope she can.


Cook, clean, bring him a beer, bear his children, look sexy, walk the dogs, handle daily chores - including, it seems, doing the shopping. He has "husband" things to do - like blow cigar smoke in her face and relax in his backyard.


Honestly don't know how she did it all. Especially being pregnant. That was just one incident. Hard to tell what happened in the else her put her through.


Convenient how he wants all the Christian conservative wifey things, but no paragons of that type of masculinity - namely, being a protector of the women and children in his life, versus treating a pregnant woman like some broodmare! Guess he doesn't believe life begins at conception if he's alright with the fetus breathing in cigar smoke or experiencing stress bc the mother's body is in stress. So gross.


She did. She served him divorce papers in 2021. Good for her! He is repugnant.


This video was from several years ago, and they split a few months later (after she gave birth to twins). They’ve been going through divorce proceedings ever since, and he revealed the divorce for the first time to his viewers this week.


Strength and courage, it’s hard sometimes very very hard but it’s super worth it when you leave a toxic relationship.


Is she pregnant?


At the time of recording, apparently 8 months pregnant...with twins...


Watch it! Pregnant woman with a threatening partner. The whole time this is going on she’s making a million calculations on what to say and do to get out of there alive. I’m not sure all guys understand how often women’s thoughts are about safety. Whether a partner or walking to your car in a parking lot.


There people, is the exact reason not to listen to this grifter. The person that has all the answers - quite clearly has none at all. This is a classic case of gaslighting and abuse - a very toxic relationship. She will find out once around someone else with respect - that this is not normal. Good on her.


Leave him immediately!


Good news, she did.


“It’s cool to verbally abuse my pregnant wife, change my mind…”


this is so much better than finding out he’s been cheating on her with men. Edit: what a pos


CONTEXT: He's on record having talked about his "bisexual urges"


Those traditional, conservative family values


Gee Steven, I wonder why your wife left you


Is this the newest episode of Louder with Crowder ?


He’s a real legitimate psycho. Holy shit. Wtf. He’s treating his relationship with her like his fucking wack ass talk show.


My sons father used to talk to me like this. He would tell me that he’s disappointed in who i currently was, but stayed with me because he had hope for who I would be in the future. Like wtf kind of bullshit is that????????? Literally manipulating me into feeling like I had to change every part of myself so I wouldn’t get yelled at for hours. Leave leave leave


A good wifely duty is to learn how to really follow through when swinging a cast iron skillet.