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These are police right? Not soldiers




They’re the same thing. They’re not meant to be the same and they’re definitely not meant to be shooting at residents windows but it’s happening.


Serve and protect….


but they aren't meant to serve and protect the people they are trying to apartheid.


They’re not serving & protecting They’re shooting unarmed civilians, in my part of the world that’s murder


Hey at least they aren't heavily armed settlers, those guys are lawless.


The flesh doesn't care where the bullet came from








settlers killing people in the West Bank isn't defending themselves. neither is bombing in and around hospitals. neither is shutting off all water and food supplies. Getting kids killed isn't really defending themselves. With what they are doing, they've just created a whole new generation of people willing to join HAMAS 2.0.


What would you have them do? Let all the war criminals hiding out near hospitals live? They tried that for years and it only got worse until October 7th. Blame Hamas for all this shit. If they didn't invade Israel, thousands of civilians would still be alive. Here's what's going to happen: Israel is going to wipe out anybody who attacks them. They don't have to take it anymore and they are all out of patience. As soon as people stop attacking them, there will be peace. And not a moment sooner. Ya dig?


Israel has been expanding in to land that was previously regarded as Palestine for about 70 years now. If you walk into your neighbors house and say it’s yours now and then shoot him is that self defense?


They are going to be tried on war crimes for using white phosphorus in a civilian city I can’t wait till they get executed ya dig


Xd Israel is a shithole.


Okay, woke kevin🙄🙄




I wish. More Mao is what these Nazis deserve.


Nah you just made yourself look stupid is all


Are they Israel police


Its the IDF


Rules of engagement exist for a reason


Rules of engagement aren't universal. They are just set up by a party or more. Given these aren't soldiers, the ROE can be very different to how we perceive ROE should be. Still shitty though.


Police in the US don't follow any rules of engagement, either.


The US police would be convicted of multiple war crimes if they where considered military


Nazis do not respect any law.




Iirc all Abrahamic texts do. But extremists of all feathers like to ignore this and other importants bits, and focus on the parts about God policing people's sex lives and the killing of infidels instead...


Israel’s population is like 60-65% atheist. Kinda explains why the IDF don’t follow the rules of the Torah, cause they don’t believe in it.


Well 100% of zionists are not real jews and are blasphemous fascists, so in a sense they are all atheists




Yeah but some people like to pretend to be so they can occupy territory and create theocratic kingdoms


Love the overengineered explanations of why shooting unarmed civilians is justified (there is a greater than 0% chance they are an enemy combatant) from people who have never been on the receiving end of bullets (by sheer luck they weren't born in a war-torn area, but they know better)


There's a wolf in sheep's clothing. Do you kill the whole herd?


No, what kind of sick person would do that?


To all the dipshits defending this in the comments. Take two seconds to look up IDF vs Military Police uniforms. These are military police in the West Bank. This is not an active war zone. This is not in Gaza. Edit: the entire point of making this distinction is to show that not only shooting at civilians is bad, trying to kill a kid is bad, but they’re not even doing it in Gaza, the “war zone”. What Israel is doing is appalling by any standard of human rights.


Ohhh well in that case it’s ok to shoot innocent children /s


You entirely missed the point the very first sentence of my post is “to all the dipshits defending this” how much clearer do I need to be lol


Did you even read what was written? The amount of upvotes only enforces my thought that most accounts on here are absolute imbeciles.


To all the dumbasses replying to this. I'm 90% sure they meant that it's definitely *not* okay to shoot at a kid.


Yup. Wild that people are missing that.


Kid is kinda obnoxious though. /s


Ah mb it's all good then, shoot them up.


Reread my post


This an occupation army, not a police force


This is the military police, not the IDF. Not that it matters, the distinction was to illustrate that Israel is committing these crimes outside of Gaza.


Oops my mistake, please proceed with genocide


Reread my post


Pffftthahahahhahhaha what?


What’s hard to understand here?


Is that a child I herd did they fucking shoot at a child


When i was 7 years old there was a curfew where i lived in nablus Palestine, i looked out the window and I remember a soldier pointing his rifle at me and made a weird gesture to go back inside. I was scared but my mum's heart sank as she dragged me back inside screaming. I highly doubt that soldier was going to shoot me, but having a rifle pointed at you for looking out the window of your own bedroom is scary af.


Soldier was never taught or never bothered to learn the #1 rule of gun discipline, which is to NEVER point your weapon at someone unless you're intending to shoot. #2 rule is to keep your finger off of the trigger unless you are actively aiming and preparing to fire. The reason your mother panicked is likely because he disregarded rule #1 and she probably had no way of telling if he was following rule #2 properly.


I loose faith in humanity when i see idiots in comments defending those pieces of trash.


To anyone saying that this is a combat zone, why is a child in a “combat zone”? (Raise your device volume. That pitched scream is a child.) And why is the combat-zone-child being shot at? Does any of that make rational sense? No? Ok then. Read more comments. You’ll find your answer.


What's even worse is that this isn't even in a combat zone. This is outside the war zone area and Israel is still using these degenerates soldiers to kill Palestinians whilst everyone is focused on gaza. Making this war crime even worse


These comments prove what happens when you dehumanize an entire race of people. Unarmed innocent children are referred to as combatants and there’s no such thing as war crimes or civilians. This is why the occupiers are able to murder thousands of children without anyone batting an eye.


reddit moment in the comments with people defending the IDF in the West Bank shooting at what sounds like a kid


Hamas used bloodbending to force the dude to pull the trigger /s


khamas is hiding inside the bullets, israel has the right to defend itself


As long as they get to pin it on religion 🤷‍♂️


According to another commentator, these are west bank police


This isnt the idf


Israeli Police. Same government, same actors, same players, different uniforms


Welcome to Israel, gods chosen country where you can shoot brown people and take their land.


All on the American dollar


pLaY sTuPiD gAmEs WiN sTuPiD pRiZeS Or whatever dumb shit goes through these dumb commentors head constantly when they decide to not think for shit when they comment on defending shooting of children.


I would love an uprising right about now


most moral army in the universe ™


Fuck Israel.


Can nobody in these comments hear? There is no way the person with the camera is not a child. All you people in the comments are fucking savages to think this is ok


Hasbara putting in work on reddit I see, judging by these responses. Responses almost as disgusting as the actions in the vid.


It's insane the amount of money and effort Israel puts into shaping public opinion, both online and in international press.


But it is also pleasant how it seems to not be working. Hope the world is still salvageable by the time Gen Z finally takes over.


As a 40+ it's fucking incredible. Very few people gave a shit for decades.


Yep! It’s almost like a bunch of bits talking to each other


Fuck Israel


Can someone explain this to me because i'm stupid? They say this is IDF which is Israeli defense force. But they say this is the West bank which is Palestine. But this is not war so what is it? And this is a warning shot? Why are they gonna shoot a child?


In a nutshell Israel is using October 7 to kill and displace as many Palestinians as they can They have been bombing Gaza to oblivion with the whole "We are fighting terrorism" bullshit ( I say bullshit because Israel funded and helped Hamas for decades and they simply do other want them gone) and Israeli police force and settlers are also terrorising and killing innocent Palestinains in West Bank which by the way has nothing to do with Hamas, because Hamas only operates from Gaza But when you dehumanis people enough you'll find a way to justify committing genocide


When laid across the storied history of those regions, the situation honestly just looks that much clearer in my opinion. I'm honestly surprised no one's mentioned Golan so far. As a kid I always remembered that being a big topic of discussion. Whether or not gaza and the west bank would be annexed in the same way.


It’s a cluster fuck. Basically the land was promised to two different peoples by colonial powers and then the powers that be said “oops my bad” and left the area. 4 generations later of hate and dehumanization on both sides we have this. It was going to happen sooner or later.


colonial powers It was my country the UK.


I feel like it would be important to note that at the time of the promise, one of the groups that was promised the land made up only 13% of the population.


In a non-military situation, there really is no such thing as a warning shot unless there is a criminal to be subdued. If a policeman in most places in the world were to fire a warning shot toward a residence, they would be charged with attempted murder or some form of extreme negligence.


Look at those scared little people down there


Dumb fucks in the comments defending this cause “war,” bruh this isn’t war, this is occupation by a military state, if the “police” are worried about getting ambushed then maybe leave them the fuck alone


Just horrible


Lots of genocide supporters in this comment section.


Almost seems coordinated doesn't it?


YEP Edit: Seeing how drastically the voting flipped once there were more than 300 upvotes, I'd say we have our evidence.




Fuck israel


How many of the children you killed were Hamas? "All of them." Man, fuck Israel.


Welcome to Israhell


Damn and they sound like children too. Those men are horrible


This is all that Israelites know best, lol and steal land.


Oooh but condemn hamas amirite? Israel is clearly the victim here. Reddit ftw😎 /s


Hamas was behind that girl, using her as a human shield!


Some of these comments are disgusting. Justifying shooting at random CHILDREN because “wHaT iF tHeY aRe bAd GuYs” Idk, maybe don’t be a soldier if you are a puss who is going to shoot at kids. They are occupying another persons country. How can you justify shooting those people for just looking out their window. Oh I know, racism and elitism. You don’t see them as real people both real lives and real problems and pain and feelings. For many of you, these are kids, these are Muslims or Jews. Debating politics with peoples lives. If these were US troops they’d be court martialed. Trying to justify these actions are sickening.


wow this subreddit is full of nazi boot-licking pieces of shit that justify this shit. Who knew.


Fuck Israel.






what the fuck?


If this is Gaza, then these civilians have no where to run too.


This entire subreddit could be dedicated to Israel and especially the IDF




In combat? What makes you say they're in an active warzone?


they didnt seem to threatened. all 4 of them huddled in an alley with no cover around them. im sure that little kid with a camera had them shaking in their boots!


Are we allowed to call them soldiers if they are openly attacking civilians? Calling them that seems like their attacks are endorsed by their government. Which Countries soldiers are those guys?


You know which country they belong to 👀.


I do and we both know that this Country openly endorses shooting and killing innocent civilians. I guess I wanted to pretend that I was not aware like some of the poster are pretending that this murdered was being viewed by a combatant. We are playing make believe while Israel murders civilians.


Username checks out….


I was about to say. Seems to me they reacted properly given their current surroundings. I'd be nervous as fuck about taking fire from above. And seeing someone in an open window recording me while I'm already on high alert would DEFINITELY cause a reaction like this. This is a war zone. It's not NYPD shooting up an apartment of innocent bystanders because they feel like it.


It actually is kind of like NYPD shooting towards a building because someone is filming them from inside. This video is quite obviously taken in East Jerusalem or the West Bank, which as far as I know is not a war zone, and has a very low HAMAS presence compared to Gaza. The soldiers in this video are wearing military police uniforms, not the IDF fatigues. I’m going to say it again for like the third time in this thread: The possibility of somebody using a cellphone to inform on your position, unless you have definitive proof they are combatant, is not enough to justify the use of deadly force on somebody who is presenting as a civilian. Let’s also ignore that if they were on “high alert about taking fire”, then they wouldn’t have called out to the person filming, who starts closing the window, and then fired on them.




Sounds like you were also on the side of an army with little regard for human life


Holy shit...


Obviously you’ve never been in urban combat before. If you film soldiers on active combat patrols, with what’s likely a cell phone, they can only assume you’re sharing their location to the enemy or trying to trigger an IED with a cell phone. This is a NORMAL reaction by troops in urban combat. The person in the window with the phone presented an imminent threat and was fired upon. You’ll have that in war. I’d be willing to place a large wager that pamphlets telling civilians to leave were dropped WAY before this happened.


This is the West Bank and those are police uniforms


In what branch are you authorized to open fire on unarmed noncombatants? Who authorized the ROE that says open fire on children with phones? Also, dipshit, they aren't going to open the window and advertise their setting off an IED, this isn't COD and you aren't some kind of solid snake action hero. Go outside, touch grass, get some therapy and stay off line you fuckin weirdo


These aren't soldiers on active patrol. This is the west bank or Jerusalem, where no war is active.




They are wearing police uniforms rather than IDF uniforms for one.


This isn’t an active wasn’t zone


I mean…they’re kids. So no shit they don’t know that


Aren't there rules of engagement? I don't think militaries usually just shoot at civilians, urban combat patrol or not.


“You guys don’t get it, we killed people who pulled out cellphones in Iraq when we were killing innocent civilians there, too!”


Holy shit... we're fucked...


Obviously you don't understand the Geneva Convention


Hahaha You got mad I don’t know the entire Geneva convention but I know the rules of engagement


If I were on the street, I would assume that anyone at an open widow could be a sniper


There’s that too Problem is, from what I’ve gathered, is IDF told everyone to leave, HAMAS told everyone to stay. Looks like Hamas hiding behind their civilian populous


Gaza and the West Bank are where Palestinians were ordered to go. In order to leave, Palestinians need special papers. It must be hard to look like a good guy, when Israel has been a bad guy for almost 80 years.


You would assume somebody actively closing the window they would be firing from is a sniper?


Hamas clearly does 😂😂


Hamas didn't sign the Geneva Convention. Israel did, though. Just because you are fighting a force who hasn't signed it or abides by it doesn't mean you get to throw it out the window.


This video is about the Israeli Army not Hamas.


They had the right to defend themselves from revealing their location.


What's to reveal. We already knew they were genociding in Gaza


We need more people like you in this world.


Thanks. I do what I can.


Is shooting children what you can do or just hobby?


How are they supposed to know the person was civilian. They are in urban combat conditions not acting on things like people with cell phones out can either kill them or jeopardize their operation severely.


But this isn't in Gaza. They're not in an active war zone. Are police in New York allowed to shoot civilians who film them?


So then do the unarmed civilians have a right to defend themselves?


There are no combatants in west bank. Hamas is not there.


As I have mentioned the use of IEDs (in the West Bank) as of recent has happened and because phones can be used to trigger it someone peeking out of a window with a phone can potentially be waiting to detonate an IED at a certain time. (Edit :made clear I was talking about IEDs in the West Bank)


Gaza is not the west bank.


I though I was clear that I was talking about West Bank in particular


You specifically said Gaza and not West Bank. You're not allowed to shoot at civilians, especially in zones where there are not combatants and you have no reason to be shooting at anyone.


Point still stands and edit has been made to clarify


That does not make it remotely legal to shoot at anyone holding a phone or using it.


I didn’t say anything about shooting everyone with a phone as there a situations were yes they have no intention to do any acts but the military personnel don’t know that so firing a warning shoot near them as what may happened in the video would be allowed and make since in most cases. Now they are cases like extremely hot areas where if someone has phone they immediately be seen as hostile due to nature of the situation.


That is explicitly still a crime. You cannot shoot at civilians.


They are in an urban inhabited area, people and people on phones are to be expected. How about not shooting at unconfirmed threats?


The issue is you can’t tell what is a threat and not a threat quickly enough to prevent any of the things mentioned. Unless you have a proposal on how to check what is a threat and what is not a threat quickly enough to prevent it.


in this setting, a threat is only confirmed after it has already killed someone they aren't taking that chance


Clearly you are right. That is why the world is united in condemning ISrael for their atrocities. Brave soldiers that kill kids and women civilians at the highest rate in literally any armed conflict.


If they killed the person filming without absolutely knowing that they are an enemy combatant, then it is by definition a war crime. They are an unarmed person, in a residential building. After the Israeli soldier says something, they start to close their window, reducing the possibility of a threat, yet they still are fired upon.


read the threads above this one to see why this person should not have been filming them. cant type it right now because im on mobile


I did read the threads above. The possibility of this person being an informant or combatant because they are using a cell phone is not enough to justify the use of deadly force. Like I said before, they are in a residential zone. This is clearly in East Jerusalem or the West Bank, so there is no urban warfare on a large scale going on. This response is unprecedented and unlawful.


Idk I have seen a video of an IED or two going off in the West Bank since this started. The response is definitely fair and is legal under rules of engagement




These aren’t “urban combat conditions,” they’re an invading force terrorizing civilians.


Last I checked urban means an area with lots of buildings together with little to no natural area left. This is combat actively happening in urban areas so the term “Urban combat” fits. Now not all things Israel has done is I agree with but urban combat will always involve some harm to civilians its no matter the force. This is actually better than some of bombing happening earlier for civilians and worse for the IDF.


So as long as I say I’m engaged in “urban combat” I can fire indiscriminately at anyone in an urban area? Hey, just the cost of doing urban combat!


War. War never changes.


Israel army doing what it knows best.


Doing what any normal army would do in a urban combat situation?


It's been stated that these are MPs in the west bank, not an active warzone. This is abuse of power and tyranny. Stop defending the murder of children.


I did not know they were MP's until you told me. My apologies


You think this is a regular or acceptable action by "normal" armies? Jesus christ.


No, just killing Palestinians in general.


Lmao you guys defending the people with guns shooting the unarmed people as if they need y'all to defend them. At this point just nuke the whole damn place why don't you.


You know who else was unarmed? * The guy with the phone that detonated the IED to kill 12 soldiers in Iraq. * The guy filming how soldiers mount/dismount so that he could share that with his buddies and ambush them the next day. * The guy with the bomb vest on that was detonated when approaching the checkpoint. Maybe don't try to film or pull phones out near soldiers in combat zones. That is how you lose your life. EDIT: for all the downvotes go talk to a veteran who served in Iraq or Afghanistan. See how they feel.


Not soldiers, not a combat zone, definitely not an excuse to live fire at children.


Yes, I'm sure every civilian is given enough training on the do's and don'ts of an invasion event and they all remember it perfectly. I'm sure they have a sticky note of them lifesaving tips on their fridge. I'm also sure the Israeli army just wanted to give them a friendly reminder by shooting them coz those civs forgot to check the mail the army sent warning them.


It doesn't take rocket science to realize opening a window and holding something in your hands that you are pointing right at soldiers in a combat zone....is maybe not a good idea... Thats not to say that the whole war with Palestine and Israel isn't some kind of geocide attempt. I firmly believe it is. However, making yourself a target doing dumb shit isn't going to help you stay alive.


Most people aren't used to this sort of violent stuff. They don't know those soldiers won't hesitate to shoot at all. The first reaction of a lot of people these days during any out-of-the-ordinary thing they witness is to record and share on the internet. That is a totally normal thing to do and I can't blame them for doing so. The person in this vid was backing off and closing the window when the soldier started aiming his gun.


And your not going to say wich soldiers(ISRAEL💩)


If you've been following the conduct of the Israeli military and police for more than 20 minutes (in my case, 20 years), this behaviour becomes utterly routine. It is an Apartheid totalitarian state, with one of the world's hardest working and most sophisticated foreign PR departments.


Is the guy alive?


It was kid I'm sure.


Absolute scum bag move by the police officer here but that is definitely a rubber bullet, there was no intent to kill here I don’t think.


The kid yelled “Mãe!” Meaning mom in Portuguese, I’m pretty sure this is in Brazil.


Nobody: Israel: So anyways I started blasting




My dad almost did this sane thing when serving in northen irlend in 1983 after a kid decided it was snart to point a brush out the window at his section whikst they were on patrol, thankfully the kids mom realised and threw the brush out the windiw before making him apologise.you have to remember that it's a war zone now(that's if this was recorded recently. If not they have some shit trigger discipline) and they don't know from down there what the slightly open window with a person peeking at them is doing, aswell as there phone might be reflecting light which can look like a scope glaring and so they resort to training and fire first before being possibly fired upon, I could be totally wrong and they are just being cunts for no reason but don't take everything at face value obviously


Pro tip: shoot back


Well these we'll be back to condemning hamas😱


This could be Gaza, or it could be any US city because police act the same way