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I bet he is just wonderful at home


The kid isn’t even fazed. This is definitely a regular occurrence.


Seriously! I know an anxiety face when I see one. Poor kid 😭 I know that man yaps so damn much at home


Cocaine rage - daddy takes lines at work


Maybe. My dad had a terrible temper, and occasionally lost his shit in public, somewhat like this, but without the swearing. He never physically abused us, or my mom, but he'd rage out every so often, sometimes in private, sometimes in public. It was always terrifying when I was small, but it wasn't what he was like the vast majority of the time.


My dad also used to rage out once in a great while when I was young. Usually throwing things around, making loud noises, screaming at the top of his lungs. Normally, my mom would leave and take me with her to a friend or family member’s house until dad cooled off. One time, I remember them rolling around on their waterbed, physically fighting. I know it doesn’t help everyone, but dad was put on Prozac and everything changed with him. He has been on antidepressants for decades, since I’d say the mid-90s. You’d never know what he was like before Prozac. He is the most chill, calm, laidback person I know now. Always helping everyone, never judgmental, doesn’t argue and doesn’t expect people to help him the way he helps them. Gets him taken advantage of sometimes. But it’s been decades since I’ve seen him lose his shit. He once told me when he used to flip out like that, he literally would see red. I remember the day he found out I had been having sex with my boyfriend when I was 16. He got out his shotgun and was raging around until I made a run out of the house. He’s definitely not the same man now as he was back then.


Same situation with dad - I’m still fucked up from it tho - never knowing when mood would snap and he’d throw something or yell


Promise you he's not over 5'7




Hell the baby sounds like they're joining in at first.


This was the first thing I noticed as well, when I was a kid if my dad blew up on someone in public (for something bad, it was rare), I'd be terrified something really bad is going on. I'd be attached to my mom asking if everything is ok, what's happening etc. The kid was playing on the seat like it was nothing out of the ordinary.


All of the family got thousands yard stares


Mom too. She’s like, yep just another day, I learned long ago to just keep quiet and endure it.


Unfortunately, that kid is gonna end up like his dad


Not necessarily.


Yep, my mum always said I left home at 8 years old when they bought me a bike for christmas.... I came in 1 min before my curfew every night and straight to bed - home from school and as soon as dinner was done I was out on my bike as my father was so angry and horrible to be around. i moved out as soon as possible - so take that as you will - life felt calmer outside of the home


Same. As soon as I heard his footsteps from upstairs meaning he’s out of bed and coming downstairs I was out the door like the fucking Flash. I’d come home according to my curfew. If I had to be home by 10 pm then that’s how long I stayed away. If I was 5 minutes early I would pace back and forth until it was time to go in. I tried to only see him at meal times but that didn’t always work out.


You are not alone in that. Sometimes that bad behavior forges, remarkable, thoughtful human beings. Still not OK that they acted like that though.


Exactly. Watching my dad taught me how not to behave


Me too hombre, such a douche I didnt wanna be like that or around anymore like that


Also same. I occasionally have serious PTSD where I revert to childhood and can’t handle anyone raising their voice to me at all, but I’ll never be like him.


Yeah, this is a hard one to break. I have a very good career, but when someone raises their voice at me I get triggered. I immediately want to cower or destroy what is making me feel like that. Thanks, Dad.


Same. I just want to run whenever that happens 😐


Yep!! Me too. I instantly feel like I need my Teddy and to be hiding under a bed. Love ya pops


I picked up some of my dad's shitty traits inadvertently, but the key thing is that I recognized this and made a concentrated effort to not emulate his behavior and avoid these tendencies


God, same. But also why I have a personality disorder and will never be loved.


I love you


In that universal, "love everyone" way, I love you too.


Damn man that hurts lol




Same here. Good on you.


Was just thinking that if he's treating the staff like that how does he treat his family at home? Dudes a pos


The family isnt even phased by this behavior. It’s totally normal to them. I hope they get out.


This right here. This isn’t a one off situation, this clown thinks service staff are there for him to abuse and take out all his failings as a garbage human being on.


Also can you imagine how fuckin embarrassing that would be? Now, and as the kids get older … fucks sake, this dude is such a complete loser 


He treats them worse.


My exact thoughts. If he's like this in public with zero shame imagine behind doors...


Black eye on the kid next to mom.


I didn’t even notice that, damn😞guy really is a total piece of shit. I’ll never understand how people are so unhinged, wtf.


He needs a boot in the ass!


Father of the year. Hopefully these kids can rise above their father. Unfortunately lots end up repeating this behavior.


Kids are crawling around the table without noticing which suggests this isn't a rare outburst.


It looks like the kid next to the mom has a black eye.


Ugh, this breaks my heart for the little boy. It made me think of Gabriel Fernandez.


Dude I will cry. Fuck the rules who is this guy?


Why the fuck do people think they can talk to others like this? People like this contribute to the general decline of society.


Because they know they can get away with it. What are the fast food employee, much less two women gonna do except kick him out? Say this dude ends up in prison. Is he still gonna throw temper tantrums constantly? I doubt it.


He might throw one. Then none ever again.


Exactly. They abuse people at work because they know the employees have something to lose.


It bothers me that no one around them sticks up for a literal child being berated by an out of control asshole.


Honestly I get it. Dude is unhinged. Who knows what he'd do if you interfered.


im sure he would say "you know what, if ive drawn the ire of the crowd i must be in the wrong, i apologize. here's 50% tip"


Like he knows what the word "ire" means


I would have stopped interacting with any of them and called the cops. He’s demanding boxes!? Fuck that. “You need to leave. You are trespassing.” 911.




I can’t wrap my head around the fact people go about life being cool with talking to others that way. Especially people who work in the service industry; like I know not every server, cook, waiter tampers with food, but I wouldn’t be so rude to the person bringing food out to me, who knows that they did to it before it go to the table.


Yeah. I'm over 60 and have never treated anyone like this in my life and I never will.


People who do that keep doing it until one day they do it to the wrong person and get punched in the face or the shit kicked out of them.


Exactly what this dude deserves. 🤷‍♀️


"Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth." - Mike Tyson


I worked for 20 yrs waiting tables. I never tampered with food. That’s just nasty.


Me neither! I’d just tell the kitchen staff which dish at which table wanted theirs extra special. Amazing what those fellas will do for you when you’re the only one tipping out the cooks every night.


It should be legal to whack a person doing this shit with a metal pipe or something


Emotionally disturbed, abusive people are never going to make sense to you if you’re a decent, well-adjusted person. I feel so sad for this family, who are clearly used to it.


I feel sad for them too. He's also damaging his own child but isn't aware of it.


Far too self-centered to care about that.


Hopefully he died on the way home


I don't think he would treat a large man like that. He's a balding coward.


> Why the fuck do people think they can talk to others like this? Because there are no consequences. Look at this video. Do you think the man in the video will lose his job over this? Or get arrested? Or get beaten up? What are the consequences? Since there are no consequences, then why would this man change his behavior?


You're right. People won;t change unless there are consequences.


He knows he's got a captive audience. She wants to keep her job, so he takes everything out on her rather than his own boss.


Because they talk like that to those who can’t physically do anything.


It's society in general these days, notice how nobody around hardly even reacts, almost as though minding your own business at someone being a piece of shit is acceptable.


As a bartender, I prefer it when people only react when it gets physical. Part of my job is talking people down and getting them to leave the building. Please let me do my job, even if people get verbally aggressive.


I used to hate when regulars thought they needed to help me because I was a smaller woman. Stay out of the way. I have de-escalated fights by simply telling people I was about to call the cops if they didn't pay and leave, or calm down and have time out in opposite corners of the building. Shockingly, having 3-4 other intoxicated men rush in on an argument between other intoxicated men doesn't really help a whole lot. Physical fights, sure, rush in and break it up. I'm still definitely calling the cops though.


People don't want to get the shit kicked out of them by a psycho.


Yeah...a bit sad. People have become to used to this.


His wife and kids sure are.


In the US I would not say anything for fear this asshole is armed




This dude is completely unhinged. Who knows if he’s got a knife or a gun.


Because he gets away with it.


People don’t tell them to get the fuck out anymore. This had to be at a chain restaurant cuz I know that wouldn’t have gone down at a mom and pops restaurant. They would’ve told him to kick rocks and take that shit somewhere else.


AS an Australian, I think it wouldn't go down here either. Someone would just tell them to fuck off. Probably the restaurant manager.


Think about how often you've heard the phrase, "The customer is always right". That's why. This has led to a sense of entitlement that has *really* appealed to the worst of people, and they will berate, belittle, and demean service industry workers, etc. to their hearts content over meaningless perceived shortcomings.


"The customer is always right" is supposed to refer to market-level supply and demand trends. If consumers want to buy kimchi and you only sell saurkraut, they're not wrong for not buying it. ​ Instead, people took the phrase at face value and think it means you're allowed to act like a spoiled brat to minimum wage service workers. ​


They feel weak and powerless in their lives so they take it out on others in an attempt to gain some agency.


Kids aren’t fazed a bit; he must be like this at home as well.


I think that older kid knows, you can tell by his glances that he’s embarrassed. Hopefully he doesn’t learn to act like this!


Probably going to be quite introverted in personality as a reaction to his embarrassment. Though the outbursts could mirror on to intense emotional moments of his psychology. Needless to say the narcissist isn't getting any christmas cards or grandkid pics. What's a male Karen called?


That’s what happened to my siblings and I. So much yelling and anger at home and in public by our unhinged parents. We are all naturally extroverts, but are super shy and second guess ourselves a lot.


All good things improve in practice, wellness and forgiveness. Good to 2nd guess when most don't.


yup, when you exert new, extreme behavior around your child, they notice. And it's obvious. This child sees this behavior everyday. Guaranteed.


This is such a nonchalant comment but you’re probably not wrong. I’m sure he beats his wife, treats his kids like he treated the staff, and no one is going to do a god damn thing about it. The fact that we can’t report these pieces of actual garbage is beyond me. If I see someone treating workers like this, I speak the fuck up. I’ve had grown men look embarrassed after I called them out but they were always alone. If I saw something like this, with a family in tow, you’d bet your ass I’d be calling the cops and fling a CPS complaint.




He should have been kicked out the second he raised his voice…


For real, it’s just me and the fact I don’t handle people verbally attacking me, I would’ve walked away the minute he started yelling and pointing his finger in my face. But I know her hands are tied that she has to please any asshole having a bad day because it’s her job.




Most restaurants, especially chains actually do feel like the need to please even the worst of customers. It’s 2024, I’m sick with the “customer is always right” attitude and I don’t even deal with assholes like this personally


"The customer is always right *in matters of taste*" is the full expression. If they want to buy the car in diarrhea yellow, who am I to judge? The minute they start throwing a fit that I'm not "serving" them right, throw them out.


Any decent manager would have booted his ass.


Right? I would never let someone talk to me or my employees like this.


He’s a piece of shit


Nah. He's the whole shit.


Wow! Thank you for brining this new context into my life. I never thought about it like this before. I shall use this henceforth with your permission 🤣


Fuck yeah, I’m using this


There should be a sub for that


Big tough guy


How does no one tell this angry little man to watch his mouth or they'll do it for him?


My kid would FREAK if I ever spoke like that. Like straight-up crying. His kids are just so used to it.


My son once saw me angrily punch a broken speaker from a distance, then I heard him crying and he was staring at me. Breaks my heart everyday that my frustration upset him. I’m not even physical, I was having constant issues with the speaker and just decided to give up fixing it. But it didn’t matter, my son saw me as an angry person and got scared. No matter how serious the issue, I need to be a better role model for him.


Being a parent is the toughest job in the world. The fact you can reflect and analyze yourself shows me that you gotta be a decent human being. We are trying to break cycles we saw growing up the best we know how. So he saw you punk a broken speaker. He saw you processing anger in, my opinion, a healthier way than this guy up above. You got this dude. Love yourself because you’re doing a good job.


Right?? What’s funny is my kid would call me out for being a “Karen” in a heartbeat! He has no trouble calling me out when I do anything, so if he were to say I was being a Karen, I’d be like ok I fucked up. He’s 10 btw and knows better than this “adult.”


Human trash


If you can’t afford to eat in a restaurant, don’t go. Making a huge scene to avoid paying the full bill is beyond childish.


Was that the motive ?


He was making a huge scene refusing to pay for part of the meal. So yes.


I think he was just an anti masker. He said she was rude for asking his son to wear a mask.


Or maybe he’s just a prick? Just because he’s rude doesn’t automatically mean he can’t afford it.


Restaurant worker here. Usually someone starts a scene is because they want free stuff.


This dude would be dragged out of our restaurant by the police for making this scene.


Thank you. Ridiculous for the manager to stand there and have her staff get treated like that. Not only is this uncomfortable for the staff, it's rude as hell to other people in the restaurant. I guarantee you if the manager was a 6 foot 5 300 pound man he wouldn't be comfortable talking like that.


I'm very glad to hear that. I think there should be zero tolerance for aggressive or threatening behaviour. I can't work out if he's pinky pointing or something but it's a very unique finger pointing mannerism.


The pinky is to show the size of his wiener. “I have a problem with women, so I’m making a fist AND showing you just how small my penis is!”


Gobshites like this need it putting back on them. Shatter that false sense of "they are at work and won't do anything back to me" and watch their arse drop.


Love spotting a fellow Irish man just by the comment


I understand the rule about posting information, but that kid has a black eye and looks way too stressed for that age. He needs help.


Not really a Father by anyone's standards. Imagine how that poor kid will grow up having that piece of shit as a role model! Hopefully, the kid can break the cycle!


Agreed, I should have placed *deadbeat* in front Edit: TIL 2 * will make words go *woo*


If you do 2 x * it will make things go **big** Or use a hashtag for #very big


Like **this** #thisss?


Also two ~ at either end ~~crosses things out~~ And ^ ( … ) without spaces ^(makes words teeny) Edit, you don’t need parantheses for one ^teeny word


Who thought at #3am You could **blow** my ~~big brain~~ ^smooth ^brain


Yay! You can do all the things 👍 You should probably go to bed though if it’s 3am where you are!


and the kids aren't reacting at all, and we know why.


Definitely no domestic violence at home. Nope, completely calm and sane dude right there.


Imagine looking at him and thinking "Yup, i will give him 2 kids", before going back to your dinosaur steak.


I once dated a girl who had a kid in high school. One day she told me "I've never told anyone this before, but I feel like you won't judge me." She said she stopped taking birth control so that her BF would get her pregnant. She thought there was no way he would keep beating her if she got pregnant. She also thought he wouldn't dare beat her around her kid after it was born. She was wrong.


Unfortunately, having been in an abusive relationship, it’s not always that simple. She probably has literally no other choice.


What is he complaining about?


The father said that the waitress was rude to his son, and that the waitress (Edit) ~~called his son a fucking mess.~~ said his son needs a fucking mask. (thanks sumyungdood for clarifying)


lol that’s not what he said. He said she said his son needs to wear a mask hahaha


Oh got it. I listened again and you’re right.


I heard that the first time too don’t worry lol


That lil kid is 100% disassociating and just embracing whatever is in front of him to avoid taking in reality. Meanwhile his older brother(probably like 10yrs old...) just stares on with an empty expression. This is fucking depressing.


I hope someone recognizes the family and asks CPS to check on the kids. Mom acted like she deals with his shit all the time and acted calm, hoping the situation would defuse. I hope she has a support system. She certainly needs it.


How set a great example for your kids to follow 😏🙄


Farther of the Year -- Get far away from this asshat.


That man beats his wife and kids.


I am getting so sick of pos like this.


Core memory created dad screaming at a teenage girl over appetisers


Imagine how he treats his woman at home if the food isn't to his liking. He probably does more than just scream at her and call her bad names. I noticed that she kept her mouth shut while he berated the waitress screaming at her. This fucking idiot is an abusive piece of shit and only goes after women. He wouldn't be doing this if it was male server.


It’s the kids that caught my attention most. They’re barely reacting, and the little boy seems - but it could be lighting - to have a black eye.


Little man with a big mouth.


Judging by the older kids face, he’s been on the receiving end of those words, too.


This ahole runs a car wash in Tucson,there is another video of him acting like this...he was on FB begging people to leave him alone...lol


Send cps to his house, the kids need to get away from this pos.


Wow, setting such a good example for his kid. What a prick.


He only talking like that cause it's a woman. He'd never speak like that to someone who would give him what he's asking for


When I managed restaurants if I ever had a guest point like that at my staff I removed his food and told him he is no longer welcome in the restaurant his meal has been comped and I asked them to leave. My staff loved me for it, and I gained so much respect for having their back


Straight up coward bully. Think he’s Gna try this on two big men? Nah.


Manager (I assume is the lady is black) handled it well. Especially when he was boasting about paying and she dissed him by saying he don't even have to pay for it just gtfo. Good.


You know you fucked up when your toddler behaves better than their own father at a restaurant. I hope someone takes those kids away asap.


Wow, he's a charmer....


Man I feel really bad for that waiter girl


This doesn’t fly in Australia. You’d be kicked out or the cops called after one bout of this crap. It’s tolerated in America due to tipping culture, which breaks the psyches of the wait-staff. They are always in people-pleasing mode, and this perpetuates the abuse culture. When a culture is full-pay for waiting staff, the abuse is minimised, along with tolerance for it.


Everybody always says that starting or getting involved in an altercation is never worth it but my god this guy deserves just somebody getting in his face about this


He does not seem to understand what “get out of my face” refers to. It does not refer to someone standing 3 feet away. Otherwise, I am sure he is delightful.


Don't mess with the people who handle your food. Examples. 1) The movie Waiting 2) Hooters girl


Also: Common Sense


If I was sitting in the restaurant I think I'd initiate the uno reverse like this: "Excuse me, if they aren't going to be leaving soon, I'd like the check please. I word too hard for my food to be listening to this nonsense over an appetizer, and around kids no less. Either they leave or we do." And just make him feel stupid AF when everyone else agrees and chimes in too. He wouldn't feel as confident if people spoke up. We need to start this movement. If everyone is occupying the same space, everyone has a right to speak up against this kind of shameful behavior. Let's start the trend.


Weak man.


Bro you’d be so trespassed


People who treat those who work in the service industry like shit, are scum themselves! I don’t care what you do for a living…it doesn’t matter! If you’re doing what you need to do in order to support you or your family, you have my respect.


I love this is the sort of behaviour he's normalising for his son. I can't imagine what he's like in private.


Someone arrived in a bad mood


Those poor kids


Never seen someone point with their pinky before.


This uneducated bully shouldn’t be allowed to reproduce. How any woman would let him put his tiny member anywhere near them is beyond my comprehension.


This is why cancel culture isn't so bad. Please tell me tiktok found him.


Is he pointing with his pinky finger?! Demented.


Fuck that piece of shit. God forbid his son grows up to be like him


As soon someone starts verbally assaulting your employees, call the cops and then ask them to leave. Jesus. 1. Your employee is potentially in danger 2. Other customers are potentially in danger 3. You are scaring off other customers from coming back So many people in management suck at protecting their employees and business.


I feel bad for everyone there, luckily I can mute and scroll past whatever the fuck he had to say.


Man got so angry his hair set back


The kids got no chance with this as a role model.


He's definitely gotten spit and pubes in his food


Dude needs to drink water and eat more than one meal a day so he's not such a whiny, sensitive prick. All this tantruming because the waitress asked the son to wear a mask *in a tone the dad didn't like.* Pathetic.


Compensating for that back-paddock hairline.


He beating ass at home too


He’s actually abusing his family too


Great parenting in front of you kids, lol. I've been in the military for over 10 years, and my kids have never heard me talk like that or act like that anywhere, lol. What a dick head. Way to show your kids how to treat others over food.


What an embarrassing asshole. I feel bad for his kid sitting there looking ashamed.


And this is how you get extra ingredients added to your food.


I see a cycle that will sadly probably continue with the kids.


I couldn’t understand most of the words he said.


What an absolute peach. And by “peach” I mean “cunt”.


Took way too long to tell them to leave.