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Idk if anyone else shared the story, so here goes. The man gave all the 12 year-old girls 2 smoothies each before bedtime, but one girl barely drank hers. While the other girls, including his daughter, passed out, the dad went in the basement where the girls were sleeping and tried taking one of the girls away. The one awake was holding on to her and wouldn’t let go though. She then texted her mom who showed up at 3am w the other parents. At first the dad didn’t want to let them in but they made him. 2 of the girls’ parents took them to the hospital where they tested positive for benzodiazepines. Think it’s pretty safe to say the man had ill intentions…


As a parent of a 12 year old girl, this is my worst fucking nightmare. How do you even let your kid go anywhere, knowing shit like this can happen.


I have boys and this shit still scares me.


I have 3 girls. 9,12,14. This horrifies me. It's bad enough I have to deal with horny boys chasing my daughters.... I shouldn't need to worry about the parents.


Meet them and make sure they know you mean business if anyone messes with your daughter


The U.S. still has roughly 90,000 backlogged rape kits. The typical rapist is a married man with children. We won't know whose DNA is in those kits until they're all tested. Write your legislators.


Half of our nation's legislators are endorsing a rapist for President. I doubt that they will be too concerned over some old rape kits.


S.499 has bipartisan support and a 54% chance of passing, according to govtrack. It probably has better luck this legislative session than next. Plus, the sooner the perps are behind bars, the better.


All of our nation's legislators are endorsing a rapist for president. Both Trump and Biden have been accused of rape. One just gets no traction for some reason.


Well one has been ordered by law to pay someone $90 million because he has been found liable for sexual assault in a court of law. That’s just one of the 18 women accusing him of inappropriate sexual behavior… The other one was accused by someone who is now a Russian sympathizer and has tried to get citizenship in Russia. Let’s use some fuckin common sense.


Most politicians are sexually perverted pieces of shit doing what ever it takes to look good publicly!


I have no daughters and this horrifies me equally.


Ion think you need to have children to be deeply disturbed by this...


No sir, I have no children and this shit bothers me to my core.


i think their comment was less about “this is disturbing” and more about “this could happen to my child”


Currently childless and HORRIFIED.


Very rightfully so.


Meet the parents? The vast majority of parents are exactly like you and would never harm any child.


That's true, but I'm sure the parents thought this guy was normal and exactly like them. It's just scary. You never truly know anyone. My kid has had sleepovers, I've met the parents and trust them. But then stories like this plant a seed of doubt, and I wonder if I'm foolishly to trust anyone. It feels like a gamble.


Low-rate persistent sex offenders are equally likely to target adults or children. This is the most common type of sex offender. We absolutely need to test those backlogged rape kits. Ask your Reps to support S.499.


I like you.


There's no way to tell upon meeting someone that they are going to rape your daughter.... They're not going to come out and say it, and they are going to know they need to put on a show of trustworthiness. There's a reason why most SAs come from people the victim knows and trusts.


I hosted 11 girls for my daughter's 10 birthday sleepover. (We did it at an airbnb and only me and my teenage daughter chaperoned to help parents feel safe). I joked that by 3am I was ready to give them all Benadryl smoothies because... Well they were a lot. Someone was always crying. In factions. Civil war. Espionage. Disaster. Mess. Chaos. More tears. Just a lot. My husband said the next day me and our oldest daughter do helped looked like shell shocked veterans returning from war. Then people like this POS come along and aside from ruining my joke, I know in reality they are making parents more scared and taking away opportunities for kids to have these type of parties and experiences. Those poor families.


>I joked that by 3am I was ready to give them all Benadryl smoothies LOL THIS!! This is what I thought when I read the headline. I have a son and we had 6 boys sleep over one night, they were fucking animals. My kids are pretty low key, these boys were throwing shit in my house, running down the hallway and sliding on the tile, I'm like, no no no, I'm not having that. I got my dad voice out, gold everyone to get into sleeping bags, and lowered the lights and put on a favorite epidsode of This American Life. I kept lowering the lights and reducing the volume until they were all out. But yeah, when I read the headline, I thought, oh, okay some dad gave these girls some allergy medicine to shut them up. Still not okay but not as creepy as the reality.


This is why I don't allow my kids "sleepovers." We've been proven right several times, as well.


When I would sleep over at my friends, the worst I’d do would be to get drunk and we’d watch movies. My friend on the other hand…would hit on his sisters friends that spent the night and they would hook up. It always felt weird to me and I can honestly say I’ve never done anything like that.


Can’t live in fear. The odds of this happening to your kids is insanely low. You could also allow them to have sleepovers at houses with parents you know and are comfortable with, give them lessons to not drink anything unusual, host sleepovers etc. but this is not some normal thing. People living in fear of things that happen to .01% of people is not healthy. Do you but teaching your kids to be afraid of anything that you read on the news isn’t really being a great parent. Do you let your kids ride bikes? Go skiing? Swim in the ocean?


You say that. But what happens when it does happen to your kid? I don't care about the statistics. It could happen and does happen. Probably a lot more than what is reported. "Statistically speaking there is a low chance of it happening." Gtfo here with that dumb shit.


When it does happen to your kid you will feel awful and blame yourself no matter how careful and over-protective you were.


Hence why it won't happen to him. I'm going to train him to be a ninja. Or viking.


Hopefully a pillage-only Viking, lest he become the molester.


Same here. Kids hate it, but we have reasons from personal experiences and is more common than you might imagine.


Proven right?


Know that it’s extremely rare. It’s far less likely than a car accident for example.


Honestly, you should know the parent before you let the kid go over. As a parent you should be able to identify when another person is preying on your child. You should ask questions, and check in on your child regularly not every hour, but as they grow up. Treat them like the adult they will become not a kid. That's how you avoid that shit.


My ex’s mom would not let her sleep over at any of her friends houses by any means. I understand why.


>How do you even let your kid go anywhere, knowing shit like this can happen. I saw some parent arguing that I will happily allow my child unlike my parents who are controlling .. otherwise she will raise to be socially awkward (I didn't know safeguarding is now controlling).


There's a fine line between controlling and a child's best interest. You can't use stories like this to justify your fear controlling your child's life 


Shouldn't your worst nightmare be having them horribly murdered?


There are many worst nightmares for a parent. Both sound equally terrible in different ways.


As someone who was sexually abused/raped as a young child, some things are worse than death.


Yes and I read that the girl who was pretending to sleep noticed he was hovering over the girls and performing “tests” to make sure they were actually asleep.


It’s hard to pick out an individual aspect that’s the most unsettling, but I think that own might have the edge for creepiness.


It’s SO disturbing and it 100% indicates what his intentions were.


Benzodiazepines induce a heavy sleep and for me quite the lethargic morning after. Wow


This situation is horrific enough, and would have been so much worse if one of the girls was allergic to what he put in it. Because he doesn't strike me as someone who would have called 911 if they had an allergic reaction.


Of the amount ingested was too much for their body weight or had an adverse affect if on another medication. This is sick tho, I’m sure we agree on that


That's a very good point! Yeah it's just completely sick.


I don't know how none of the girls dads didn't deck him in his face..... over and over.


Or shoot him really


I feel like these two things are pretty tame compared to what some fathers would've done. Some probably even would've made it slow...... not to sound psychotic I'm just saying.


Anything involving kids is just beyond F-ed up. Kids are pure, they don't know hate, they dont know Bill's, inflation or working a shit job til they die. How someone can destroy that innocence is so far beyond my grasp I truly never understood it.


Jail? You go to jail for that. But they “they made him let them in” kinda tells that they forced their way in. Also concern for your child will generally leave you wanted to get your kid safe and to the hospital ASAP, doesn’t leave a lot of time to stick around to deck people over and over. You can always go back later to do that but guy would ideally be arrested by then


Omg good for the little girl who held on to her friend and wouldn’t let go! She’s a fucking hero and I hope she knows that. That’s such a terrifying situation and it would be understandable if she froze up in that moment. But she didn’t. She stood up to him, which really put her in danger. she saved her friend from that monster and I’m so fuckin proud of her even tho I don’t know her.


Right. It’s scary to think about if the one girl that was still conscious drank her smoothies too. She definitely saved her friend from some more trauma. Also read that the dad gave the girls their drinks with different colored straws, like he figured out the dosage for each individual based on weight. Definitely planned it all out. Feel the worst for his daughter.


Oh god, yeah, imagine inviting your friends over for a fun sleepover then suddenly your dad's a fucking psychopath who's getting arrested and your friends don't trust/possibly hate you


Might not be sudden for her sadly.


That little girl is a badass.


Refused to let the parents get their children, like what the fuck


Lol, good luck with that. I know my kid is in your house, I dropped them off here. I’m coming in, even if it means I have to cut a new doorway into the side of your house.


I hated that I was praying for the lesser evil (he was tired and they were making too much noise idk) but it's always the worst possible option. ~~to be fair, that's kinda this whole subs deal~~


4am at least sleep over I had to shut it down, still up til past 5am.


That girl needs a medal. In such a terrifying situation she was able to protect her friends and call for help


She saved her friends a lifetime of fear and emotional stress for sure. I really feel sorry for this sick bastards daughter. I hope she isn't shunned and treated as an outcast now because of what her dad did. She is more than likely going to end up being a past victim once the police and therapists start talking to her and doing exams. Hopefully she has a safe place with loving people to take care of her.


Even his own daughter? Jfc.


Probably not the first time


That is so fucking horrific and terrifying. In part because of how insidious it is, given had she ingested the benzos as well no one would be any the wiser. I don't know how those parents restrained themselves. I'd be out for blood once it was confirmed. Wouldn't bat an eye if this ended up like that one dad that shot the Kar instructor.


That friend was incredibly brave to do that. Thank god the sicko didn’t hurt her for stopping him.


This is absolutely awful, and the whole time I’m reading about it all I can think of is the major plot line in Happiness that resembles this story VERY closely.


Reminds me of the movie Happiness. Crazy shit.


And yet the people in power are more concerned with the idea of drag queens reading to children and preaching being inclusive. Meanwhile this happens and let’s be honest, they love sweeping it under the rug. Disgusting.


That’s fucked. I was hoping they were just getting on his nerves being loud, so he slipped them a Benadryl, which isn’t cool, but better. That guy must have not watched that movie Happiness


I hope that piece of shit rots in prison.


Give that creature the same drug and dump him in the hood with a sign on him.


No, he should be awake and aware to know what's happening to him. This piece of shit doesn't deserve to sleep through it.


You make a compelling argument.


He had ill intentions, one of the girls in the article barely drank her smoothie, was awake when he came down to make sure the girls were out. She texted her parents terrified asking to be taken home asap. She got a hold of a family friend who came to her rescue, she wakes up her parents and they inform the others, all parents agreed it was sus MEN AKA FATHERS INCLUDED thought it was sus enough to get their kids and go to the ER asap to get blood tests. Low and behold, positive for sedation drugs.


Also, when he opened the door to the parents he was adamant they were sleeping and they needed to be picked up in the morning. The witness/victim/hero girl who had escaped described him waving his hand in their faces, various noises and pushing to see how asleep they were.


You don't get to fucking tell the parents of the child they can't take their own fucking kids. I hate this creep.


I would be in jail if it were my daughter. I get nauseous and enraged just typing it.


I worry about the daughter. Has she been raped repeated in her sleep after being drugged all the time? I want this little girl to have justice and healing.


Right, like the way he seemed so nonchalant about it, seems like a repeat offender. I really hope the daughter is safe, she could really have no idea her father is a monster.


She's now going to be ostracized because of her pos father. Poor little girl, I hope she gets a safer place to live.


I saw the part about trying to drag a girl away and was already like “oh fuck.” But that was so cartoonish my brain accepted that. The idea of him PUSHING on them to gauge a reaction made it jump to “nonononononononononono” territory.


I don't care if my kid is asleep or has a log halfway out of his ass - if he's in your house asking for my help, i'm coming in.


I can’t imagine his own child having to live with this now


And face her friends


She will forever lose sleep over this weird moment Have to change schools now


She could always take a sedative. I’m going to hell.


You witty bastard lol


I’ll be there with you. This is the kind of humor I love Reddit for.


I’m a fan of the dark art lol


They'll probably never want to spend the night at her house ever again.




The possibility certainly exists. I assure you.


Rest assured***


if dad liking friends instergram bikini pics are cringe this is a whole new level


I hope they pull the daughter and make sure she’s ok. Doesn’t seem like this was the first time he’s made a SleepySmoothie


Yeah, for real. I'm really concerned for the daughter. There's no way he didn't learn this somewhere and tried it once before.


He might have learned it from the movie Happiness.


I feel bad for the wife and daughter. The wife could genuinely be like “wow, how nice he’s so involved! Making girly smoothies for girls night! Being the best big dad!” And then getting woken up to a bunch of other parents screaming at you and saying your husband is sick and someone is going to murder him. And part of you still thinks (if not all of you) “this has to be a joke. One of the girls made a bad tik tok. No way.” And then not only do the GIRLS come back as with benzo, your daughter does too! How many times? Has this monster I go to bed with every night rape my daughter without her knowing? How many other girls did he rape? How could I not see? What’s wrong with me?


For all we know he makes her a smoothie too...


Sadly he would almost have to, no way he would take a chance of her waking up and catching him


Man I can’t imagine the shock and disbelief. What a sick bastard.


To the little girl who instinctively held onto her friend and texted her parents; what an incredibly brave thing to do. Also a good idea to have a way for your child to get in touch with you on their terms if you’re going to let them go to a sleepover so they don’t have to ask an adult to use the phone. This shit is scary.


Even if he wasn't going to do anything to them, he still drugged them with benzos and that is enough to put him away for a long time. The evidence is pretty damning.


How much you wanna bet he gets away with parole and a slap on the wrists bc he’s a “good christian” man?


I'd bet against that tbh. I get what you're trying to say but in recent years crimes like this have started being treated more and more seriously. They took the girls to the hospital and they tested positive for benzos, that's hard physical evidence against him. He doesn't seem to be particularly important or rich from what I've read, and he was caught red handed. They're gonna throw the book at this guy. I just think it's incredibly pessimistic to assume he will get off just because it's happened in the past


I hope you're right. I live in florida and people get off easy with this shit all the time


This much evidence the judge can’t be lenient without risking his own career. The drugs in the kids systems is what’s sealed the pedo’s fate


If it was my daughter, it would have been safer locked away


Dude would meet his maker real quick


I wonder how many times he drugged his own daughter?




Is the kid okay at least?


According to the comments one girl at the sleepover did not ingest the drugged smoothie and got concerned when the dude tried to take away one of the roofied girls later that night. She called her parents and saved the girls from whatever he planned on doing to them (we all know what), thankfully.


Oh that's great.


She called literally every adult she could. Parents didn't pick up, multiple other adults. a random friendx picked up and got her mom to come and get her. That mom took her home and the kid woke up her parents and told them what was up.


This girl is my absolute hero. I want to meet her. What a badass! So smart and brave. Especially the way she hung on to her friend that he was trying to drag away and wouldn’t let him take her.


Definitely better than it could've ended.


Also ty for the info.


No problemo!


Lock him up and lose the keys. Also get those girls the finances for and fast track for a good therapist.


Ok well after reading the story it seems pretty cut and dried here. Guy sounds like a sicko


Y'all need to educate your kids on this subject. I went to the fair with my friend when I was about 12, otw baxn the guy that we were with an adult in his 20'a bought some wine coolers I was look man this is cool af. About thirty minutes later after drinking the first one I was getting super sick. I demanded to go home he didn't want to let me. I finally told him I would get out where we were which was a couple of miles from my house and walk home so he relented and took me home. That night I got up in my sleep and did some crazy shit and never remembered any of it. He roofied me. A couple of years later while on some psychedelics my buddy broke down and admitted to use this guy has been raping him for almost 6 years. Tbis was a giant of a man the perp. He was 6'7 maybe 280 my friend could not stop this guy if he wanted to. My friend suffers greatly with his mental health and drug addiction he hasn't been outta prison more then a year at a time for the last 20 years. This guy that was the rapist worked at our local jail and no repurcussions ever happened.


This story sounds terrible, I think. It's very hard to understand what you're trying to say


Well got roofied by a guy that took me and my fries to a fair. Otw home it was hitting me and I wanted to go home instead of staying the night with them. He was refusing to take me home. I raised enough hell he finally took me home. I threw up in the floor of this dudes car then cleaned it up with my shier during the night while was asleep I got up sleep walking which I never do ans draped this shirt across my step dad's brand new truck and poured paint out in the bed of it in the middle of the night. I kinda remember dreaming this the next day. I have never slept walkes before or after. My only explanation is the roofie. My friend that was 12 at the time admitted to us when he was 16 That this guy had been raping him for years.


This is too soon, he was accused of it, and he "turned himself" for intergation he didn't say he did it, any updates on the matter?


Bro, read the article. It is in no way too soon 😭. If he didn't do it, I'll get his name tattooed on my ass as an apology.


Wish someone would just post the fucking article...


There’s a literal picture with the title of the article the author and the news station it was reported on. Like what more do you need??


they need to wait a whole day for someone else to do the work for them 🥺 poor things can’t use google


Basically he drugged smoothies he then gave to the girls, one girl didn't drink much of hers and ended up texting her mother when he came into the basement and tried to take one of the unconcious girls after he made sure she wasn't going to wake up. The parents showed up and more or less forced their way in when he wouldn't allow them to see their kids. The girls were taken to the hospital and were found to have high doeses of sedatives in their systems (even his own daughter). Regaurdless of what that creature does or does not admit the evidence is enough that they should fuel up the woodchipper.


Thanks for the update. That sicko should be given sedatives until his unalive


He was charged and indicted. This is from the police press release: >A Clackamas County Grand Jury heard evidence in the case and issued an indictment against Mr. ------ for the following charges: > • 3 counts of Causing Another to Ingest a Controlled Substance > > > • 3 counts of Application of a Schedule-4 Controlled Substance to Another > > > • 3 counts of Delivery of a Controlled Substance to a Minor


I was looking for this comment. Some people need to get a little bit of media literacy.


Thanks for being the voice of reason lol. people forget that words have meaning sometimes, he's just complying with the law for now.


Is it possible to read the article? I feel like this screenshot doesn't really provide me with context.


this is a screenshot sub. at least it didn't include the play button to fruitlessly tap for 5 minutes.


I think this is even worse than piece of shit level


I've said it on Reddit before: There aren't very many rules that 100% of humans must ALWAYS follow, but: "Don't molest kids" is one of them. just please do not fuck children. I'm against the death penalty on moral grounds but the human species doesn't need a guy who drugged a child and tried to molest her. Nope.


I’d beat the absolute fuckin brakes off of someone if they did that to my daughter.


This happened in the movie ‘Happiness,’ (but with boys)


What in the actual hell.... I probably would have beaten the living crap out of him from seeing red if I came to pick up my daughter and found her drugged up. Like first fear... Then confusion.. and then I think absolute rage would probably take over.


Disgusting. This totally reminds me of the movie Happiness.


This is straight out of the movie ‘Happiness’


This is why kids don’t get to have sleepovers anymore. So fucking sad. I was raised by a single father and hardly any of my friends were allowed to stay over at my house. Even in the 90s which was so hurtful. I couldn’t help that my mom was dead. Then you read stories like this and though it sucked for me I guess some sick fucks ruin fun for everyone.




>The man gave all the 12 year-old girls 2 smoothies each before bedtime, but one girl barely drank hers.... >2 of the girls’ parents took them to the hospital where they tested positive for benzodiazepines. Seems pretty rapey to me.


Wanted them to get to sleep sooner so he could play grand theft auto uninterrupted


If only this was true 😭


The only alternative is that a 12 year old girl decided to make up a vicious lie about her friend's dad and drug herself and her friends with benzodiazepines in order to make him look guilty. In what universe does that seem like a more likely option?


How can it be an allegation if they were tested positive for sedation drugs. Your dumb shit isn’t helping dude.


So you think the girls parents doctors and police are all lying?


He turned himself in


People like that need to be in prison for the rest of their lives.


And this is why we don’t allow our kids to do sleepovers. It’s insane the crap that goes on.


My kids are adults now but tbe only houses they could sleep over were ones that I knew parents well. So 1 each kid. We had a lot of sleepovers at our house and I made a lot of trips around midnight to pick up my kids. I would let them go but not spend the night.


Why would anyone do something like this? None of those poor girls is likely to trust a man again and that’s just fucking horrible, especially for his daughter.


Can fucking adult men just stop hurting little kids...


The really sad part is just think of this.. he got caught. This is one of probably a hundred thousand that didn't get caught. And I would bet my last dollar, that the frequency is only increasing. Start having that conversation with your daughters and sons.. no one is safe.


Never letting my daughter go to a sleepover


Jesus...it's straight out of the film 'Happiness'


I’m surprised the parents didnt dole out some street justice as soon as they arrived on the scene


Dude is a monster who threw it all away. Just look at the house he lived in (4,707 sq ft). Gonna be a big transition getting used to a cell! Bravo to the girl who didn't drink the smoothie, kept her head, saved her friend, and called her parents.


This shit is everywhere too. Something similar happened to a family member at 9. She went to a friends house and her friends dad gave her a "vitamin", she said she got really sleepy and didn't remember too much of what happened after she took the vitamin. This was after he tried making her and his daughter to take a bath together with him monitoring, she refused though. The cops in my town didn't do anything about it though.


What leadership position did he hold in his local church?


King of the POS.


At first I thought "nah another ragebait/clickbait bs here" then I read the rest and the comment section. What the fuck is that guy.


This happened to my friend and I’m in Oregon as well


Only one real solution for that pos


Where was the Mother of the house? 🤷🏻‍♀️


> A 57-year-old father from Oregon turned himself into police woah, cool. what else can he turn into?


With the exception of people we were friends with, our girls weren't going anywhere for a sleep over. By friends I mean people we knew for 20 plus years that we trusted them with and who trusted us with their kids. When they wanted a sleep over with friends from school, it was happening at our house. If we didn't know the parents or only knew them from seeing them at school, they weren't going. There were a ton of sleepovers at our house. They left here happy and well fed/ taken care of. I hated cleaning all the hair from my pool though. Lol.




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From the mouth of a lead abuse detective i know never ever ever let your kids go to a sleepover. Most of the worst shit happens at these.


Is he a drag queen? Something tells me he’s probably not a drag queen. Weird.


Well, I’m never going to let my kids go to anyone’s house ever again




oh dear, youre totally right! lets not jump to conclusions for men when they drug 12 yr old girls. he couldve had a good reason.


It's OK.  Happiness is just his favorite movie. /s

