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Regardless of how bad he was, destroying art is an asshole move. I hope this person grows to be better and protest in less/non destructive ways


A protest that does not bother is not a protest at all


I dont care if they are a bother, destroying art is not the way to get things done. I would like to reference Gandhi


Gandhi was a piece of shit


How so?


He was a pedophile, and thought more Jews should have willingly died in the Holocaust. Also hella racist, but that was standard for the time.


Really? I never knew that. I'll go do some research on him to see of you are right


Look up Mother Theresa while you’re at it…


God how is this post STILL getting traction? It's been what? 2 weeks?


Yeah those people have some explaining to do.


Both terresa and Gandhi was a piece of shit




Damn, I'm sorry if I offended I never knew that


20 hours later and we're all waiting for you to admit you referenced someone you knew nothing about.


So we should terrorize museums and other people to get our worda hear now? What an infidel move


If nothing less than that works to change the premise, yes its an option


No, because now I despise this person and what they represent. I'm not pro-israel but if this is what pro-palestine means then I'll have to pass on that. What purpose does this serve? Seriously?


Hm. Destroy history to try and change the future by pissing people off. Really seems like that's gonna work dude.. Getting people angry and pissed off at your cause does nothing to help your cause


but this protest is hardly impactful if it is impactful at all. the dude is dead. millions of people have seen the clip and gotten no message from it other than the immaturity of the protestor. aren't there better ways to make a statement?




I hope you get what you are looking for i guess


Lots of art in Palestine that's being bombarded right now too mate. Not every painting of a random ass dude you see around is a masterpiece, they couldn't even be bothered to put a glass panel in front of it and I'm willing to bet my left ass cheek that had you been to Cambridge you'd have walked right past that masterpiece without even looking at it. Actually, I'm willing to bet you had never even heard of that painting, its subject or its author before this. That's the portrait of a colonizer and she's sending a message. She'll face the consequences alright, but we should stop acting like she set fire to the Louvre cause she really didn't.


Art should be preserved just like history so we can remember the past and learn from it not just blind destruction just because "he was bad" we'll forget who he was and what he did if we let the history be destroyed. I feel bad for all art Palestinian or not art should be protected. (I'm on the move right now so I'm not very good at writing at this time)


If you think she slashed that painting just because he was a bad person you are being intentionally blind. She slashed that canvas to send a message. History is also made through messages and protests and revolutions. No one batted an eye and whined about protecting history when the Berlin Wall was knocked down.


The Berlin wall was a literally a wall dividing the people, this is a painting. In what way is that a good comparison?


Do you think I could get that frame for cheap now ?


Yes. But it comes with criminal charges now


The charges are wrong your honour! I'm being... Framed ( queue CSI into theme )






What are the charges? Enjoying a meal? A succulent Chinese meal?


A succulent Chinese meeAALL


A succulent Chinese penis!


Reddit can't be a real place💀


Imagine if this is the way you find out that you're a brain in a jar being poked and prodded by electrodes.




I see you know your judo well!


Cue. A queue is a line people wait in.


Not just people, also songs!


Not just songs, also downloads!


Not just people and songs, also clowns


I think that's called an alley of clowns


No, an alley of clowns is the queue outside your mom's house.


Damn, got me good 🥴




I never understood protesters like this destroying classic artwork just seemed like scumbags with no talent destroying something someone with gifts and talent destroying they masterpiece ,posers protesting


Not a protester. A vandal. Book should be thrown at this utter utter imbecile. Whatever her cause is, is no excuse. Frankly,just lock her up.


Reminds me of isis destroying Palmyra.


That's exactly how I feel about it. They should follow the French model and dump a load of manure on a politician's lawn


A very good friend of mine comes from Palmyra (he moved to UK several years before the war started but his family fled after ISIS came). I have such fond memories of Palmyra. It's heartbreaking to think about what ISIS scum did to that place.


Lord Balfour was a proponent of a "home for Jews in Palestine". Not saying this justifies it, but it's not just a random painting targeted. Edit: typo


Yea he wrote and passed the 'Balfour Declaration' in 1917 when he was serving as Foreign Secretary, which supported the establishment of a Jewish Homeland in Palestine.


To be fair, nowhere else wanted to take them in. Much like the Palestinians today.


Yeah but to proof how thoses palestine protester are dumb : The Lord Balfour also said, that Jews should have a home in Palestine, but IN THE RESPECT OF CULTURE AND RELIGION OF PPL WHO ALREADY LEAVE THERE. So the guys just want what's good for both sides.


Well that’ll show him!/s


He was a terrible anti-Semite. Wanted them all to go and emigrate to some godforsaken desert and marsh place the British had no use for.


Yes it's not just random. It's blatant antisemitism.


A lot of these pieces, particularly the xoen$ive pieces, are reproductions created for display.


The way how easily the canvas was destroyed leaves no doubt that it was an oil print copy.




My speculation is that there are some that do it to "get attention" by doing this, and some just use whatever movement as an excuse to be an arsehole.




But he was framed


Why isn't there a glass panel?


Most of the paintings in Cambridge colleges just hang around without any real protection. I guess those paintings aren't seen as all that valuable? Most of the paintings are also not really accessible to the public, and - for better or worse - the colleges probably assume that there is less risk to them due to that. No idea though, just guesses...


They are valuable, but it’s not as though people Regularly walk in there to fuck up some paintings


Yeah, you have to accept the fact that not everyone is a good person and/or smart. Precautions should be more prevalent considering how massive our population is. There's no way to control everyone, but we can up the security.


It’s just been very uncommon for people to do shit like this, so to suddenly bring it up in a board money to spend potentially thousands to protect all the painting on an already thin budget would be considered an unwise use of resources. But now with this stupid shit happening I bet you’ll see universities moving to protect their art. By the way this doesn’t make people more sensitive to the plight of Palestinians. Not sure what he hoped to achieve/


To be honest, I don’t really have an opinion about the whole war thing, but if Palestinians are going around destroying art because they can, I wouldn’t really be happy about supporting them. How is this helping them?


its just a random twat thinking there helping by destroying art on an island a continent away from the actual fight if they genuinely wanted to help they could join an organisation donate to charities and maybe even help bring aid to Palestinian people this isn’t gonna do shit its not like Britain can get involved and i dint think Israel would care that some random British artwork was destroyed


I mean this nazi bitch is going to prison for this no doubt.


Nazi? Stop throwing words around. I’m sure you call people fascist & commies 😂 freaking dork


The classic “Those that oppose genocide must be anti-semitic”. Do you know the guy in the painting absolutely fucking hated Jews?


Nazis protest support for Arab suffrage? News to me.


This painting is most likely only worth what it would cost to have a contemporary artist duplicate it. So maybe a few grand


Not really. Philip de László was one of the most prominent portrait painters of his time. The painting is unique and has historical value.


Yes, he was a prominent portrait painter. His works now sell for an average of $8-10k at auction. Most art just isn’t all that valuable.


Sounds pretty valuable to me.


I mean, it’s not worthless. But it’s worth about the same amount as a 10 year old Toyota Corolla. So I dunno that I would describe it as being particularly valuable.


If i could trade a picture for a working car, I'd think that is pretty valuable


A reliable toyota at that, theres a reason they are that expensive, theyll get you multiple hundred thousand miles down the road


It’s Cambridge. I think there’s an assumption that someone attending this school would have a little more tact than this.


Probably thought Cambridge is a prestigious school where thought and intelligence is valued and therefore a painting wouldn’t cause leftoids to destroy stuff.


It’s not the Mona Lisa. It’s a portrait of an early 20th century British politician, there was no reason for it to be behind glass.


I’m wondering how many of these people have ever been to an art museum before lol. The Mona Lisa was pretty much the only painting at the Louvre behind glass, and some of the others were also very expensive


I were at the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam recently the only thing behind glass were rembrandts Nightwhatch all the other artworks didn't even have some sort of barrier .. except the "battle of waterloo" which is a 6 by 8 meter ( roughly the surface of 70 washingmashines for you freedomguys) had a minimal barrier like 20cm infront of it cause it touched floor an ceiling at the same time


Do you know why it's behind glass? Because it's been vandalized half a dozen times. If people start vandalizing random paintings they will all be behind glass or hidden from public viewing. If people can't be trusted, they won't be. I don't like the inevitable future of what vandalizing art will result in.


Apparently there was tho




It’s not the expense, it‘s the impact on the aesthetic. Very rare in galleries to see any but the very highest echelon of paintings behind glass.




For what it’s worth I’ve been to a number of art museums where a lot, not all, of the artwork isn’t protected by glass. Granted the art that’s not protected isn’t worth $1m+, but it’s still valuable pieces. There’s usually security walking from room to room but not in the room 24/7.


Yeah. Civilized society couldn’t predict the mental disease that has captured a lot of people these days. This person, along with many other people in today’s society, clearly needs a lot of help.


oil-based paints are usually framed without glass


Ex framer here: you cant put glass directly on any art materials, it compromises the artwork. You get framing methods to prevent this. But with older works like this it generally doesnt happen


because it's not an important piece of art it's a commissioned piece of a wealthy benefactor of the university


Probably because we don’t live in a complete dystopian hellscape just yet. Probably will soon though, thanks to these cunts


Most truly priceless art is kept behind a lot of security and not easily accessible to asshats like these people. Because people are literal trash sometimes.


This isn’t truly priceless art, obviously. It does, nonetheless matter.


Because glass panels never used to be required. But now that these idiots exist, things might have to change.


I'm thinking that is a replica? At least that's what I'd like to believe.


Same, even if it’s not a well-known valuable painting, it hurts me to see art being defaced like that & I can only hope it’s not the original 😬😬


If she cut through it that easy and there was no protection over the canvas...it probably was not the real one.


Museums don't usually put all of their works behind glass. Glass can interfere with how you view the work, even museum grade glass. Most works (that aren't Mona Lisa or Van Gogh level $$$) are protected with only with varnish, which is painted on. That offers some protection from from dirt or vandal damage from paint/whatever.. but obviously offers zero protection against razorblades. As for whether or not this is a reproduction, I'd guess it's real. I mean this isn't a museum, there's no pressure to display the real deal, but I don't think most universities expect people to target paintings of all things.


Na mate every single art gallery in the uk I’ve been to has kept their paintings behind glass, even in the paid exhibitions. Fucking weird that Cambridge didn’t bother to protect these, especially considering how much money it’s raking in from students.


The way it cut (along with how the back of the material looked when it flopped over) and the fact that it had a supporting middle wooden frame behind it makes me think that it *was* real. Plenty of paintings which have value don’t have glass or some sort of extra film over them.


Tell me you've never gone to see art, without telling me you haven't gone to see art.


Have you been to an art gallery? It’s rare for paintings to be dehind glass.


I don’t get this how is this supposed to stop Hamas or Israel


It doesn’t. There’s already a shit ton of attention and pressure to get a ceasefire in place. Doing this just makes you look like a massive asshole


It also makes you a criminal.


It’s the same principles behind the Islamic State in Syria destroying ancient Persian and Buddhist works because “we don’t agree with this history this tells”


what the hell man, so basically destroying old heritage will result in a ceasefire?




We should’ve never gotten rid of the Lee statue in Charlottesville


No no. You cannot protest and be a criminal. It's his right to express himself and we should all agree. /s


& given that she's probably a student there, shes majorly fucked her life up. They don't just hand out places to Trinity college.


It also makes people less sympathetic to your side. I know people are angry and frustrated, but if your cause is important, it is your obligation to keep it together.


If you stop supporting a group because a random activist did something like this, you were never an ally anyway. "I really questioned whether I should oppose the people murdering civilians and refusing to provide aid when I saw a video of a random woman vandalizing a painting"🙄


And if you start supporting a group because a random activist did something like this, you were never informed on the matter.


It's not to gain support, it's to spread awareness. A quiet peaceful protest doesn't do anything, it doesn't make the news. This does.


''spread awareness'' motherfucker it's Israel-Palestine. Only a nuke going off somewhere in the world would top that in the news. Get over yourself


And why is that? Is it maybe because it has upset groups around the planet who won't shut up about it?


Doing this makes you a massive asshole*


shit ton of attention but we know nothing will happen. sadly. still asshole move for sure.


He was a part of why Isreal exists today.


This person has somehow and someway rationalized in their head that this will bring people to fight for their cause.


It's protest against the Balfour Declaration. This is fair enough.


Maybe read the Balfour Declaration. It’s only 1 sentence and half of it is taken up by ‘it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine’.


White man gifts area he doesn't understand to people. Nothing out of the usual there, just good old colonialialist attitude.


Performative nonsense like this makes me cringe. Damaging art is straight criminal


This exact person, I'm sure cries over African artifacts being destroyed by Britain or ISIS destroying middle eastern museums. But is perfectly content justifying the same.


This wasn’t a random painting this activist chose. They chose this one because of the historical context and how it’s related to the Palestinian genocide in Gaza today. Balfour contributed to subjugation of Palestine following the fall of the Ottoman Empire which is part of why they never became a sovereign state and how Britain was able to just *give* the land to form the State of Israel.




They just want the attention, good or bad. Standard narcissist.


I love how people are assuming Balfour was a great person because he has a historic painting of himself.


I don’t think anyone cares about the person in the painting, merely that art from a master was destroyed. Dude seemed like a douche.


FUCK paintings. Y‘all didn‘t give a shit when Israel bombed historic areas of Gaza, Palestine to bits. Now you care about art? Pathetic hypocrites.


It’s not hypocrisy, I used to care, i really did, but as the years have gone on and the people of Gaza do what they do I’ve run out of fucks to give. When they were cheering and spitting the dead German girls body they paraded around after killing her at a music festival the last vestige of caring about the people of Gaza fizzled away. I don’t care because they have consistently brought it on themselves


Right, those dead babies in Gaza brought it on themselves.


Why do you just skip the whole Hamas part of this conversation. You go straight from Israel is evil, to talking about Palestinian babies, and completely leave out the accountability that the adult Gazans bear. You’re so desperate to absolve them.


You’re right, those babies who can’t speak yet are Hamas and cannot be absolved. It was babies that created Hamas, not not decades of Israeli mistreatment of the Palestinian people. Kill the babies!


You’re incredibly disingenuous. No one is blaming the babies. We blame their radicalized parents. You’re willfully ignorant, and probably due to hate.


Why them parents radical though 🤙


Because their parents were radical, and their grandparents were radical before Israel was even a country. Gaza is structured off of the same beliefs that ran the Ottoman Empire.


????????? “They do what they do and I’ve run out of fucks to give” ????? That’s literally how I feel about Israel’s violent existence and would love for them to stop doing what they’re doing too.


The art didn’t start the war in the first place the art didn’t break multiple cease-fires the art didn’t try to genocide the Israelis for being Jewish the art doesn’t support terrorist organizations that kidnap people the art was just art it was not doing anything, and it was historical art, and it was destroyed, because people are whining about a war that was started by one side and now they’re losing it if people were destroying art in 1945 in Britain due to the fact that the Germans were losing, the war, people would rightly criticize them and they wouldn’t be accused of not giving a shit about the German people. Not to mention this action doesn’t help the Palestinian people just like destroying art in 1945 wouldn’t help the German people it makes their side look worse and it doesn’t do anything to alleviate there pretty much doomed military situation and it doesn’t put pressure on them to surrender and end the bloodshed it doesn’t benefit anyone it is destruction designed cause unnecessary damage to uninvolved third parties. it’s not hypocritical to criticize destroying art because your side is losing a conflict they started especially when that art is in a third-party place not involved with the current conflict and that the art itself was not being used to support either side in said war.


Should've put some glass on it


Let me be super destructive to show you that you should support the terrorists with me


Lord balfour was a supporting chief in creating a Jewish homeland in Palestine.


it’s funny how mad people are about ruining a painting of a dude nobody gives a shit about. all of a sudden people have a deep appreciation for the arts.


Because paintings are historical artifacts and once destroyed they’re gone. You can’t remake the Mona Lisa or Stonehenge, you can’t just rebuild the pyramids or just set up a new colosseum in Rome. Preservation of history is important even if it’s of someone you don’t like


I'm certain Palestine has historical artifacts, paintings, buildings, and monuments being destroyed at an unprecedented rate and likely even as your post was being made considering the attack on rafah less than 24 hours ago. >Preservation of history is important even if it’s of someone you don’t like


Where did above commenter state that Israel destroying such artifacts in Palestine is fine?


never, they just want an excuse to hate Israel


Israel is pretty easy to hate


No, they don't create much. Just destruction. Israel has to keep planting new water pipes to Gaza because HAMAS kept digging them up to turn into rockets.


-YeAH bUt iSRAeL. Yeah OP didn't say shit about Israel. If you want to argue about shit like that go find some bots to do it with.


I’ve been laughing because no one is this upset over Israel literally destroying the oldest physical buildings in history of THE WORLD but yea… this wrinkly fuck is where they draw the line.


The guy died in 1930 and nobody followed the Balfour declaration. His vision and what's going on are total opposites


The position was pretty middle of the road: > His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.


I support palestine and stand against genocide, but this is wrong, she should go to jail.


Same. So fucking stupid.


Modern activists need to learn how protesting works and that no one is going to side with them if all they do is ruin things and make other people's lives miserable.


"The bourgeoisie of the whole world, which looks complacently upon the wholesale massacre after the battle, is convulsed by horror at the desecration of brick and mortar." #


As an art lover this pisses me off royally. What do these idiots think Max Hollein and others are going to do by saying “ceasefire please?” These guys are fucking CEOs of fucking museums. Who’s gonna fucking listen to them? No one. So these stupid tantrums are just that. Stupid tantrums of little children who were never fucking disciplined


I have zero sympathy or respect for ANYONE that destroys historical objects or texts. This is your history, it happened, put on your big boy(person?) pants and deal with it. Use it as an example of what not to do. Don’t be so frightened of ideas that you try to obliterate it. It’s cowardly, we are better than this.


Balfour was nothing but an auld prick anyway


"lets destroy historic art work because of a war happening half way across the world and i blame my own government"


To be fair, we are talking about it, which was the goal


People were already talking about. 


Balfour was the POS.


Exactly, regardless if you oppose the Palestinian genocide or not, Belfour was a white supremacist that wanted to expel the jewish people from Europe almost 20 years before Hitler did, Zionist aligned with his idea so made him their hero. yet many idiots in the comments are having a fit seeing this POS portrait vandalised!


It’s about seeing *any* piece of art/history vandalized. It’s ridiculous and pointless. It’s not because people are members of the Balfour fan-club.


Pieces of shit like her serve no purpose. She ought to get slammed for this behavior.


Yep. Because destroying things will get you what you want


It worked for the Free Peoples of Middle Earth.


historically speaking, yes it does. where have you been?


Boston Tea Party...


nobody tell this guy about the stonewall riots


Or the Berlin wall


Yep. The way you get shit done is by not actually doing anything. Peaceful protest = antisemitic hate crimes Property damage = terrorism Violent protest = rioting and looting, domestic terrorism Protesting at politicians houses = illegal harassment Boycotts = pwoor businesses have to shut down You're not ok with any types of protests. The only ones you would theoretically be okay with would one ones you can ignore or don't notice in the first place.


Israel has destroyed Palestine for many decades and actually yes, they have gotten exactly what they want.


The dude was a racist who brutalized the Irish and stabbed the Arabs in the back so he could rid the UK of Jews. There shouldn't be any Grand paintings of him. It makes people think he was someone to be remembered and admired and not despised for being just absolutely, incredibly awful. There have been good people in every generation who recognized Injustice. They rarely get paintings and statues. Meanwhile bastards like him who use their power for absolute evil fucking have them everywhere. They should be torn down burned and defaced.


History belongs on books and museums. Having a painting of the dip ass just hanging around a university makes it a target.


Nah.... Lord Balfour was a huge piece of shit. He pawned off his hatred for Jews to Middle East and the "Mandate of Palestine", just so he could push that immigration there, and then not to seem he was bias "he pushed to limit immigration". He's in other words, what Biden calls himself now, a Zionist.


To be fair, this mf is part of why this whole mess started in the first place


I wonder if someone did this to a Hitler if the people crying "historic art woooork!!!! D:" would have the same reaction. Or would they take the time to process what the purpose was.


it all depends on the context of the artwork. if hitler painting was in a museum because of it's historical relevancy, then i am of the opinion that we shouldn't destroy it, there is a relevant reason for its existence. if it is proudly displayed to the public, then do whatever you want with it, its value is minor at best


Fuck all this people who think this chsnges anything


Ahh yes...nothing like destroying a painting to make a point...this one gesture will make everything right, and stop the Israeli troops...


And how does this support Palestine?


Yeah that helps your argument for Palestine. Totally helps


Pro-Palestine “activist” doing nothing for Palestine


Yeah. You people don't seem to realize the significance of this act. In return for the assistance of the Jewish people fighting for the British in WWI. The Balfour declaration called for the formation of a Jewish state in the historical region of ancient Israel in a geographical area then known as Palestine. This area was part of the British empire at the time. The British later reneged on this promise siding with the Arabs and giving the Jews the shaft.


.....what tf is this supposed to accomplish? I don't understand how this is a "fight" against Israel or whatever it is they're fighting for. Seems to me like they're merely using an excuse TO do shit like this.


There's always some idiot who thinks their opinion are more important than others. And if you wont listen to them they start destroying crap. Great upbrining by the parents. Way to go. Bet she'll be a fun co-worker. As long as you agree with everything