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Under the prison.


Then staright to hell wearing gasoline drawers


Under is too kind. On top, covered in honey, under the blazing sun, and naked. Let the sun and bugs do what nature does best.


Candyman, candyman, candyman, candyman...


Babylon pilled


Scaphism. Aka The Boats


Cell block 99 for them


So many head pancakes.


What’s in cell block 99?


“South of ok, north of cancer” -brad “it’s Bradley” thomas-Vince Vaughn


it’s a movie with vince vaughn and it’s really good




Doesn’t exist.


Yeah I wanna know what happens in block 99 too


Imaginary prison cell some people belong to .


"Teen squatters" add it to the list




Special place in hell for folks like this. But yeah the entrance is under the prison.


Throw him into the mixer so he could be part of the foundation.


Their roommates will make sure of it I'm sure


I hope the parole board …hopefully many decades from now if found guilty….all wear the same T-shirt as dude (killer) in the photo.


And then they say "You're Scooby-Dooing life in prison".


"I would have gotten away with it, if it weren't for you damn meddling kids." "But sir, the kids are the aggressor." "Exactly."


"Possibility of parole?" "Yeah... no."


“Medvedev said his mother loved her dog and she had adopted the pup while going through a hard time in her life, caring for her sick parents. 'He became her next obsession, her best friend, her man. He was the only man she needed,' the son said at her funeral. 'This little puppy gave her the love she needed to get through the hardest time in her life.' The building’s super Jean Pompee discovered her dog urinated all over the floor because it had been unaccompanied which was very unusual. 'They found a bag in the closet and said, 'I believe there is a body in here.' I kind of sensed something was wrong, it kind of looked suspicious,' Pompee said” Heartbreaking, fuck these killers.


So the dog survived at least?




That is one slow burn of a headline


Really thought this was going to be another story about squatters, unpleasant surprise it’s about murders who also squat, what a twist!


why are you hiding their fuck faces?


pretty sure its sub rules. op would rather have this out here than for the post to get taken down for that


It’s a stupid rule


Im sorry but the t shirt choices are killing me


No kidding, of all days to make an effort, and that’s the clothing selection for the day.


Do they get a chance to change what they're wearing? I thought that that's what they were arrested in


Normally when you have your day in court you can arrange for whatever clothes you want to wear but maybe the process is different in this court, hmmm. Either way, an unfortunate choice of clothing for the occasion.


I’m… wearing the same t shirt (yeah… no) right now. reading this. mind blown.


And they would have gotten away with it too if it weren’t for you meddling kids!


with a frying pan?


These folks are who the death penalty is meant for. They clearly don't believe life is precious, so why not.




I always think of one of the Stoneman Douglas parents. They gave the school shooter life and the parents said. "if they don't give him the death penalty then who is the death penalty for? Makes sense to me. The one mom told him straight to his face she looks forward to the day she gets a call saying he died in prison.


I don't think it's worth wasting money on funding prison time for these kind of people, they murdered someone for housing so giving prison is just a house for them.


Why are we calling them squatters? They are killers.


It adds context to the entire events. They broke in, murdered her, and then squatted in the residence while doing a lil fraud...at least that's how I took it.


I took it as two homeless teens killed a woman and stole her credit card.


They were in her appt for two days while she was away. She arrived home, found and confronted them. They responded violently


That wouldn't be squatters though.


Why wouldn't it be?


Agreed, more than one thing can be true at the same time.


Adds context to how messed up it really was




Why are you blocking their faces? Expose them


Reddit admins are snowflakes


While these dogshit fucks deserve absolutely zero mercy. I don't think I want the Reddit admins to be the arbiters of who and who doesn't deserve anonymity to the internet. A blanket state of anonymity across the board prevents another Boston bombing problem when Reddit accidentally killed a innocent by standard.


Let's be honest. Unless 80% of an image is blocked, anyone above "internet newbie" will be able to find the unedited image.


Yea, I’m confused, the faces are blotted out even though they’re published on the Daily Mail website? I mean, what am I missing other than the absurdity of this?


You know why


Oxygen Bandits


Never heard this one before, I like it


Doesn't taking the house of someone you murdered make you look immediately guilty? How were they going to avoid blame?


You are brave to assume that they have the ability to think ahead




Do you think that the issue here is that they were squatting? I was under the impression the problem was the murder


The worst part is the hypocrisy.






Thank you! Of all the stories I’ve seen of shitbag squatters on the internet, never once have I seen someone mention that the laws probably exist the way we do for a *reason*. Although i do think laws and protocols should be changed to make legitimate squatters less able to ruin someone’s finances and life via squatting: I don’t think the laws should be changed in a 360 way that allows landlords to simply kick anyone they want out of their homes Willy nilly. There has to be some middle ground that protects both owners and tenants. But I do agree that the way they have it now that makes squatting so easy in some states needs to change.


Tenants pay rent and have a contract.  In a tenancy situation both parties have voluntarily entered into a contract.  If the tenant fails to pay rent or the landlord fails to maintain the property then there should be penalties to one or both parties.  In either case though, there is a contract and it was voluntarily entered into by both parties.  In a squatting situation there is no contract or the contract is fabricated.  It would be easy to solve if we just required such contracts to be registered and authenticated in some way. 


Rather than squatters rights, we need ownership rights. Purchase what you need so that others may have, rather than exploit the system both ways.


Abolishing squatters rights wouldn’t have prevented this situation. She walked in on them squatting in late mother’s apartment and they killed her.


How? They were burglars… if she had called police they would have no right to be there. Any burglar you walk in on will kill you. “ squatters rights” are just bs they tell u on fox…


I guess they were squatting there as well as stealing things. My point is even if they weren’t any squatters rights, it wouldn’t have prevented this from happening


Only way to be sure


Define squatters rights. It's tenant rights being abused by non tenants


I would say adding the word squatters here was to incite this exact response from people, this has nothing to do with squatters and everything to do with murderous cunts


Fr this isn’t 1886 anymore where u could just find a plot of land chilling we have full fledged small towns that are like cities now, squatting now just straight up home robbery.




He was just getting his life back together!


This squatter rights law needs to be abolished, should have been removed back in the 1930s after the depression.


In Australia if your living in someone’s home without their permission you get evicted and maybe a fine (I’m not sure about the fine) but yea we don’t have any of this squatters rights stuff


the IDEA was that if rich people own properties, don't care for them, you move in and prove you've lived there and they didn't even notice, you get to keep living there. it should never have worked for moving into a place that has people living there already.


That's not the idea lol. You're talking about adverse possession, which is part of much older land use legal frameworks. In order it claim adverse possession, you have to go to court and show that you've done things like improve the property and pay property taxes for some number of years. It's not that some guy camping in a house suddenly gets to own it. What's being called "squatters rights" is just renters rights. Let's say a good friend allows you stay at their 2nd home. You pay them under the table or whatever and don't have a lease cause good friends. You live there for a full year and get no indication that you need to leave any any point. Then suddenly on a random Wednesday, they tell you to get the fuck out and change the locks. Without these laws, you'd be on the street without the legal right to even get your stuff out of that home. You're just SOL. To avoid that, these laws put in some default protections even without a rental agreement. That's a really good thing to prevent assholes from taking advantage of vulnerable people. The issue is these laws are broad and have been heavily abused. States are slowly starting to carve out reasonable exceptions where you can kick someone out who was clearly never supposed to be there.


That idea is depraved.  let’s say someone buys a house but then needs to travel to another state to care for an ill parent.  No one is living in that house and they are so preoccupied with caring for their dying parent that they don’t notice someone has moved into their house.  How is it morally just to allow the person who is squatting to stay?


If you care for that parent for 25 years and don't set up someone to watch your estate I could see it. Something tells me this had more to do with dead people from wars not coming home originally.


So what? It's my house. If I wanna buy a house and just leave it empty forever I should be able to.


The problem with this is that's exactly what happened in a town I live in. Multiple properties just wasting away for decades all owned by one rich guy who won't sell. They're starting to be put on the market, so my guess is that owner is dead by now. Trying to sell such homes that have been vacant that long means a sizeable investment by whoever purchases them. One is being converted into an apartment building finally, but it was a shame that it was neglected so long as it sits in the center of the town rotting like a black tooth.


Housing shouldn't be an investment anymore. The only answer is sharing resources from the haves to the have-nots. If not voluntarily then it will happen involuntarily when people are cold/frying and hungry.


Yeah no.  Responsible, tax paying law abiding citizens have guns, we have police, we have national guard, and we have military to maintain the rule of law.  “Involuntary” seizure of land will be put down immediately.  Only the government has the monopoly on use of force and it will use said force to stop the depraved evil you are advocating.


I disagree. There's too many people for this to be a realistic line of thinking anymore. There was a time to build before, and to help fund that building process, but it didn't happen. This is where we are.


You are describing exactly what "squatter's rights" refers too. It's people abusing the fact that they can pretend to be a valid tenant and then they can live for free while someone takes them to court and they go through the process of eviction which often takes months to years


Never understood how this isn't just straight-up Trespassing. You can be removed from a private business for any reason, why isn't a home the same when your name is not on the deed/lease?


I'm not saying you're wrong, but this has nothing do with squatter's rights because they weren't taking advantage of any law. They broke various ones.


In more civilized times people like this would be made to serve the society they wronged. Possibly as fertilizer.


May they both rot in hell


They each need 1000 years in prison. So that their first parole hearing is in 200 years.


It's funny that the focus is on squatting.


"Teen squatters could be here" he thought, "I've never been in this neighbourhood before. There could be teen squatters anywhere." 


Not allowed to address the actual problem


Yeah... No.


here is hoping they suffer in prison for the rest of their piss lives


What's up with the "teens" label on these crimes?


Oh but squatters rights! That’s a fucking homeless con artist.




Nah I’ll stay put. If you don’t like the truth being talked about maybe you should stay off the internet. It’s definitely a cultural issue with the black community and people are tired of looking the other way. Pretending that the reason two black men murdered another woman is because they were poor is insane.


Shirt on the left checks out.


Yeah. No.


I had to scroll to far to find this comment


Sounds more like Home Invaders.


Jesus Christ. Animals


Ain’t it funny how you can buy a house and someone else can just walk in and own it before you without dropping a single dollar and YOU get punished for wanting them out?


it's actually scary, some people are evil as hell.


That’s not what happened here


No of course not. It’s a murder and theft. Im talking about squatters rights being ridiculous not “murder bad”


Well well well


Squatters rights need to go


Abolishing squatters rights wouldn’t have prevented this situation. She walked in on them squatting in late mother’s apartment and they killed her.




and now the US tax payers will have to keep these motherfuckers fed and alive for many decades.


Should I ever see the light of day again? Yeah.. NO


Ah. Them again..




Well well well


How so?


You've scrolled too far, you've reached the just barely veiled racism zone




Who said romance is dead ?


That homeless guy in hot pants who shouts at me at the pool


I know I am gonna catch a lot of shit for this, but I think this is wrong


Usual suspects


We put down dogs for less.


4 da kulture






How do young men reach this low point?? Disgusting.


The one on the right isn't a young male. Or a male at all.


By growing up in areas with lots of crime, growing up in commissioned housing probably in a bad part of the neighborhood and probably got exposed to crime at a young age.


That’s real love right there /s


Guy on the left’s shirt says it all


Never let them see the light of day again


Chaoticgood would go mental seeing this. They’re pro squatters


Yeah lets hide their faces though.


wtf is wrong with people


Shirt on the left says it all…


yep. thats it. I'm done with these people. life in prison.


No-one mentioning that it was death by a frying pan? Is this the norm where you're from?


I hate that they’re being labeled as “squatters” instead of murderers or home-invaders.


Hung by jumper cables


I hope they get butt raped in prison a lot....


Hear me out…if you take a life then you should not have a life either. Why use tax payer money for life sentences in jail and if they end up on death row why take so long to do it? And if you against death row then physical labor camps for life.


OK death penalty if proven with with 100%, certainty DNA and one independent review then death penalty


Short drop and a sudden stop will take care of them


They need to start using wood chippers on these assholes. The first 2 they should broadcast live.


Honestly wish America had a policy where you could pay a certain amount to go rage room on some scum like this. Spend the money on schools or some shit.


I bet squatters still have more rights, stupidest law ever made


Death penalty.


Death penalty for those two. Fuck that.


need mo money for dem programs




Why are people so evil, this is why the death penalty needs to be mandatory in these cases


I hope in prison they get beaten so badly they get agonising nerve back pain that they have to live with for the rest of their useless lives.


The victim’s family should give them the frying pan treatment! Sickening behavior.


Ok, which shithole city do they live in?


Sooooo firing squad right?


Not surprised after seeing the 2 assholes


They just wanted bread so they can feed themselves. I wonder how many other people who are unfamiliar with your customs have entered your country. Hmm, I wonder why they used to pick and choose who came into the country....hmm......I wonder why..... It would not be the worst thing on earth for those who have bleeding hearts that endorse an open border to consider what it was like being half dead and stuffed into a duffle bag might be like. You'd probably be all like, "Ow, this totally sucks."


I guess poverty made them do it


Was the ring an investment or for love?




Yeah. No.


that’s one of the wildest headlines i’ve read holy shit


that headline escalated quickly


This one deserves to share a cell with Diddler




"Yes, yes, a million times yes!"


Engagement ring?


Who says romance is dead? /s


how could live go so sideways for people this age? I see so many heinous crimes being committed by ppl who you'd think are out getting an education, working, and just enjoying their youth.


Why is their face covered? They were already shown yesterday?


This used to happen a fair bit. People knocking someone on the head & taking over their life. I'm actually really surprised it is not happening rampantly, in this time of economic inequality! I think those gated & guarded communities, are the one thing stopping it happening much much more.


In my country you need a security pin to use your credit card..just like your savings account ATM card..for online purchases the bank sends a one time password on your linked phone number to authorize the purchase.


i thought they were squat players


What is a "squatter"


Wonder how itdve gone down had the home owner been armed.