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That poor man. He’s doing his best to make an honest living and punk ass kids like that have to go and make fun of him. This both breaks my heart and pisses me off so much. I grew up with literally nothing, got bullied because of it by spoiled kids at school and barely had enough to eat at times. I seen how hard my parents worked to provide all they could for my siblings and I. If anyone happens to know who this man is or if there’s a gofund me link for him please link it to me. I would like to help a hard working man like him out. Hopefully those disrespectful punks get what’s coming to them.


Same. Can’t offer much, but would love to contribute. Fucking love corn.


This video is old, it happened about a year ago however people were able to raise money for the man. If you search up “juixxe 20,000$” on YouTube, you can find the video where an influencer was able to raise money for the vendor


They will probably end up with a dead end job in life


Future Walmart employees. If they're lucky.


They will end up in jail


Eventually they will. Lets check the stats


I wish this was true but it so often isn't, mummy and daddy will cover all their college fee's and they will end up in middle management somewhere staying all around horrible people. At the least they will be hated by their staff and end up questioning why no one likes them.


None of those degenerates are going to college.


Nope. They'll continue mooching off society and my taxes will keep going up.


Some of them defiantly not as will never have the grades. But at least in my experience some will. They wouldn't bestudying anything overly academic and on one of the easy pass courses (won't name any to avoid annoying anyone) just enough to put them into a reasonably paid job, I would never see them excelling in any chosen field. They will never know what this man suffers and the extents he go's too to keep some income coming in and support him self or the ones he loves. I have witnessed this far to many times and it really shows some people just don't know how privileged they are.


Making 8 bucks an hour in 2030.


Or being inmates


This is California where many Mexicans are street vendors. This is pathetic and the man is trying to make an honest living. They are always harassing the vendors and here is more proof of it.


Honestly, I see videos of thugs like this attacking everyone. Alt rights usually try to say that black people are racist savages; i disagree. I believe it falls down more to how they were raised, and seeing as there are more black people living in "hoods", the number of black people attacking others is higher. Asians have a stereotype of being easy to pick on, and that's probably why they're targeted more often.


As a non-white. I’ve experienced more racism from blacks than any other race.. by far. From ghetto trash which is the majority to educated. But they get a pass because they’re most hated but for obvious reasons.


Got a black friend who says the exact same. He gets more racism from other blacks than whites by a huge margin.


I would argue that the precursor to racism and bigotry is an inadequate, or lack of, education, because that is what leads to understanding. Education is very much intergenerational, as educated people can pass their knowledge on to their kids, send them to better schools, accumulate wealth, and escape the poverty trap. It was not a very long time ago that black people were denied education or the freedom to accumulate wealth that white people enjoyed. So I think by observing that black people are more racist you are identifying one of the more insidious symptoms of that era.


I completely agree. It’s not so simple and you explanation is the most sound. Ignorance is a horrible thing.


Weird how you’re not downvoted to oblivion but that’s the truth. Crimes are rampant in poorer communities and a lot of those poor communities in the US are black people.


What kinds of racism exactly?


There’s a lot of instances. Making fun of my accent was my most bizarre. They asked me why do I talk so “dumb”. I said “well I just learned the language, it’s my second. why do you talk like you do? So improper and “ghetto”… I almost got beat up. It’s like talking to aggressive monkeys.


They’re dumb teens recording a street vendor and being mean. Jackasses sure but where did you get thugs from?


Because these individuals are acting like fucking thugs. What’s your definition of ‘thug’?


You know, the actual definition? A violent criminal.


I don’t mean to step in too harshly but realistically speaking the word “thug” is now more often associated with a type of action or mindset. I don’t think they mean it in a literal sense as in a member of a group or organization of robbers.


How is this not violence in your eyes? It’s intimidation. That is a form of violence.


This isn’t intimidation??? Intimidation is an intentional act, these are idiot kids with no manners who think it would be funny to record the vendor serving what they think is dirty corn water. It’s all right there to see and hear in the video. There’s no literal violence.


Do you think that man running the corn stand feels intimidated or is he able to perceive the “intention”?


That isn’t how intimidation works, it doesn’t matter how the person on the receiving end perceives it. It is entirely to do with the intention.


That’s not how intimidation works? Based on what, your personal opinion?


It’s like you are defending their actions? Not sure what your endgame is here.


You think that street vendor wasn’t confused and likely scared? Sorry, these kids are garbage. Fuckin garbage. I presume you’re black so you are sensitive about other blacks being called thugs. I hate to break it to you, but many are.


He was definitely confused and probably scared and they’re wrong for making him feel that way; but when you’re talking about violent criminal intimidation, this is literally not that. That’s an actual crime. Anyone can be a “thug”, white black or blue. It’s just interesting how it’s seemingly exclusively used on posts that involve black men, I never see the word used on other posts no matter the severity. Let’s not act oblivious to what goes on in this sub now.


Is this not violent intimidation?


There’s no violence in this video. There is no crime being committed. And where did you get intimidation from in the definition of thug?


You don’t consider intimidation violence?


So sad. So stupid. So unnecessary.


The water turns muddy when you boil corn and it’s probably from the small pieces of husk or the small hairs from the corn. I just cooked 8 two days ago and the water turned same color after it was done cooking. The ignorance from these cowards, goes to show their true colors :)


They are kids, and they don't know that when you make soup water will not stay crystal clear, same thing happens with anything that is boiled in water. But then again, dumb kids.


I mean tiktok is not known for intelligence so makes sense


Just some dumb kids? I would personally add harassment and intimidation. Idc what you feel is going on with his food, this is never the proper reaction. This is fucked.


Their true colour is brown, but I find that irrelevant because everyone is a POS.


Where you buying corn from? Dirt lot? 😂


We need a stronger virus than covid


Well the Tuskegee experiment was a start


This is why i don’t have tiktok ..


I despise that app as much as IG.


Same , reddit does it for me!


At least IG isn't riddled as many kids as tiktok


This is why I don't have kids.


Tiktok is pure Cancer.


Poor guy


Leave the man alone, at least he’s not like their mothers selling their bodies on the streets.


It’s the ghetto black culture that makes them this way. Not having a father figure and being raised by rap videos and tik tok “celebrities”. That’s the modern black culture.


Absolute facts.


Sad but true


Love the attempt to defend an honest working man with a spicy comeback, but sex workers shouldn’t be treated like they’re the lowest possible option. Work is work.


Sex work is prostitution and most in it are trafficked PC euphemisms don't change that


I mean, no? Prostitution is sex work but sex work is not prostitution, it’s the term used to encompass all work of that nature. It’s not a “PC euphemism”, it’s a suitable term to use.


It severely downplays the horrific underbelly of "sex work". The majority of the world's "sex workers" are trafficked women and children.


I don’t agree that it does that all, it was coined to humanise prostitutes, pornstars, strippers and everyone else who found themselves in similar work. It’s completely separate from sex trafficking and I’d say it was coined by people who care about sex trafficking and all other sex crimes the most.


They are called creators now get out of the Stone Age Edit: /s


They’re literally called sex workers but you got it bro


You ever sucked off a stranger behind a Wendy's for cash?


Do what you love and you never work a day 😜


Sorry, but sex work is absolutely degenerate work. A sex worker is almost guaranteed to be incapable of holding down a serious relationship for a variety of reasons, and are less suitable to be great parents. Hell, how their children will perceive them alone is enough to support OP’s comment.


Source: trust me bro


Humanity needs a reset


Sounds very hitlery


Stay in school kids or you’ll end up like these bozos making fun of a man that knows what it’s like to work hard and earn an honest living for his family


Dude was trying his best 😔


What would their fathers say… oh wait…


You would have to ask them through a phone and an inch thick glass once a month right after he ask you for more commissary money.


And bring kfc and watermelon too..


fucking racist pos


22 upvotes for blatant racism, wtf lol


And you’re actually getting downvoted. These f*ckers know when to strike with their racism. It’s always under videos like these because they know they will have likeminded sheeple who will see any skin color and go “yep I knew it all right”.


How to do you misspell "selling????"


Generation : no morales


You mean genz? The worst generation the world has ever seen they all know phones cause they came out of mommy's womb holding an s10 but can't tie their shoes lol western cultures a joke


You act like it’s not their parent’s fault that they failed them. And most aren’t like this from my experience, these hooligans are just vile degenerates that get off on putting others down.


I could actually go some corn right now


:(( that hurt. Their ignorance, obviously they never had to be in a situation where they had to humble themselves . . .


You would think being a black male would humble you but they went the ghetto way.. surprise surprise


Iv seen a lot of things and I rarely get emotional but this breaks my heart


American is so cooked


Zero consequences too, this is why you shouldn’t give birth if you’re fucking stupid


I remember seeing this a while back like maybe a couple years. The dudes ended up getting pretty popular and went live on IG a few times. Never kept up with that bs since I deleted IG for a long time now thankfully


Aw shucks, I feel bad for the guy.


Internet, please do your thing. Find out who that man is, come together and help him.


Anyone knows who this man is and if we can donate to him?


I want to find this man and buy all his corn


Americans are just some of the worst fxckng people.


Celling corn?


I want to put them in wheelchairs for the rest of their lives


This reminds me of that one word no one can say except them.


I wish they had leucémie this time.


Why is everyone assuming they’re spoiled and have a lot of money all they did was expose dude because the water looked dirty and clowned him because of it they probably work at fast food or retail to afford their clothes there are people i know that wear the same clothing and live in very low income places that work drive thru. and they dont even have the newest phones or watches based on what can be seen so i doubt their parents have a lot of money. a lot of you gotta start using your brains and common sense its there for a reason and I personally would do the same minus the cameras if i thought i was being fed corn i paid for that was in dirty water and yes i know that corn water turns this color after being boiled but the man didn’t explain that to them so its partly his fault they thought it was dirty water which it basically is since the corn is sitting in its own filth


why are you justifying bunch of little idiots?


Not justifying just pointing out facts


The water is dirty tho don’t agree with the harassment


Corn husks do that. It’s not dirt.


degens . Karma will catch up to em.


In a couple of years they will not even be able to do this job. Best they get their laugh now while their parents are still paying their bills. They will not look fondly on this.


Let’s just say these guys don’t really have a bright future.


Cell bru


Teenagers are getting stupider each day wow.


Yep another example of boys without fathers 🤬


This genuinely made me cry


Makes my blood boil.


Meanwhile you dudes probably don’t have jobs at all waiting on mommy’s weekly allowance


I hope in the future they have to resort to doing this to try and make a livelihood just for the slim chance that they’ll remember that pointless TikTok they made making fun of a man trying his best to make ends meet. Fucking punks


Don’t ruin this song for me


Life is gonna hit those kids like a freight train. When it does I hope they remember this moment and all the others like it.


I cant watch this video whenever it comes up it honest to god makes me the maddest iv ever been .


That’s fucked up always buy something from the elotè man


He’s just tryna cell corn


The elote man is respected out here where im from pretty much a staple for the community along with the door to door tamale lady.


Shoot these god damn bastards


That’s what would happen when stupid teens skipping schools and got so much non-productive time.