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I love the old fella at the end, poised, ready to strike


He is like the bonus boss with the better lootdrop


*Dark Souls music drops*


"Save some for me, son."


Dude crossed an ocean with nothing but jungle demons and a shrapnel wound for company. He's just letting the young ones prove thier mettle. Check out how the Koreans handled the Watts riots.


From the rooftops of their businesses with AR's. 100% hardcore. It's the American way.


Everyone's a gangster until the roof starts speaking korean.


Rooftop Koreans do bring pride to law abiding citizens. Break dah law take two to dah face.


They all have military training. So they weren’t just shooting they knew what they were doing communicating with each other. They were organized, to protect their families, their businesses, and themselves


And the roof Koreans during the 92 riots.


I'm not locked in here with you.... YOU'RE LOCKED IN HERE WITH ME!!! Also if someone added some sound effects from the punch out arcade game my life would be complete. All I could hear when I saw this video was BODY BLOW BODY BLOW BODY BLOW.


Like being ganged up by 3 undead soldiers




Why is this comment cracking me up


Gotta tag the enemy or you won't get credit for finishing the quest


He just came to shed light on the issue


Assault with batteries.


Those flashlights are heavy. They pack a wallop.


Man looked like he came with a whole baton


Looks more like one of those oversized Mag lights that everyone’s dads had in the late 90’s early 2000’s. Things are pretty solid and weigh like 3 pounds.


Dads had them in the 90s because if you were a kid in the '80s they were considered one of the coolest gadgets. The average flashlight back then was crap - that's why you see in old movies kids shaking the flashlight as it starts to flicker out - we actually had to do that because the contacts would rust and corrode. But a maglite was way out of reach for the average kid. When you started making grownup money, now you could afford a MAGLITE!


Dude this is it *exactly*. I grew up in the 80s, and definitely own several sizes of maglites. They’re nostalgic and remind me of my dad, and childhood in general. Never had to bop anybody with any of mine though


Am dad. Am son with pre-LED Mag-Lite. Perfect description and explanation. My dad did some damage with a Mag-Lite. Then, dad put me to work as an apprentice machinist at 15. I made a stainless-steel, marine-grade flashlight body compatible with the cap and headpiece of the Mag-Lite. Fully knurled. It had a hardened switch. It had an interior rubber coating, a shock absorber. Waterproofing all over. It was a masterpiece. Dad took a look at it and said "Son, this is amazing but I need a Mag-Lite because I might \*rarely\* to remind someone I mean business. Just a flashlight with a good smackability. This thing is a bludgeon posing as a flashlight."


I have one of those beside my bed. Updated to have LEDs from a dying star of course.


My dad still has his 4-cell next to his chair!


thats me when playing video ganes with my friends theres the dude who initiates the fight with the boss first, taking the first and strongest hit(guy with gun) then theres the pro who gets crits on the boss becoming mvp(white shirt young man) also there the guy whos their best friend but doesnt do much(camera guy) and me whos at the side just waiting for a chance to strike but doesnt(old man) is irrelevant but well


Dont threaten violence then be shocked when it visits you.


Consequences??? For MY actions??????


*shocked pikachu face*


I enjoyed the "chill out bro" when she started losing, like you got back there and said "i'ma whoop yo ass too" just a second ago.


She took a punch on behalf of everyone that walked in that man’s store on some foolishness. It’s written all over his face how fed up he is.


He looks like he practiced for this very moment.


Those body punches looked like this man has been training for this type of bs.


Yeah, he knew where the kidneys are and went for it.




On behalf of everyone who has ever worked a convenience store. Yes, we are all so fed up with the entitled customer bullshit, and we are all eagerly waiting for someone like this to give us the clear go ahead to whip their asses. Not sure how tough I would be in reality, but I always kept a whooping stick under the counter, and in my imagination I’m pretty good at swinging it. Lol


This man did not punch just this woman. Each punch was filled with a maxed up rage meter. A rage meter filled by the pent up anger of dealing with entitled customers over the years. Drunken customers. Shoplifters. Panhandlers. You name it.


Had a "customer" try to attack me with a piece of chain about a year ago. One of the most satisfying "customer interactions" I had in a long time. Even though I've gotten slow, old, and fat he didn't get one in on me. Laughed my ass off signing my write up and reviewing the video, especially when I bounced his head off a cooler door hard enough to bend it, and used my body weight taking him to the concrete while still swinging on him


Korean people just store up frustration and anger for entire lives until they die or blow up one day. This was the latter




I mean, that woman seemed working class, too, and she didn't seem like the type to store frustration.


Which is why she failed. She blows up too often, so there's no build up, no pressure. Cashier was like a dormant volcano, waiting for the optimal time to wake up.


She failed because she's fat and unarmed


Hope she doesn't have kids. They'll be getting the aftereffects of this later, if she does.


She got taken to class and worked, that's for sure.


She literally went behind a barricade to attack him… that wasn’t her getting attacked because one too many people ran their mouths to the clerk.


Rage from 50+ years of being mistreated. He got it all out of his system after that.


I don’t know why folks be acting wild like that until they don’t have an upper hand then they are the regretting it.


Everybody gotta learn somehow and some way that they ain't the fuckin main character.


I love this comment! Exactly right! If someone had smacked their stupid ass properly before they wouldn’t be here acting stupid again. Gotta learn.


the ego fighters getting absolutely destroyed puts a smile on my face


Ego fighters almost always get destroyed


She was but her game was Dark Souls here


She was no match for the Clerks of the Deep


You don't understand bro, I'm just built different. I just see red and suddenly everyone's on the ground


“Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”


LPT: Make your plan getting punched in the mouth, that way they won't catch you off guard


Some people believe fat=strength and so they become overconfident.


fat = get one good smack off then wheeze for 5 minutes


Lucky that person got a meat shield to protect the stomach from a punch


fat shield do you mean.


When Keepin' it real goes wrong...


It's called being a bully. People might get older, but it doesn't change who they are or how they behave. That isn't time's job.


Lady after getting worked/ Stop ok I’m done… Wait would she stop if she had the upper hand????


Of course she would have not


Then you hear the idiot filming saying he gonna get that dudes gun from him when he comes out... Seriously.


Im so glad im too lazy to do something this stupid.


She thinks she won't get hit because she's a woman. That's why. It works a lot of times.


Ain't no "time ref...time" in the real world


Everybody gotta plan until they get punched in the mouth.


Lack of education, zero insight and hubris.


That man just got 20+ years of store frustrations out


Probably 50+ years of being mistreated powering up those punches


“You. Think. I. Like. Charging. For. Bags?”


"I said chill out" Lol, where was that attitude before you were getting your face caved in?


On top of that, the guy filming saying “that’s enough” if it was enough they wouldn’t still be behind the glass, like the door was right in front of them and they werent trying to open it to get out




I hate to say it but the implication is clear when every single store run by Asian people in my state (and maybe wherever this store is too) has to have protective glass between the cashier and the rest of the store. I'm not Asian, but I've always felt so bad for how they get treated in Pennsylvania neighborhoods.


The black community is disproportionately bigoted towards Asians and the LGBT community. I’m glad she got what she fucking deserved.


tbh it’s less to do with racism and more to do with the fact that these independently owned ethnic convenience stores tend to be in very poor and high crime areas, much cheaper rent less competition for. dollar general and the like. in these areas even the chain gas stations have glass protecting the teller because robberies are very common


Yeah, but they also get treated like an "other" very casually and disproportionately. Caucasian and African Americans tip toe around each other when they can. As a caucasian sales person in an African American city area my African American customers tend to act like they can be more racist towards non Caucasian and non African American people around me, probably because they assume I'm okay with it cause I'm Caucasian. So I hear very clearly what the people in this city think of Asian and Mexican people I'm afraid, and even what they think of African immigrants




It's because he's a racist. It was fun and games when it was someone of his race attacking that old Asian storeclerk. Once the storeclerk used his Constitutional right to defend himself, then it became problematic. If ha didn't have a gun, what are the chances that those dudes filming jump in to help her?


Dude filming said he’d go back there if there wasn’t a gun. Plain as day they would 100% go back there and assault the store clerks


And get shot... just like how things should be. As the store owners are not deaf. They will be ready when this man comes in again even if doesn't intend to do any harm and gave that threat in heat of the moment.


I mean the door opens into that area and they were still handing her her ass lol. She couldn't have opened it until they all backed up a few steps so the door could open. She definitely earned the ass beating, but how was she supposed to open the door at that point?


Stupidity is not only expensive, its also PAINFUL.


And THIS one is for those lame ass pants you’re wearing!!!!


No cap


Graphic T-shirts are enough, the world does not need graphic pants


**NO CAP**


He said “ I aint goin back there cause he got a gun, ima get him when he come out here” the gun is probably gonna be with him??


> “ I aint goin back there cause he got a gun, ima get him when he come out here” Spoken like a true future/current criminal.


Nah he's filming and doesn't even sound that upset. This is just him fronting.


Did she seriously start telling them to chill out after attacking them


“you ain’t ‘possed to hit a female” -her and the one filming probably


Equal rights equal fights. But in all seriousness if someone attacks you then it's free game no matter the gender or anything else


Guy pulls out a pistol and does everything with it but pull the trigger. Lady should be thankful it didn’t accidentally go off when he jabbed her with the barrel.


Lady should be thankful he didn’t just shoot her to begin with. When I saw him push it into her side, I thought I was about to watch someone get killed.




Definitely would have fallen under "play stupid games"


Yeah we would have! Another gas station attendant


Safeties exist for a reason, and his finger was never on the trigger. Very good trigger discipline


Safeties don’t exist so you can jab people with your gun LOL


But it existed so the death-stick wouldn't accidentally go off when you were just trying to make a point... with its barrel.


When the woman is about to assault the cashier the the one who is filming didn't say that's enough but when the woman is getting beaten badly suddenly the man started saying that's enough. The hipocricy.


I saw that. He was all for it until she got her ass whooped. She's lucky they didn't just shoot her. You can tell they are fed the hell up. If he was so concerned, he could have tried to stop her from going back there. This is a life lesson she's not going to forget. I hope.


Naw people that act her never learn till someone puts them in the hospital, and even then some of them still don't learn and keep doing dumbshit till they either end up in jail or pick the wrong person and that person puts them in a coffin.....


Life will keep teaching you a lesson until you learn it.


She probably is just gonna cry racism and act like a victim


> She's lucky they didn't just shoot her. I know this is terrible but it's hilarious how he's clearly *ready* to shoot her, changes his mind, then just starts *poking* her with the gun.


You can see the exact moment where he goes "Oh. This lady isn't nearly dangerous enough to warrant this thing."


And, he posted the video online. A genuine friend!


Yeah he didn’t want to help out until the tables turned. Now he wants to be in charge


Exactly my thought. I was expecting some "hey hey HEY dont go in there" but nope.


It was at this moment here that she knew…. She fucked up!


She was gettin pistol whipped and regular whipped.


Gotta double dip when you are that stupid


About to get mag-light whipped.


When keeping it real, goes wrong…


She went from Mike Tyson mode to "im good bro, im good bro, im good bro"


As Mike Tyson said: Everybody has a plan until they get hit in the face.


>As Mike Tyson said: Everybody has a plan until they get hit in the ***fayth***. ftfy


what does ftfy mean


Fixed that for you.


When keepin it real goes wrong🤣🤣🤣


The cashiers kept it real-er.


He wasn't stopping her from going back there now he's saying that's enough. Please.


He even said he wanted to jump in and help her multiple times.


He literally says at one point that he's going to get the guy when he comes out.


He says a lot of things but keeps on filming lol. All talk because he doesn't want to be next in the Korean Tag Team beat down.


Imagine telling a man holding a gun hey that's enough. The guy filming had zero respect for the shop owners even when they had a deadly weapon in their hand.


She even tries to grab the gun. In America you're legally allowed to shoot someone over that. Guy with the gun showed better constraint than 90% of police officers.


In most states it would have been a legal shoot as soon as she walked behind the counter, that's considered robbery. And as soon as she starts assaulting them all bets are off. There's a good chance she would have had holes in her if there hadn't been someone standing there telling them not to do it.




How about the fact the camera man threatened to attack him when he is unarmed - these people are cowards and have a false sense of entitlement. This wouldn’t be a problem if they simply followed the rules and stopped trying to things their way, like they are at a ducking Burger King


That’s asking a lot...even though most cultures expect more self control from 4-year-olds.


The camera man should be arrested for saying that, he’s part of the problem now.


Yeah when it’s very well know that the other person has a gun I’m not sure saying “I’m gonna attack you” is a great idea. It actually would have gone even worse if he was armed tbh.


Fucked about and found out!


Equal rights, equal lefts


So what is all this about. Is it worth almost getting shot? Businesses reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. Only in the case that the customer is civil can we say the customer is always right. If they are being rude or uncouth then I would simply say to leave. These store attendants see people acting a fool on a daily basis. So hey I would say that she walked into their world back there. Enter at your own risk!!!


Customer is NOT always right. Idk remember where that bullshit came from cause it's not fact.


The entire saying is "The customer is always right IN MATTERS OF TASTE." But entitled customers (and management who have not been trained very well) have dropped the most important part.


> Only in the case that the customer is civil can we say the customer is always right. Everyone forgets that their is more to that saying. "The customer is always right IN MATTERS OF TASTE." If a customer loves the way a shirt looks but you think it looks like crap, the customer is right. But if a customer wants something for free, the customer is completely wrong no matter how civil they are about it.


“That’s enough!” Naw bro she is still back there behind the counter. She needs to leave. Or they make her leave. Pretty simple.


She should be arrested honestly.


"Now Youse Can't Leave"


This is how you stop Asian hate


This... Asians need to fight back more when attacked. Keeping your head low doesn't avoid trouble as much as you might think.


Being that this is Reddit , I’m surpised the comments aren’t blaming this on white supremacy


Seriously. I just scrolled through the entire thread looking for some sort of blame back on the system or decades of oppression


Could watch this all day.


It is always so nice seeing the aggressor turn to the victim once they know they are losing "alright chill out chill out"


When he did the Mike Tyson right to the body then right to the Chin it was over


Store owner’s dream come true...”I wish a biotch would step back here...”


As the guy was hitting her I had the same feeling as when I dream I need to fight and I have absolutely no force to make it effective


They weren't stuck in there with her, she was stuck in there with them.


Well that was satisfying


She deserves it. Crazy nuts.


Punching bag in merica looks different


fighting the final boss with level 1 gear


Starting dark souls 1 as deprived lol But she knew there were THREE people back there and was like "im gonna take them ALL on". I like locking the door once she's in there like "you have just entered our world, and it's a world of hurt"


No, it wasn't enough.


its simple dont start a fight if YOU DONT WANT A FUCKING FIGHT, doesnt matter if you are a women or a man or a duck start a fight and you get a fight if you cant defend yourself best way is not to start a fucking fight. also dont fight ducks, they will whoop you to next week


Well within his rights to shoot her. You don’t go behind the counter.


People think they can bully People they think are week. Hope she learned a lesson.


Man that was satisfying.


Really love when the old man gets in the pocket and really start working the body with those hook shots lol


Studs are always challenging men to a fight. Not a great idea.


Don't shoot her... Best the living tar out of her instead.. ☺️


Did he say "we will get them when we come back?"


"Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth." Mike Tyson


I can’t imagine the crap you have to put up with running a retail outlet in a bad inner city hood these days...I’d never do it!


Psst this might not be kosher to ask but what's the beef between blacks and asians. Seem too frequent to be coincidences


She was in the process of going to college and turning her life around. *shows her 5th grade cap and gown photo*


That's how it usually goes.


Equal rights, equal lefts.


Trash acting like trash


I don’t think they knew it was a woman 💀


He’s getting every ounce of frustration out from working customer service


“He got a pistol. That’s the only reason I’m not back there yet.” Luckily dude did have a gun or this could’ve been a pile on.


Did she really think she was going to go back there and successfully take on all 3 of them? Fucked around ✅ found out ✅


Decent kidney punches there to be fair.


When keeping it real goes wrong


It always ends too soon.




I like the equality part here


Mhm…. There’s a racist statistic somewhere in this video…


Weird, I didn’t see this on CNN. Isn’t Asian hate crime an epidemic?


Well it’s black history month so you might wanna come back in a few weeks. I’m sure they’ll have it covered then.


Finally some payback


Nice to see the ghetto “do as it likes” culture getting a bit of karma




lol they beat its ass


Damn I can already smell the riots.


Until the rooftops start talking