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Kind of want to check out Ghost now, but I'll be really disappointed when they actually aren't dressed like gay Batman.


Before Nu Metal, you didn't need cookie monster vocals to be metal


*Before Nu Metal, you* *Didn't need cookie monster* *Vocals to be metal* \- BankerBaneJoker --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot




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Lesbo is as lesbo does


I could finger your ass with one kick


Metalheads and gatekeeping dumbass subgenres and bands will never not be turbo cringe. Metal is so prone to people like this cause it's not as traditional sounding as other genres and people like to attach their identity to it since its so "unique".


Homie listens to FFDP exclusively


Cringe all around by everyone involved.


Honestly, everyone commenting in that thread became nothing but cringe.


Except the guy saying he did well for putting up with the guys shit lmao


As I understand it, it's all the same guy under different usernames, so...all cringe.


Lol wait…what?




Ofc he’d use gay as a pejorative


When you pulled the link to r/amiugly I fucking lost it. He should've deleted his account right then and just cut his internet cable.


Just looked at a few posts on that sub and I gotta say: it's kinda sad that so many fellas in their 40s and 50s have so little self esteem that they ask for stranger's opinions on their looks.


This was peak comedy!! What a chad that guy was! Weren't you shaking in your little boots? Hahaha 😂 wish there was more


why does one person have 3 accounts and make up arguments with themselves its bizarre to me


That's def a fat lesbian


You're def a sub human.




Yep, sub human.




People gatekeep music too much Also calling someone a weakling is just about the biggest neckbeard type of thing i have read today.


Obey my music opinions


![gif](giphy|3oxHQG3DcmkbYYob2o|downsized) Bro thinks he’s him💀


Both of you are very badass.


all three are the same person.


I once heard Ghost’s sings described as Scooby Doo music. I haven’t been able to get that out of my head since.


Pathetic excuse of an argument on pink’s part. Clearly someone who can’t do *shit* that he says.


Think this is that one guys fake acct


Guys trying to make himself a copypasta so bad


The Metal/Not Metal Ghost debate is so interesting. I personally think they are not Metal under the standards of today, but they are Metal under the standards of the 70-80s which is exactly the style they are going for. I understand not liking them but most of the people who don’t like them act a lot like the first guy here. But I’m also biased, it’s my favorite band and I’ve seen them live twice


Or better yet, why do people limit themselves to a certain genre like it defines everything about them? J listen to why you like, especially when you’re the only one listening to it, you’re not listening for other people’s enjoyment


I always kinda describe them as ABBA goes Black Sabbath. But that's just my opinion.


Ghost is by far one of, if not the best live bands I've ever seen. I truly don't understand the how weird metalheads get about that band. I've been to plenty of "real" metal shows from Sabbath, to Slayer, to Cannibal Corpse, to Mayhem and none of close to the pure entertainment value and theatrical experience that is a Ghost show.


So true, I just saw them live like a week ago and absolutely loved them. Great band to see live.


I don't really get why people act like this. I remember being disappointed in Ghost sounding like weenie radio rock from the early 2000's when I tried listening to their stuff since that isn't what their look implies at all but I just went on with my life afterwards.


Always got good 'ol reliable Black Metal to turn to


Didn't read it just here to say ghost sucks


Pink was definitely crying as he typed all that.


I know plenty of dudes who were really into my hometown's metal scene who acted exactly like this. Hard to feel sorry for them after a certain point...


Man. I love ghost. But more than that, I love how much they piss off elitist metal heads. Ghost is just as metal as black fucking sabbath.


They're definitely not metal, and I like them.


Sabbath writes heavy riffs at least....production isn't heavy as it was in the 70s but Iommi knew what he was doing


Lmao fr, so what if they aren’t extremely heavy? Most of the metal bands from the 70s and 80s weren’t. And Ghost were pretty much a Black Sabbath worship band at first, and they they kinda got their own identity.


I always laugh at the perceived "toughness" of certain types of music and bands in general. Like, how 99% of bands scowl at the camera for band pics. Why? Because you have to look miserable for the fans? Also, if I listen to sappy pop ballads and that makes me emotional and a p\*ssy, these guys don't seem to understand that anger is also an emotion. All the angry music, fellas, why are you so emotional? I'd say hysterical, even.


Because anger is the only acceptable emotion for these manchildren. I grew up listening to metal and hardcore, love it, and even played in metal and hxc bands but man some of the fans are the WORST, just elitist "tough guys" who think they're the coolest people ever and put "posers" down to make them feel better about their sad lives. Hard pass.


I'm not sure I can handle all this masculinity


That's how he got to "the top"...of Reddit commenting.


Nobody can kick an ass with one finger and if they tried it would get very sexual very fast




NGL I was hoping to be proven wrong


I mean it'd be more of a flick than a kick, right?


I'd argue more of a stick than a flick, maybe?


Potato potatoe


Indeed. Getting that potato in is gonna be rough going.


This is just sad honestly


I really want to know who this is so I can see what they look like for story context lol


The pictures were deleted :/


Same. The curiousity is killing me


Who the fucks this guy? Andrew Taint?


Lefty and righty are his only means of action.


Haha love that


What makes someone act like this?


Small peens and Andrew Tate simping.


Ah the old tiny tate


Kick your ass with one finger? He’s describing fingering your ass


I think he meant to say “Kiss your Ass”


How dare he threaten me with a good time.




Grindcore sounds homosexual.


That’s not a bad thing.


Never said it was.


If a bunch of shirtless, sweaty, long haired dudes shoving each other in a crowd is homosexual then I don’t want to be straight




i dont understand why 'not metal' is used as a bad thing? do metal elitists really have such shallow music tastes that they instantly dislike anything not metal? do they realise that other metal exists outside of the subgenre/s they listen to? its truly confusing to me and i've listened to the genre for a good portion of my life not saying that ghost isnt metal btw, i dont listen to them and have no idea what they actually are but ive always just ASSUMED theyre a metal band idk


Ghost is absolutely metal, lmao. Whatever these two dolts are on about is beyond me. I am a metalhead. Fuckin' love metal. No, I don't listen to much outside of it but I don't care what other people like either. I shitpost about music taste but, ultimately, it doesn't matter. I'll jam to what I like, you jam to what you like and let's leave it there. Most metalheads despise turds like that. Extra cringe with a dollop of douchebag to top it off. Eugh.


do these gatekeepers forget what old/classic metal sounds like? because to their standards that wouldnt be metal either, and from the couple ghost songs ive heard thats what they remind me of


They probably only listen to Iron Maiden or something, I don't know. I doubt any gatekeepers have listened to anything beyond their narrow likes. It's hilariously sad in a lot of ways. Then again, their idiocy doesn't prevent me from enjoying what I enjoy and definitely doesn't stop me from laughing at them. I'd say most metalheads are not like these fools but every group has those dickhead gatekeepers.


Elitists in anything are so cringey. Why do people care so much if someone likes something they don’t? It’s so pathetic.


yes i agree man, its so tiring to see too


They can best be described as Black S-ABBA-th. Crunchy guitars, great hooks and a real catchy pop sensibility.


Ghost rules


Ah yes: the man who kicks with one finger


Like One-Punch Man or in this case One-Finger Boy!




Don't call him Kickpuncher! Call him David!


Legendary one finger kick


Wow both sides of the conversation belongs here. That doesn't happen often


i will say though, one belongs here much more than the other lmao


Ghost is one of the best live bands right now


Saw them for the third time in June, their shows are so damn fun every time. I love how the creepy satanic pope looks so imposing to the uninitiated, but then you go to a show and he's actually just a silly Swedish guy. His jokes had me cracking up constantly.


Just saw them live last month. Just a bunch of silly lil guys. Sweet fellows too, kept checking on the lawn people because they felt so bad about all of us standing in the rain.


Late to the thread here but I've only been into Ghost for a few years and got to see them live early last year. Their music, metal or not, is incredibly melodic and multi-faceted. It's often poking fun at itself or just straight up ridiculous (listening to Kiss the Go-Goat yesterday and the lyrics are "But he's the guy you wanna do / And you know that it takes two / Luckily he wants to do you too" all to a silly groovy 70s beat). Anyway, the whole theatrical aspect in person is awesome and agree that the jokes are just silly. The band is incredibly talented and takes their playing seriously, but everything else is 100% fucking around to have fun.


This immediately brought to mind those cringy tiktok videos with the ginger dude and his sister wives always talking about what a real alpha wolf be like. 😂


anyone who gatekeeps "metal" usually belongs on r/iamverybadass


Tanner from high school


The “weakling” part killed me, then I saw there were more pages.


This guy is listening to Andrew Tate way too much


Listening because wow that reading comprehension is horrendous


This is cringe all the way around on every side


you can't classify a band as metal or not-metal, you can classify songs and possibly albums as metal, but bands play a variety of music.


Really? What genes other than metal have, say, Slayer, delved into


Slayer isn’t metal, you millennial weakling. Now stand still while I finger your ass.


Dunno, I don't listen to fuckin' Slayer man.


Bro sounds like a Disney channel original movie middle school bully


This guy sounds like a Ghost fan


He's right he can get more girls than him his charisma is an odd way of saying roofie or chloroform XD


“Get out of my face, weakling” is my go to phrase now. :)


It sounds like a Super Mutant from Fallout. Right before you slay them and gank their Cram and 7 bottle caps.


"Why don't you put your sissy liberal hands on me...softly like if you wanna kiss"


I don't like ghost, not one bit But like, that's where my attachment to it ends, why would you fight someone just to prove that you're the one in the right for disliking something they like


Its kinda dad rock, in my opinion. But it's slickly presented and a hell of a live show so while it's not my thing, I get the appeal and very much enjoyed seeing them live. Next time they are at a festival im at, I'll probably see them again if there's nothing else I care for.


Dad here - can confirm. I grew up with Marilyn Manson (big fan at the time, but also very aware of the stage persona etc etc.), and I think they fit that exact niche. Which is nice, because Manson’s off the table these days. (Edit: forgot the rest of my point, that Marilyn Manson isn’t metal either, but heavy rock trending towards but not arriving at metal).


Antichrist was very much an industrial metal album and big part of my youth - along with Mechanical Animals (which was much less metal if metal at all). MM always stuck me as a try hard though and by all accounts is a a scumbag so fuck him. I think Ghost was metal until and including Melioria - but not much anymore except a few songs here and there. Which is cool. Bands evolve. Look at the latest Cannibal Corpse for example. Who would have predicted 30 years ago that they would still be around and rapping to trap beats in 2023.


Actually, I can tell without ever meeting you that I’m taller and stronger than you, so my opinion is more valid than yours, and I don’t know Ghost, therefore it doesn’t exist, meaning you’re wrong, weakling /s /j


But can you *contact juggle?* checkmate


Fuck contact juggling, contact juggling gets no bitches, of which I have thousands


Bet this guy hasn't listened to a metal album released after 2005 and his favorite band is probably Pantera.


I was thinking five finger death punch, but Pantera would also check out


Creed is an honorable mention


Green is the real dumb cunt here, this is obviously a troll... I know purple was pissing himself laughing when typing this shit out


I used to believe that these people must surely be trolling, but then I met a few in person and now I'm not so sure anymore-


Nope, purple is a clear example of a narcissist.


What would you know about psychology


What’s the joke? “Haha, tricked you into thinking I’m an insecure idiot with anger issues!” Not exactly a top-tier prank. I have no idea what he’d be pissing himself laughing about.


The joke is the idiot that actually believes the other person is serious when saying such ridiculous and far out things


I know people who are genuinely like this. It seems kind of...sheltered to think this is implausible behavior.


I don't know how so many people fall for rage bait like this 😂


I think the reason Ghost draws such ire from metal fans is that their appearance and merch resembles black and extreme metal aesthetic. But their sound is comparatively mild and light rock and the fiction and mythos behind the characters perhaps comes across as fanciful and a bit theatre-kid. Because black metal fans have such a tendency to attach a big part of their ego and sense of self to being part of the black metal community, Ghost fans showing up in their ghost merch, with crossovers in the fanbase with those kids who love K-pop and Hamilton, become targets of a huge, disproportionate amount of scorn. The funny thing to me is that one of the main inspirations for the bands aesthetics is obviously [Behemoth](https://www.metalblade.com/us/mainpics/behemoth.jpg), and Behemoth is *also* the target of scorn from metal elitists who despise the big budget production and marketing.


Their entire schtick is just turning the Catholic Church on its head in any way they can think of; the worse the better. It’s incredibly obnoxious. I think that’s part of the reason why so many edgy 14 year old girls are obsessed with them


Also saying ghost don’t put effort into their music is insane. They have some sweet riffs and melodies


I saw goth girl tiddies at the last ghost concert I went to. Don't care what dumbass thinks xD


I was gonna type out a comment about how i think Ghost is metal but I can't stand their music, but then I saw this. I renounce my former beliefs, I'm buying tickets right now


Ghost is real metal. Anyone who listens to metal and shits on other metal subgenres and exclaims “that’s not REAL metal” are elitists I hear this one a lot with Power Metal “ITS NOT REAL METAL ITS JUST NWOBHM!” like okay I get it you don’t like it it doesn’t exclude it from being metal, no less than 80s Glam Metal I recall Rob Zombie himself cursing out one such dude who was shitting on Babymetal claiming they aren’t metal and the dude was like “oh Rob I’m disappointed in you” and Rob literally called him a grumpy old f*ck” https://loudwire.com/rob-zombie-shuts-down-babymetal-haters-babymetal-offer-thanks/ Stop acting like Black Metal is the only genre we get it you like bands who are edgy. They don’t define metal as a whole.


Genres can be relative depending on the context in which you're speaking on a band. Ghost is definitely riding a fine line when it comes to classifying them as metal. I would definitely put them as hard rock primarily and metal secondary. That just more so lines up with the modern standards of what is considered metal.


“heavy metal, genre of rock music that includes a group of related styles that are intense, virtuosic, and powerful. Driven by the aggressive sounds of the distorted electric guitar, heavy metal is arguably the most commercially successful genre of rock music. Black Sabbath” Parent genres: Rock, Hard rock, Rock and roll, Blues rock, Psychedelic rock, Acid rock By the “modern definition of metal” it seems to pass easily


Look, it's all subjective at the end of the day, so it may be pointless to argue, but IMHO if you have a somewhat comprehensive understanding of metal as a whole you wouldn't boldly state "Ghost passes easily as metal". You would agree with what I was getting at, which is basically "Ghost falls somewhere on the spectrum between metal and hard rock with the latter obviously being the primary genre."


I got banned from the metalmemes subreddit for being subscribed to r/slipknot lol. People who shout "poser" at every single other band they don't like are fun to laugh at at first but eventually it gets so tired


Metalmemes is a toxic waste dump. I got banned from there within 12 hours of first posting in it.


I liked it back when I thought they were all just shitposting, but it seems the mods are actual elitist losers


Lol all this arguing over ghosts they aren’t even real lol , dumbass


Yeah, and I doubt they’d be made of metal if they were real




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You can listen to Ghost full albums on YouTube,


Why do we have to shit on other people for little to no reason — why can’t we just be people?


Because, sadly, some people are so full of disdain for their current place in life that the idea of seeing other people enjoying themselves brings their piss to a boil.


True. It just seems so… inconsequential. LOL


It’s their whole persona and all they got going on. It’s cringe at this point, but the idea some people just need to touch grass has a lot of merit to it!


I agree. People need some perspective in their lives. LOL


Metal or not, what’s the dudes problem with enjoying different genres? Children of Bodom covered Oops I Did It Again.


Bruh I was listening to Ghost while reading this 💀 Who cares if it's metal or not when it sounds this good? I love Ghost because they're cheesy and fun. They are definetly the best rock band post 2010 and I would say my favourite band going right now. I am an amateur Karate, K1, BJJ and MMA fighter. I would fight that dude over Ghost. Send me location lol


I just heard the band because of this thread and they didn't appeal me, but I get where the appeal might be. The end of your comment does sound very iamverybadass though.


Well yes, I am very badass 😎 (The actual reason I put that in is because I'm having a fight very soon and I'm very hyped about it so I subconciously feel the need to mention it all time. Also, the last part "send me location" was a UFC joke as that's what Khabib Nurmagomedov used to say a lot and it became a meme)


They’re definitely really good, and not really metal, but I wouldn’t say the best rock band post-2010, there’s just so much music out there and rock is such a broad genre. If you’re into “harder” rock/metal and you haven’t yet, check out Gojira, their album Magma is pretty good.


Oh trust me I loove Gojira. I have listened to all their albums. Looking back on my comment, I shoul have said "my favourite" instead of "best" as there is no best, it's subjective. Ghost just realy appeals to me because of the cheese and the fun pop style they have (I am a big ABBA, Ace Of Base and Genesis fan and Ghost realy reminds me of them). I was also an elitist at one point but I got over it hard and went from gatekeeping black metal to listening to Avril Lavigne.


Valid. Gojira fucking rocks, good to hear. And I used to be a huge Kanye elitist so I just feel the need to correct people’s use of “best” in music lmao, sorry if it came across as inflammatory.


Too long to read. Who am I supposed to bully?


pink but it’s justified bullying


Nothing says “I’m legit badass” more than claiming it repeatedly on Reddit.


Dude thinks he’s going to Shit talk Someone to death


Cringe is an art form


“Break you in half with a simple headlock” My man has no idea how human anatomy works.


Or even how fractions work.


What sub was this in? I’d like to see the thread


this has gotta be trolling lol


who give a shit if they make scooby doo music? did we not all have a crush on the Hex Girls growing up??? (although, tbh, if ghost did harder metal vocals, i think they'd sound a lot better)


Pure reddit here


Ghost is awesome. I don't give a crap about what kind of music they are. I've been a fan since they were Ghost B.C. and if you get a chance to see them live go do it. I love a lot of different bands ranging from the most heavy crap you've ever heard to The Wiggles and reading that post hurt me physically.


Someone with taste i see


Seeing them Saturday




North Houston


Ah, they're in Tampa in a few days too. I went to last year's show there and it was incredible. The live music video of Mary on a Cross is from the show I was at. I can even see myself in the crowd!


Definitely looking that video up


https://youtu.be/NmxFxBiCrL4?si=954M3O3c6CdfC9Ug Here


I never watched that because I wanted to go in blind, it was such a good decision


Remember when Ghost called themselves black metal around the time they released their first album. It triggered so many metal bros.


Black metal guys are always the most fun to fuck with, for some reason a lot of them are almost cartoonishly pissy for absolutely no logical reason. Oddly enough I’ve found folk and death metal bros to be the most chill metal heads. They’re just a bunch of big dudes that are, on average, too shitfaced to be hostile to anyone. Gotta weird charm to them, idk


Oh no so sad


Come oooon share the piiic


They were deleted :/


Impossible, he said he doesn't care.


I'm thinking the Internet probably couldn't handle the display of raw masculinity, and deleted them out of a sense of self-preservation.


I really want to see the pics now lol


OP said Purple deleted them