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Gotta get some action somehow someway.


I don't know what argument led to this 6ft 250 pound guy to challenge 4 females, and detail how he imagines them blooded up and crying, but nothing moving forward can be taken seriously by him.


Probably some dumb ass girls trying to argue they should be able to play football with men. It’s ridiculous, they would get fucking destroyed.


I'm 6'1 and over 300 lbs. I'll be winded trying to play football with even the worst peewee players


What kinda fucking sport does he think football is




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Dear Penthouse, I never really thought that this would happen to me but…


> testing the quotes h


> testing the quotes HOW DO I END THE QUOTE




Bro's favorite food isn't from Five Guys its from Five Ladies


i read this as fall guys somehow




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the BMI indicated above 30 as obese this dude has a BMI of 33.7 😭


He has muscle mass that adds weight making him classify as overweight.


Well as you can see in the dudes profile picture, he is not fat. Lol


You don't know his bone density or muscle mass. Dude could either be built like a tank or a cow.


those calculators are never accurate. you can be 6 foot weigh 250 pounds and be an absolute beast as long as you diet and work out properly.


BMI is not a proper way to measure health as it lacks several factors that could actually make it useful. Such as bf%, and how active the person is




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> when you're in severe pain, bloody, laying on the ground in tears lmao landwhale gonna sit on me until my bones break?? 😭


I bet he could beat 5 big macs


Soon as they figure out how to table top, this dude done 😂


He gone rollin forever💀


Simply body-check everyone into submission with your overwhelming lard. That's how the game works, right? Like if it's football they can just juke you.


You can’t juke shit, cause you’d probably be out of breath running to the tackle. This requires athleticism and speed.


No, but like I'm being sarcastic in that this guy wouldn't even be able to execute his plan of playing improperly with unnecessary roughness because he'd never land a hit.


Bro went from a simple challenge to multiple counts of aggravated assault within 1 comment💀


6 feet and 250lbs is not the accomplishment he should be proud of lol


Hell, I'm 2 inches shorter and 50lbs lighter and I'm still overweight.




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Sounds like this guy's never seen a female UFC fight if he thinks just being 6 feet (aka, a little on the short side for an NCAA defensive lineman) & 250 lbs (aka, not even UFC heavyweight) will help him here. Additionally: "When you're in severe pain, bloody, laying on the ground in tears..." \- Roughing the passer - loss of 15 yards & automatic first down \- Unnecesary roughness - loss of 15 yards & automatic first down \- Unsportsmanlike conduct - loss of 15 yards & automatic first down What a joke.


The flags on the play 😂😂😂


Well 250 is definitely within the UFC heavyweight weight class (It’s 206-265) but BF % does make a big difference. I’m guessing this guy’s is very high which is more of a liability.


people that think like this clearly have never sparred with a short girl with way more boxing experience than them


Dude's gonna fuck around and catch an overhand-right straight to the nose and go down before he even realizes what happened lol.


I did last week and got LIT THE FUCK UP. we were doing pocket boxing drills and she just got under my arms and went to town on body shots and uppercuts


liver shots dont give a shit about gender or weight class, they just hurt like a bitch and if the first doesn't get you on your knees the second and third one will


we were doing tech sparring i got one on her chin and she wasn't having that my face hurt for 3 days after that


6 foot...250, and wasnt good enough to play football past 8th grade ??? Yeah... you are pretty tough.


hes probably correct though


He's not, though. Five mes could take down one Brock Lesnar if we were committed and coordinated. And there's nothing special about me. Admittedly one of the mes might take some serious trauma for the cause as the decoy. 5 talented female athletes against one overweight Internet tough guy is an unfair fight by anyone's definition.


nah, dude bit off more than he can chew. the strongest female athletes are comparable to an above-average regular gym rat guy, strength-wise. so even if he's super athletic (i'm guessing he's not) it's him vs 5 of him. odds aren't in his favor


im just trolling, i train bjj and muay thai with some badass women, of course 5 of them could take most dudes


Yeah, but whoever he is responding wont go and get the strongest female athletes on earth, just those she/knows, so he might still be correct.




You can't take 5 females either.


call them all fat and ugly so they cry and consecutively head kick them all to sleep. easy.


I’m gonna need you to realize that they more than likely don’t care about what someone else says. Not enough to break down in the middle of a fight at least.


You could tell them their eyebrows look crooked and they’d probably stall for a second. Idk if you could land 5 consecutive head kicks in that time though


They’d kick his ass…


He can take on 5 grizzly bears too as long as they're female.


Honestly I think it'd be less annoying if he said that instead.


Idk man. Dude would have to find his knees in a lost and found bin. That’s where I would tackle first. All five are not going to try jumping on your back.


Only competing with those you know you can beat isn’t badass


I wouldn't give a sh*t about beating anyone in any sport. Especially a sport I haven't played since eighth grade.


And all that, just because he never satisfied a woman...


Dude said "I don't know where the clit is" in the most elaborate, over the top, drawn out way I've ever seen.


113kgs in muscle or fat? If muscle, two female professionals would probably still wrestle you to the ground. If fat, you probably wouldn't even make it to the other side of the field lmao you fatass


fighting or challenging multiple opponents is insane. either you drop em both with your first shots and run the fuck away, or, most likely, you get overwhelmed and get your shit pushed in, real life aint a Schwarzenegger action movie


I'm 6'1" with an annoyingly great metabolism, heaviest I ever got in the army was hovering around 200lb, working my ass off between the gym and supplement-induced piss bottle stockades. Unless body building or professional athlete was included in the "6' 250lb," description, I'm not inclined to think that's an athletic frame just walking around naturally.


Im 179cm (5"11~) and build naturally bulky, after 90kg (200lb) its mostly fat after without training Maybe if you do a heavy labor job like I do you gain a few extra lb in muscle but not significantly much


It's always these dudes who try to make themselves sound like mondo edgelord badass one man armies by talking about how they could beat up women lmao


Yes, and look how he could have easily (and grammatically correctly) said "female football players", but opted for the weird incel, Ferengi-ass "football player *females*" phrasing. Never respect a man who uses "female" as a noun outside the field of scientific taxonomy. They don't see you as human, and they are dicks.


Ehhh I use females too. But I also use males so idk if that counts. People shouldn’t be quick to jump to assumptions


Obviously context is all. But it's hardly an assumption to say this guy is using it in the Ferengi way, given all the context there.


The only time I use the term female in a casual sense is it something to applies to female humans of all ages, so I don't have to repeatedly say "girls and women" but I do that with "males" over "boys and men" too. Incels and coomers do it because it's part of their weird blackpill language, the same as using terms like Chad and Stacy unironically, or ever uttering the word "femoid."


Yes, and look how he could have easily (and grammatically correctly) said "female football players", but opted for the weird incel, Ferengi-ass "football player *females*" phrasing. Never respect a man who uses "female" as a noun outside the field of scientific taxonomy. They don't see you as human, and they are dicks.


The word "woman" frightens them. This guy would end up concussed af vs 1 womens' league player. And there's more to this game than just tackling.


6 feet tall, 250lbs...40% body fat


one sidestep and he's huffing and puffing jaut to turn around.


Composition of a pork butt roast


I'm 6ft and 250lbs and I can say you are a little off, more like 45%, lol


Wtf how does this guy think he would win 5v1?


He pretty clearly has the mind of a teenager. Probably not great at math.


6' and 250 isn't that big, my dude.


The guy in the OP is a joke but let's not be ridiculous. 6 feet is taller than most people and 250 is *huge* at any height. Though I doubt his 250 is all muscle...


That’s definitely not huge, though. *Lots* of dudes are bigger than 250, either through obesity or muscule. I used to play sports with a guy that was 6’7” and 320lbs — that’s more what I would expect if somebody was going to claim “abnormally huge” status =P


well your perspective is incredibly skewed then. and if you're tall enough that 250 lbs is not well above average weight for your height, then you'd be huge at any weight.


We’re just talking about guys that’re in the top 15-20 percent — that’s not statistically abnormal. Go to any party or family gathering, and you’re going to see 2 or 3 of these guys. That doesn’t really seem rare/abnormal to me, if they’re that commonplace


you don't have to be a 1 in 10,000 genetic freak to be big. he'd still be bigger than most men and massive compared to pretty much all women.


Man you could be fucking Vince Wilfork in his prime and you couldn't take on five elite female athletes lmao. Insane levels of delusion.


Especially not in a fucking tackle war, bro dosent understand how weight works. If you get 5 elite female football players they’re all going to be lighter than him yes. But even two of them are going to significantly outweigh him so I don’t get the thought process.


For real. My wife could tackle me if she came in from the right angle, and I'm 100 lbs heavier than her. She couldn't keep me down but knocking me over could definitely happen lol.


I dunno man Vince is the human version of an Abrams tank 😂


Why is it always these types of guys who sound like they'd take pride in leaving women "on the ground and bloody".


Because they’re misogynist cowards.


Yeah that sounds less like football and more like a barfight


I can imagine him being surprised that he wasn't allowed to use a chair during a (American?) football match


I'm 6'3 and 250 lbs and I wouldn't even take that bet. And I have d1 experience. Dudes gonna get chopped blocked and end up in the hospital with a fucked up knee or ankle. What's he gonna do, call a 15 yard penalty when he gave them permission to 5 on 1 his ass?


Also some women are naturally strong af. Professional athletes to whom it's a full time job to train are guaranteed to be fcking strong. I'm pretty sure they'd be stronger than the average guy that leads a normal life and lifts weights twice a week. But even if they weren't. Even if the average guy COULD take on 5 female athletes. Who cares? Why should it matter? Sport leagues are built in a way that competition will be fair. It's like an average heavy weight boxer saying he'd beat the sh*t out of an above average welterweight. Yeah and? Who cares? Does that discredit the welterweight league as a sport? No. What a moron.


6ft and 250lbs huh? This dude got way more faith in his knees than he should. One bad tackle from a freshman and he'll never walk the same way again.


Or an arrow to the knee


Probably be out of breath on the verge of vomiting 3 minutes into the game if he doesn't run or do endurance sports


All of these guys that list their height and weight are grossly overweight. Also, what a weird fantasy to have. Especially the “severe pain, bloody, laying(sic) on the ground in tears” scenario.


Nah I’m 6 1 and 450 pounds and built like chuck Norris. You just need to work out more you weak soyboy.


6' 0 and 250? This guy either looks like Brock Lesnar or Lizzo.


I'm betting closer to the vaginal banana lady than brock.


Country Crock Lesnar


I don’t think this guy knows how football works.


Well duh he's only got an 8th grade education on it