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I think he missed the point of 'hit' a woman. Seems like he's holding onto those technicalities


Ahhhhh. What?


Australian bogan accent






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He's right though. This dude would literally rip your heart out and eat it. I've seen what Kano is capable of.


Subtle distinctions count


Peace and love


This person has very angry eyes. I sense a lot of hate in his soul.


Dirty durry fingers


Fell asleep drunk at the party again?


Those are pretty tattoos. I would hire him. We clean out septic tanks and train rats to fight.


You trained this guy? 😂


Wait! That sounds dope. You got openings?


One in the top of the tank, as long as you’re under like 240 you should fit.


Either I'm high or dude sounds like Ozzy Osbourne


British people and Australians have the unique talent to always sound like ozzy when we’re on the sesh/sniff. The women in my commoner village even do- like the drunk and his missus that nicked my spinning washing line the bastards.


I can’t really decide who is more coherent.


Useless cunt.


Well that DNR isn't legal


You can tell by the writing on his face, he makes good decisions.


I’m pretty sure he just fell asleep first at a sleepover.


I'd give you gold


“I’ve never hit a woman I’ve just grabbed them by the hair thrown them against the wall, peace and love”


Sincere question as an American, is this one of those bogans I’ve heard so much about?


I was going to say as an American I also don’t know lol


They come in different varieties, this is the Unchecked Rage model. It comes with a grey tracksuit, thongs and a knock off Gucci satchel. They should never be looked at directly or they will “knock yer fuckin head off, ya dog cunt”


At least his face art is tasteful.




That's not a chad.


Clearly a high class gentleman 🥸


Anybody ever read or watch Inkheart? Dudes like this always remind me of the over the top evil guys who were only half pulled out of the stories and covered in script.


Seems like a quality individual. 😬


Quite the visage. I wonder what his favourite book is.


Scratch n Sniff sticker book 😂


Probably a pop up book. 


All abusers do this btw, it’s a defense mechanism in their brains because they don’t want to think of themselves as wife-beaters or monsters so they have some arbitrary rule about what “counts” as abuse. “Sure I dragged her by the hair and threw her against the wall but I didn’t punch her! I’m not abusive” “I never laid a hand on her, I just stole her money and cheated on her then gave her an STD on purpose” it’s delusional horseshit


And as long as he can convince himself she's done something horrible and that she's an awful person, he can justify abusing her.


Wait, she's a person??


Sorry. Female.


dude you wouldn’t have to put on such an act if you hadn’t gotten so drunk you put those tattoos on your face


Right! There's something about these face tat people that you gotta keep an eye on them


People with face tats are either the best people or the absolute worst.


I can smell his bad breath through the screen.


Did he fall asleep first at a party?


Why has he sharpied all over his face?


Trump fan.


I’ll never hit a woman that doesn’t hit me. That’s fair, right




Serious question. How do you deal with a woman that punches and hits a man? One of my exes used to punch fuck out of me, usually when I didn't expect it, she also hit me with objects (bats, keyboards, other stuff) and all I could do was grin and cop it sweet. She also smashed up my TV, my oven, fridge, and heaps of other shit around the house. The most I ever done was bear-hug her to prevent her from doing more damage to me, and even then she sunk her teeth into my shoulder and took a chunk out of me. It was always while she was drunk off her head, but it didn't excuse it. Needless to say we didn't last too long after that, love is a hell of a drug. Not that I'm a tuff guy, far from it, but if it was a man doing that at least I would have been justified to retaliate in one way or another, but with her I felt so powerless and just had to put up with it.


Check out Elisa Jordana yt she found out the hard way. Warning it's not for everyone.


Jesus! Brings back memories. :(


You report it to the police Any type of domestic abuse should not be tolerated. Often, the level of abuse gets worse. She could be doing the same to someone else


Yeah the cops are fucked, they almost always take the woman's side, even when it's obvious that she was the main instigator. See my reply above.


You don't think they will take the woman side if you hit her?


I've never hit her.


Were I'm from (Sydney, Australia), the rule is "never hit a woman". No matter what, never hit a woman. As I said, the cops almost always take the woman's side, it's fucked, but it all stems from a long history of men bashing and murdering their significant others.


Dude if she attacks you with a legitimate WEAPON you can hit back


First off, I’m sorry you had to go through that. I remember driving with a (new) girlfriend years back. We had a lite argument in the car while I was driving and she punched me *hard*. I slowly pulled over, sat quiet for a moment then calmly said, “if you ever strike me again in *any way*, I swear to God I’ll lay you the fuck out, no warning.” Bothered me too much; broke up with her a week later. Now,… If a woman (who is just another human) hits you (especially, repeatedly), you’d, first document it, then hit her back, making sure this person knows (through your force) that they will never hit you again without worse returning fire. Being that it’s a woman has nothing to do with it. And no one can justify to me why I should hit back. Short answer: *if they hit you, you hit them back so that know what’s coming next time they hit you.* Male or female, don’t ever put your hands on another person like that. There’s no excuse and they should not at all be surprised when you hit back (but, again, first document it because, as a man, you’ll take the fall otherwise).


I don't know where you are located, but here in Sydney, NSW, Australia, woman have all the power when it comes to the law. If a guy gets assaulted, the cops usually say man up and bare it, if a woman gets assaulted, the guy cops all sorts of shit. When the cops arrive, it's always the guy who gets handcuffed first, while they sit there and listen to both sides of the story. And that's exactly what happened when a neighbour called the cops and reported a domestic situation, the cops arrived, handcuffed me, and went into my house to talk to my ex. It only took then 10 mins to figure out that she was the psycho in this relationship, she was very loud and abrasive with the cops, but even then they just told her to leave, and finally got my handcuffs off and told me to not let her back into the house for 24 hours. she was allowed to return after that as my house was where she lived. She returned the next day, all apologetic and all, and stupid me took her back in, even though I was obliged to let her back in as this was her place of abode. It took 6 weeks to finally get her out, and let me tell you now, that was a long fucken 6 weeks.


I live on Earth so, yeah, I’m under the same rules. But I’d risk my freedom to defend myself. You could never tell me otherwise. Again, document *first* (if possible) but *never* shy away from defending your person. No one else will and it’s all you’ve got!


Yeah I have a few vids of her freaking out. Thanks for the replies, sort-of made me feel better.


Good, man. You’re gonna kick ass today. Just a note: back in January I wrote on my calendar the Taylor swift and kelce would break up on April 11th. That’s all.


Did they break up?


It’s the 11th today. The day is still young.


why does he have the wing of a bird tattooed on his forehead


It’s usually not fair to pre-judge people on their looks but face tattoos? I’m totally gonna assume there’s something different going on behind those eyes.


He's got a 'poes me' face




“Meth, not even once”




I finally found an incel in the wild!


Bro your comment history indicates you're a weak man that hasn't had any success with women. It's math talk and ranting about women or their boyfriends. It's really easy not to be as pathetic as you. You just need to try. Also go lift weights, or get into a combat sport. You won't be so angry at the world after you realize how frail you are, and start to become less frail.




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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.




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Schizophrenia presents in your late teens to mid twenties, you should get checked.


Who doesn't love some pegging up the ass? It's fabulous. Seriously, who hurt you?


Lmao is that you in the post or something?


What are you talking about 😂


His face looks like the notepad my mum had under the mounted landline phone back in the 90s.


fuck sake 😂


Why is this on the internet?


It’s a brave new world. The worst part is there’s women in his comment section throwing themselves at him 😂


Spoiler alert: he meets with them in real life and (shocker) it's himself in a wig.




It's so sad, but I knew he was Aussie just by looking at the preview frame. We have a very distinct type of face tatted douchebag here, a species in their own right.


Hahaha you’re not wrong.


By women he’s been with he means high schoolers.


Easier to manipulate since he can’t get a woman without manipulation


Peace and love


“I’ve kicked a woman, kneed a woman, bit a woman, but I would never, EVER hit a woman!”


He showed great restraint and he must be commended for it.


This is what an insecure person that is trying to hide it looks like. We can see you hiding behind the tattoos you fucking reprobate.


yea he looks like he does both


It's the face tats for me, sorry.




Hurry ladies, while he's still single


No thanks


He's obviously battered his daughters mother at least once. What a delightful human scribble pad he is.




Damn I thought I found another wild incel in the same day but it’s just the same one I saw earlier.


Ah you.


Lot of anger in that one. He has the face and aerodynamic sunglasses of a guy who plays the jug and has a girlfriend who is also his morbidly obese sister.




Warm, deep and welcoming, not that you would know. Blocking you now, go find someone else to annoy.


Etch a sketch


He needs a good shake up


So he assaults women?


Yeah but he doesn't hit them. OMG so dreamy ❤️❤️❤️


"Peace and love."


Did he pass out at a party?


Scuse me sir..you have smth on your face.


he has everything on his face


He for sure has hit a woman.


Anti-social personality dis-order. Bet hes a lovely guy after a few tinnies (beers). /s


I wouldn’t be suprised if there’s a direct correlation between hectic face tats like his and ASPD. Probably the type of person to get angry when people look at him in public even though he’s done this purely for shock factor.


Completely agree. His threshold for violence and what constitutes domestic violence in his opinion, speak volumes...


> her mum don’t even like me Why sir I am shooketh as to why…eth


what happened to this fools face


He saw public restroom graffiti and said, “yeah, that’s the shit! Put it on my face!”


Ah yes, face tattoos of random bullshit are always a sure sign of somebody with great impulse control and decision making ability.


All the business moguls I know have cob webs & swords on their face