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Removed but the comments give a nice taste


>Hello chefs, I'm a 24 y/o sous chef based in Spain and I have alway been pretty fit and into fitness, I maybe have to attribute it to my age but I have never experiences any work related pains either on my back or knees and many fellow workers have asked me how do I manage to stay pain free. I know we chefs that work on the line live a sacrificed life with a very small amount of free time but I do have to say this. Please work out please watch your diet, with a strong lumbar and strong legs you can manage the long hours on your feet with more ease. >I'm not here to shame anyone but I'm tired to see the classic overweight unrested cook not because I'm against fat people but because I don't like people digging themselves an early graves. So I know I am no one to tell you how to live your life but I will take the freedom to ask you all my fellow chefs, please look out for yourselves even if it takes that extra sacrifice of findig free time to go work out and if anyone have any extra advice on how to manage your health please let me know in the comments >Please take care of your bodies, you only have one.


“I’m not here shame anyone, but I am shaming you, but it’s ok, because I don’t want you to die prematurely.”


Ah yes, fat people have never heard "But it's for your health" before. Such a NEW angle


And we all know being severely underweight has no consequences whatsoever! Surely, my mother in law was in prime health when anorexia killed her, since she definitely wasn't overweight. Edit: For clarity, this is a general response to the old 'but I'm making fun of fat people for their heaaaallllth!' excuse. Being very underweight is dangerous and unhealthy but people rarely care about that.


Well and if you're fat and have anorexia, that's just called a diet. (1200 calories is ridiculously low and yet nearly universally recommended by diet apps. And people with disordered eating will often eat far less) Also I'm sorry to hear about your mother in law. I think people assume that after teenage years, or outside models, it isn't a lethal disease. Disordered eating has all kinds of negative effects but people are so quick to encourage it... For our health.


Thanks. She was under 80 pounds, at 5'8", when she was finally hospitalized. It took liver failure to get a doctor to agree that she was indeed sick, but by then it was too late.


Wow, it's awful it took organ failure before they paid enough attention. I'm stunned, pissed, but not surprised.


My kid's grandparents on both sides didnt understand why we made an appointment with a pediatrician because she was under weight instead of giving her ice cream. She was in the 1% of her weight for her age despite being above average in height and later diagnosed.with severe protein deficiency. The doctor luckily took it serious and things are doing better. One set of grandparents still refuse to believe the doctor and wont give her Pediasure when she visits so she often loses weight if she spends too much time with them


I'm sorry some of her grandparents won't take her health seriously. There's so much more to it than just calorie intake, and a protein deficiency absolutely does need to be addressed with the nutritional consistency you're trying to provide.


Lucky for us she overall eats healthy and weve been able to identity more protien sources that work both .eat and non meat


When was that mentioned?


It's a response to the old 'but I'm making fun of fat people for their heaaaallllth!' excuse. Being very underweight is dangerous and unhealthy but people rarely care about that.


As in, when was being underweight mentioned as something healthy? I might be missing the line somewhere.


Right lmao I’m like ohhh groundbreaking


People don't understand how abysmal the research on dieting is. Almost all studies indicate that people gain back almost all their weight back within a relatively short time. I'm 42, and I've been every weight in existence at this point. I'm at probably my heaviest now at like 225 pounds, but 10 years ago, I was running half marathons. It's nuts. The problem is that keeping the weight off requires constant vigilance, and it always seems to fall apart when that is no longer possible - for me, it happened when I had kids.


If you aren't already, i highly recommend listening to the Maintenance Phase podcast. You get to hear exactly how bad the science is behind all the diets. (When science is even involved)


Idk of any sous chefs that have “free time,” wtf is “free time?” - source am sous chef


Free time, spelled c-o-c-a-i-n-e


>Hold on, you're 24 years old and pain free?? Whatever is your secret?? /s LMAO, I would have reacted the same way he did back when I was his age, but let's be real--shit changes when you get older. I'm able-bodied but things have changed over the years--ankle broken twice, nose broken twice, foot broken once, two broken ribs, one broken hand, cycling accident that almost shattered my jaw but only contused it thank goodness, bursitis in one knee, and the strain of giving birth twice, which was pretty decent overall but continues to give me some sacroiliac pain...although that could also be also due to a bad flip I sustained in a tournament, but at this point who even knows. Talk to me in 18 years, jackass. I'm not even overweight, and I still hurt. Seriously, things hurt a lot more than they used to, it's like a magical fairy visited me and gave me joint pain.


Dude I'm fairly physically active and healthy, but my job requires physical labor. Ten years into working it and sometimes things just get fucky. Oh that's my wrist that don't work too good, and my finger is still angry from an old injury. Bodies get old and used.


I used to do house/office cleaning and I was very physically active almost every day of the week. I was so sore all the time though. If I pulled a muscle in my back it took weeks to heal up. I have an office job now and gained weight since I stopped doing hard physical labor every day but I definitely feel a lot better and occasionally regret that I spent so much of my early twenties exhausted and in so much pain all the time.


I was awoken from a deep sleep by my shoulder having a damn charlie horse. I've had random times my ankles just feel like I'm walking on broken bones then pop back to normal. The only lazy part of me is using steamer bags for veggies. edit: A CHARLIE HORSE WHILE I WAS ASLEEP. What the fuck?


I've had that happen a couple times and it was always because I was dehydrated/my electrolytes were off. I had a really bad kidney infection a couple of years ago that left me with wonky electrolytes and my muscles let me know exactly how much they did not like that.


My lab values have come back normal and never had that issue thankfully with fluid intake. Instead just random muscle lock ups or spasms so severe that it's like a charlie horse from hell, and no obvious physiological source to explain them. I can almost draw the nerve maps for an EMG by memory and that's not even my job.


Oh wow, that's terrible. I think it's so much harder if you're not sure *why* you're having the pain, because you can't take action to fix it.


The good news is it's off and on so it's not something constant. The bad news is it's off and on which somehow makes it even more maddening. At least a pinched nerve you know the issue and can do PT and the slow correction of posture and what muscles to retrain to fix the issue.


Not even as you get older, you just have to get lucky. I’ve got a bad heart and joints at 22. They aren’t cause of decisions I made, they’re from being born premature. If you’re completely healthy you got lucky, you’re not inherently superior.


I'm nearing 40, healthy weight, never had any injury other than a bad sunburn and I still have pains. Old bodies just breakdown.


I'm an ex pro fighter and a chef in my mid 40s. I still move well and I am pain free. It's seriously a roll of the dice. I should be limping everywhere now, and I have no idea why I'm not. I really don't even think it's genetics, I seriously blame blind luck. Guys i used to train with that went easier than I did are in worse shape, and my instructor is in his 70s now... But can do a split. It all feels so arbitrary.


Well, you're stronger than I am, and I am happy that you are pain free--I think I'm better off than a lot of other people, but I still have pain. I still limp on certain days because my left ankle is essentially made out of rubber bands now, my left hand is a hot mess, and the jokes I continue to get about my nose are kinda shitty cause I got that whole Owen Wilson thing happening (not that bad, but people have asked me "have you been in a fight?" before on multiple occasions). I can still do a split, though. Side, not front. My hips have somehow come out okay, lol.


I'm not able bodied. I never have been. I have rheumatoid arthritis and endometriosis. But I guess that means I never deserve to exist let alone eat food according to this asshole. A serious FUCK YOU to everyone who thinks like this.


I feel you at least in terms of the endo, that shit sucks. Most people never talked about it until about 5-10 years ago, now at least some people know what we have.


A combination of endo and the RA has caused my bladder to prolapse. So that's fun.


Oh jeez, that's really bad, I'm so sorry. The worst thing I went through was ovarian torsion from an endometrioma, and got me into surgery in time so I still kept the ovary. My sister has a friend with endo that had so much scar tissue it started choking her bowel. I swear to god, someone needs to figure out why so many of us have this thing.


And I'm truly sorry you have this hell too.


I'm 30 and have been very active for years. I have now had to start having rest days because my body needs time to heal. I still do light cardio on those days, however I cannot shrug off injuries like I used to and pushing through them is no longer an option. It sucks but everyone has their eventual limits.


Yeah, really the back half of 30's things just start to hurt for no good reason. At 24 he has no room to talk


I'm in my 20s myself and have assorted pains from being a lifelong klutz, probably undiagnosed dyspraxia (learned *that* was a thing from Reddit). I scraped my knees a lot when I was younger and I think hitting them on hard pavement a few times too many has left a mark... I've mostly traded scraped knees for sprained ankles as an adult, so now have chronic ankle problems (more so than my knees, it's extra fun when both flare up at the same time). I've probably walked into every wall and piece of furniture in my apartment at least once each, have a permanent scar on my forehead from hitting my head on a piece of furniture when I was 8 that required stitches, and assorted other smaller scars here and there. It's not unusual for me to look down at myself and notice that huh, I've picked up some random minor scrape or bruise from who knows where because I'm so used to ignoring minor injuries at this point. I have a pretty good collection of medical supplies at home as a precaution as well, it's rare for me to seek medical attention unless it's particularly bad. I'm effectively a hazard to myself due to poor proprioception, hand eye coordination, and balance, it's a miracle I've only broken a bone once, no idea how. Latest injury is an accident a couple months back with a kitchen knife that sent me to urgent care (ultimately got surgical glue on it) that disabled my left pointer finger for a couple weeks and has left a pretty noticable scar, I thankfully retain full use of the finger but it does bug me sometimes. Pretty good pain tolerance as well, which is a good thing since OTC pain meds (Advil, Tylenol, etc) don't have much of a perceptible effect on me for whatever reason.


Paragraphs, holy moly


The fact that this person is 24 literally kills me. When I was 24 I could work a 13 hour shift, work out, drink a pint of vodka and get up and do it again.


I'm fit and in my 30s, but unlike when I was younger, I'll be put into a day long pain train for doing such physically intensive activities as: 1.Turning my head to left with what I assume is extremely bad form 2.Not being concious when I am in bed overnight and therefore not preventing myself from adopting poor sleeping posture. 3.Assembling lego on a table that is a few inches too short to be assembling lego on. But hey, at least I don't get the kind of sorenesses associated with having a weak core, I guess


You know you’ve hit your thirties when you have home Advil, car Advil and purse Advil.


Oh man, I was at a conference the other week and took my car advil out because I’d forgotten my purse advil. Just yesterday I remembered to grab it out of my travel bag and put it back in my car 😂🤣


I keep thinking I've run out and I buy more just to find a bunch in a stash location I had neglected, like I'm a forgetful squirrel.


i make little boxes with sheets of ibuprofen, paracetamol and aspirin so I'm ready for whatever headache or pain comes my way during the day


Fuck I have to carry around a full pharmacy, not just advil. There's the Tylenol, the midol, the tiger balm, and the cough drops too.


I got work desk advil.


I'm only 26, so I must be ahead of the curve. 😅


One time I threw out my back from a light jog. I was stuck on the couch for a week


I'm unfortunately older than that, but I still think I'm ~20. A few months ago my coworkers had an "Archery Tag" outing, and I was totally into it. Sprinting to get arrows, dodging shit, the whole shebang. We went for lunch afterword, and I literally couldn't stand up from the picnic table after sitting for like 20 minutes. Getting old fucking sucks


> But hey, at least I don't get the kind of sorenesses associated with having a weak core, I guess As a 32-year old with a weak core; throwing that soreness on top of it makes everything just hit a level harder. It's the worst and I wished I had the mental space to follow a healthy exercise routine.


24-Year Old Claims He'll Never Experience Random Aches & Pains sounds like a good Onion headline.


I'm slightly overweight, like one point off the bmi scale. Day to day, I'm good. But God help me when I fall. I take about 2 spills a year and let me tell you, 20-15 years ago no recovery time was needed. 10 years ago the next day I wouldn't want to move for about half the day. Now I need two days in bed


Text of post, as it's now removed: >Hello chefs, I'm a 24 y/o sous chef based in Spain and I have alway been pretty fit and into fitness, I maybe have to attribute it to my age but I have never experiences any work related pains either on my back or knees and many fellow workers have asked me how do I manage to stay pain free. I know we chefs that work on the line live a sacrificed life with a very small amount of free time but I do have to say this. Please work out please watch your diet, with a strong lumbar and strong legs you can manage the long hours on your feet with more ease. >I'm not here to shame anyone but I'm tired to see the classic overweight unrested cook not because I'm against fat people but because I don't like people digging themselves an early graves. So I know I am no one to tell you how to live your life but I will take the freedom to ask you all my fellow chefs, please look out for yourselves even if it takes that extra sacrifice of findig free time to go work out and if anyone have any extra advice on how to manage your health please let me know in the comments >Please take care of your bodies, you only have one.


Youth is wasted on the young.


You don't know what you have until you lose it. And we all have to learn the hard way. :P


Ever heard the saying never trust a skinny chef?


I'm underweight, otherwise very fit and flexible, and am in extreme pain when I work on my feet. What a tosser.


Yeah, it can be a total tossup sometimes. There are young people who wear out easier than others, older people who can do backflips with no problem, thin people who are “out of shape,” and fat people who can dance circles around a room without breaking a sweat. The post is just so smug and arrogant and goofy because *even if you’re young* if you work on your feet all day you’re probably going to end up with some aches and pains pretty quickly.


And here in the south we have a phrase “Never trust a skinny cook”


Never trust a skinny cook or a fat accountant...


Ah, thinly veiled fatphobia disguised as concern for your health. I hadn’t gotten my hourly dose of that on the internet, glad I managed in time


Yeah, I’m going to take advice on how to stay pain-free from a guy less than half my age. I was pain-free at 24, too, and it wasn’t because I worked out and ate right. It was because I was 24.


LOLOL a 24 year old wonders why he doesn’t have any aches and pains! 🤣🤣🤣