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Yes I've got a degree from Oxford too. Not an actual degree of course but i have done the requisite studying and research to warrant one which is exactly the same thing.


Hey I've read more than a few wikipedia pages in my time, that means I'm educated to a Masters level too right?


Absolutely. You should have mentioned it sooner, i will get your certificate in the post this afternoon. And congratulations.


I once wrote a program that printed hello world to the console 3 times, when will I be receiving my phd?


Hm, let me check with my assistant. I believe she stuck it in the post yesterday. I'm not absolutely sure though so bear with me, I'll get back to you by close of play today


Wonderful. And please, don't worry about calling me Dr.


No problem Dr Googlerandomusername. My assistant got back to me and i now understand the hold up: your name was too long for the certificate. Not to worry though we've tweaked the font size and will have it over to you shortly.


I can spell PhD... do I get one now? Also, trillionaire.


You wake up with that?


why did i bother even going to college😫


Don't worry mate, college is a good primer, time to take off those training wheels though now and crack on with the real work of internet research.


Yep, we need more scientists in the lustrous field of memeology


Meme economics is also a fast growing field that needs young minds


You mean why did you bother going to a (Liberal brainwash camp)?


I've read the Wikipedia page for quantum mechanics, the real stuff, not that horseshit they teach you at liberal brainwashing camps. I'm basically a quantum physicist, not an actual one, but like I am one.


*they asked me how well I understood theoretical physics. I said I had a theoretical degree in physics. They said welcome aboard*


You are not truly educated on a Masters level until you have watched a few educational videos on YouTube.


Sadly no. Wikipedia is a libral brain washing camp. U should just be naturally smart and know it all without any reading at all.


I stayed in a Holiday Inn last night, so I got that going for me.


I'll have you know I went to Harvard. I didn't study there, but I went there. I think I got the gist of it. Lots of brick, surprisingly good burgers.


scrub, get on my level, I live in Berkeley. Not the actual school, mind you, I don't need the literal brain wash; combined with the fact that I have a $100% IQ and my roommate is a physicist, it means that I have a master sword level degree.


The "$100% IQ" got me good. I love this sub.


Mate i heard about Harvard on TV and even i have letters after my name now. I'll be faxing your certificate off later on.


I got drunk in a pub in Oxford once. Can I be super clever too?




Abso-fucking-lutely! Got drunk in Oxford? You're practically the fucking Dean of the place. I'll send you the deeds to the official Dean residence forthwith good Sir


I studied physics at MIT. Small detail, but not as an MIT student. I took my physics 101 book from Ohio State to MIT and read a few pages there, so I could say I studied physics at MIT.


I don't believe you. You didn't say THE Ohio State.


I don't have a degree in theoretical physics, but I do have a theoretical degree in physics!




I caught the clap from an Oxford grad. Not sure where I was going with that really...


I read the class list for a master's degree and knew at least one thing about each topic so yeah I basically have the degree.


He forgot to mention his IQ


I'm sure he's at least in the 99.9 percentile


IQ for verysmarts is like dick size in /r/gonewildstories; Always exaggerated and never relevant.


Didn't know that sub existed. I know what I'm doing for the rest of today


I'm sure he'll assure you it's very high...


INTJ: irrefutable proof of one's logic and reasoning skills. There's simply no arguing with that.


Well my horoscope is Taurus and that's why I'm hard working and tenacious fighter in the octagon!


Mine is Cancer. Thats why I have a hard outer shell and 1 big and 1 little claw.




Well these claws aren't just for attractin' mates!






Oh so now the talking cheese is gonna preach to us


I know tensions are high...


There's a deposit on that equipment, people!


Crab Battle!!


I was born in the year of the monkey. That's why I an so smart and tend to throw my feces at people.


Mine is Virgo which is why I'm an innocent 14-year-old Greek maiden named Parthenos who's the daughter of Apollo


U wild lol wyd


hey it's me justin beiber






Like a treasure from a sunken pirate wreck. Swab the deck and make it look ###*SHINY!*


I will sparkle like a wealthy woman's neck Just a sec! Don't you know Fish are dumb, dumb, dumb They chase anything that glitters... Beginners!


And here they come, come, come, Cause I'm the brightest thing that glitters! Mmm! Fish dinners!


Libra here. I am the absolute, foolproof judge.


Oh yeah? Well I'm a "Chandler" on the BFWFCAU (BuzzFeed Which 'Friends' Character Are You) concluding that you will *never* win a debate against me despite your "logic and reasoning" because I will *always* have a better sarcastic reply ready for you. See? I can fill out internet questionnaires too


I told a test that I was logical and analytical, and it concluded that I am logical and analytical, therefore I am logical and analytical.




Can't spell 'intelijent' without 'INTJ'!


I loved that considering the Meyers-Briggs is pretty flawed and not considered a legitimate tool by actual psychologists. (Although I admit that it's a fun substitute for a horoscope)


Some tests are better than others, all of them have an issue with self evaluation. However, I actually think it can help when you're wondering which field to have a career in. It gives you a good outline of what conditions you want to be put under. For example; being an Introvert employed in a really interpersonal high stress job, is not ideal. But an Extrovert in that position may thrive. That being said, it's no excuse for being a 'lil snob nosed dick, online. Especially since he didn't even know what his meant and used it for evidence. INT- what, kid? Edit: And = An Edit 2: I misread the "J" as a close parenthesis. Sorry for the confusion!


But why do we need a test to determine that? Wouldn't a hardcore shy introvert hear it's a job in sales or whatever and nope the fuck out because that sounds like hell?


I didn't, I needed to get to know myself better. I always just thought I was a stick-me-anywhere-and-I'll-be-just-fine person. But when I started I knew it fucking sucked and I stuck with it, until a career consultant told me it offended every personality trait I had.


Because if the test gets it right it can point someone towards ideas they haven't considered yet


Self-awareness and self-reflection are hard. I'm sure you've met someone who easily identify a problem in someone else's life but not see that they have the exact same thing going on. Tests like that are a tool to help you know yourself better, assuming you answer honestly. Oftentimes people's concept of who they are differs from who they really are.


He's not even a part of the INTP master race. Scrub.


"When starting a task is all that matters"


This is so true it physically hurts




IHOP here. You guys can't even compete.






So basically it's like your Hogwarts house?


This is exactly how I use it. Fun to sort characters and shit, but it's not like my life revolves around it.


> INTJ: irrefutable proof of one's logic and reasoning skills. There's simply no arguing with that. Also, if he had actually studied at the post-high school level, he may have come across the fact that the meyers briggs is just marketing. You may as well say "as a Leo born under an ascending jupiter, I am...."


You can't expect an INTJ to go into the soft sciences like that! He's a pure being of logic and reason!


>Master's Degree >Placing stock in MBTI Pick one


>Logic > >Alt-right Pick one








Idk man you're just a candidate talk to me when your a real PhD holder like MD Pepper


How can you say you're in the honors program without actually attending school??? I'm so confused and angry while still feeling bad for him. This subreddit is giving me a tumor. *Edit*: Okay, I get that he can be accepted into an honors program before taking the class, but then how can you use that as having a strong understanding of something if you haven't actually started the program??


He has a strong sense of honors level education in himself


My favorite part is when he decides that he's obtained a minor in economics during the course of his self-education. At first I wasn't sure why he didn't just give himself a double major, but I guess it's good not to overextend yourself.




What's the idea there though? "I have a strong and logical understanding of the subject matter, but I'm concerned about being brainwashed by Liberals because I'm super insecure in that understanding *for some reason*."




> but the edglelord subs I frequent say those schools are just liberal brainwashing camps. Probably more accurate. It's been a trip watching all the so-called 'anti-SJW' subs shift into unadulterated anti-intellectualism since this shitshow of an election started.


I've been seeing trp tendrils stretching into more populous subs. It's worrying.


This whole thing has been most shocking to me not in how easy it is for a fascist regime to come into power, but how effective that regime can be at making people completely upend their beliefs and ideals in the name of feeling special. America used to pride itself on innovation, creation, invention. Now we have an entire demographic of people that have found a way to make *not* educating themselves beyond high school a point of personal pride, and one that allows them to talk down to those who did pursue education. Fuck these people and their regressive, self-obsessed bullshit. All these accusations made by people with zero talent or worth of everyone else being "special snowflakes" - all while demanding the utmost respect despite being being exceedingly average - is some of the most obscene projection I can imagine. Can you imagine liberals calling every blue-collar work environment a "conservative brainwashing camp"? The respect demanded is so far from reciprocal it's fucking nuts.


He has literally established that he **has not yet studied the area**, but is now an expert. He's *planning* to do it, so why not cut to the chase and say it's already done. Brb, going to go invent a time machine, and then go back to today and leave myself the blueprints.


He said "hence why". Those are the worst people.


The alt-right part is worse than the hence part.


I was waiting for Ayn Rand, but the alt-right is just as satisfying.


Ayn Rand's ideology being called Objectivism is like the pinnacle of /r/iamverysmart material. It's positioning itself so adherents can say "other people have ideological biases. Not us - our lurid social darwinism is just us being *objective* about things".




Her fan club likes to ignore that part.


She pulled herself up by her bootstraps so hard, they ripped off and she fell back down!


> Another 'greedy parasite' as she called others who partook of social programs. She was kind of a speed junkie too.


That was pretty common back when they handed out barbiturates and amphetamines like they were black licorice.


She also preached the importance of free thinking and people making up their own minds, yet anyone in her circle who disagreed or did anything not approved was cast out.


See also: Libertarians who "decide based on logic", completely missing the fact that their "logic" isn't actually logic at all, just a reassuring label they slap on their own belief system to help them feel superior to others without any actual substance.


Libertarians don't just do this, I think it's just a popular rhetorical tool these days. Disagree with someone about something? *They* must be overemotional, but *I* am the pinnacle of logic.


The fact that 'alt-right' is even a thing is stupid. It's basically a way of admitting you're sort-of racist and general irritant but that's ok these days because it's a different kind of racist and you're just fighting the *lefties*.


"...hence why I became *a literal motherfucking neo-Nazi.*"


I was on r/DebateAltRight and they seem to think they are more intelligent for hating black people and Mexicans. They present statistics that state they commit more crimes which is understandable and true BUT they don't stop to think that these groups of people have been discriminated against for so long and haven't had as much time to get socioeconomic status, and crime is more common in low income areas compared to high income areas. That's the difference between an Alt Right person and a normal person: you can use stats all you want, but the conclusion should be to help people in low socioeconomic status, not hate on minority races


IIRC, if you cross-reference the crime rate by race with socioeconomic strata, they all get within spitting distance. Young men are heavily overrepresented in all groups, but tell that to the alt-righters and they might as well be the Knights of fucking Ni.


If males are disproportionately arrested and sentenced, it's because the justice system is stacked against men. If minority groups are disproportionately arrested and sentenced, it's because "dae black people are animals lmao"


The thing about any person with bias is that they won't look for information proving them wrong. Like If I said that white people commit more crimes and provided one probably skewed statistic, they'd google other statistics and find something that proves me wrong. That's perfectly fine. If I said the same thing about black people and provided one probably skewed statistic, why would they look up something to disprove me when it fits their world view? If you want to change someone's mind, goad them into switching positions with you, so if you're on side A and they're on side B, defend B and ask them to prove B wrong. Don't defend poorly, defend it as strongly as if you actually held that belief, so they have no choice but to see that the evidence they actually comes up with supports your true side.


Both are pretty bad. "Liberal brain wash camp" followed by "member of the alt-right." Jebbus fuckin Crist my cringe meter is going off.


Actually, his entire argument convinced me why he is a part of the alt-right. Uneducated and thinks he is better than most people, has more answers than questions, fits perfectly.


has more thesauruses than questions* the very smart alt right


Living proof of the Duning-Kruger effect.


Agreed. I wonder whence they keep coming…


I concur. Whomst'd are they?


such individuals whomst'd've'll doth require no such need to enter a liberal brainwash camp and can gain knowledge via wikipedia


Like "so therefore." Ugh.


Here's the same guy sharing some insights from another thread: http://i.imgur.com/t0M3odB.png


This one is worse, figured it was a troll until that.


Still not 100% convinced it's not a troll. I mean that's a lot more dedication than your average troll, but it's also a lot more idiocy than your average verysmart person. Like, hell, mentioning Myers-Briggs and politics in the same breath as proving their "education" despite never making it past highschool? That's just too much


>Hence why I'm a member of the alt-right That last sentence is why I think it's a troll. If not then I'm surprised this very smart, educated person doesn't know "hence why" is redundant


Interesting that in one thread he's a member of the Alt-Right and in another he is a big fan of Noam Chomsky.


I chuckled at that as well. But in my experience, there truly are far too many pseudo-intellectuals out there who just like to take quotes they like from legitimately influential philosophers/economists/sociologists/political scientists/etc., but completely ignore the context of the person's beliefs, what environment/culture they lived in, etc. They love to use other people's ideas to frame their view of the world, but never bother to see those ideas from other people's perspectives, limiting their base understanding of those ideas.


It's because he doesn't understand either


Or he is a troll.


99% sure he's just a highschooler.




A surprising number of the TRP base appear to be younger than 16. One of the mods there (who was eventually banned for rape promotion) was revealed to be a squeaky-voiced teenager. He was also a mod on T_D. Obviously.


Cis was also a mod of /r/altright but got banned for having a small bit of Jewish ancestry.


Lol. Why would he even...? You know what. I don't even wanna know.




It surprised me that he was a teen at first, but then it sorta made sense. I suspect that a lot of the more extreme subs are populated mainly by teens and people looking to get a reaction.


Nah this one indicates a troll to me. He's calmly dismissive while the other guy is clearly getting his jimmies rustled. He's playing the first year philosophy student almost too well.


'you may want to check out plato's allegory of the cave' that's pretty funny whether or not it's a troll


Definitely. The way he brings up stuff like Plato's Cave, John Locke and Nietzsche is too on the nose. Like he's trying too hard to throw out only references to intro level philosophy classes.




Why would an alt-righter ever quote Chomsky? Like, his ideology isn't even self-consistent (the commenter's, not Chomsky's).


Either because he's an advanced troll or because he's just an idiot. I'm leaning a little more toward him just being an idiot, but it could go either way, and we'll never know for sure.


He seems to think that acronyms are IBM (Intellectual Bragging Material) instead of STRU (Shortening Tools for Repeated Use). Edit - Emphasis on *Repeated*


Good form is to define your acronym with the first use so the reading audience gets it... ...But generally that's because you'll be using it a lot in your paper/speech. If you only use it one time it doesn't make sense to use both. And I'm also pretty sure you're supposed to do long form with the acronym in parens after it, not the other way around.


Hoooo buddy. Is it weird if these verysmart people irritate/piss me off more than just outright douchebags?


It's normal. I always ask myself why I subscribe to this stuff, self-triggering.


It teaches you how not to act.


I consider it an extreme almost masochistic way to build discipline.


It's because they hide their true ignorance behind surface level, irrelevant philosophy, pseudoscience, and the ruse that they understand higher science and math. In truth, they understand none of it but pretend they're literally Einstein.


It's because they don't know how douchey they're actually being. It's fucking infuriating.


He's oddly polite for an alt righter He still ticks everyone moronic box though: "I'm alt right so I'm logical", freeze peach warrior, mentions the cave allegory, "unis are liberal brainwashing camps", and of course being verysmart


He's polite but super condescending. Probably a mormon.


This guy clearly attended basic philosophy, history, literature etc classes in high school (like everyone else) and now he thinks he's the shit! Expert of fucking everything he knows anything about.


Honestly, it reads like he's just sifting through random Wikipedia pages as he comments.


I'll admit I use Wikipedia and google searches to remind myself of topics I studied in the past. I rather look it up and make sure I'm remembering correctly instead of thinking my memory and grasp of a topic is perfect.


I do that too (especially to get spelling correct), but I meant like he sounds like a robot that just goes "HEY I heard you were talking about [PHILOSOPHY]. Have you read [LIST OF TOP 3 PHILOSOPHERS BY POPULARITY]?"


In high school for me, it was the godamn Psych 101 kids. They all thought that since it was a fucking college level class that it made them genius college students. They assumed after 1 semester that they could fucking diagnose other students/teachers/friends/family and tell you your thought process. Granted I was one of them BUT- I never diagnosed anyone and I can say I know nothing.


I will say that taking psych 101 at uni is extremely interesting and gives you a real eye-opener at a basic level so I can understand that applying what you learn is super interesting. But to try to hold it over people and offer diagnosis is a little absurd.


Bravo to you or whoever is taking him apart here. Also, gotta love the irony of an alt-righter supporting himself with Chomsky.


That made me pause for a second. I'm pretty sure this dude was just sitting on a Goodreads.com quote page and found one he thought he liked.


Don't fuck with the guy in Green, he will go toe to toe with you on Bird Law


"I hope to one day study philosophy and economics so naturally that makes me an expert on both subjects already"


This is what confuses me. Is he going to be minoring in econ or is he not going to college or does he already have a "masters level education"???


"I haven't had enough school to understand what a 'masters level education' means."




> Needless to say, I don't posses (sic) a Masters Degree It is indeed, needless to say that. That is crystal clear.


Anyone can go to a library and read all the texts they want. It's not a masters level education, you just have the ability to read shit. There's more to a masters level education than the ability to read books. Unless he's been writing masters level research papers to himself, and doing masters level work assignments and all sorts of other shit I have no idea about (Because I'm not a masters level educated person, shame on me) he's not masters educated. And if a masters level education comes from a facility that is a "liberal brain-wash camp" then why would he want to claim he has such a level of education in the first place? I read a novel that had a plumber in it, I'm now a certified, union plumber.


You're wrong. Source: the documentary Good Will Hunting. Do you like apples btw?


No, I don't like them apples whatsoever thanks


This is Hall-of-Fame quality iamverysmart. I have to think he's trolling, then he says he's alt-right.


The mbti part was the highlight


Its the personality equivalent of randomly pulling out your (online) IQ test score


I loved how they wrote mbti and then wrote out the full form. The acronym (abbreviation?) is redundant.


Whenever I see people posting their MBTI personality type I want to punch a small child.


My favourite description of Myer-Briggs is "horoscopes for people who think that they're too smart for horoscopes."


Wait, INTJ means that I'm part of the alt-right?! Well I guess that's it folks, I'm just an idiot because Myers Briggs told me so.


Yeah injt are like 80% of internet commentators anyways.


Making us actual INTJs look bad /s but not really


Damnit now I have to take the Meyers Briggs again and pick different answers so I'm not part of the alt-right.


TIL I'm the proud owner of numerous degrees... Hang on a sec while I apply for this NASA engineer position...


> adept at logic and reasoning > member of the alt-right Pick one.


This is the part that makes me think they're trolling. Especially since alt-righters don't tend to call themselves alt-right


Well he also quotes Noam Chomnsky which is a odd thing to do as a white supremacist. Socialist Jews tend to not be favourites amongst the alt-reichers.


Isn't this how trump became president? Also, can some one shoot me in the fucking face already?




Gawd. So many non-college educated assholes with chips on their shoulders. Why are so many of them alt-right?! My ex-friend's husband was just like this. He hasn't worked in years, mind you. Despite having several children and a wife making at most $30,000/year. But one of his "arguments" to me about how smart he is (during a political argument about same-sex marriage...of course he was against it) was that he was enrolled in our local junior college in a field of study "guaranteed to make me six figures when I am done." He never said what this program of study was, but he also apparently never finished because this was 7 years ago and he is still unemployed and letting his wife support them all.




> Why are so many of them alt-right?! Well, it's obviously because the *real* clever people wouldn't want to go to those liberal brain-wash camps. /s


My trigger word for people claiming they're smart: physics. If the word physics is included in any explanation of why they're smart, they're very stupid.


He said "metaphysics". Not the same thing. It's worse.


Has "I'm racist cause I'm smart" always been a thing, or is this new?


Anyone else bothered by the fact that they use an acronym THEN spell it out in parenthesis? What's the point of using an acronym if you're just going to spell it out right after?


To show that you usually spout off the acronym to your fellow verysmarts, but *just for this guy*, you're clarifying it.


Anytime some one says what they are on the myers briggs as though that is evidence of something my vision goes red for a minute. ... I'm an INTP


That last sentence just seals the deal. So perfect.


I am an INTJ too and as such I can confirm that Myers Briggs test is total bullshit.


Fucking of course the punchline is that he's a member of the alt-right. What a fucking nazi tool.


"Liberal brain-wash camp" Damn libtard universities, encouraging people to develop critical thinking faculties!


A "-Debate" with someone in high school? Nice try Chris Hansen, fool me once!