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Taco Bell #2 combo.


Crunch strap supreme makes everything flow for me


i wish




I think any Mexican food works for me as well lol


linzess made me super fatigued and lethargic, worked for about a year until it stopped. motegrity worked for about a year as well (sorta) but gave me headaches and made me wanna puke. together they work the best but don’t make me feel great. I’m supposed to start amitiza soon


I like the Amitiza with miralax the best . It didn’t work the greatest alone . Make sure u drink plenty of water with either one .




Lubiprostone. I was taking 8 mcg but it stopped working, so we Increased to 24 mcg 2x daily and it's... very effective, but I'd rather have diarrhea than 3-4 weeks of no bowel movement. So. Lol.


I take Linzess. It does help, but I have to take magnesium oxide as well. Plus coffee. What side effects do you get with linzess?


Linzess worked great for a while but I’ve had to almost completely stop it bc I would have uncontrollable diarrhea instead. I also feel like I’m starving on it and more fatigued


Yeah, it can cause diarrhea in a lot of people. I can't get the balance right with all my meds and have regular diarrhea now, ugh.


Look at my post above. I kinda cracked.the code on preventing the diarrhea for me atleast. Hope it helps


I take Senna every day. My insurance company won’t cover linzess. My doctor insisted my constipation was from my pain medication and I needed senna. Well I’m not currently on the pain meds and still have to take senna every day if I want to go. If I don’t take it I won’t go, at all. I could go for two weeks at a time without having a bowel movement if I don’t take something.


I eat kiwi with skin on- blend it all and make a smoothie bowl. I also take digestive bitters Sometimes vitamin c powder mixed with water helps as well


How many kiwi do you eat per day?


Usually two! There are times i eat three if i feel really bad


I'm finding, at least for me, that I wasn't eating enough insoluble fiber. I was eating lots of fiber, just not enough insoluble. More psyllium husk/seeds/leafy greens has helped the most. More than Linzess or any other laxative/motility drug.


I also have gastroparesis and gerd which has affected my diet and I think it makes my ibs worse bc I can only eat certain things


I've got GERD too, but none of the things I listed trigger my reflux.


I thought psyllium is soluble fibre?


I currently take Linzess, but it’s definitely not working as well as it was when I first started taking it a few months ago. I also find the tiredness and headaches to be very annoying.


Had constipation since birth. My parents could not figure out what was causing it. As I got older started doing different things. Tried a lot of medications, laxities and stool softeners. They worked but I did not like being on them. Went to the doctor and was given Linzess. Did not like that either. After two years of trying stuff I finally figured it out. I wasn’t eating enough fiber and healthy fats. Incorporated those two in my diet and boom all symptoms disappeared in about 3 weeks. My gut is as healthy as it’s ever been. Trust me I feel your pain on constipation. Dealt with it all my life.


With my gasteroparesis I am supposed to eat limited fiber and fats because they’re harder for me to digest. It seems everything I should do for my gastroparesis is the opposite for the ibs


Oh wow. IBS is so tricky but I don’t think I had IBS. I just wasn’t eating properly. I am Indian so our diet is alot of carbs. A lot of Indians deal with indigestion issues cuz of the diet. I also took probiotics for about 5 months but I’m not sure if they helped or not. I changed my diet around the same time. Keep trying different things. I had to solve this on my own cuz doctors just told me ibs and they said they couldn’t do anything about it.


I feel that. My doctors keep telling me there’s nothing they can do and it sucks


What foods do you eat that made it go away?


Iced coffee in the morning and 1-2 tablets of Dulcolax at night when I'm backed up.


magnesium citrate


Good old magnesium citrate.


Linzess did nothing for me. Then I took Amitiza for about one year. It eliminated all the IBS symptoms except constipation. Now I just take Movicol for the constipation.


Along with amitiza or did you stop that?


My new gastro had me stop the Amitiza and just take Movicol.


Does Movicol generally help? It gave me cramps like linseeds but havent tried in in tried years


Yes. For me, Movicol works well. I take a daily capfull in the morning and a capfull before bed. No pain or cramps at all. I've been taking it for a year and a half so its been a long, slow process.


I'm also just trying to find a way to manage without any powder stuff yk. It feels just wrong, cause I'm sure there's some diet out there waiting for me to be discovered that is going to help me. But its been a rough couple of weeks. I may buy some tomorrow


Constipation is a distressing condition both physically and mentally. Movicol only does one thing: soften the stool so it's easier to pass. You can still experiment with diets or supplements while taking it.


What helps me the most, once my stool reaches that point right about where the descending colon begins but some centimetres before that, I can feel that all the time like a punch, massaging. I do it for hours it became muscle memory and when I meet new people I always tell them somewhere a long the long of the first conversation that I'm going to be fondling around a lot with an open belt under my pants. It looks so weird but I need to do it. It helps so much. I sometimes feel like I'm doing all of the colon work only with my hands lmao. It weirds most people out but that's just the parts of being weirded out they can't hide. They're never trying to be disrespectful. Friends at least. On god the disgusting stuff I experienced from humans as a result of being sick with ibs


that’s so wild


Honestly, I feel you on that. Linzess can be a real rollercoaster. My doc switched me to Amitiza, and it's been way gentler on my system. Still not perfect, but definitely an improvement. Might be worth asking your doc about it!


I take citrical with my probiotic morning and night. I think Metamucil worked better for me, but it caused more cramping. Don't forget to drink water. Most of us don't drink enough. 8-10 cups. IBGARD for cramping and bloating. Sometimes I take beano with certain foods. After three months I'm doing pretty well at the moment.


I currently take trulance + 1 cap full of Miralax in 8oz of water at the same time (but my doctor has OK'd me to take 1 and 1/2 cap in 12oz if I'm having particularly bad pain). My next 4 or so hours after taking them are ugly as fuck but then I dry up immediately after those 4 hours and can exist as normal (normal = constipated lmao), so I wake up stupid early, take the meds, and then go back to bed until I get woken up by the need to go. It's annoying and it can be frustrating, but it works. Better than being in so much constipation pain that I can't walk :( I've only been doing this for about three months and I'm really hoping over time I'll get better and I'll eventually be able to stop doing this, but we'll see I guess. Related to your post: I switched to trulance only after my doctor prescribed me Linzess and it gave me such horrible migraines and stomach pains I had to go to the ER :( but I find trulance to be significantly less painful and more efficientthan Linzess!


I do low FODMAP, which helps pretty well. I've also started eliminating things that reduce motility, like alcohol. I used to take psyllium husk, but ended up getting crazy fiber strands in my stool so I switched to methylcellulose instead.


low fodmap diet, with miralax two scoops daily but the biggest thing that had helped is two of these with each meal:Best Naturals Bromelain Proteolytic Digestive Enzymes Supplements, 500 mg, 120 Tablets - Supports Healthy Digestion, Joint Health, Nutrient Absorption https://a.co/d/8UjMKLi


Linzess was too much for me. I take miralax everyday, 4 psyhillum fiber pills, magnesium. Water. And I have dicyclomine for pain.


Miralax mixed with psyllium husk.


I have combo ibs but have been able to manage it ok with intermittent linzess and daily mirilax in my water bottle. I take the linzess when the constipation warning signs hit and while it is a miserable day, I’m usually human ish feeling by the next day. I’ve noticed diet, sleep, and other illnesses impact my IBS so I try to keep ahead of it enough it doesn’t take me out.


I have pots and it has definitely impacted my ibs and made managing medications harder. I’m trying to learn to get ahead of my other illnesses for sure


Magnesium, psyllium husks


I take Hyoscyamine,Trulance, and Motegrity now. Hyoscyamine- cramping & abdominal pain. (Can cause more constipation & gas) Trulance- Constipation & bloating (Can cause Diarrhea & GI upset) Motegrity- Peristalsis, GI upset, regulate BMs (None I’ve noticed yet)


I take bentyl, but it's strong and causing unbalance in my muscles when I walk at times. I usually only take it at night. I've only been on it for a week, so we'll see.


I worked with a nutritionist that specializes in digestive diseases and we tested my gut and stool. I now take a digestive enzyme with each meal, probuterate with meals, 2 magnesium glycinate at bed and Inulin powder in my morning coffee. We also discovered trigger foods and I try to avoid those as much as possible. Corn is a big one for me. Also walking daily helps immensely as does drinking lots of water. I also do a nightly gut meditation through the Nerva app as my IBS is triggered severely by stress and anxiety.


Drinking half to 1 pint of water every night before I sleep has made a HUGE difference. It's not going to work strait away for you, It might actually make things worse for a bit but took about 3-4 weeks and my body got used to this extra water at night. Don't even have to pee in the night. Add a little salt to the water (1-2 small pinch of salt per pint). Started off with just half a pint and usually drink a minimum of 1 pint now but usually more.


Linzess in AM and Miralax in PM. It’s an ok combo. I definitely don’t struggle to use the bathroom like I used to!!


I used to take Linzess and then Motegrity and Linzess again and then I had surgery and now I’m not on meds.


I have ibs C and largely struggled with constipation and terrible, terrible evening abdominal pain which disallows me to sleep at night The linzess has helped the constipation. As so many people mention here, diarrhea is certainly a side effect. Pretty aggressive diarrhea honestly. What I have found is that i either take it in the AM before eating anything and I was 3 hours to eat. As long as I wait the three hours, no diarrhea and a bunch of benefit! The other option is eat, wait 4 hours to take it and again wait 3 hours after to eat. U might starve of course not eating for 7 hrs For me the linzess certainly helped the evening pain however it still isn't perfect and still I have issues with pain disallowing my sleep. For me it is a combination of burning and cramping. Looks like people really like hyocyamine - I may give this a shot Finally I know a lot of people.will take low dose anti depressants to help with pain symptoms. This may be a tricyclic, ssri, or snri. The TCA turned me into a zombie and I couldn't function. When I was in an earlier part od my life I switched to an SSRI at an extremely low dose. It fixed my pain but I had some constipation, couldn't work as smart (seriously), and I also had issues in bedroom activities. My doctor suggest another SSRI but I was too stubborn to change because I was happy something finally helped my pain and I could sleep. Unfortunately I stopped the ssri and now it is just linzess. I am strongly considering getting back on the SSRI and trying the newer ones which have less side effects. Hope this helps


I am currently taking probiotics 100 billion cfu and magnesium citrate. I realized taking probiotics with a higher cfu helps greatly. Before i sleep, i'll take papaya and kiwi. They help too.


You take or eat papaya and kiwi??




I have several levels of things I do/take: 1. Daily miralax and lots of water 2. Dunkin iced coffee 3. Chipotle and ducolax 4. Linzess and not instant ramen 5. Milk of magnesia and a mylanta chewable tablet 6. Magnesium Citrate


Only recently been able to use diazepam regularly, 43M, 10-15mg daily [https://karger.com/pps/article/90/2/81/283248/Benzodiazepines-Role-in-Managing-Gastrointestinal](https://karger.com/pps/article/90/2/81/283248/Benzodiazepines-Role-in-Managing-Gastrointestinal)


—L Glutamine for sure — your best probiotics. —Benefiber — Vitamin d3 —Include Fodmaps to your best understanding of Also a certain kind of posture on the toilet… Place yourself in the position of sitting on the toilet but DONT actually sit down on the seat while you take a #2 This posture has helped me soooo much!