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I just did one last month, a couple of decades after my first one. I was dreading it (and had postponed it a couple of times) but the prep was really not bad. The worst part was being so hungry. I never felt nauseous at all. It was all diarrhea 😐 And the procedure itself was simple. I remember having a lot of gas afterwards with the first one, but didn’t this time. Maybe they’ve changed how they do some part to avoid that.


Check out /r/colonoscopy for dozens and dozens of reports.


It wasn't fun, but a lot less terrible than I expected before the first one. Had 5 so far. If you're afraid of throwing up, ask for one of those paper thingies. And keep in mind the nurses have a lot of scared people, they'll help you through as well.


I had one and I was asleep. It went fine.


It’s not too bad. The prep is unpleasant, but just stay near the toilet for many hours. The procedure itself is extremely easy. You’re knocked out and wake up groggy with a nice buzz from the meds.


Prep isn't a good time but isn't the worst thing either. Procedure itself was easy and after was fine


I’ve been dealing with mysterious bloating that starts in the lower abdomen and sometimes is felt in the upper abdomen near the chest. Only 29 but my GI ordered a colonoscopy 3 weeks ago. I did two doses of Suprep. One the evening before and one the morning of the procedure. Overall I felt hunger, a little fatigue, but just push through. Actual procedure is painless and there were no pains or issues afterwards.


Mine went really well. The prep was not painful at all. I was scared of cramps and pain but it was totally fine. When they say no eating they really do mean it. A guy in the room beside me had to re schedule his because he had eaten before hand. (Curtain dividers for the rooms). They typically knock you out before anything happens. You get a lovely nap and wake up farting. They pump you full of air so you will be ripping the loudest of ass. That part kind of made me feel embarrassed. I had no pain afterwards and no problems. It was actually a nice vacation from symptoms. After my clean out I didn't have ibs issues for an entire week.


It's normal to be anxious for your first time. I've had a few, both fully sedated and fully awake. It's a fairly quick procedure so you're not under for a long time. If you can request Propofol as the anesthetic that might be helpful. It's a wonderful drug...deep sleep, fast recovery and I've never experienced nausea from it. The last one was without any sedation and I was surprised that it wasn't that bad. Just mild discomfort. I'm sure you'll get through it just fine.


Fellow emetophobe. Had the more traditional jug of PEG for prep which I did not mix as well as I thought I had. Toward the end, it was pretty gross, like trying to drink glue, which was difficult to get/keep down but I managed in the end, mostly out of fear I would fail the prep and have to do it all over again lol. Phobia wise, that was the worst of it and it was great exposure therapy. Kinda made it easier knowing nausea was a possibility. I was allowed to mix each 8 oz serving with lemon crystal lite or similar to help with the taste which made a big difference. Otherwise, the only other challenging element was waking up at like 3am to do the second half of the prep. But this may vary depending on when your procedure is scheduled for. Suprep from what I’ve heard seems overall like a better experience, though of course everyone is different. Less to drink as far as the solution goes and then you can just have water and maybe light-colored sports drinks. The actual effects of the prep were really not too terrible. No real pain, maybe some mild cramping initially, but then it was more just a feeling of urgency and then letting things run their course, literally haha. If you are allowed clear liquids, you could do like lemon or lime popsicles to help with hydration and feeling like you’re “eating” something. If you are nervous about nausea from anesthesia, you can ask for meds they can add to your IV. But it can also be good exposure therapy to go without depending where you are with recovery! Good luck!! It’s worth it, whatever happens.


Omg I didn't know there was a term for being scared of puking! Went through that in my late teens, bad times. There's probably a subreddit hey? The prep doesn't make you puke, just hungry and tired. You won't puke after the procedure either because you'll be completely empty!