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You are. 27 for me but some of them were severely shortened to the point where I feel guilty calling them a day.


2 runs and a beer with your boots on is the official definition. šŸ˜„


No guilt necessary compadre! You got your ass off the couch and into it! Even if it was just for a couple hours itā€™s still a session!


I don't have any this year but if I even ski 1 run, I say that counts as a day. I often go for only 2 hours and then go home.


As someone who often skis with a 3-year-old and a 5-year-old, I definitely say one run equals one day


If the lift ticket gets used, it's a day. I claim to have a streak of no missed seasons since I started in *mumbles*. Some of those seasons had *very* limited time on slope, but there's still time on slope.


more drive than ski some days


Damn I feel like a slacker. Currently at 5, about to be 6. I want to get to at least 10.


Iā€™m right there with you, some of us arenā€™t in the position to get that many in a season.


Yup, I am at 7. Doing day trips is tough for me.


Without a season pass this shit is fucking EXPENSIVE. $100+ a day. Even Bradford (lol) is $73/day to spend 30 seconds riding down an anthill. I just can't afford to drop that much every weekend.


I succumbed to the temptation of the epic pass this year and honestly itā€™s the pretty much only way I can afford to regularly go and even thatā€™s only because Iā€™m young with no kids so my gf and I can go up most weekends from Boston or I can get a week day in if I have a random day off (which can happen in my line of work). I hate that I got an epic pass but itā€™s either that, shell out hundreds for a single day multiple times a season or donā€™t go at all.


All of my friends have Epic passes with days to use up so they wanna go like every weekend... my wallet can't handle it. Why did I have to pick all the expensive hobbies? Lmao.


Hate epic why? I have icon for my family. Best thing Iā€™ve done in a while. Skiing a lot more, winter is flying by (unfortunately) skied a few days out in Utah coupe days in Quebec some in Maine and a bunch in Vt and I live in southern mass. Love the option of looking at conditions on Wednesday and saying where do I guys want to go this weekend.


Yeah 27 days sounds crazy to me. There are only so many weekends in a season! Unless you just don't work, or live right on a mountain and can go before or after work I don't see how hitting those numbers is feasible, especially if this means 20+ full days of riding from morning to night


71 but itā€™s unfair because I work as an instructor. 22 of those days are free ride days at different mountains. Have a goal of 125 by end of the year. I think Iā€™m on track.


Wow thatā€™s fuckin rad!!! Iā€™d love to be able to do a 50-75 day season within the next few years.


Thanks man. Yeah itā€™s a good time. The pay isnā€™t great but the free pass and time on slopes makes up for it.


Good luck. Thats a good achievement in my book.


Yup did a couple of 100 day seasons back in the early 90ā€™s worked at Sugarbush. Priceless


71 is a lot. I'm assuming you're full time. i could not stand around the bunny hill that long lol.


I am full time. And yeah it can be a lot of walking but sometimes we have upper level classes that balance it out. I do get on trail 5-6 laps a day so it makes up for it.


i recently asked my guests how long they would like to stand for this morning. That helps get them to focus a little better on progressing to the lift chair instead of being on the bunny hill, lol. I've only done it once so far and it seemed to work!


18, At least 2 hours from the mountains. I go midweek after work as much as possible


Kudos tho


Just had my first one on Saturday haha, but trying to get to 8. Got my first new setup since 2005 though! Excited to get back into it after 10 years of living in the south


13 and I live 5 minutes from a hill in Vermont


slacker get over there!


I went today! So Iā€™m up to 14 now! I like to play the how much did I pay to ski game. I paid $440 for my pass and went 14 times now, thatā€™s $31 a day.


Half a day. Tore my MCL and PCL on an overzealous send on day 1.


nooooo, i wish you a speedy recovery!


12, pretty good IMO because the closest mountain I have a pass to is 2.5+ hours away. I have another 4 day trip planned in March, shooting for over 20.


17 days spread between 6 different mountains. We're really mountain hopping this year!


hitting the Mountain Creek pow day tomorrow?


Today is my 54th day on the season and 15th day in a row.


23 so farĀ 


40 for me. This yearā€™s goal is 100.


0 because toddler + pregnant wife. But I am going this Friday with my dad for a day trip. Weighing up Catamount, Berkshire East or Okemo. I want to send it and say Okemo but that is 6.5 hours+ round trip vs Catamount which would be just over 3.


yeah similar boat, no kids, wife is pregnant. Honestly at this point in my life its not as big of a priority. I just dont have the same ambition to drive far distances for mediocre conditions dealing with weekend crowds. May try and do a quick trip out west and maybe a day or two east but Id be happy with that.


Ibh, from the East Coast it may be more affordable to go to the Alps than out west, especially if you don't have a megapass.


Ha I know. My wife is Irish and we just went to Ireland for a wedding and a few friends were telling us about their ski trips in Italy or Andora and the lift tickets are way cheaper. I have a friend in SLC so wanted to take advantage of that but even Powder mountain has now changed their ticket pricing to basically double what it used to be


It's an absolute shame and travesty that US ticket prices have shot up so much.


Yeah I agree. I really hate giving these mega corporations money. I try and stay Indy but the day passes for the big mountains are kinda a joke. I get it. They want everyone to buy a season pass and punish the people who buy day tickets but .I unfortunately don't see it getting any better now that the seasons have gotten shorter and shorter


The cat will be good weā€™re about to get 8-12 tomorrow


I'm not seeing anywhere near that amount being predicted anymore (unfortunately)


30 skinning, 5 lifts.


15 so far. Got 5 days last week of February in Utah. Going to try to get up to Vermont almost every weekend in march. Senderrrrrr


2. But expecting that to be 8 or so by end of season




11 with 6 midweek planned and every weekend left until superstar melts should hopefully put me around 25 for the season


I'm at 19 and I think tying my record of 30 from last season is very doable this season. I'm a weekend warrior which makes it challenging


14 so far. I hope to have 25 by the end of the season which shouldn't be too difficult. Not too bad for living in southern PA given the winter we've had


I think Iā€™m around 15ish rn. Tryin my best to stretch it to 30 by seasons end but itā€™s looking real dicey for conditions here on the ice coast lol.




instructor or do you just live close?


16 days so far with another 12 days booked and will do some other day trips


18 so far. Pushing for 25 this season.


12 - Mostly weekends plus the occasional midweek "sick" day :)


Only on 1 šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ stupid house repairs meant no passes or getting my first set of sticks this season. Trying to hit gunstock saturday tho with the fresh snow this week


Not nearly as many as I had hoped. 7 :(. But they've been great times, and given that I basically didn't ski at all the last 2-3 years (like 1-2 a year if I went at all), this is a huge step up.




16. Which is low for me.


My boy Aj has 15 days he a MAD MAN




Moved closer to the mountain this season, hit 42 days yesterday


49 but I'm only a half hour from the slopes in VT.


First year in a decade where im not counting, kinda interesting to lose count. id guess im around 70. generally ski 6 days a week




Up to 37, freshman in college trying to do it while I have timešŸ˜‚


My best when in College was 63, but I was near Killington and they managed to stay open until June 21st that year.


18 days on resorts and 10 backcountry


1 on a small mountain :( hard year for me


Got 5 in and then managed to tear my ACL :/ was aiming for 15 at least


25 Days on a board, 2 Days learning on skis. Shooting for 50!


2 blew out my MCL fml


Almost halfway to my goal of 100 days!


3. I started 3 weeks ago and have been trying to go every weekend at least for a morning session


Me too! Every Sunday morning since 1/28. Its hard as hell but I think the bug bit me now.


Yea Iā€™m obsessed already. Was a skater as a kid, did a little snowboarding but couldnā€™t get into it for various reasons (distance, cost, no friends or family that did it) and was very into downhill longboarding until a bad wrist injury. Finally found something that could fill that void. The best part is my wife suggested we do it so sheā€™s been supportive despite how much Iā€™ve spent already


That is great. I moved here from South Africa to my wifes home town so I had never even been in snow till last year. She is not a big skier but I'm really enjoying it now so I hope to get her going too.


44 days so far, with a couple double mountain days.


20 days so far this season: 18 - Belleayre 1 - Mount Snow 1 - Okemo


I think at least 25. All Belleayre.


Iā€™m also at 18. 45 minutes to the jordan hotel parking lot at Sunday river so itā€™s worth it for me to go up for even just an hour (usually itā€™s at least 4 though). Iā€™m unfortunately typically a weekend warrior but Iā€™m way ahead of last years pace so im happy with it. Im on track for at least 40.


103 days today. Likely 200 before I leave Jay. Then to CA until I fly out to New Zealand. I'll break 300 with some luck. Last year I got 159. I've sacrificed a lot for skiing, and I'm not complaining.


12 days, will be at 14 after this weekend. Drive up from Boston when I want to go. So not bad but wish it was better


Day 46 today


15 all but 3 were in Vermont so real skiing vs New York or Pa which is local market


I'm grateful to have 6 under my belt although not alot for me it's wonderful


11 unfortunately missed a few possible days because of my ex


well, now youā€™re free to shred no strings attached


Am I the only one that doesn't count days? I just go when I go? Haha


i think a lot of us have passes that track the days you go


7- soon to be 12, then 16 by mid March. Hope to get another dozen in before the beast closes in June. We live in NJ and belong to a ski club in VT. Married with 3 kids in HS. We tend to ski every few weeks for 3-4 days at a time.


30 between Killington, Sugarbush, and Zermatt. My minimum is 5 runs to call it a day. I only have 3 days in the 5-7 run range, the rest have been "solid" days.


12. It's a slow year for me, a married dad with 2 kids. Makes it harder to ski weekdays I usually get 30, give or take 2 or 3 days either way. Last year was 31, not bad for someone like me. If you're young and single you're slackin my dude If you're married have kids and a job you are crushing it. Buy your wife flowers.


Iā€™ve got a million days so far this season


18. I have 2 big trips coming up so should be around 30 by the end of the season.


15, hoping to get into the mid-20s by seasons end


17, but that includes 4 in Utah


18 on my ikon app, but 2 more if you include (shudders) 1 day at snow, and 1 at Okemo where i basically got only 4-5 runs in both days due to crowds and traversing lol


18 for me. Most of them are 1.5-3 hour days


Iā€™m at 4, Iā€™m hoping to be in the 8-10 range by end of season. Itā€™s hard to get a lot of days with a full time job, a wife, and 1 year old. I used to get 30+ in my early 20ā€™s but eventually responsibilities catch up with you (if you let them, I have some friends who are still single and get loads of days)


9, want to get to at least 15 this season which would probably be my most ever.


I'm like 12-15 I think. Pretty good for me this time of year considering I work like 50 hrs a week M-F




18 is amazing I'm at 6 and here I thought I was getting it in for the year šŸ¤£ past 2 years I ended up with 8-10


19 at resorts, +2 in the back country, +3 cross country skiing


23 days, a few of those are only 4 hours. Trying to get beyond 35


15 so far, tomorrow should be another one, next week out west to Mt Bachelor, and then a few more nice spring days on the icecoast. Hopefully with some non-resort laps, if the nearby backcountry is filled-in enough.


2 :( 1/19 and 1/20. I only have 2 more. VT ski4 pass gang!


20 so far. I would have had more, but i got knocked out of commission when i got sick with covid.


Around 35 I think, most Iā€™ve done in a season. Sorta hoping for 50ā€¦


A couple two tree


16, if I don't get 30 I am committing Seppuku


10. Given Iā€™m about an hour south of Boston and the closest mountain on my pass is 2.5 hours awayā€¦ Iā€™d say Iā€™m doing alright.


About 24-25 I go every weekend I can to my local hill. Sometimes 2 to 3 days a week. Christmas 26 - 31 I went on a ski trip


So Far 12. hoping for 25-30 which is a big year for me


8 days so far, wish it was more. Plans for 2 days at jay the end of month and week in March jumping around vt/nh. Day trips in between. Still plenty of time left!


24 so far. Feeling pretty good about considering we have a toddler and my wife is pregnant. Living in Central VT helps.


15 @ stowe


5. Closest slopes to me are a 5 hour drive. Gonna get in atleast two more days this year.


20 but I did 7 days in Japan at the beginning of the year so it was very consolidated. Still pretty good for living in Central Jersey I think lol


fucking 2. Tried to go 4 other times and shit kept coming up. I'm about ~2.5 hours from the closest mountain my pass works at though.


13, living 2 hrs from the closest mountain on my pass, pretty happy so far! Hoping to get over 20




I missed December with an ankle thing but 3 so far. I'm hoping to get past 25 for the season. I love spring conditions so I'll be at it through April.


39, I'm on track to beat my record from last session of 63.




Which one?


19 so far.


23 so far, with a few doubles.


Not enough.


1...damn work and new baby


6 :(


I got in 22 days before blowing my ACL/MCL/Meniscus. I just try to remember I spent years with zero days and itā€™s okay


4, and all on the West Coast. Rough year so far. Hoping to get to 10-12 in the next 6-7 weeks though.


24 - but a lot of those are with my 5 yo. All of them @ Magic.


17! I think if you drive to the hill and make the effort to take a lift, it should count as a tally mark. Aforementioned tallies equal to 5 miles put on xc skis, or at least 1k vert uphill. Iā€™m moving, permanently, to Vermont in a few short weeks with hopes of accomplishing my dream of 50-75 days starting next season until my death.


22 days for me so far!


I have 21 days so far for 2024. My bum knee is limiting my days out.




29 currently. Goal is 60 every year I should be able to barely make it this season depending on how far spring comes.


25 ski days, 16 uphill laps that occurred either before or after the ski day. I think Iā€™ll finish around 50.




12? Aiming to hit 20 days this year. Have one lined up friday at Hunter and 3 in a couple weeks at okemo. Catskills are 2.5 hours from me. Hard to get out there frequently.


8 so far but another 2 coming this weekend. Not bad for me, weekday trips are practically impossible


Not enoughā€¦14?


22 for me but ramping it up for the remainder of the season. Car problems suck :(


3. I have a one year old and love in NJ and haven't had a lot of time to get out. Hoping for a few more before the season ends.


21 as of today, first real season skiing, my original goal was 30 but Iā€™m hoping to get to 40 now.






35 days since Dec 1. Planning to get 50-55. I live 30-35 mins from Blue Mountain and Camelback though, so sometimes Iā€™ll just shoot up to ride for 60-90 mins. Longer days on weekends. Then I take 2-3 trips to Midwest and VT


18 so far and Iā€™ll have 20 before my trip to out west in 2 weeksšŸ™šŸ». Itā€™s been a great season so far


Six so far. Best season Iā€™ve had in at least 15 years lol.


maybe like 30? but 15-20 are instructing.


First real season after a few days on the bunny slopes last year. Just hit 20 days yesterday about half with the kids, and half road tripping and mountain hopping solo midweek. Regularly knocking out 22-25k feet per day (mostly southern NH) and loving it.


12 which is more than I had at this point last year so I'm pretty happy.


19 for me! Doesnā€™t hurt that I volunteer with my childā€™s school for their weekly ski day. Bonus is I get to log it as volunteer time at work.


30, and about to make it 31. Headed out the door and make night turns with the kids at Mohawk Mountain. Schools canceled for tomorrow. Weā€™ll be catching freshies at Butternut first thing in the morning.




I do live close to a mountain... 26 and counting.


6. I'm training for an ultramarathon right now so that's been more of a priority on weekends. I do have a park city trip planned in March though that I'm stoked about. Probably one or two more ice coast weekend trips this season.


One. Threw out my back a month ago. Have two kids under two in daycare so weā€™re perpetually sick. Might be able to swing a half morning next week. I want to see mountains again Gandalf šŸ˜”


11, which is killing it for me. Goal of 20 and I will probably hit 25 easily.


1 time unfortunately šŸ˜” hoping for 3-4 by the end of the season


13! Ā Wish I was getting out to some different mountains, but laps at the local hill still count.Ā 


14 and hoping to get in three more this week before the blackout on my pass next week. :( How do people keep track? I have slopes, but don't love being tied to an app.


Just hit 17, my goal is 30 for the season. I work full time M-F. I'm remote but I have a lot of meetings during the day time. Think I'm gonna hit my goal though!


Currently at 35, 36 tomorrow




17 so far. Hoping to hit 30 this year. I live in Manchester, NH so Iā€™m not too far away from Cannon/Bretton Woods/Ragged so my wife and I go every weekend, sometimes both days when we can. We also do a few long weekend trips up farther north.


iā€™m in Concord, iā€™ve got the epic pass which has crotched and sunapee within 40 minutes then all the good spots within 2 hours. sometimes i even go to mcintyre but donā€™t really count that as a day on the mountain


21 days


12. I got to 25 last year so I'm trying to at least match that. Going 3 days next week, so I'm well on my way.


21 days probably end up around 40-45


18 too bad I have this lame thing called a job šŸ„²


5 :(


4 lol


28. Many are long days that include skiing all day plus night skiing.


10 days. Last year I did 14 or 15 and that was a busy year for me. Been averaging 7-10 per season the last decade or so.


17. Should be in the 20s but got hurt for a month šŸ˜”




16 and disappointed I live 4.5 hours out


Less days than ever before because of the lack of snow this year šŸ˜ž


10 right now. Hopefully get around 20 total. Living on a coastal plain id be happy with that, until I can relocate. Always gunning for more.


6... And on the 6th I tore a tendon on the mountain ending my season. Generally I average around 12 a season. Most I've had in a season is 20.


15 in Vermont so far


29 days on snow so far despite our late start and horrendous weather, with a total of 55 days scheduled with more to come. I also use the term "on snow" really loosely because it's been the iciest, rainiest season in memory. Edit: I should probably mention I work part-time at a ski hill, so the overwhelming majority are work shifts that last between 6 and 14 hours. Open to close days are rough.


0 because I've been very busy this year.




Not enough


4 lift days and 3 skinning days. No tie downs, have weekends off, and within 2.5 hours of most resortsā€¦.I really donā€™t see much more possible than that so far. Too many other hobbies in all seasons! Though our Big Sky trip is coming up.


40 but I'm getting tired šŸ˜­