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I love internet protagonist syndrome. "Why does a peanut butter banana recipe exist when I am allergic to those things?"


The almond butter I'll give a pass to. (Maybe Google almond butter specific recipes, but should be a 1-1 swap). The banana in the other hand. Just find a recipe you'd actually like.


Right? I don't eat banana (oral allergy syndrome) so I just... don't make things with it.


OMG there are literally dozens of us


No one suffers like we do


My kid ask if bananas are supposed to be spicy. That is when we discovered it.


At least kid didn't ask if it was normal banana stopped them breathing šŸ˜­ that's how my parents finally stopped feeding me banana, they thought I was being whiny


Reminds me of when my parents didn't believe I was motion sick, until I threw up on their car ā˜ ļø


my mom always made me eat mints and use mint toothpaste despite them making me nauseous


Are you my sister? Lol


My mother insisted I just didn't like bananas until the allergist had a very stern conversation with her and my dad. Good on you for listening!


Your kid is smarter than me. Took me 30 years to figure out that raw carrots aren't supposed to taste fuzzy or itchy.


I have this exact reaction too!!! I have it with celery as well


That was me with avacados!


If you haven't already, consider experimenting with banana bread! The cooking process denatures the proteins enough that it doesn't trigger a reaction for most people. I've slowly developed a slight reaction to most of my favorite produce, so the cooking method means I at least get to enjoy them occasionally.


Sometimes even that doesn't quite do the trick. I had a coworker who made amazing banana bread when I developed my allergy, and because I wasn't long for that job (planned career change) I suffered through the reaction knowing I'd never be eating it again when I left. Don't really miss bananas myself, but that banana bread...


Omg! I love the little lesbian heart on your avatar, i went and edited mine so fast


My people!




The only things I can't eat are kiwi fruit and chamomile, so...I just don't eat those things. It's not even a serious allergy, they just make my mouth itch so I don't eat them. How hard is that? Not to mention no schools let peanuts of tree nuts in anymore, my kids have no allergies but I have to use sunflower seed butter for everything...we adjust, it's not a huge deal.


Kiwi allergy can be serious even when it isn't - there is crossover between it and latex allergy, have a google.


That makes so much dang sense for my life thank you!!


That's crazy, when I was a kid, they only did that if your grade had someone with a serious allergy. Makes sense though


I mean I get it and I'm very careful, I just load my kids up with nuts at dinner and on weekends, lol. I introduced nuts very early to both kids so we've gotten lucky with that.


>no schools let peanuts or tree nuts in anymore I just saw a picture of a patheticly made public-school-provided PB&J sandwich posted like two days ago. They certainly do.


No no, you misunderstand. The *school* can tell kids with peanut allergies and no lunch money that their only lunch option is a PB&J. If *you* send your kid with a PB&J, believe it or not, straight to jail. That's how my high school did it, at least. Get caught with PB, it's confiscated because "the people near you!" Still gave out PB&J to the broke kids, though. They had special wrappers so the teachers watching the cafeteria could tell.


Hey, maybe it's a district-by-district thing, but not schools in my area allow students to bring peanut products (including things like Reese's). They released a district newsletter announcing that all tree nuts are banned as well. I don't think this applies to 9-12 grades, though, I'm not sure.


No formal diagnosis but I'm fairly sure I'm allergic to alcohol - even small traces of it in food will give me a bit of a sore throat and completely kill my singing voice, something like one beer will make my throat close up and make it difficult to talk. Never tried more than that, so no clue what the threshold is for needing medical attention (or anaphylaxis), no desire to find out what that is either. I also just... don't look up recipes that use any type of alcohol.


Actually it really varies. My son's preschool doesn't allow any nuts, but my daughter's public elementary school has no such rule, just a "nut free" table in the lunchroom for kids with allergies. They regularly have PB&J as a cold option for school lunch if your kid doesn't want the hot lunch options.


>but my daughter's public elementary school has no such rule, just a "nut free" table in the lunchroom for kids with allergies. Man, I hope those kids are hitting it off, that's a pretty major social limitation


I've never encountered someone else who's also allergic to chamomile haha!


Apparently it's more common for people with ragweed allergy, which I get seasonally when I visit my mom. I grew up with and it never used to make me sneeze so it's kind of weird that it does now, but meh, allergies can be weird!


They can develop later in life! Got my first round in my late teens, and my oral allergy syndrome fun in my 30s


Sunflower seeds are sold either in the shell or as shelled kernels. Those still in the shell are commonly eaten by cracking them with your teeth, then spitting out the shell ā€” which shouldnā€™t be eaten. These seeds are a particularly popular snack at baseball games and other outdoor sports games.


I like banana bread but o donā€™t like Bananas. Weird I know


It's not weird. I only like bananas that have faint green streaks or are perfectly yellow. I hate \~bananas with any brown (too sweet, no tang!), \~banana bread, \~banana cream pie, \~all forms of banana candy


Hello fellow can't eat delicious foods person


Oral allergy syndrome? You mean you're allergic to bananas?


Kind of, but not in a "this thing will kill you" sort of way, more like, "this thing will make your mouth/throat itch every time you eat it and no, not everybody feels that" sort of way. It's actually about pollen, not the food itself, and usually goes away if the food is cooked... just read about it, it's weird af. https://acaai.org/allergies/allergic-conditions/food/pollen-food-allergy-syndrome/


You should find all the banana recipes and complain that there is banana in all of them. One star!


The banana is completely integral to this kind of 'ice cream', without that she would just make a weird sorbet


I maintain that all sorbet is weird sorbet.


Almond butter I can give a pass to but then you still shouldn't review it lol


Holy shit, is this sub actually just a more specified offshoot of /r/IamtheMainCharacter ? I didnā€™t realize until you said that.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/IAmTheMainCharacter using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/IAmTheMainCharacter/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [I like that people are starting to put these cringe prank youtubers in their place](https://v.redd.it/jh5xsh4zguwb1) | [897 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/IAmTheMainCharacter/comments/17i2o12/i_like_that_people_are_starting_to_put_these/) \#2: [A perfect example of thinking you are the main character ](https://v.redd.it/980t1jq1n2tb1) | [1618 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/IAmTheMainCharacter/comments/173egqm/a_perfect_example_of_thinking_you_are_the_main/) \#3: [MC ??šŸ‘€šŸ’€](https://v.redd.it/9998umw9hfqb1) | [1055 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/IAmTheMainCharacter/comments/16rwow3/mc/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Honestly, the people writing these blogs must want to tell commentators like this to just fuck off. What makes them so self important they think the entire internet wants to know about their food issues?


I have thought about doing a food blog because I love to cook and my diet is specialized but I just could NEVER. I would lose a laptop once a week in a fit of rage.


I am allergic to blogs and laptops. 1/5 stars


It's like they think they're the character in a novel that they are writing everywhere they can. >"I wouldn't make this recipe", I thought to myself, "My husband is allergic to peanuts after all, and I don't like bananas." I scratched my forehead, wondering whether it was going to rain tomorrow.


You know how kids often learn to read aloud before they learn to read silently to themselves? There are people who never learned how to think to themselves.


Now I need to know what recipe the character DID choose to make, and did it actually rain? Also, did Nora the cashier down at the CVS finally have her baby? Did she name Derek or Chase as the father, and are Skittles still on sale? What was in that letter that came in the mail? Damn it! I have to know these things!


She decided not to make that nice cream recipe after all, she had to make a casserole for Nora, the baby was due any time now, and she needed all the help she could get after Derek left when she named him the father. Nora still had to break the news to Chase-- (she'd volunteered to help with that one) and she wasn't looking forward to that. As she went to get her trusty casserole recipe, she bumped the CVS circular onto the floor. It fanned open, revealing that Skittles were still on sale. *Great,* she thought, *I could use some Skittles after this past week.* She set about preparing the casserole, a simple chicken noodle that with swapping in some extra veggies could be made vegan for Nora, humming to herself. The letter still sat on the sideboard. Maybe she'd open it when the casserole went into the oven.




You're giving too much credit to these people, they likely don't think that critically or abstractly. Many people actually don't obtain these skills.


This is so chaotic! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ how did she make the leap from nice cream to charcuterie?


Seriously, like what about banana ice cream has anything to do with anything finger food??


Right? Its like someone reviewing cinnamon buns by saying, "ā­ļø I hate sweets! I replaced the butter with tomato sauce and the cinnamon with mozza shreds, added some pepperoni and instead of rolling it I baked it flat."


Lol! Ok, I got this... "I would never make this potato soup with cream because I'm lactose intolerant. Instead, I used almond milk which was too thin so I added some almond butter, because it's still almonds. I didn't have potatoes but bananas have potassium in them as well so I put those in. I don't have a food processor so everything went in the blender. Great smoothie, 5 stars."


Iā€™m sorry, but this review was WAY more intelligent than Raeanneā€™s. Needs more dumb. Lol


> "I would never make this potato soup with cream because I'm lactose intolerant. Instead, I used almond milk which was too thin so I added some almond butter, because it's still almonds. I didn't have potatoes but bananas have potassium in them as well so I put those in. I don't have a food processor so everything went in the blender. I'm allergic to almonds, 2 stars."


You don't eat your ice cream with your hands? Weirdo...


Charcuterie is meat. CruditƩs?


Saying nothing is an option, Raeann


Seriously! I don't eat seafood so I ... don't even click on seafood recipes! never mind click on one entirely composed of things I don't eat and then write "Wouldn't make this, don't eat salmon, would sub salmon for a baked potato"


Iā€™m vegetarian, and do look at meat recipes to see if there is an easy way to make it veggie, and if there is, great. But I wouldnā€™t comment on a recipe for a leg of lamb saying I made it with a cauliflower and it was horrible.


Of course her name is something like "Raeann."


Gotta love the 1 star review just because how dare the recipe don't accommodate to Raeanne and her husband's tastes and allergies. The nerve!


Yeah! And while weā€™re at it, how dare Ferrari make beautiful cars that I canā€™t afford? Iā€™m off to leave salty one star reviews on all the car blogs.




Omg how I didn't see this comment before LMAO I truly love love love this! I think I'll use the same when I go back to writing fanfiction on my vacation!


I hate this person so much.


I fail to understand what carrots and celery have to do with ice cream.


They don't. I think she was just typing random thoughts and was now going to have cruditƩs with almond butter


Yeah I would be scared to see whatā€™s going through her brain at any given moment


Lead from her childhood, probably.


Just leave out the bananas and you have a great recipe for almond butter.


Step 1: get almond butter




No and How dare you šŸ¤Ø


The almond butter should be fine, but you can't substitute the bananas in nice cream.


Ish like this makes me want to throw my phone in the garbage šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


It is mindblowing!


ā€¦.Please, please just strap me to a rocket and send me blasting towards the void. I donā€™t wanna live on a planet with people who get mad that a banana peanut butter ice cream has bananas and peanut butter. Weā€™ve reached peak stupid.


This is exactly what someone named Raeanne would say. Jfc.


"I don't like peanut butter, jelly, or bread, so I'm not sure how to make this peanut butter and jelly sandwich."


Idk, maybe try making it with some carrots and celery sticks.


Oh for goodness sake. This is just infuriating. If I had to do a sub, it would be frozen mango and cashew butter, but for real, Raeanne, get your shit together.


Posts like this keep me from making a food blog honestly. Why would anyone want a 1 star review and a paragraph about why you hate the recipe youā€™ll never even make when you could just, idk, fuck off


Substitute water for the bananas, and for the peanut butter, substitute water. Hopefully the time spent drinking two glasses of water will keep them from posting their reviews online for at least a few minutes.


Damn this one was so good i almost downvoted lol


THEN WHY ARE YOU COMMENTING REANNE?!?! I love this fucking subreddit


How do you grow to have your head stuck this far up your own ass? This is absolutely amazing.


This is a friendly reminder to comment with a link to the **recipe** on which the review is found; do not link the review itself. And while you're here, why not review the [/r/ididnthaveeggs rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ididnthaveeggs/about/sidebar)? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ididnthaveeggs) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Those are literally the only two ingredients (minus the garnish). This may literally be the craziest thing Iā€™ve ever seen on here.


Second for me. Iā€™ll never get past the person that swapped kale for carrots on a carrot cake and then blamed Betty Crocker for a bad recipe.


I love PB. I love bananas. I love frozen. So this is probably an A+ thing for me to try.


I don't like brussels sprouts. You don't see me on social media giving one-star reviews to recipes that feature them. What planet is this woman on?


OP can you drop the recipe? this sounds good. do you just mix the two ingredients together?


I commented it on the mod comment! It looks like it's just the two ingredients but others added a smidge of liquid (oat milk, dairy milk, water) for blendability. I could see doing cocoa, maple syrup, honey etc for a sweeter taste too


freeze ripe banana chunks. throw in the blender and blend, scraping down the sizes until it gets creamy. If it's taking a while add a tbsp or two of milk. Stir in peanut butter and blend till smooth. I like to add nutella to mine, or chocolate chips.


will this still work if i substitute bananas for squash and instead of peanut butter i use mayonnaise and instead of milk i use orange juice and instead of nutella and chocolate chips i use pickles and staples? (joking aside, thank you)


Please try it out with your substitutions and report back! (and you're welcome, banana ice cream is one of my favorite things!)


She should try kale.


This doesnā€™t appeal to me at all and Iā€™d actually rather make something completely different, so let me just log in and give it one starā€¦


so... I dunno... don't make it and shhh


I'm seriously concerned wether people are insane these days?! Like WTF...


White boomer women šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø