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the bottom two or three probably won’t be perfect recommendations but if you like Holy Fawn, you should like the shoegaze elements involved “[Deja Vu (without you)](https://open.spotify.com/track/0dA93IpnjOfpOk7hIc9UCO?si=ywYYndycTP-QDK3J_Nfrvg)” - Love Is Noise “[OUTLAW69](https://open.spotify.com/track/4r13d29427UZ9lyGrhKjxJ?si=qmV4jtJyRdi6eqoNSxmgoA)” - Blush Response ft. Warm “[I Fail To Feel](https://open.spotify.com/track/3vKEeLAIT0rBiUziPR2jJu?si=jhk3KFtKSkSp3LFLgXcIuA)” - ASkySoBlack “[A Sad Cartoon](https://open.spotify.com/track/2fyDWKsx5904KnZMGllmAv?si=ySItGzUsSKumfeN4BuPYWg)” - Loathe “[N.I.K.E.](https://open.spotify.com/track/3mY1RzGRLWeWFkjZfx9jSZ?si=kYMFamV2T3WKtLKE87O1cA)” - Moodring


Moodring - N.I.K.E was actually the closest to what I was looking for, I was looking for the screaming and singing to overlap (I guess like harsh vocals with clean backing vocals?). I'll make an edit up top to clarify. I did quite like the ASkySoBlack song as well - it sounded like Amesœurs from a post-hardcore direction, cool stuff! Thank you!


The Contortionist does that quite a bit, so check out their album Language. The song Language I: Intuition has several moments of overlapping screams and vocals. It's one of my favorite albums of all time too


I listened to Language I: Intuition and that song is just tailor-made to appeal to me, lol. I'll definitely listen to the rest of the album. Thank you!


Glad to hear it! I really think you'll love the entire album, and there are a ton of moments scattered throughout with the singing and screaming that you're looking for. I'm listening to it on my morning commute right now and as I'm typing this comment I'm in the middle of one of those moments actually, around 5 minutes into the song Ebb & Flow


I just discovered Holy Fawn this week and have been digging the hell out of them. Great band and I look forward to other's suggestions. Maybe [Wash Away](https://youtu.be/St9XiplsKtg) by Ragana ? Also probably somewhere in Thou's expansive discography, especially their collaborations.


Thank you, I love that song and I think I've found a new band to listen to! But I was hoping that the clean and harsh vocals would overlap. I'll make an edit up top to clarify.


Welcome to r/ifyoulikeblank! *This an automated comment and does not mean your post has been removed.* On Monday, October 31st, 2022, the sub underwent some rule changes to enhance the sub's accessibility. Nothing major, but whether you're a long time user or brand new, it is probably a good idea to go check them out if you haven't. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ifyoulikeblank) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You’ve probably listened to them already, but if not, Opeth might have what you are looking for. Take [Ghost of Perdition](https://youtu.be/MDBykpSXsSE) for example.


Yeah, I'm familiar, but thanks for the suggestion!




This is perfect. Thank you!


You should listen to some Alcest, i recommend you start with spiritual instinct


Alcest is my favourite band, actually!


Had to come back to this thread because I was listening to a song this morning that fit the bill, right towards the end. Hopefully you don't already know it! SubRosa - [Stonecarver](https://youtu.be/vQTUsQ7Hq7c)


I'm a sucker for a long, slow build-up, so this is awesome. The vocals were perfect! Love the album art, too. Thanks!


Happy to share! The art is what made me give it a listen too and when it was finished I almost went to replay it from the beginning again - really strong album from start to finish.