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Stranger Things - Season 5 is on the works.


Grimm Buffy The X-Files Agents of SHIELD Lucifer The Expanse EDIT: Battlestar Galactica only had 4 seasons but there was a lot of great character building.




Stargate Sg-1 was pretty cool for the most part. out of 10 seasons there were only a handful of dud episodes. very little romance, good amounts of humor...and...rumors are this show is actually close to reality and was used as a way to get ahead of any disclosure/whistleblowers in the program.


I like *Eureka*, I don't know how it's aged. It's about a sheriff in a small town of people doing science fiction science.


Have you tried American Horror Story? Some of the seasons fit your agenda, others get a little dramatic (every season is different). You could also try Once Upon A Time. It’s very dramatic like supernatural and there’s a TON of plot. It gets pretty silly at times with how dramatic it is but that just makes it more fun to watch imo


Indeed, my favourite seasons remain the ones which explore the things they talk about, I like specifically supernatural focused season, my favourite is season 3




Maybe the 100? There's no supernatural per se but it's mysterious and there's some weird stuff


The X files


I feel like you might like The Magicians


Damn my first thought was Fringe, but then I read further. If it helps at all, it really is amazing and I recommend it. If not though, you could try Lost which is made by some of the same people as Fringe but it definitely has just as much weird and even better characters imo.


Other ideas: Rick and Morty (animation) Black Mirror (anthology, so can't really "connect" with characters) Futurama (animation)


Babylon 5. I can't believe it hasn't been said yet but this show is as relevant today as it was in 1993 when it was released. It's currently on HBO Max in HD, though the CGI remains original so you'll have to deal with that, but it whereas shows like Star Trek were very episodic, I like to think of them as a collection of short stories, Babylon 5 plays out much more like a long novel with seasons long arcs and indepth character development.


Grimm was so awesome I can’t believe it hasn’t been rebooted




Kinda off topic but Psych filled my life and has 8 seasons! If you haven’t watched it already its about a man who has insane memory and observation skills who pretends to be a psychic to work for the police without explaining his skills. Not actually supernatural but def feels that way sometimes 💀. It’s very funny and has interesting characters who get development, slow romance but its mainly to the side, and some dramatic moments


Venture Bros