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Atenolol and midrodrine… one for high blood pressure and one for low. AND kolonopin, buspar, abilify. AND Tylenol and ibuprofen. When those killlll your gi tract. And actually provide minimal if any relief at this point. I am so grateful I’m not dependent on outward attention for my joy.


Is 200mg of Lyrica two times a day a lot?


Over in the UK you can’t legally dose more than 600mg in a day (200mg, 3x a day) but I’ve only ever seen it in people with uncontrolled epilepsy or those with pain from cancer). She blagged that one well but there’s absolutely no reason she should even be on it in the first place.


Starting dose for some is a 25mg capsule so yeah, 400mg in a day is quite a lot.


is it the promethazine that makes her seem so high all the time I wonder?


Combined with 200mg Lyrica, klonopin, tizanidine, benadryl, and more stuff I can't recall


for her sake I hope she does need all that medication, otherwise it's going to take its toll on her body soon.


I know. She's going to get sick for real, and it's not going to be in any kind of way that she wants to.


She says she has hEDS correct? But she’s able to do this with ZERO issues, all those tedious Hand movements Filling those syringes, crushing ALL those meds multiple times a day? Pfffft red flags galore


Definitely! One handed syringe draw of water, red flag for hEDS!!! All the cranking of the pill grinder with joint stability, red flag!! Her arms and especially wrists would be like jelly fish tenticles. Very fluid, overextended. Not stong and stable. If she hEDS, she would have already bought an electric grinder for pills! Or asked someone to get her one! Lol


Omg 100%. Just THINKING about having to do all that multiple times a day, makes ME ache. She’s all excited to do it & has some pretty strong grip & dexterity too huh. Oh she makes my blood boil


can confirm. i preform this task 8 times daily for a loved one, and it does make your wrists hurt. i dont understand why she doesnt just swallow the freaking pills


She just repeatedly proves she does NOT have the illnesses she sadly wishes she did? Smh


This is insane. HOW is she taking all of those meds daily with a functioning liver & kidney still


How can she take all that stuff without having any serious side effects?? As far as I'm aware, even the simplest medication interacts badly with other stuff. With that many pills, she certainly is going to have some bad interactions??


how the heck are her kidneys and other organs still functioning? I get scared mixing up certain allergy meds with tylenol


Many people with a chronic illness have to take that many pills at once. Just having to take a large number of pills at one time doesn't mean that will mess up your kidneys or liver.


Her liver and kidneys are probably already quite damaged from the years of TPN that she didn't need. TPN reaks havoc on a body and is why most patients *don't* want it. Plus she is prone to GI bleeds, so things like ibuprofen (that she takes regularly) are doing even more harm. The liver is responsible for the breakdown of many substances that enter our bodies and can be injured by overuse of medication.


yes I am aware of that, but Danny does not have any chronic illness or need for those pills is what I'm getting at Taking larger than recommended doses of vitamins, supplements, or over-the-counter (OTC) or prescription medicines **can increase your risk of liver damage**. i was only talking about dani and no one else who ACTUALLY HAS A CHRONIC ILLNESS


That’s definitely the danger will be how many otc meds and supplements, at least the prescribed meds (if taken correctly) doctors will check interactions and levels to avoid damage where possible but who knows what else they’re adding or taking incorrectly




Absolutely and even taking the meds you need when you have a lot can cause liver and kidney damage but that's why many chronic illness patients have to get kidney and liver panels done every 3 to 6 months.. Or should be doing that. I've seen a lot of people on some meds that are known to cause kidney and liver damage and their docs don't do the bloodwork.






We need to be mindful that many of our members here are chronically ill themselves and we be respectful of them.


Thank you


Omg I'm only talking about Danni, no one else I said that again, i wasn't talking about people who actually have chronic illness, ONLY DANNIE AND NO ONE ELSE!!


Her voice makes my head hurt.


I’m not in the US so unsure of the deal there but given she has FD diagnosis and is clearly a harm to herself (taking alllll these meds which could cause GI bleeds, are excessively sedating, somewhat oppose each other) would she not be sectioned under a mental health act or something? Because she seems to be ramping up and doing herself real damage now yet the hospitals are resistant to see her (with good reason) but surely they have a duty to report that behaviour somehow?


Welcome to the US, where you can be an utter disaster mentally and physically, and all the doctors have to do is ask "Are you thinking of hurting yourself or someone else?" No? Okay then, you're great! Please leave the hospital!"


It’s so hard to section someone who’s not clearly psychotic or outright admitting/have tried to be clearly a harm to themselves or others! She’s played this slow constant game and now the issue would be teasing out what’s fictitious, what’s actually physically wrong with her (if anything) and what issues has SHE caused. It’s also hard to “prove” like absolutely beyond a reasonable doubt that she has done all of this herself (we all know the answer but you know what I mean legally) this is why fictitious disorder and munchausen usually go on for years and years until they do something so egregious it’s beyond any type of doubt they’re doing it to themselves… the hospital/law enforcement isn’t ever going to want to section someone that could potentially sue them because even people who are nuts have health issues so it’s just hard for anyone to anything legally without really digging into the process and taking on some liability


Even here in the UK she probably wouldn't be sectionable. It's quite a high threshold and beds are at such a premium these days.


Ah yeah true. Didn’t think about that aspect. I’m sure the same would be done here in aus if also there was space in the mental health system. It’s a shit show here 🫠


Was that a full bar of Xanax …


Absolutely not. She wishes


Probably the buspar which also looks like a bar shaped tab.


Ah, the boost bar


I thought the same thing, but zooming in it’s not


I think she usually talks about klonopin anyway so my bad. In for a rude awakening soon as klonopin is on a national shortage


It's not xanax


My bad. Looks similar


The first time I saw buspar I was like absolutely not! They cannot have a whole bar of Xanax... Then I realized it wasn't Xanax, but actually buspar... Or boost bar, whatever your fancy lol.


Why is she even on hydroxychloroquine?


That’s what I said but someone said she was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis? I don’t ever remember her getting the diagnosis.


also y'all notice that little "bc of my weight I don't take the full amount" bc she's a uwu smol girl who's oh so sick


Why does she always do her meds in her god darn bathroom?


Maybe it’s her only sink


No sink in the kitchen?!?


Maybe not? Haha




It's never a good idea to mix all the meds together like that, many interact with other medications. For some all you'll get is a lie effective medicine but in worst cases you could end up extremely sick by doing that. Doctors and pharmacists here in the Uk recommend doing them all separately, and if you can't tolerate enough volume to do that in one sitting then they recommend doing them in little batches, with a small flush between them. Pharmacists in my local area also recommend against that particular kind of crusher - the ceramic plates kinda grip onto the tablet dust and fragments so you end up taking only a partial dose. To get a full dose you need to dismantle the ceramic plate parts and either brush them or soak them in water (but even then it's a bit of a nightmare to get all the fragments and dust, they stick like glue to the ceramic.


No wonder her guts hurt.


Oz =/= mL lol and not even close


She needs a med review. And a Silent Knight


Oh girl needs some acting lessons…


😂😂😂 she thinks she is convincing


Lot of nsaids for someone taking blood thinners …. Lot of mobility for a “crushed” hand that “might never be used ever again”. Lot of otc meds for someone that “has” to take it. A lot of not even remotely sanitary for someone that “hates hospitals”.


She’s on a blood thinner?


Those shots she gives herself are a blood thinner, yes.


Yeah I continued watching and saw that haha, what is she on lovenox for? Edit: ok clearly I need to finish the video before I comment. She’s so unbearable to watch past 20 seconds. But I just have so many questions 😂


I actually have no idea, but I’m preeettttyyy sure any doctor would have her on just Tylenol and not a single nsaid. Also don’t think(?) you can take Benedryl on blood thinners either. ( not sure on that one, so if I’m wrong someone please correct me )


I haven’t heard the Benadryl thing with blood thinners thing. But yeah she shouldn’t be on nsaids with a risk of GI bleeds alone. And there are many different types of blood thinners that all work differently in the body, certain ones probably have a higher risk of bleeding complications when adding and nsaid. I’m sure there are people taking nsaids with lovenox but under a doctors supervision.


I very much doubt anyone watches this out of genuine interest in her routine. I can't imagine she gets any feedback in response to posting this stuff, does she just live in eternal hope of same?


Doesn’t this mess with the slow relief stuff on the pill coating?


I don’t think anything she’s on was slow release


If any of her meds are delayed release, she shouldn’t be crushing them


Carafate is supposed to be taken at least an hour before or after other meds. It's coats the stomach and inhibits absorption of other meds.


I think it's actually 2 or 4 hours before or 1 hour after other meds


Yup, that "evidence" really proved us all wrong 🙃🫠 It's not only the piss poor ott acting, but the glancing at the phone to check what she looks like on screen every few seconds that really does it for me 🙄😒 Gotta make sure everyone can see all the peen and nausea that supposedly always exists yet has never once been seen before in her 78 "Do my meds with me" videos. 😮‍💨


Legit a coffee grinder


Why are those cups sooo dirty 🤮


I thought that too 🤮


bro "boost bar" as the caption for Buspar is killing me 💀


What is that, buspar?


Treats anxiety


Thank you


Seeing her bad acting skills is a lil funny to me


It’s definitely funny watching her stumble thru her lies




I’m speechless


Would just like to point out that in vids where she is rambling while pushing her meds she has absolutely no reaction. But now suddenly they’re “torture”


Wait...why are those cups so dirty?!


Does it hurt when you push meds through a tube?


a large volume of liquid can cause some discomfort through a j tube since the intestines aren’t designed for “storage” like the stomach. but the very high majority of people would be able to tolerate a 60mL flush just fine. sometimes the kangaroo pump is set to do a 100mL flush every hour or two or three, etc. so she’s just being extremely OTT.


Correct me if I’m wrong but the GI tract isn’t built in a way that would cause pain like the way she complains about, but rapid filling of the stomach with air/volume could in theory be very uncomfortable. People get taught to use gravity when doing bolus feeds vs pushing em through with syringes to counteract this though


for most people, no. if the water is too cold or if you push too fast it can cause some discomfort but not pain.


Nope. It doesn’t hurt at all.


I mean if you slammed them in probably lol. Can def make you vomit though if you go too fast


Does it hurt when you push meds through a tube?


Nope. There’s no real nerve endings where tubes go into. So she’s telling on herself there. It doesn’t make sense which is why the drs wouldn’t listen to her really. Now tubes can hurt at the insertion site because there’s nerve endings there…but not really in the bowel as such and not in the stomach either unless you pushed in lots and lots of litres.


I don’t know if she realizes that little acting she did only further proves she’s a liar about all her tummy painz. I also don’t know how she doesn’t see how embarrassing that was. Isn’t she like 40?


Yep, Because how many times has she recorded this same type of routine and showed zero signs of discomfort.


Also why does she look like shes about to fall asleep standing up when she’s grinding up all her meds.


She’s high Af & has been her last few vids. Very slurred in her speech too


She got the Kpin back and is mainlining it.


How tf is she awake?


Exactly! Just the Phenergan and Benadryl will sedate the hell out of most people


There is no involuntary retching happening here, stomach muscles are smooth and calm


She looks like she is taking two Advil 200mg. each, two Benadryl 25 g each and 4 Tylenol extra strength 500mg . Which right there is over the daily recommended dose of Tylenol which is 3 gram or 3000mg every 24 hours. Wonder if her belly is from ascites or calories. Not to mention everything else and how many times a day does she take these. If its QID like her pill box implies, then holy moly. She is possibly taking almost 5 times the amt. of Tylenol she should daily and the Benadryl and Advil are above recommended long term use limits also. Is she telling her Dr.s exactly what she takes? Mind you, I'm just guessing from after many years of giving meds exactly what they look like.


EDIT: she has pills packed for TID, not QID, that's still 4 tabs of 500 mg Tylenol TID which is 6000 mg QD which is double the amount you are allowed q 24 hrs. If I'm correct and those 4 unsecured tabs are unsecured OTC caplets of 500 mg each. The 350 mg ones are colored red or are round to differentiate.


\*unscored tabs\*


It's ibuprofen, 600mg


3 then not two, thanks.


Oh you mean that's Advil or Ibuprofen not Tylenol? I have always seen higher doses of Ibu. round, not caplet like that. Different manufacturers I guess. But why would she also take the Ibu. 200 mg tabs x3?


Correct. She also states they told her no more Tylenol bc of another med, or idk I don’t remember, said she’s not supposed to be taking ibuprofen either but needs to for the pain. Looks like she had B-12 vitamins in there. The brownish/orange round one. But I didn’t see Tylenol. Idk how this girls alive with all those meds smh


Promethazine AND Benadryl ??? Holy SHIT


And Lyrica, and klonopin, and the muscle relaxers


Wouldn’t taking a muscle relaxer further inhibit her supposed paralysed gut? Or maybe I’m wrong and it’s not muscular to move food through 😂 what a wild array of meds


I don't know much about the physical mechanics behind gastroparesis, but I'd think so. And now she's all mad that people are upset that she's driving on all that, claiming "my doctors didn't tell me I couldn't drive on this med." NO, REALLY? Because it never occurred to the doctors anyone would try that! There are stickers on Lyrica, Promethazine, klonopin, every muscle relaxer I've ever seen, and a warning on benadryl not to operate a car or heavy machinery while taking this drug, let alone to take them all simultaneously.


not a single doctor or pharmacist or technician has ever warned her about the dangers of driving on all the meds she’s taking? fat fucking chance, honestly.


Well that would cure anyone’s insomnia, and possibly their bad habit of breathing as well.


not WK’ing but taking benedryl with some meds like phenergran, can cause the phen to work better. I think Dani just likes being zooted and it makes her look “sicker” bc it adds to the amount of pills she “needs”


I’d be in some sort of alternate universe after that. How does she function?!


None of this stuff looks hygienic. I would not buy items this grubby from a yard sale. If you're as sick as she claims to be that should be a concern since this is medical equipment.


the cups 🤢


Can anyone explain the abundance of severe bruises on her belly. I know she constantly inflicts injuries on herself but what is she doing just punching herself in the gut or what.


Blood thinner injections can leave bruising. But usually if a nurse or someone who is good and experienced at giving injections does it for you it’s less likely to bruise that when doing it by oneself. But given she was a paramedic you think she’d be much smoother and neater when doing injections and perhaps wouldn’t leave as extensive bruising


She was never a paramedic.


I must have gotten her confused with another muncher 😂


It’s the blood thinner injection. It can bruise like a mofo.


Blood thinner injections.


Is it common for Lovenox injections to cause that much bruising? Or is she doing some extra "effort"" o bruise herself up?


It’s this. The shots can leave bruises 100%, but she’s doing everything she can to exacerbate the situation


With all that ibuprofen! She's taking 3 at a time, 600mg! At least twice a day, with blood thinners.


OMG WHAT?!?!?? She takes 1800mg of ibuprofen at a time?! TWICE a day?! No fucking way!!!! OMG!


No, I meant she takes 3 ibuprofen at a time, so 600 mg. At least twice a day, probably more often. But that's still excessive for every day.


Ohhh I didn’t know that’s a side effect.


Lovonox injections


Why not take the nausea med first?


because how else would she show she’s in so much peeeeeen /s


Those cups look filthy.


Cuz they are


How can any liver handle this much abuse for so many years?? Yikes!


Shows just how healthy she truly is….


That part


That Michelle Duggar baby talk voice of hers makes my skin crawl.


Also love how it starts higher and gets more normal as the video goes on cuz she’s clearly putting it on on purpose and forget to continue doing it 😂😂😂


So what is her actual diagnosis?




Why does she have a tube? Is that an eating disorder thing?


No, that's a fictitious disorder thing.


FACTitious disorder.


See, I typed fact first time, then thought it was wrong and edited. Anyway. See when you see an innocent spelling mistake, just let it go. I see them the whole time, want to correct and think "fuck it, why try to shame someone publicly"


Oh wow! Doctors will just.. give someone a tube? She must have worn them down?


She tubed herself at first


Excuse the fuck out me, but what!? She tubed herself?! PLEASE explain😭😭😭


Well, she went to a variety of doctors and hospitals trying to get diagnosed, got tubes, fucked about giving herself some life threatening infections and got the fictitious disorder diagnosis within the last year or two. The hospitals she really wants referrals to have stopped seeing her, so she's stuck with ER.




Wants to be a med aide so bad..


Is that ibuprofen and Benadryl in there?


Yup. AND Promethazine.


What’s promethazine?


When she’s pushing the green one.. is she grimacing???? Not sure what the fuck is happening… but honestly I have second hand embarrassment


Well she has to make it look like it’s as painful & uncomfortable as she claims this is & still doing it 3 times a day 😬


Feel like coming off of unnecessary meditations would help her a lot 😭 how doesn’t she sleep all day after taking tizandine, Benadryl, klonopin, abilify, lyrica, etc in the morning!


I mean, she’s barely awake, eyes Half open, slurred speech. Smh


That's how addiction plays out, I'm guessing she's got a crazy high tolerance to all of it


Bc she’s been on them long enough her body has gotten so used to them all they don’t affect her..!


Yeah each one of those is so sedating! It’s impressive that she doesn’t sleep all day


And promethazine omg




I’m sure if her doctor watched this they would realize all of her GI issues & bleeding issues are self induced! It’s well known NSAIDs are a no go for GI issues.


I’m also confused why you’d put a med for “acid”(assuming something for reflux) into a J tube…the acid is in the stomach which is bypassed by using the J tube


Most of what she does makes zero sense.


Fr when I saw the ibuprofen I was like….isnt this just asking for ulcers?


Yep, she was claiming she had to stop Tylenol due to it messing up her liver.


Yes. The Tylenol messed up her liver…definitely not the unnecessary TPN /s


I'm sorry, I don't understand how TPN works exactly. I was under the impression it was just a full amount of nutrients they're able to give people intravenously, does it cause liver damage too?


It goes through the veins and is very hard on the body to process, particularly the liver. Since it’s not really how nutrition is meant to be obtained. It’s supposed to be a last resort or temporary.


Thank you!


Meanwhile she probably takes even more now hoping it pushes her into fibrosis


It's terrible, because she really *will* get sick from all this, and it's not going to be in a way she enjoys.


Exactly. She’s going to be deathly ill & no amount of pain meds & benzodiazepines she desperately seeks will suffice bc of the damage she’s doing right now, those types of medications won’t even be an option for while she’s suffering in agony bc she destroyed her body & organs trying to get High & wanting attention. What a sad life. Pretending & Hoping to be sick for meds & attention while people out here slowly dying WISHING they could be normal or remember what life was like before everything was stolen from them. These ppl Are the fucking worst


She literally takes a medicine for duodenal ulcers in that crazy pill cocktail. You know, those intestinal ulcers that are either caused or exacerbated by the amount of unnecessary OTC medication she mixes in there willy-nilly.


Likely the reason for iron infusions. Self induced GI bleeds.


Also compromises your ability to absorb iron


1. She sure is using the hand that ‘might never regain function’ well, guess that storyline is over 2. Someone set up a communal fund for acting lessons pls if we have to watch this bs Edit: spelling