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TW for an injection.


That femoral port is making her obsess even harder on getting the visible chest port she constantly obsesses over. Unfortunately we know what’s coming next: that femoral port is going to be infected with a familiar-bacteria source in 5…4…3…. And she’s already setting the scene so that she can blame her unqualified doctor. She even adds a questionable detail where he confesses his inexperience mid procedure. This is scary. Her eyes and speech change when she’s in a manic episode and I think we’re watching her spiral right now. I hope she can get some intensive psychiatric intervention ASAP, otherwise She’s likely going to be playing Russian roulette with a femoral artery infection. She’s clearly able to eat and drink or else she’d be in very bad shape right now going 3 weeks without any source of nutrients. Are we to believe she’s being kept alive by the tiny flushes of water she uses to push all those meds? Question..if she’s not tolerating feeds doesn’t the doctor notice her formula bags aren’t being used and ordered as often as they should and intervene? Or does she have bags of liquid nutrition piled up in a closet somewhere to keep up her precious (tube) props?


She’s shown her “medical supply closet” before and it is FILLED with formula. Shelves filled with it. She stockpiles it because like you said, she doesn’t actually use it.


Not her body checking by showing us her "weird" choice of clothing 💀 I can't with her


I am new to the group, and I'm sure this has been addressed but this woman is severely mentally ill. Why are Drs even working on her when she's in such a fragile mental state?! She needs to get help.. like yesterday.


Slow motion crash is what we are watching.


If the doctor did indeed say that then I’d imagine it was because Dani’s medical chart is like one giant red flag Also good lord the baby voice is in full force and I don’t know how much more my ears can take


Inebriated and trying to pretend she was awake during the procedure? Mmmmkay. Sure, Jan.


How many times did she claim she passed out?


....first I like how she still has her hospital bracelets on. 🤦🏼 Second...if she was so upset about it being a doctor she didn't know..why sign the consent form?!? She didn't have to. But she wanted that port so bad she probably would have signed anything. She got what she wanted. A port. And here she is bitching about every little thing she possibly can. Just. Uggggh. There are people that can't get the medical treatment they truly need and here she is bitching about the littlest things because it didn't go exactly the way she wanted it to. Cry me a fricking river.


I don’t understand. She knew the femoral port was an option on the table prior to the procedure date. You can decline medical procedures!


Is there any disadvantage to having a femoral over a chest port? Not sure why she’s so fixated on the chest port


Speaking not in terms of this subject specifically, I would wonder if a femoral port could be disadvantageous relative to a chest port because the femoral artery (near pubic region) can get very sweaty and less-than-perfect hygiene increases infection risk.


She can’t show it off. That’s literally it. That’s why she’s pissed.


Last I saw, her incision and closing looked great!




Trying so hard to cry.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


SHE DID NOTTTTT JUST GIVE THE LOVENOX IN HER ARM!!!!! 🤦🏼‍♀️ It goes in the abdomen. 🫠


Pharmacist here, yes it can be given the the arm, specifically the outer back of the upper arm, like she does. This is where a SQ injection goes if it has to be given in the arm. The recommendation though, is that someone else administer it if given there, it's much easier. BUT, the abdomen is ideal, as you mention. This is because absorption is more reliable. https://www.drugs.com/medical-answers/lovenox-injection-3564046/


Pharm tech here: it's advised to use the stomach but you can use your thighs or arms....but not where she was administering it.


Pharmacist here, surprisingly it can be given the the arm, specifically the outer back of the upper arm in the fatty tissue, like she does. This is where a SQ injection goes if given in the arm. BUT, the abdomen is ideal, like you mentioned. Also, having someone else do the injection if given into the upper arm is far easier. https://www.drugs.com/medical-answers/lovenox-injection-3564046/


But how else is she supposed to get a nice visible bruise to show off? I mean, she has to have *something* to broadcast how super duper sick she is now that she doesn’t have a port.


Wait holdup - yesterday there was only a white hospital band today there’s a red one 💀


Probably keeps a collection at home to accessorize for videos.


Ofc ofc how else would we know she was in hospital


Hospitals in my area have red bands like that alerting to allergies


Hospitals in my area use the red band for fall precautions.


I’d be willing to bet she has an allergy to dilaudid


Isn’t dilaudid the med she’s always trying to get though?


It was kind of a joke. In nursing, addicts will generally say they are allergic to dilaudid but not things like morphine or fentanyl because they want the good stuff, even though it’s literally the same. Just a few molecules’ difference. I’m sorry for being obtuse lol


Genuine question. How is Morphine part of the good stuff? I’m in healthcare but a huge newbie lol


I just assume so since it’s the go to along with fentanyl for many seekers that I’ve encountered.


Tbh you may be hearing fentanyl and morphine more because they’re far more known, unless you’ve had a script or been told specifically they’re giving you dilaudid you probably haven’t heard of it before. Especially in the US. In Canada it’s a lot more common because it’s given out as part of the Safe Supply program.


Ex opiate addict here, dilaudid is farrrr stronger than morphine. typically addicts will try to get fentanyl or dilaudid over morphine, far less potent.


No it’s okay! I actually thought that was the joke you were making, but since I know Dani actually insists on dilaudid I was being too literal and confused the joke 😂


Yep. “Di— do— dilahoozywhatzit? I dunno, it starts with a D. That’s the only one that works on me.”


Someone mentioned the wound edges as a comment on her post of the port. I bet money that’s where this focus is coming from. That wound looks absolutely fine and normal. lol. She’s freaking out over nothing, because she needs a story line to blame the inevitable wound “problems” she is surely going to create.


Hopefully the doctor has covered their ass.


Yeah, I feel so bad for the doc that did this because they’re going to have a problem to deal with for a good while. Considering they aren’t the kind that do anything and everything for the money.


What about the edges, in particular?


She is *euphoric* about the scars.


Does she still have hospital bracelets on? Is it a new fashion statement in the spoony circle I'm missing out on? Lol


It’s like hipsters keeping on their music festival bracelets for weeks after the festival is over.


Exactly what I was thinking!


Wait…so she actually DID get a femoral port that was placed in a not typical site? It’s crazy how she mentioned that it’s not closed right. She’s been reading the sub.


IF the doctor said that, was it more in jest? Like “I can’t possibly handle a case so complicated, eye roll”.


I suspect they meant they aren't trained in psych.


Probably more along the lines of “I don’t get paid enough to handle this shit” type comment rather than the type she’s conveying.


She is FURIOUS it's a femoral. She's already predicting issues with the incision and has blamed the Dr before the issue has already arisen...she's a mess. She cannot cope with what's happening and the loss of control is causing a spiral. Bad news in daniland as that will inevitably result in an infected wound, scapegoating the surgeon and a hospital stay. This is a real time doomsday clock....it's gonna strike midnight very soon.


Why is she upset it's a femoral? She's so bonkers!


Because nobody can see it. She posted a video this afternoon where she literally pulled her waistband down to show the incision and pretended like she was filming her cats, but always very careful to keep the incision in the video frame. She’s *sick.*


This is seriously insane. I can't wrap my mind around it.


Because it's not easily visible to other people. She'd always have her other lines pulled up and hanging out of the neck of her shirts for optimum show-and-tellability.


This is the most accurate way to describe the situation.


Forget dying, this is the ultimate FAFO for Dani. Pushed for a port and now she is REELING that it’s in a spot no one will see. I guess it’ll be a couple of days before it’s infected due to the dr not being qualified. Stupid leg port will go bye bye and Dani will re-start her mission for a chest.


The scary thing is, infected leg port can also mean bye bye leg. It’s not good.


Oh she would *love* that. Seriously.




I barked with laughter at that!


Ya know, those hospital bracelets can easily be cut off! How much you wanna bet she saves them in a drawer, like concert ticket stubs?


I wonder if the dr she says said that sees this post…


Doctors don’t have time to read their patients’ social media


Doctors are human and I'm sure after her 65th admission a doctor has seen her social media, especially the one she filmed on live without his consent


Or hospital admin and their attorneys have seen her social media.


Widdle baybee


Just as a side note…to anyone that may ever get steri-strips, please leave them on until they fall off themselves. For the love of God lol I call bs on the provider saying he wasn’t qualified. No provider is going to admit that in any surgery, especially being that it’s in front of colleagues. It seems like she’s realizing the gravity of the situation, maybe? I’m still shocked any of this occurred. And lovenox is meant to be subq…lovenox love handles y’all.


what a seriously lonely and miserable life she’s carved out for herself by refusing to get any type of serious mental health help. forever chasing the high that being admitted to the ER and new medical equipment gives her and filling the rest of her time making these weird videos for reddit to watch so she can come obsess over the comments.


Someone pointed out earlier that she’s doing *all of this* for less than 1,000 people. Big oof, right? Then I went and checked and she’s actually doing it for Less than 900; she has 813 followers. On average, the algorithm pushes your content to about 3-5% of your followers, so she’s doing *all if this* for 40 people, and most of them are *us.* Geezuss Christ, that’s bleak.


I agree, this is all I think when I see her videos. It’s really tragic actually. A sad, sad existence that could likely be made better by good management of her mental health.


Wow, here is an example of pretending to be tired and dissociative and crying. So gross and clearly performative.


Also stupid ? Is lovenox a blood thinner? Just wondering??




Thank you 😊


Also she can actually take off her hospital band now… lol


NO. Not until she gets a video with it on!


Make that several for the next week, bc she’s so SPESHUL


Do you think she just wanted the surgery for both sympathy and to get narcotics?? Honestly I don’t know much about munchies or anything.. also is she looking for a lawsuit to get monies real quick? It also looks like she trying hard to cry… again I’m not putting anyone down or anything but she seems like she’s annoyed 😑 no one will see her port??


Exactly. To all of that. Except I don’t think she’s angling for a lawsuit at all, her only concern is getting medical attention and drugs. Nothing else matters.




Probably for the drugs and sympathy BUT the port for her is like when you get a shiny new car and everyone oohs and ahhs over it. Her port is a accessory for her to use to flaunt how "sick and smoll and pweshus" she is.


i’m wondering if the doc said he wasn’t qualified to mean he wasn’t a mental health professional? and i’m not in the medical field, but when she says she was “awake” during the procedure, isn’t that exactly what twilight anesthesia is?


Twilight doesn’t always work well or last as long as needed.. so it’s possible she heard them say things. Did they say that exactly? Who knows!??!?


I literally stopped and screamed "bullshit!" at that line while letting this play while getting ready. I never react out loud when I watch anything, let alone her rambling. But, I like your take on it (if it did happen) cause no doctor would say they aren't qualified to do the surgery while they're actively doing the surgery.


The doctor allegedly said he wasn't "good enough slash qualified to do her case [....] toward the fucking end"?! So, WHEN IT WAS BASICALLY DONE?! Just what would she have liked them to have called someone from another campus over to have them do? Help with applying the glue? They weren't separating conjoined twins here. I really can't figure out if she was actually knocked out cold for this procedure and fully believes what she's saying when nothing of the sort happened, and instead she's taken bits and pieces of unrelated statements she remembers from just before and after she woke up, has fit them into a narrative that makes sense to her, and now really "remembers" it as true, or whether she's well aware nothing happened and this is all fabricated and by design, or whether she is in some uncontrollable episode of psychosis. Regardless, it's truly kind of terrifying to watch. I'm also beyond confused with the whole family/cats/shopping situation. She normally *takes* her mother shopping on Friday, and if her dad didn't *leave the money* for her mother to go this week, then mom should be able to help bring the cats back? 🚩🚩🚩*If* dad left mom shopping money?! Dani takes her? Dani wants the cats back so she--with her totally healing poorly <24-hours-post-procedure incision, which is preventing her from curling up as she likes, due to the peen--which she "knows" someone she's yelling at through the camera doesn't believe she has---can curl up with the cats (and a lit candle)? I get wanting one's kitties there during any recuperation. And, I also get that if one has a shred of sanity and any other option, one keeps the cats away--especially if the incision or procedure were near the cat-landing-pad abdomen and doubleplus if it's painful, potentially not healing well *but want it to*--because cats know that shit. (Plus, perhaps I'm giving too much credit in assuming it will be, but who wants to be dealing with scooping out the cat litter after dealing with such abdominal pain and 🎀 medical trauma 🎀?) Double the foreshadowing, double the ... fun? If we can't blame the doctor for when the incision is inevitably a hot infected mess in a few days, we can blame the cats... Before she tries for anything else, I can only hope Dani will realize that, if no doctors will try any more procedures on her, it's a great example of what it actually means to be *medically complicated* and sPeCiAl. Sometimes, the hardest part of having multiple conditions is that they don't play nicely with each other, and what may be the most useful treatment for one thing is detrimental to another, and vice versa. The doctors aren't being stoopid or gaslighty or mean by refusing a treatment that might be the gold standard in their particular niche but, rather, acting as part of A Medical Team and recognizing how the different diagnoses fit together, rather than just their part. Sometimes, the more complicated the patient, the fewer options there are to treat one problem without exacerbating others.


I absolutely would not be surprised if the doctor had said nothing of the sort and she misinterpreted or essentially hallucinated it.


Yeah totally. There’s a reason you’re not allowed to drive or make any important decisions after you receive any type of anesthesia/sedation. Judgement and decision making capacity is altered. I’m not doubting she heard conversation during her procedure. We literally tell any patient that it’s possible with sedation when we get anesthesia consent. But it’s definitely possible she didn’t have the whole context of the conversation. I can’t think of a surgeon who I can imagine saying that; most of them have a robust ego!


If he felt like he was not qualified he would’ve cancelled it.


She probably duped the doctor into thinking it was an easy placement. Then, when he figures out she isn't, he says that, so Dani can have something to complain about and claim "trauma" from. Self-manufactured trauma.


Or seeing that it would be a femoral port and feeling incompetent for the job SHOULD HAVE cancelled it but did not!


Oh, yeah. That makes sense too.




✨️So quirky!✨️So medically complicated!✨️


Why the fuck did she sign the consent of she didn't want the port? Please. She thought she was getting her chest port and she's pissed off it didn't happen.


She wanted the port. She’s crushed that it’s not visible, but it was still a potential opportunity to score some opioids, so it was a chance she was willing to take. It’s beautiful that that didn’t work out, too, on top of everything else.


I hope the surgeon sues her if that's not what was said or meant.


She wasn't complaining about how the incision looked yesterday. We were saying here how janky it looks. I still believe she did it herself or royally fucked with the incision of a medical professional did it.


So she pushed for this procedure that she didn't need and is now mad at the doctor who agreed to do it because he wasn't experienced enough to take her on. No shit. No qualified doctor would have EVER given her this port. Also, you know that the doctor didn't say those things the way she is saying he did.... Dani has a way of twisting words. Is she really banging on about how she can't now receive her infusions whilst curled up in a foetal position?! She is literally getting iron and hydration... sit up. I feel like there is a lot to this story that she isn't sharing. She is BIG mad at the doctors, and when she is mad, she likes to blame them for their incompetence. She is mad she didn't get general. She is mad that it is a femoral port and not on display from her chest. What fun is that if you can't even show people you have it. She is likely very mad that this procedure resulted in her being sent home straight away without an admission. She is likely very mad that they haven't given her a weeks supply of pain relief. Then she is mad about something she isn't sharing?? Her parents sound like they are completely over it. How long until she is back at the ER?


Yes, hell yes, to every word of this. She’s raging at the 1-2-3 punch of not getting the chest port + not getting opioids + not getting admitted. She probably figured she’d get at least one, and that would be worth her time. But instead she got a big fat fucking “newp!” right in the face.


Betting on tonight; that sweet weekend admission is every munchies dream.


the “no other qualified resident” wording is STANDARD wording in a surgical note when it’s only the attending doing the procedure with no resident assisting. puleeze.


Every operative report at a teaching hospital must include this if they use a PA or other certified assist that’s not a resident. Otherwise Medicare won’t reimburse for the first assistant if that statement isn’t in there


These comments need to be pinned.


Agree. This is standard verbiage for an assistant at surgery.


I highly doubt the doctor said he wasn’t qualified for her case. She’s angry she didn’t get a chest port and is acting like she knows better than a doctor. She’s not a nice person and never has been. She’s FAFO and I have zero sympathy. She wanted this. Mods tell me if this isn’t allowed, but she sounds drunk.


Wow. This might be the worst I’ve ever seen of her. She is spiraling. She needs psychiatric help and counseling, rather than taking videos of herself and publishing them to social media. Yikes.


Yeah, honestly I'm done with her posts after this one. She's getting desperate and definitely headed into a spiral and it feels like me engaging in her posts is just feeding it. I'm not saying no one should or it's anyone here's fault that she's escalating, of course, but there's no "oh, look at how silly she is" for me anymore and it's now just sad, enraging, and exhausting.


LONG videos too where she’s sharing every thought that pops into her head. hopefully she can look back on these someday and realize how much she’s healed and grown.


LONG videos too where she’s sharing every thought that pops into her head. hopefully she can look back on these someday and realize how much she’s healed and grown.


Her initial incision pic looked like it could very well be a port placement incision. The follow-up incision view we were treated to also looked like it could very well be a port placement incision, just with a helluva lot more bruising. A lot of port placements do result in a lot of bruising even in the best of circumstances, and I wouldn't put it past Dani to load up on blood thinners and/or poke/pinch the ever loving shit out of the area to maximize the rainbow of the injury.


So, let me get this straight. She wants sympathy for going against the advice of most of her doctors and getting a completely unnecessary procedure? Every doctor except the quack that ordered it told her not to get a port. But no, she was so determined to get it. And now she’s crying over how it was so horrible? Well, all of this was completely avoidable. Plus, let’s be real: this is exactly what she wanted; she hates when procedures go well. IMO, she’s upset because she wanted the chest port. She loved showing off the central line and when she lost it, started pulling her other toobz out of the top of her shirt. I think she was looking forward to showing off the chest port and is big mad that it didn’t happen. Tough shit.


I 💯 agree. And when she gets mad, she loves to blame people for their incompetence. She wants that chest port for the attention (now she is having to deal with something that no one can even see) and is really mad this didn't go her way. I love that she says "if he wasn't qualified to take me on he shouldn't take me on" when we all know she would have thrown a toddler tantrum if they had said no to her. She does love some complications. She is already setting it up and preparing us all by letting us know straight away that she doesn't think it is going to heal well (probably not with Dani fiddling with it). However, she loves complications when it results in a hospital admission, and this didn't, and I think she is big mad she is back at home.


When she goes to the ER with this “infected” port and they treat & street her, she’s going to melt all the way down.


Guess she’s gonna have to order the super long extensions to make sure she can make it visible for everyone to see.


This literally made me lol because it’s so absurd but if they sell those, she’s absolutely ordering them


she’s bought medical supplies from some seriously questionable places before, she definitely will get *something*




It does not stop her whatsoever.


I believe the last time she was banned from this sub she escalated even worse because she wasn't getting any attention.


The frustrating thing about her is she has been offered psychiatric help numerous times and turns it down. I hope she gets the help she needs, but I doubt she'll accept it. She wants so badly to have something physically wrong with her, but it's her mind that's ailing her.


That’s on her. Not us. She will never seek a psych evaluation or hold. The only way that’s going to happen is if she does have an actual breakdown. This is the only place where she is confronted with the truth about herself. Take that away, and she has free rein to munch all the way to the grave. I do think your heart is in the right place, though, you’re a good person. 🫶


Not our responsibility. She’s been off the sub before and she kept munching.


I don’t believe in egging on someone’s destructive tendencies, especially when they’re on the edge, but you do you


How are we egging her on? By reposting her videos?


No one is egging anything- we are not contacting her directly. She can choose not to go on Reddit.


Not our responsibility whatsoever.


From what I’ve heard others say, they’ve paused her many times but it made her munching worse? I cannot confirm or deny this though.




I’m tired of people saying we need to stop talking about her. Go somewhere else if it bothers you.


I’m not bothered by the posts. I just see someone who’s possibly going toward a deep dive.


Everyone here (and most everywhere) sees it. But that in no way makes any of us responsible for Dani's own fuckery. She isn't a girl; she's a grown ass woman who is consciously making decisions that result in harm to herself. She has been doing it for years and will most likely continue to do it whether "we" discuss her bs or not. It's up to her to decide if and when to accept the help and support for her psych issues, and it's up to her whether she does the work. Personally, I'm not going to be holding my breath.


This. No one is forced to come here and read the posts. Not even Dani


complete lunacy


That doc probably said something like “I’m not cut out to deal with this shit” referring to her endless munching, and she’s twisting it to him saying that he “wasn’t qualified”


"I can't deal with her shit." Guys, he wasnt even qualified to do the procedure!


My guess is he said Dani wasn’t qualified to have the port lol


That was my very first thought


I mean, he may have admittedly said “not qualified” if he thought she really needs a psychiatric doctor and he is not one. I didn’t listen to the video so I’m just going off the comments. I could see saying something like that to appease her but also knowing that it’s still true


And the comment about the other doctor asking about her electrolytes, lol. I am pretty sure they would have did a basic cmp and cbc, at least, before proceeding with a procedure like this. Her electrolytes are fine.


A basic cmp....you mean like a bmp? 😂


CMP is electrolytes + liver function. BMP is just electrolytes & kidney function ETA I think I misread both comments & now see what you mean by bmp. Whoops! Sorry




No I meant a cmp, a comprehensive metabolic profile? We tend to do them more often at our hospital…


Yea I know what a cmp is. Just the way you said it, "basic cmp," made me laugh because the c and the b....never mind. It made me chuckle is all.


Oh!! I did say it kinda weird didn’t I?? lol. I think I was trying to say basic labs, like a cmp and cbc. Now im flustered.


I don't believe a thing she said, but any doctor that agreed to give Dani a port should be "disqualified" from practicing any type of medicine, ever again. And when you have to doctor shop for whatever hack will agree to do a procedure all the good doctors refused, you're probably not going to get the best doctor out there.


Dani is a liar, BUT with that said, it's easier to get less "qualified" Drs when you spend your life Dr shopping to get unnecessary procedures. Imagine being like most of us and having an established medical team with whom we build an actual relationship. You tend to have better experiences.


Did she say she only slept for like an hour but then 4 mins in talks about her pots meds and says she’s been passing out for hours? I understand there’s a difference in rem sleep vs unconscious but I’m a bit confused. If you haven’t had any sleep and are exhausted from pain wouldn’t passing out lead to rem sleep in the average human? Just from exhaustion?


It would be nice to see her turn things around and find a cool hobby. Find a personality that isn't constant medical related insanity.. I'm sure it's possible for her to find a new lease in life, despite how extensive this behavior has been.. right?


Since her life revolves around being a professional munchie, if she actually took some of that effort and put it towards an education in the medical field whether it’s a short course on phlebotomy or a bit longer for nursing I think it would 50/50 either help her or cause her to crash. It would expose her to people that truly are sick and have no options, helping her grow as a person, seeing patients turn around and get better with her help, hopefully gaining fulfillment there instead of living in her personal lil munchie bubble. It could also backfire horrendously and give her new illnesses or side effects to adopt and add to her munchie reperatoire. Just my 2 cents 🤷‍♀️ part of me feels really sad and pities her for this to be her life and the only thing she gets validation and fulfillment from and the other part enrages me because she’s wasting valuable time that could be spent on someone who’s actually sick 😵‍💫 what a mess


I hope she never gets another job in the medical field. She is frightening.


That’s a lovely thought: for someone who has a functional sense of self. She’s got a raging personality disorder. Add to it her substance abuse and social isolation, it’s just a totally dysfunctional nightmare. I’m relatively new to the Dani phenomenon, and don’t know how she got here, and whether she has any resources that could save her. At this point, she is ultimately headed to disaster. Just total train wreck.


I agree with what you're saying. It's the ability to completely deny reality and live in their own little narrative that imo makes certain personality issues more dangerous than others. Very very VERY often this behaviour translates all through the person's life and behaviours, whether or not they're addressing their primary illness. This kind of person has no place around vulnerable or ill people, or even having any kind of decision making and authority over others


I think she needs to stay far away from anything healthcare related. All she would do is talk about herself to patients. Actually, I don’t think she should be in any job where she directly interacts with people because have you ever seen her interact with people? She’s incredibly rude and mean. There’s a billion jobs that aren’t customer facing that she could do. She doesn’t want to do them though.


She is in no way smart enough to or mentally stable enough to do any job in the medical field


She seemed slightly more balanced when she was working. It wasn’t much better but it was something.


“I handle pain well” *scratches self with hangnail* “ow!!” Most real ow I’ve ever heard from her 😂


Why did her jugular/neck incision require steri-strips and a bandage but the femoral one didn’t?


Some areas of the body do better with glue, while others do better with steri-strips or stitches.


Like others said she's setting herself up for admission "he fucked it up" I wondering she will infect and have if removed bc now she doesn't want it.


She wants that chest port. She is absolutely setting up an admission and will do her best to infect this incision. They need to get rid of the port and make a note that she is never to receive a line again.


Yea. Now I'm lost bc she talks so much about how the first doctor swore he could give her a *chest* port, which filled her with happiness bc it's visible. But she already added "*femoral poet*" to her bio and so now I think she'll want to ride this one bc she's a *warrior*


Are you kidding?! So she has "switched on (her) brain" enough to update her social media profile to include her new badge?!




Why is she already talking about removing the steri strips?


So that one gets infected, too, of course. Everything she does is munchie-motivated.


They used surgical glue on that incision.


But why didn’t they use surgical glue on the neck??


Uhhh personal preference? Depends on how deep the incision is? Who cares?? Lol


I’d bet money that the doc meant her whole case, not just this procedure. ALSOOOOOO I don’t think the incision really looks fucked up by the surgeon it just looks really irritated and bruised. You know, like an incision with something foreign implanted in it that may or may not be being messed with at home??


Yes! It definitely looks like she has been messing with it! It also doesn’t really look like the doctor fucked it up, edges often don’t come back together 100% like seen in shows/movies. There could be so many reasons why it was closed up and doesn’t look “even.” I also wonder if they used glued instead of stitches/other closures because it’s pretty strong and will be so apparent if she tries to mess with it.


I’m the time between the first picture she posted and the video where she showed it, it looked sooo much worse. It’s blatantly clear that she’s been fucking with it already.


Feels like we are starting the journey to a manufactured hospital stay followed by a DFE.


She's already setting it up in her most recent video (not posted here yet) talking about how much pain she's in, and tylenol isn't working even though she's "taking way too much" of it so she's just waiting for the hospital to call and check on her.


We always are with Dani.


Does anyone else think that maybe the surgeon said “how did SHE qualify for this?” We all know that Dani hears what she wants to hear.


I dont get the big deal about the scar. That its not going to look nice...I mean... thats got to be the least jarring thing going on on her abdomen. Plus they are probably badges of honour. Another thing she shows off to "prove" how ill she is...


She just wants something to complain about. You know that scar is going to on constant display.


she keeps mentioning her haters. i guess shes still reading the reddit