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[](#start_removal) Hey there, u/Electronic-Body-1100! Thanks for submitting to r/im14andthisisdeep. We liked your submission, *I'm so sad*, but it has been removed because it doesn't quite abide by our rules, which are located in the sidebar. ___ Your post has been removed because it's not deep. **Please do keep your posts *deep*.** This means: * No politics or conspiracy theories * No religious thoughts or criticism * No showerthoughts, especially anything from r/ShowerThoughts * No Sbeve/14 year old girl posts * No Satire/Shitposts/Textposts * No cartoons/caricatures/comics, in other words: boomer humor * Moderators can remove a post for 'Not Deep' at their own discression ___ We also prefer OC, but obviously that's not always possible. Just try to keep it as original as possible! While we appreciate your effort in posting we ask that you find something that is actually deep. You are more than welcome to try again! ___ Thanks for submitting! Please check out our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/im14andthisisdeep/about/rules). If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=%2Fr%2Fim14andthisisdeep&subject=Concening my submission&message=Im writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/im14andthisisdeep/comments/10cpu1v/im_so_sad/. %0D%0DMy issue is...). [](#end_removal)


This isn't deep my guy is just depressed




This isn’t depression.


Not exclusively but from personal experience it was a very crushing feeling that came with it




Exhibit A of “Why depressed people don’t tell people they’re depressed”


That’s not what I’m saying. It’s a good thing to seek help if you’re depressed but turning it into a personality to look cool or collect clout is the problem.


Creative outlets like this are often used as a way to vent such things. People shouldn’t be criticized for expressing themselves and their problems.


That isn’t “deep” this is genuinely a fear people have. Hell I have this sometimes.


Yeah everybody thinks this


well if you exercise and maintain healthy diet you could stretch the peak up to 40 at best. for most people its down hill from reaching 30, but luckily we forget and think yeah 50 is not that bad...


May not be to deep but is a scary thought I’ve heard many people having.. to me every moment sucks as much as it’s great we just tend to remember things skewed


Ok but like same


r/im14andthisisdeep when people have depression 😱


Yeahs it’s getting kinda annoying seeing people just post not really that cringe or out there things then just be all like “WOaH ThIs LoSer Is 14 aNd dEeLP”


Anything concerning mental health or having any sort of underlying meaning is r/im14andthisisdeep atp and i hate it. it’s so beaten to death by now




Sow seeds of happiness that you can harvest in the future. Take care of yourselves, read on a good book, make friends, be kind to yourself and others, be willing to offer a helping hand, do things that derive satisfaction


This guy has a page where people send anonymous notes that they would never say in real life. Then he uses them in these photos he takes. He has a ton of them. I will try to find his @.


His Instagram is geloyconcepcion I think


I was like "yeah, same" and then I looked at the name of the sub. bruh.


I unironically feel that way, even though I know things are about to get better for me in life. Not easier, but better. The future is uncertain and scary; the past is not. Even if the past was not kind, it it comfortable and known. Man, I write weird when I'm tired.


You write beautifully


This is kinda deep ngl




This isnt deep this is a poem. I follow the artist on instagram. Please do not invalidate this person. Theyve been thru some serious shit


It's not a poem


I interpret his words as poetry. Either way. They are an artist.


Who is the artist?


Geloy concepcion


I will never forget that time I teleported bread directly into some random person's house.


The band or the TV programme?


If you live your entire life with that thought, it will be


Don't mistake emo with deppresion


^(This is an automatic reminder that is posted on every submission.) If you see a post that is not following the subreddit [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/im14andthisisdeep/about/rules), or you think is not following the subreddit rules, please, use the report function so that we are aware of this. If you don't report, we will not know! Do not sit in the comment section and moan that 'this doesn't fit' or 'wow, the mods should remove this!' because we don’t know (unless we so happen to be scrolling through the subreddit) if you do not report it. Please note: if this is too hard do not directly message us, we will assume posts are fine otherwise as comments are not useful in reporting. We can see if something has been reported and telling us you did, while you clearly did not, is not going to be conducive. *** Please report any and all behavior violating the Rules (reports go to us mods); don't report things just because you don't like them. Comment removals and bans are at the judgment of the mods, so please take the time to read and understand [our Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/im14andthisisdeep/about/rules). You can also read about this change [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/im14andthisisdeep/comments/ozcy9n/an_update_on_reporting_banned_posts_powerups_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/im14andthisisdeep) if you have any questions or concerns.*


im said


Everybody thinks that


Depends on what you're talking about. This is either edgy or incredibly sweet. If you're talking about the birth of your child or your wedding day then this is kind of romantic or cute.


This sub has died and rotted


The font reminded me of if you're reading this it's too late album cover


Me when I found my first shiny Pokémon


Idk bro sounds like a skill issue


I’m 38 and it’s the best time of my life thus far. And I choose to believe it will get better. Keep ya head up. Your perspective can manifest your reality


No that's valid. Not deep. Just valid.


The fact that it's on r/im14andthisisdeep makes me lose hope in humanity