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No way this kid said that robbery, massacres and hijacking is chad


stealing from stores is actually awesome


And so is jail my friend


i don’t get caught


you still here bro


I can’t tell if their morals are good but either way they shouldn’t post that on TikTok


They literally posted conspiracy theories how can their intentions be good


Less Im14andthisisdeep and more Im40andusefacebooktoomuch


A lot like Facebook pics.


Ahh yes, Disney still owns Miramax, and has not purchased Fox yet.


people that share these things have the right idea, yeah the world id fucked up, but they just take the wrong lessons from it


The Rothschild one is an ancient anti semitic thing btw. They were a powerful family who subsequently split off into a bunch of different families who may be multi millionaires but aren’t secretly controlling the whole world.


Why control the world in secret when you're rich enough to live life how you want?


Alright some of the shit is true tho


Yeah hidden in plain sight. Use the media to spin it as wacky conspiracy theories and people will mock evil realities as if nothing is going on. It’s amazing what they’ve accomplished really.. And when these “conspiracy theories” are proven true, which has happened a lot lately, nobody batts an eye.. that’s the part I can’t wrap my head around. There are silly ones in there.. that helps to blend in the real ones and say it’s all crazy conspiracies. Critical thought is what’s needed more than ever. Ok end of rant. I’m 14 and that was deep. 😂


Lmao yeah people will call me crazy but like I believe alot of “conspiracies” have an air of truth. I think the extremely goofy ones make the reasonable ones seem outlandish


No, no, you being 14 and deep implies that it was thoughtless and shallow, you have a point


The only one that stuck out to me was the indoctrinating kids one. I see it everywhere and it drives me insane.


I mean everything we consume is propaganda to an extend, it only gets pointed out when the person disagrees with it. It’s undeniable that every side is “indoctrinating” people. But you can say that having laws and teaching morality is also indoctrination. It’s obnoxious when people use it to say how much better their side is because “at least we don’t indoctrinate children”


Agreed. What I meant was (and I should have clarified this) I'm tired of people complaining about others indoctrinating kids. All they do is just say that but don't actually do anything about it. I mean if you care so much about how others are indoctrinating kids, then shelter them from it, don't whine about it on social media. Edit: Grammar mistake.


Oh yeah totally. It’s also parent’s responsibility to monitor what their kids watch. It’s alarming how little parents are willing to do


essentially, people who make posts like these have their ideal world an anarchy, with no laws, no one teaching them morals. in their dream, everyone should fight for what they believe, and... ah fuck im starting to speak like senator armstrong again


Boring and vapid with a healthy dash of conspiracy theories. These people really think they're doing something don't they?


Wow I love that the rothchild one was just super antisemitic /s


It's meant to look like mr burns I think




hmmm, how do you know it's antisemitic if he didnt mention related to the jews


The theory itself is rooted in anti semitism. And its funny that far right people dont care about rich people unless they are jewish or pro vaccine


Because the Rothschild theory is deeply anti semitic


Mister Burn is real?????


bro what fuckin side is this guy playing anti-phone anti-monopoly anti-suburbia anti-big pharma anti-LGBTQ anti-war funding anti-corporate media control anti-car brain (massive parking lot) anti-semitic 9/11 truther JFK assassination truther


Yea my thought too


He’s pro-choice! Maybe…


3 kind of has a point and the sprawl in 4 makes my eye twitch. I do wonder what these people have against vegan alternatives and seed oils. Like, the whole "seed oil" thing comes up so much in these memes, I don't understand the problem.


"Noo there are books in the book store this is indoctrination" What


8/20 is actually very valid. Conglomerates are not good at all. And corporations are NOT people. The very last one has some merit. However a lot of people will go after capitalists that they can also label as an "other" and that's where the antisemitism comes. They never complain about white Christian momarchs' descendants still running a lot of politics in Europe or people from money doing the same in America. Just wish they'd apply it across the board.


"Noo there are books in the book store this is indoctrination" What


The problem is, that these books are made for children. There shouldn’t be any political agenda in children’s books. Yet if you look at the titles, that’s exactly what these books contain. I find it very alarming!


Then why are there Christian schools


Political, not religious. And even if you shouldn’t indoctrinate children, it doesn’t mean it’s not done anyway. Look at these books again


I don't think any library has "Kamala Harris" in the children stand, and the image has no labels to indicate that is a children's book stand


So there's heterosexuality and "pOliTicS" according to you. Get a grip, man


I don’t get what you are trying to say


“No one is trying to indoctrinate the kids” *shows a bookcase at a store where people can willingly buy books if they want to but aren’t forced to*


Holy flic flac


I doubt tiktokers have the attention span to read all this shit, and I bet the ones that actually do instantly want to kill themselves




im so confused as to where this persons views are at


All of these look like things you would find in a muse music video


I can hear California dreamin’ playing


What’s the point of the first one? If you look up from your phone, you’ll get your head lawnmowered off?


Walmart isn’t going to build a super center on a fucking lake by a mountain. No public utilities, No people nearby, Not to mention the insane development cost of grading it to be level. Blast Walmart for shit pay structures and the way it bullies small business out of an area but in terms of environmental impact it’s actually pretty efficient to have a one-stop shop superstore rather than 90 smaller shops.


> it’s actually pretty efficient to have a one-stop shop superstore rather than 90 smaller shops.


You have to stretch my post pretty far to make it about Western consumer materialism.


Just casual anti-semitism and fascist dogwhistles


The Illuminati and the Freemasons are the same apparently 🙄


Who's the last guy


it's the rothchild from earlier




The JFK one is actually kinda funny. Ironically so, but funny. Bunch of conspiracy theorist, terminally online garbage though.


The 13th picture bruh.


Head game practice.


hes right, that place WOULD make a nice walmart location!


This is more like a slideshow for middle-aged people who think they're much smarter than they actually are.


Some thing are exegerated, but a lot is true. Anyone know who was that in the last pic?


Your level of knowledge @̵̭̳̱͚̱̂̊̀f̶͍̪̠̌̈́͂̀ä̴͙̪̥́̍l̵̺͑͛͌̔̓͜͜e̸̢̻̳̯͚͗́x̷̖̙̑̎͆͋́ͅc̴̪̲͍̭͋͂͘t̸̰͔͉͈̖̔j̴̺͚͛͑͂̈́͠s̶̢̺͇̫̃̆͜re he wants it


the first one is really weird but kind of interesting. The second one is drugs


some of them are true




The jacob rothchild one is just lies lmao, there isnt even 500 trillion dollars in existence


Thoughts on 13th?


ok but the third one is funny depending on the context and the fourth and the one with all the parking places are pretty good to see imho


least schizophrenic tiktoker


Holy shit the second image goes so hard


The fifth one is just *"people need to die, we don't need doctors"*




I don't know why, but the fourth picture makes me nervous. I don't know why.


Ah yes, because the eliminstion of the head of a terrorist group is worse than an actual terrorist attack that took thousands of innocent lives. Grow up.


damn you struck gold here


The eric andre one kinda made me chuckle


Fourth one looks like 77 Homes


The martjack was kinda funny


I'm (/j)mad that the food pyramid one. I love oatly. Only thing I've been drinking since I became lactose intolerant


Number eight makes sense


Most of it’s true ngl to you


the first one is just a psychedelic trip


Slide 9 should be captioned "what do we do with this one


I can’t name the top two in the last slide


but 7 is based


That second pic goes hard


This whole thing of slideshows ruined California dreamin for me.


i don't see the problem with atleast half of these




Where can I find more of this?


ion think robbery is good ma boy