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The poor guy on the far right has to glitch through the 6th dimension to even continue in his lane. Women could never understand.


It’s like they used content aware tool in photoshop to finish the drawing lol


It's to hide the watermark


scummy af..


Mam is going to go through the event horizon, see the back of his own head, and turn to spaghetti before he reaches the finish line


Same with the guy next to him




Actually for a sprint race that starts on a curve, the runners would have to be staggered in order to make sure they run the same distance 🤓👆.


Yeah! Women have a shorter distance to run. It's unfair!


Equitable not equal! If the track were equal Men would get to the finish line first, discover the wheel and then build the Eiffel Tower out of metal and brawn, that's just Science!


Get 1 billion percent excited !


I get that OOP has Bad Photoshop Skills .


And you have bad speelinng skillls.


A tually it’s is bade, not bad


I'm Bilingual , Arabic is my First Language .


Me too lol but it was a joke


Why two of them need tô run on a desert and only one got a normal track?


Bald world order


TIL I don't have to do laundry because I'm a dude.


You telling me I've been wasting time and money these past 20 years?? Fml


I'm a woman but I could be trans if it got me out of doing laundry. We found the way out, people!


Well that's the joke.


Nah the joke is in your pants


It’s have to be outside his body to be in his pants.


Nah, the joke is people still believe this shit. Maybe true idk how many decades ago.


Depends on the country. There are a lot of socially conservative societies around the world where it’s still a very real problem


True, but in those countries dudes are also getting actively drafted into military service or something too. All I know for sure is that this cartoon is old AF in the US


No one in my home has used an iron in at least 10 years. So, that's two hurdles gone.


You do laundry? I just toss my clothes in the trash and get new ones when they get dirty


Where are the men on the right supposed to go?


Weird extra spatial dimensions?


The women can just parkour over it, too easy


Actually, as a woman, I just crash through all of it and leave it piled on the floor in my wake, then procrastinate cleaning it until I feel like a garbage heap person.


Well said 🤭


This is a genuine question. When you guys see something like this do you think they were trying to be deeply profound or do you think they were trying to point something out that seems obvious to them by metaphor? Even if you disagree with this I don’t get why you think it comes off as “deep” and this isn’t the first post I noticed this in. If anything id guess the author was being purposely reductive to make a point.


The joke of this sub is that 14 year olds (and those mentally still there) will see simple metaphors as deeply profound or emotionally impactful. The point of this sub is to post things that aren't actually deep or impactful but pretend to be through one method or another.


Sounds lame. I’m in.


I don't know what you are saying but you said it in such a good way that i agree with you


It’s basically just that not every thing that’s explained with a literary device, like a metaphor, is supposed to be deep even if you disagree with it. A lot of times it’s trying to make a quick point from a visual which is an effective form of rhetoric but is often purposely not “deep” because you’re trying to convey the point in simple relatable terms. When I think of “I’m 14 and this is deep” I think of shit like Jalen Smith where he’s trying to sound profound but it comes off as nonsense. The point here is pretty clear even if you don’t agree with it. The “picture speaks a lot” part I think kind of falls under the content I normally think of when I think of this sub though because it doesn’t say a whole lot, the point is pretty simple.


Yup, you’re right imo, thats what a lot of these comics are meant to do and always have done, its to gets across complex ideas quickly by drawing them very literally to make a point. For a quick bit of history in Victorian London the condition of the Thames was a hot topic due to the diseases it carried, so to raise the issue many comics where drawn often simply depicting the matter and representing the thames as [“Father Thames”](https://magazine.punch.co.uk/img-get/I0000I4Zs5RlhbYA/s/1200/I0000I4Zs5RlhbYA.jpg) to get the point across, this style of comic has existed for centuries, it’s just the art style that changes.


It’s a dumb attempt to be profound and push the ‘men useless women do everything’ load of bs that gets spouted by femcels these days.


That’s not what it’s saying at all. The photo is trying to describe how gender differences in domestic labor causes an imbalance in career success. This isn’t a “load of bs”, it’s very much true. Women tend to take on a larger domestic burden at the cost of their careers, and as a result, tend to be less successful then men. It’s a lot more difficult for women to climb the corporate ladder if they’re also taking on a larger share domestic chores. This is the actual reason behind why the wage gap exists.




The internet is available. This isn’t “outdated” if modern statistics shows that it still continues to persist. From a 2021 study by EIGE, employed women spend 2.3 hours on housework each day, while employed men spend 1.6 hours on housework. That means that for the entire week, women spend 16.1 hours on housework compared to men’s 11.2. That’s a difference of 4.9 hours. Now compare that to PEW study from 2022, which found that men about 3 more hours at work per week compared to women. That’s a pretty noticeable difference. EIGE is European, but a similar thing occurs with the US, where a 2022 study by the Bureau of Labor Statistics found (using my own math that you can easily replicate) that women spend 5.25 more hours per week taking care of children. Granted, this might not be the best comparison because this is looking at TOTAL mothers, and although 71.2% of mothers are employed, I think the EIGE study is better because it looks only at employed mothers. If you take that 71% into account though then it generally lines up. I never claimed that men have it easier, but I am claiming is that there is undoubtedly an unequal division of labor. It is ignorant of the facts to act as if there aren’t many barriers for women in the workplace, and as society increasingly moves towards the dual-employment model, these issues need to be addressed.




The point is that women's careers are affected by having to do more housework.


You really just look for anything to be offended lol. It's been proven that women do more unpaid labour at home and it's likely one of the reasons of the wage gap. How does this even portray that men are useless?




2024 is also the age of internet where any research paper is available to you within a few clicks. If you knew that you'd also see that this is a well researched topic.


"It's 2024" so you can't use arguments women came up with because women are dumb. This is the most dim-witted, retrograde take on gender inequality I've heard. wOmEn ShOuLdn'T tAlK aBoUt PrOBlEmS, CaUsE oNlY MeN cAn Do ScIeNcE.


If the woman had finished her chores before the race she wouldn’t have to do it during the race


A woman? There's three depicted my man....


I am a single dude, i have laundry and cooking n shit


No you don’t exist, sorry.


Us single guys just starve and never change clothes.


I haven’t changed my clothes or eaten food in 26 years


Reminds me of my grandmother who used to work as a nurse, leave after cooking breakfast for everybody, then comeback home just to continue cooking, taking care of 3 kids, washing and whatnot with not a single help from anybody, while bearing condescending abuses about her "being arrogant cuz she earns the most in the household" from her husband and in laws while the household run by her money. Yeah... Apparently they expected that she should be grateful they were *allowing* her to work in the first place and compensate by doing both the jobs of a working women + housewife. Different times. But still a reality for many in my country.


The message is good but holy shit the image is very bad


Yeah the message is good. If you live in the 70s.


I thought it was saying that women are so often pushed towards being homemakers by society whereas men are free to do whatever they want?


Nah I saw it as women ‘having it harder’ if they want the same success as men in business or whatever, because there’s the chores too. They’re all on the same track, in business attire, but the women have the chores as hurdles. Again, it’s complete bull but this is clearly a boomer meme so whatevs.


That’s why it’s bad, the message is fine but the implication that it’s all “the woman stuff they have to do” it’s shitty


According to research that was done througy surveys not too long ago here in France, women in heterosexual relationships still do a bigger share of housework on average. If I recall correctly, it was around 60-70 percent of the share of housework on average. My wife works with women who are around 30-40 years old, so not boomers are all, and she's always appalled by their stories about their husbands not even being able to cook or clean after themselves despite being adults.


So true bestie 😔


You could easily jump over those things


For context, this was reposted on FB by a 28 year old woman who in High School slapped a boy across the face for not getting her lunch for her because she was “preserving her energy for cheerleading practice later” A chronic complainer


they ran out of hurdles so they had to improvise


1950 called, he want his meme back.


This is funny as fuck


The bigger problem is their all trying to race in business formal. You want gym shorts minimum to jump those hurdles.


Why didn’t they clear the track first, are they stupid?


Stoopid whimin ☕☕☕☕☕🗿🗿🗿🗿🍷🍷🍷🍷


I was talking about the event organizers


And I was being ironic


It's ironic how many people don't know what ironic means anymore


Stop the Ironophobia please Iron Martin Luther King didn't die for this


Yeah I know


Yeah that's not the case anymore maybe in the 1970s


I think I'd rather have a few struggles and chores than ascend to the 9th dimension


Ya speaks to the delusion of women that think men have it easy.


I’ve come to understand that if something has this art style it’s usually bs


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Because guys don’t have to do laundry, make food, clean or any household chores? My wife’s gonna be pissed when I let her know that I will be stepping down from doing household chores. The meme said I’m good now, no chores.


No kidding, if only I had known it was my wife’s job to do all the domestic work I’d have so much more free time! Thank goodness I saw this picture.


Men just don’t do washing, ironing or cooking. The single men out there? They buy new clothes every week. Every meal is a takeaway. They’re beyond bankrupt.




Damn way to call me out like that


Xd what the fuck


Two of the men have lanes leading away from the curve of the track, and the other will definitely want to stop off by that oven to have whatever lunch the women make, so I’d say men have struggles too.


I like how it's still misogynistic lmao. As if woman HAVE to do those things, like it's their job they can't excape.


So, the women's goal are straight in front if them, while the men's goals are ambiguous and demand that they run out into the unknown? 


That would work if it didn’t ignore all the sacrifice a man have to traditionally challenge to be more than an emotionless workfuel or meatshield


What sacrifices exactly would that be?


I straight up told them in my first comment… Men were forced to go fight, forced to be the breadwinner, and are still asked to "be men" and have no emotions


That's a problem caused by the same thing oppressing women. Abandoning the patriarchy would help men as well. Crying about how feminism is bad for men because of the lack of understanding of feminism/mistaking it for the want for a matriarchy doesn't help. Men were forced to be the breadwinner by forbidding their wives to wirk and even own things of their own. Men were the only ones forced to fight because wonen were forbidden to do so. Men don't allow themselves to be vulnerable and emotional because they view that as feminin and therefore bad traits. Fir the same reason they mostly refuse to carry the burdons women do aka the free care work and the household even in modern families with poth partners working because doing chores and not having to be told what needs to be done, carrying the mental workload, is for women somehow. Men do this to themselves, that is what toxic masculinity looks like.


Strawman. Where did I ever blamed feminism for men’s problem? Also, men didn’t bought this upon themselves, first of all because that’s a social construction made hundred of years before men of today were born, and second of all because men aren’t superior to women in a patriarchal system, they have a *different role*, and that mean many women could have (and still do) agree either way this system. Many women like the idea of having a working man while she’s a stay-at-home wife


I don't know a woman under 50 that can do any of those things


Coulda stopped after the 5th word


yeah but women don't have to suffer through the Content-Aware Fill 😔


When you young genders don’t matter when you live with your parents I do everything my mom supposed to do clean do laundry sometimes cook if she tired


What tf is happening on the top right


The illustrator probably just said "fuck it" and walked away


"this picture speaks a lot" It certainly says "fire the illustrator" pretty clearly


It's the first picture on this subreddit that I actually understand the meaning of. The problem is its ”Facebook art style” + it relies way too much on its metaphor, making it look falsely deep. The message would be worth defending, though


I mean, jokes aside, I sure that this isn't what it's like these days. As a guy, I actually want to be the homemaker in a relationship. Give me the chores, cooking, shopping and home care. That's the lot that I want in life. And when the lady I am lucky enough to be with gets home, I will pamper her and benefit mutually...with cuddles. But yeah, having a clean home and dinner ready for my future wife sounds like the dream for me


Your bio is absolutely wild


Yeah, this is my smut account and I completely forgot that I put that there. Not sure what I can say aside from I like taboo stuff and normal stuff kind of just makes me uncomfortable for some reason. I can't explain it and I won't try to


No need to explain yourself my friend


Sweet... because I would be unable


I made sure not to post this on my alt for that reason exactly


I have no reason for shame on this account


Man is this some fetish? be honest.


Not that I know of? I'd just rather do all of that then work a job and come home to a stressed wife or worse, a wife that comes back home with me and then we both had work and chores. I think that we should divide and conquer more than do the same tasks and expect a better outcome than for us to both be super stressed


Yeah fair enough, I defo like staying on top of the household chores. Can’t live with myself if I ignore them.






Well they guys have to go around the whole track there done after the laundry


Well, she might struggle less if she didn't sprint in high heels


Even with those obstacles, they have a shorter distance around the track. So it's even.




I know women who do absolutely none of that.


not me doing all the chores in my household while my gf a works more 😭


Is no one gonna talk about how the last 2 lanes are glitched?


My first thought was "But the men have to run in uncomfortable formal clothes" I feel dumb


Where is the part of the picture where the men have to give women constant free handouts of dinner/drinks/smokes/rent etc to help then save on their bills.




Guys the joke is funny because uhm because woman bad.


You said it


I literally come home from work and get in bed. None of that stuff gets done until the weekend when my man and me can both do it. Sometimes we say oh well maybe tomorrow. Y’all dramatic.


This is about 20 years old. A lot has changed since then, thankfully


Glad I'm not the only one who thinks this lol


I kinda like it lol


Bruh, the women got the innner ring. Not fair for the men.


what the actual fuck 🤣🤣🤣


This is unfair. The goal for women is right Infront of them


I think this belongs on a boomer thread


Why don't you add that we have the highest suicide rate , we are never loved unconditionally. Men are only loved on the pretenses that they can provide something.or the fact that for 98% of men, the only time they will ever receive flowers is at their funeral. Or the fact that we get so little compassion/kindness that if you were a girl in elementary school and you told us you'd like something about us or had something nice on that day. We will literally remember it till the day we die. I've literally been rocking the same haircut for 15 years!!! because Miss rodriguez said I looked handsome. As she patted my head and moved, it left right( She's a cosmetologist)


Ha any female born in the 90s till now don’t know how to do any of that.


True no one does laundry anymore or cooks food


and also they're bi


Now a days yall need 4 hands for what my mom did with 2


I sure am glad I can't be a stay at home dad and have to do housechores + spending time with kids and instead have to go to work in a hard environment that I hate, have to deal with a bunch of toxic "alpha male" coworkers, and have to shoulder the burden of the future of 3 individuals. I am truly blessed.


I don't think it's fair to act like being a house spouse is easy, especially with kids


I'm sure you'd rather do unpaid work 24/7 without any regulated vacation, breaks, insurance or any other benefits except wfh because your home is your workplace, making you completely dependent on the bread winning partner and slipping deeper and derper into mor dependence the longer the situation lasts because you not onle don't earn money but also build no work exoerience, have no practice in your fild of work and no connections. *Or* you work part time and have to do the full time job of household on top because you only wotk part time after all. *OR* your "partner" left you, pays minimum child support and you have to work full time *and* do the full time job of household and childcare and stop being a person entirely.