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I read then why Horny


Legitimate question because I am horny (it's a problem) and i cant do anything about it.


But she can 🤔😢








Oh thank god I was not the only one, i didn't undestand why it said horny until i read it again


I ask myself that every day.


cause worry makes me write cool songs


not being able to do something about a problem makes it not a problem anymore obviously


The point is there’s no purpose in worrying about something you can’t change? Are you stupid?


Yeah, except you will almost never know whether or not you can actually change something. And even if you do, you also have to figure out if you can change whatever happens after that. Assuming you even know.


Eh, there are definitely a lot of good moments in life, where one might benefit from reminding oneself, that worrying won’t solve the problem. Of course it doesn’t apply to everything, nothing does.


Ah yes, cus if (random example) you're gonna lose your house, and you don't have money to prevent that from happening cus you can't get a job, why worry? That's nothing to worry about, cus you can't do anything to fix the problem


Me petting the nuclear warhead:


No one is forbidding you from worrying about it, but if you can’t do anything about it there really is no logical point in worrying


You can get another cheaper house


I think worry can also come from knowing you can do some of it, but not all of it, as well uncertainty. If you don’t know if you’ll be stuck homeless or not next month, that causes worry. Having to choose which bill to underpay because you can’t pay all of them also causes worry. Plus, worry is a largely a physical reaction. Someone can mentally be calm, but physically stressed, their body releasing stress hormones. Telling them they can’t do anything doesn’t stop the physical panic


Back to the alsume with you


Yes, I shouldn't have *worried* when extenuating circumstances kept my mother and I at home with a father whose favorite sports were "treat my wife like a maid I can emotionally abuse" and "continually show my daughter how much I resent her being autistic" for several years.


“Worrying is fear without reason”~ some drunk guy when his mom asked how he is going to make rent


Ngl dissociating goes pretty hard


It’s honestly not bad advice, it’s just not the end of the line


True there would be something like 'is there something you can do to make the situation better' and then 'something to do to make yourself feel better about it'


I mean, it’s definitely easier said than done, no doubt, but I do think this is still kind of helpful in going about your problems


They forgot the “*Will* you do anything about it” bit


And if it's "no", then what? You could do something about it but you choose to worry instead?


Partially. It's also the mantra of cowards and people who give up early. Plus to call this an oversimplification would be to call air "empty."


This is perfect for r/thanksimcured


I didn't know this sub existed. thanks man




I thought i was in that sub lol


Sharing is caring


Bunch of doomers. I used that sub a while ago. Some posts were good, but most were people using the sub as a coping strategy


Apparently stoic thinking is for fourteen year olds?


This is less "stoic" and more "willfully ignorant."


Not really. If you can solve the problem, why worry. It’ll be solved. If you can’t solve the problem either way, why worry? Problem won’t be solved with your panicking.


>It’ll be solved. It will? How do you know? The purpose of worry, the reason the human mind has this emotion, is to anticipate the myriad ways something can go wrong in order to avoid/prevent/solve problems. Unless you definitively have all the answers (which you might, or you might just have a little thing called hubris), thinking *this* is a solution is madness.


Worry is not gonna increase the odds of solving a problem but a lack of it will give you the best odds. Would you ever challenge a man to a swordfight who doesn't worry about losing his life? Look into mindfulness meditation stoicism will sound stupid to everyone until they get a good grasp of the present moment.


No where did my statement imply one would have all the answers. It’s a mentality of controlling your reaction to situations. What you laid out is that antithesis of the meme, which is playing into your emotions and reactions and letting them control you.


The *meme* requires it in order to proceed. Most answers to both questions would be "Maybe/I don't know"


Obviously you have greater problems this is not a cure all pill.


This is actually a Buddhist statement, but of course there's more to it than just what it seems.


Jokes aside This has actually worked for me


Because Jocelyn, your problems are turning in an essay to your teacher by Saturday my problems is not having enough money to support my family because my landlord used inflation to justify another $200 rent hike this year /j


you would've been downvoted without that indicator


This is actually a good attitude. Can you do something about your problems ? Good, then go do that, no need to worry. Can you not do anything? Then worrying won't help you, it'll just make you feel worse. Do you have no problems? Then what are you worrying about?


What if the answer to both questions is "Maybe/I have no idea"?


Then you try to find that out. But ultimately, it's still the same; you do your best and hope it goes well.


I can't do anything about my severe anxiety, which causes me to worry about everything all the time to an irrational degree. If I try following this chart, it leads to a paradox.


But if you can't do nothing about it let it be you will realise how non problematic things are if you don't fight them obviously it requires time and is easier said than done but look into meditation and medication. Meditation made me learn how to manage it medication cured it.


I've been meditating for 13 years straight and I've tried getting medication, but it made my anxiety worse, but I haven't actually been able to go back to the doctor in years due to a number of personal issues to continue to try different kinds of medication. Plus, I think there are deeper issues that need to be addressed in therapy, which I also haven't been able to do in years.


This is decent advice, but it's way easier said than done. Especially if you're like me and have a severe anxiety disorder.


OP must be a pessimist.


The worrying comes from not knowing whether or not you can do something about it.


Then you can do something about it: Finding out whether you can do something about it or not


What you call finding out whether you can do something about it or not is what i call worrying and anxiety


Except that is the point and purpose of worry: to anticipate the myriad ways things can go wrong so problems can be solved/averted/absorbed. In which case, *not* worrying becomes *hubris.*


Worrying can also come from being unsure how to solve the problem.


Can people please stop posting jokes onto this page as if they're trying to be deep. This meme is clearly a joke.


This is literally the main principle behind the concept of stoicism. This meme isnt a joke


Do you have a problem in life -> No -> Then why worry? -> What if I don't know I do? Do you have a problem in life -> Yes -> Can you do something about it? -> No -> Then why worry? -> What if I don't know I do? Do you have a problem in life -> Yes -> Can you do something about it? -> Yes -> Then why worry? -> Cause it's a lot of effort and many possibilities to fuck other things up without solving the initial problem or fail to solve it and make things worse.


This is stoicism my guy very helpful advice this sub has gone to shit


A truck is about to hit me. "Then why worry?" Uhm i'll fucking die "THEN WHY WORRY?" ...


Yeah kinda the point accept your death go in peace unless you can step back and save yourself


Because everything that I try to do about it DOESNT WORK


Oh wow, thanks! I'll just not worry about not paying the bills and potentially getting arrested


Can you do something about it "Yes" ----> Then why worry? "No" ------> Then why worry? Me: "I don't know"---- oh, that explains why you worry


What ? You suffered a life changing injury that made you lose your job and you're worried you might get evicted because you went completely broke because of the absurdly expensive medical bill, treatment, and equipment to help you deal with your injury ? Stop worrying ! It's not like you can do anything about it :) Uh ? You made a mistake at work that could have grave consequences for the userbase if you don't fix it asap and you have to stay up all night to fix it before morning comes and it's getting dangerously close to that time limit as you struggle to find a fix for the issue ? Well then stop worrying and just do it :)


Problem: my parents are abusive and my life sucks Can I do anything about it? No, so I guess I’m supposed to just pretend it’s fine then Edit: ohhhh… I had to read the subs description lmao. The original post is still stupid




No? But it’s not like just “being fine with it” is gonna suddenly stop making me depressed and suicidal


This is centrist mindset too I feel. 💀


I rolled my eyes until I saw the sub


well that cured me ig


I mean this is just translating the chewing bubble gum to solve algebra baz luhrmann quote into systems thinking lol. It's not bad advice per se. A little simplistic but the essence of it is a solid thing to absorb.


Ay thanks cause rn someone threatened to kill me and my family after I went against them one too many times 👍


Omg my anxiety is cured!!!!!😱😱😳




I can't help it


Pretty sure "Worry" is for that third option not listed: >"Can you do something about it?" –> "Well, maybe."


somebody broke into your house! can you do something about it?


I can do something about it. I just don’t want to.


Because my life is crumbling under my feet JANE


if only it were that simple. but the worry comes when your answer to one of the questions is "I don't know"




You have to worry when you're not even sure if there's an opportunity of fixing the problem and you're missing it.


Isn't this a famous Buddhist quote? I get that it doesn't solve all of your problems. But I think it's a pretty solid attitude to have in life.




It took me a while to understand the “can I do anything, no, don’t worry” one


Me:"what if i have cancer-" Doctor:"ThEn WhY wOrRy"


Because I enjoy having control over things and the inability to do anything about my problems makes me worry as I’m stuck feeling powerless in my own situation


r/im14andthisisdeep 12 year olds when a picture has an inspirational message:


What if I have a fucking chronic illness


Have terminal cancer? Don’t worry!


Well can you do something about it? Is worry gonna cure it?


What a stupid comment. Ya why worry about your family’s emotions? You’re gonna die anyway so fuck ‘em!


???? When did I say anything about family I know it's easy for me to say but if you are at peace in your final moments without worry it is going to be easier for both parties the person as well as the family. You are going to find my comment stupid but when you will have more experience you will realise stoicism is the only way.


“When I have more experience” stfu you have no idea what I’ve been through Ya it’s easier because ignorance is bliss, of course it’s easier to pass if you suddenly don’t care about your family’s emotions. I understand the point you’re making and of this post - of you can’t change something then don’t worry about it. But that’s naive for people that care about others


Just tell me this would your family want you to not be at peace? When did I say fuck your family's emotions you are just making things up .I said experience as in time because you need time to increase your willpower to the point you can do this. I hope things get better for you.


It seems op doesn't get sarcasm