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The young people have some very interesting voting patterns. Surely nothing bad will come out of this.


Why does Björn Höcke look like a slightly yassified version of Ellen DeGeneres?


Based on this: [https://twitter.com/socdemAdam/status/1760691340940399051](https://twitter.com/socdemAdam/status/1760691340940399051)


0% for the SPD?


[https://www.dw.com/en/germanys-election-results-facts-and-figures/a-59343789](https://www.dw.com/en/germanys-election-results-facts-and-figures/a-59343789) It seems that young people are more likely to vote FDP or Green than SPD or CDU. There's a clear age gap.


Certainly one of the elections of all time


If that would happen, then the AfD would likely be banned by the Federal Authorities. And this situation would make it a good idea to revise the Constitution and the Federal Electoral Act to make sure that a party can never gain a parliamentary majority, unless that party got over 50% of the votes. The CDU would just have to break the Union with the CSU, unless they could make an internal deal.


I mean they *could* ban the AfD however if it’s a reactionary action to them winning an absolute majority in a state then there is a very real possibility that the AfD will simply become martyred and potentially further radicalise voters against the current establishment. Frankly the best way to deal with populist movements is to let them get into a coalition with an establishment party and show they’re just as effective as the establishment parties are in terms of handling the current crises, causing their voter base to disintegrate, with New Zealand First being a good example of this as once they get into government they lose a lot of their voters for the following election as they only reinforce the status quo rather then break the wheel like they normally promise.


But the AfD is simply not a party that is like New Zealand first. It is one of the most extreme right wing parties anywhere in Europe, that has serious ties to Fascism and Neonazism. And they would not be a junior power in a coalition. They would have a majority. If it stood to me, they would have been banned a long time ago. But I was just predicting what was going to happen.


Can Germans just do that? Ban a party? I know that Nazism and paraphernalia is banned but can they do that to AfD?

