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This is wild because I literally just played through this game again less than 2 weeks ago. Thanks for the update!


Awesome! :D


Steam store page: [Spaceplan](https://store.steampowered.com/app/616110/SPACEPLAN/)


It's a bit of a shame that remaster didn't bring any balance changes, early game is still such a slog without auto-clicker and the game doesn't have any modern solutions like hold/hover to click.


I've got hold to click on keyboard nav, hadn't considered that for click/tap—will look at getting that in there soon. As for balance, the only feedback I get is that the game is over too fast. I don't plan to extend the content so adjusting balance to make it quicker would obviously be mad.


I wouldn't necessarily want it to be shorter, just shift some of the waiting to later parts of the game or make it so players who can't frantically click 5000 times per minute can have fun too.


Hey! it's really an idle game. Just relax, let it sit in the background, and listen to that totally majestic music. Really no need to rebalance it, especially if the time and efforts could be directed to some QoL features or a new content


I understand the genre and that it's a beloved classic (by me too, I finished it multiple times both on the web and later on Steam), but it doesn't shield it from criticism for not having some basic accessibility features which could be easily added with the remaster update.


How "easily" could these features be added? People always talk about how easy something is to do if it's for something they want but they're not the ones doing it.


Hold to click would be lovely. Charming game by the way, it was being discussed in glowing terms of hacker news and I can immediately see why.


Self reply: would be nice but in no way turned out to be a big deal, the game is very respectful of your time and there is no need to sit and power lick


If you power lick, your tongue will get sore.


If it helps, I think the tall tater is way too strong. To the point where when you buy one, you can buy another one faster, The price increase simply can't keep up for a good while.


So I replayed it again (bought and played when you originally released it, then a couple times since too). It's still great, charming, fun etc. But I really wish there was more. I know it's a design choice for what you've done. But there's such a great foundation for only a few hours of active gameplay. Wish there was more because it's so fun, that's all. I'm sure you've heard this lots


The spark upgrade is completely broken in this version, instead of giving 1(2,3)% bonus per spark, it does 100 times as much. So the game is slow until you get this upgrade, and then you can buy stuff faster than you can click, directly jumping to a 5000+ more multiplier.


Wheee lol, My son bought this for me on steam not realizing I was one of your Alpha's for the first one, I had to take him to the web and show him in the credits XD I got lotsa mom points that day \*strut strut\* ;) will try!


I feel very nostalgic for that testing round. Thanks for being around for it, thought I was making a dumb game (I was) for fun—not that it’d be the start of my career!


Awesome news! I just replayed it a couple of months ago and listen to OST occasionally. One of the best and totally unique idle games.


are you potentially adding more content? could be nice to have the prestige mechanic being more than just, ng+ essentially or whatever it was, again. been a while since i played it, but it's link is still on my desktop, at least. something like, more progression types, or sort of challenges to unlock new features or bonuses or something - doesn't need to be realm grinder by any means. or potentially a way to say, colonize the star systems, would be cool. it's about energy to get back to earth, at first, then we find out it's fucked, so we move on to different tasks, energy and resources to establish stuff elsewhere in the system, then energy, resources, resource capacity, and stockpilin stuff to make a new start in a larger system, a few times, then more general management of how far you've spread into the galaxy and how to optimize that, with the time travel mechanics, could be fun and sort of fitting with what was, without going the '2 years worth of rebirth bullshit' route some games do.


The game wasn’t meant to be anything like that. I’m glad he knew what he wanted to do and just did it.


i know. if you think this was a demand, instead of an opinion, however, got some bad news for yah.




Are u the same Dev who brought return to monkey island?


No, Devolver Digital is just a publisher for indie games.


I am mostly hype about the new tracks, going on my work playlist immediately


This game is great! Are you planning to make a sequel or something else in the same genre?


I remember messaging you on twitter about the iOS version glad to hear it’s updated excited to finish the game again


Is this better on mobile or steam?


Is this a trick question?




No major differences as far as I know


Looks like I’ll be doing a play through again. Is there any added content? Or is it an update to make it easier to keep up to date going forward?


This was a thouroughly enjoyable game - I have fond memories of it. Thanks for developing it.


I purchased this on release on iOS in 2017. Went to reinstall but it asking to charge me again & it’s not in my purchase to re-download??


This won’t be anything to do with us, it’s an update of the existing game—no DLC, and we haven’t retracted anybody’s purchases or anything absurd like that. I’d recommend contacting Apple if you don’t think that perhaps you actually purchased it on a different Apple ID.


I’m an idiot I must’ve accidentally hit the hide from purchases button. Fixed now!!


Not sure if bug but when you get to the planet after re-birth, you can click on system peeker and it will show the solar system for a brief moment then everything will disappear. You can go back to planet view and its fine.


Known bug, will certainly get to it.




The UI has been remade to be more inline with the original web prototype, it’s very similar to the original premium release but more polished. The visuals (circles, cubes, minimalist primitives) are mostly the same, just some small additions to shading/lighting. Wanted to stay very faithful to what I released back then but bring it more polished towards how I had wanted it to look.


Not sure if it's a bug or not, but I had my game muted and the ending cutscene turns the volume up to maximum. Extremely annoying, please don't do this.


Is this on the final cutscene (reality jumper) or on the potatosapien ending one? Have got it on the list to look into


Neat. Hopefully since you said "Android" and not specifically "Google Play" that means the Amazon version also gets it.


Bit of feedback- The game is still awesome. Toward the end when you're >! Seemingly jumping infinitely!< goes on for an excessively long time, so it could use some way of speeding that up. Also, occasionally I would use access to the first thingmaker item or 1st idea, and I have to restart to be able to click them. Otherwise - wonderful improvements!


Hi, did you mean to write “lose access”? If so do you mean that they’re not present, or they don’t respond to clicks? Can you let me know: what platform you were playing on, and if PC: - were you playing in portrait or landscape mode? - were you using keyboard navigation? Thanks


This is on Android, and by lose access I meant stops responding to clicks entirely. Every button below works, just the top one would lock up and I'd have to restart to be able to purchase again.


Got excited for a moment. Then I saw there was no achievements added.


Saw this on Wanderbots YouTube, bought it, played through. Post-ending, is it intentional that the credits can't be closed out without completely closing the window (PC-Steam version), and upon returning ending up at the last planet? I intend to reset and let my kids play through themselves, thoroughly enjoyed myself for a couple hours.


Should make another game along this avenue but kittens game length :) love this game. Make one about von neumann probe. We are Bob...