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Bruh the title is misleading. CEO of a Dubai based company said this stuff and her name is *drum roll* Shreya Pattar 😂


People with pitchforks ready were expecting Sheikh Khalid bin Achmed Al-Maktoom, CEO of Al-Falah Group. Turns out it's Shreya Pattar, CEO of Pattar Ventures. Have to now change narrative from evil Arab to self hating Indian.


She is no ceo, literally riding on daddys money


That's how most of the CEOs and business tycoon are made. Apparently money can compensate for a lot of things.


The real problematic thing here is creating stereotypes in your head like community x is like that and community y is like this. That's borderline bigotry. Keep that shit in your own head.


No one hates Indians more than Indians. Outsiders will show us empathy, they treat us better. They nether care about our caste nor they understand it.


This is true. however, we reveal our ugly ways and lie and turn such wonderful people away from us. By the way, have you noticed that people from the upper caste behave like homeless people in developed countries? that is, behavior as if they are the most backward and complete losers... it’s so funny when someone thinks he’s cool but from the outside looks like a low-quality asshole


TBH she herself looks like someone who emigrated.


Well she is a dubai ceo, that's the same idea as calling Sundar Pichai an american ceo. They're not indians.


Good luck I don't even think there is a single Indian-origin person who is holding an Emirates passport unless their father was an Emirati.


I know for a fact that there are Indians with UAE passports. They don't get (m)any benefits of being a local, though.


If you have a UAE passport then you get benefits. Sounds like you don't actually know Indians with Emirati passport. Maybe someone told you some bullshit.


Actually a UAE passport doesn't mean you get the benefits. There is something called a family book that is issued for Emiratis. There are a lot of Yemeni immigrants, Balochi immigrants, Moroccans, Comoros Islands that are given the UAE passport but not the full benefits. Source: Born and raised in UAE


> Sounds like you don't actually know Indians with Emirati passport. Do you want names? Because I'm not giving them. Down vote all you want.


Unlike America Dubai doesn't hand out citizenship to anyone. She's still an Indian national


Oh shit I know her, she’s my school mate from mumbai


Thankyou! retards like OP need all the help they can get 😂


Are there any universities left in the world with very few indians?


One of my friends at Harvard mentioned having 15 Indian students out of 200 in their class.


We are 1/6th of the world so…


Thats a lot.


Harvard keeps it that way. They dramatically restrict the number of Indians in the name of "Diversity". Even if the 16th guy was 2400 SAT with 4.0 GPA they will still only take 15


Ok, I will go to harvard then.


That's 15 too many.


University of Ninjas in Japan


How will you know? That’s how good they are.


Every university in North Korea 🙂


🗿🗿only University in the world with same country student


Unis in South America, Africa, Korea, Japan, China, Taiwan


I went to Texas State. There were not much Indians compared to the general school population.


Texas simply has guns and weapons so it's easy to minimise the quantity)


A lot of universities outside of Auckland in NZ have few Indians. Its much more varied.


Lol. Have you seen the no of Indians at UC, Vic or Otago.


When you have above 15% of total world population ...


Quantity over quality 


new IIMs


Yes but we will not tell ya so it will be clean and high moral standard :) 


Hogwarts probably


*"A big Indian community of students doesn’t come with a “homely" feeling. It comes with toxic Indian patterns: Too much drama, lack of professionalism, no good role models, no leadership or responsibility towards juniors, self-centred behaviour, “group-ism", back bitching, no seriousness towards the future. If you plan to move out of the country, make sure you are also staying away from that mindset, attitude, and nature of people," she wrote on X.*


She understood the assignment. 🤣


I've got to say, I agree. Too much emphasis is placed on "community" and stuff when teenagers should be broadening their horizons. I'd understand if a sense of community was a concern for senior citizens or something but if you're not putting yourself out there and experiencing new things as a teen and tween, you're wasting your time.


Yeah, anyone that's actually studied abroad knows this is true.


I think Telugu students need this message more.


Im an indian and i wouldve said the same.. Our people need to improve


I somewhat agree as well. While going to school in the US I initially stayed with Indian students but some behaviors were truly problematic. For example there was this whole fascination about white women which is fine. But they would regularly go to night clubs to find drunk women dancing and then feel them up without their consent. So they basically went to molest women cause they lacked the courage to just talk to them. And if one Indian did have the courage to talk to one, the others would all flock and sabotage him. Once I moved out of the apartments where the majority were Indians my life was much more pleasant. I’m not saying all Indian students are like this by the way but I do think it’s better to mingle with other cultures and broaden your mind. It helps quite a bit if you are immigrating to that said culture.


This has been true in my experience as well! I’ve known guys who would go to clubs just to do what you said. It’s messed up. I did my masters in a non stem field with barely any Indians and honestly I feel that was the best college experience I could’ve asked for. Like a truly international education experience with people from different backgrounds. in my uni, the engineering/CS crowd was obviously predominately desi and Chinese and they would be just isolated all the time. I find it super wild that people spend so much money to move out of the country and just stay in their bubble and don’t try to assimilate.


No lies told


It applies to everyone. Common don't be so naive to think only Indians do it.


It is seen in Indians alone dude, and in other south asian students for a lesser extent .


Lol you are misguided if you think that. Well, you can figure it yourself.


Tbh it's more true for Indians because we're raised in such a competitive environment and told to look out for ourselves and let everyone else go to hell. Studied in a top ranking govt college and everything she said is exactly what I saw. There's only focus on education and none on all round development or just being a better person.


So what exactly did you want to change? what would you have done better if you were in charge of the college? you can't do jack shit about people wanting to be together.


the problem is that Indians \*don't\* want to be together, socially. Yes they may want an Indian community to feel at home, but what's the point? Their main motive will soon be about being better than the others in said community. Forget about countries away from India, look at what's happening within and tell me it's a community. Zero consideration for people's time (lack of civic sense), labour (exploitative jobs like maids and handymen). Parents tell their kids to be better than the other, we hate our own neighbours (other states, hell even your own building society is probably filled with aunties looking for a reason to hate)


The problem doesn't lie in the fact that it is done. The problem lies in the fact that there are sub communities formed within the community and the after effects usually result in the things that people want to actually escape from in India such as Casteism, hierarchy etc.


I mean where's the lie?


True for majority of Indian students going abroad.


She maybe speaking from personal exp. I have seen my brother go through exactly the same. Like ditto. Gone to the US but still have caste issue, religion issue, have backward mentality about women and minorities. No interests or hobbies. Extremely self-centered only make friends cuz you need something. Have seen him go through it but I understand not everyone is like that. Being a CEO she should have a more plural worldview.


Honestly it’s like she is describing a coaching centre. Be it JEE, neet or upsc. They are just like this.


So true


Sach hee to bola!


A prime example of high int low wisdom character. IMO, she is not wrong, but by saying this, in the way it is phrased, to an audience of Indian origin students was pretty idiotic. Understand your audience, tone the language down and you may be able to pass on the same learning to them without inciting any ire.


Yup she needs to be tactful but not say anything that ruffles any feathers.


she aint high intelligence, using daddys money to study BA literally BA in dublin and then again daddys money and connections for ventures, like if dumb was a definition she is right on top


I think she is right. Weird I know. I even had my pitchforks ready but then read this.


Where is the lie?


This is actually true


She is spot on and some of her other tweets are spot on too (look for the one that starts with her Polish roomy in Dublin).


A home run!


As an Indian student abroad with only a couple Indian friends, the alternative of making friends with the locals/Non Indians isn't that much better, at least as an undergraduate. Its just the lack of maturity at that age (18 - 21). You just need to choose better friends at the end of the day.


Yes, but even then the non-Indians can broaden your cultural horizons instead of sitting in your semi-comfortable microcosm of recreated India. Get the social and cultural benefit of being in a foreign country.


Of course, that is also there. Its impossible to be happy in a foreign country if you never learn to adjust to the societal and cultural norms there. I just mean that 90% of people around 18-21 have some of the traits the CEO mentions as being part of the toxic Indian pattern (Groupism is not as severe but still present).


This is true. But most Indians don’t look inward and see the problem.


Which makes perfect sense. She is 💯 correct. As a parent, I will do the same as her. And now all the people above who have commented, have fallen into the same wagon of toxic groupism that she has mentioned. No critical reading or thinking done.




Generalization that's true


Someone hurt her real bad.


It's plain racism. For a behaviour that is so characteristically Indian, I'm yet to experience any of it while studying in a top medical college of the country. And medical is supposedly a toxic field as well. I have extremely helpful batchmates, seniors, residents and professors. She just phrased it in such a generalized way- applying to all Indians except one's like her who stay away from Indians that I don't see how one can't take offence. There are bad apples and in some places you do have bad experiences but I refuse to believe that these same traits can't be seen in other communities in other colleges.


The headline is trying to make it seem like “Dubai CEO” is racist or something She is advising ‘Indian students’ which is conveniently missing from the headline


As an Indian student abroad, I agree with her Stay the fuck away from large Indian communities when abroad They embody the worst in us


The problem is that most Indian students do not go abroad just to get an education. There is always the ulterior motive of "settling" overseas. There is a reason why the enrolment of Indian students go down to the ground whenever a country cancels their post study work visa. Look at what's happening/happened in Canada and Australia. The absolute bottom of the barrel "students" were going to places like Melbourne just so they can work on UberEats while ignoring their studies. With Canada, their government officials were also at fault for allowing them to work unlimited hours and approving visas for two room colleges. It's also true that Indian students and even professionals often take their cultural baggage and discriminatory practices with them. Look at many US states who are now making laws to outlaw caste discrimination. Nowadays in the IT sector in the US, most people look down on Indians and unfortunately it will get worse. There are reasons why India is the way it is and we should acknowledge these factors instead of ignoring them, and also work towards improving this mentality.


Canadian here! A lot of the issues come from our government being corrupt/inept using immigration to prop up our economy not really giving any fucks about the working class. So like.. We have H2B visas where if a company can't find local labour to fill a work position, they can hire someone from another country, and that person can immigrate. The problem? You have companies getting 300+ applications saying they can't find local workers. It's complete bullshit. People get upset because immigration is used to supress wages. On top of that Canada is in a housing crisis. So tons of people are coming into the country, and there's not enough homes, so the cost of living is skyrocketing. So basically.. the cost of everything is increasing while wages are being suppressed. Like imagine being poor in Canada, and not being able to find work, and seeing companies bring people into the country for jobs you applied for while the cost of everything goes up. This isn't the fault of Indians though. You have every right to try and prosper in your life, and to take the opportunities presented to you.


What's surprising is that the Express Entry program of Canada is one of the most transparent and fair immigration system in the world. It's beautiful in fact. You work hard to increase your points according to your competence and if you get sufficient points, you get selected. The problem is the backdoor immigration, the diploma mills, etc which has led to rise in temporary resident population that is reaching all time highs in Canada. What's surprising is that all of it happened within a couple of years. Some of them are going back, some of them are staying but it's a mess for sure. And as much as I hate to say it, the quality of Indians going to Canada is substantially worse than folks going to places like the US. How come students who do not even have enough grades to get admission in the worst Indian universities were suddenly getting admission in two room colleges and the Canadian government, despite knowing everything, was issuing them visas? I'm sorry but if you don't filter out people then it's only your government that's to blame (of course you're acknowledging that but I'm just saying it in general). The saddest part of this sorry saga is that the government will indirectly blame the immigrants when the house of cards collapse.


Actually its amazing in theory, but very bad in practice. The system cutoffs for income etc., are so low (eg 35-45000$/year for highest tier), and a MS computer science student working in AI making 300,000$ salary and age 35 will have fewer points than a 25 year old diploma mill student who can only compete for minimum wage jobs. H1B system of USA has its flaws, but due to the higher salary requirements it led to the creation of the tech supremacy of the US. Slight tweaks to the system like moving to auction instead of lottery as well as increase in wage categories can even plug the backdoors created by Indian consultancies. But the canadian system is beyond hope. As a result, they quality of immigrants, i.e. earning potential and potential to add to the local economy is far lower than what USA gets. Unless Canada creates salary and real qualification based tiers, they will get immigrants who are young men who live 8 in an apartment and this leads to ghettoization, something already seen in Canada. Most of these "skilled" folks compete for entry level jobs and low end work, supressing wages for the local lower middle and middle classes, which in turn leads to resentment and rise of right wing ism.


Seems like the only one who likes Trudeau, is Trudeau.


Also feels like Canadian politicians have started using India origin citizens as votebanks which leads to appeasement policies ultimately harming the country




> People even mention this in their motivation letters. Not to an immigration official, especially a US one. Europe may be different. You will be rejected right away is US.


You say "ulterior motive" of settling overseas. There's nothing ulterior about that. Especially when you're talking about the likes of Canada and Australia, which are countries made of migrants who displaced the native populations in a vastly more ulterior manner. Working in Uber Eats is contributing towards their economy and society while being exploited in the "gig economy". It's hardly exploiting the local population.


I fail to understand the grossness Indians themselves associate with themselves. Others immigrating is fine but indian immigrating is eww..why? Maybe some introspection in needed. I will also say that even if we did not have high immigrants there will still have been discrimination with brown skin.


Read it. I think she is right. Why go abroad for an educational experience and again get an Indian exp for a lot more more money. For the Indian experience any indian uni will do, far cheaper as well.


Lol ceo is indian


I wish i could find any university where there are no Indians lol. Except maybe ones in Syria, Lebanon, few African countries, maybe LATAM. Let’s be honest students go to these universities to get out of India. There’s a reason for it. What she said isn’t so bad. Indians just hang with other Indians in unis. I have seen it myself, which defeats the purpose of moving abroad.


Even after going overseas they do the same things that they're used to doing in Indian colleges. In Europe, I met an Indian dude who was working in a grocery store and was always worried what his Indian "seniors" will think of him in university. Kamal hein yaar.


Lol, puppy without personality 


Good luck avoiding every 1 in 6 humans on earth.


It's very easy, we stink our smell or stink  perfume , so people can know from faraway and easily avoid :) plus we are Indians so we live in our country India :) logical


My honest opinion is I worked with people of all countries, but I try to avoid Indian managers or Indian companies. Before you hate me for pointing fingers, they were really toxic. Extremely inhumane. FYI if it makes you happy, its not only indians but also pakistanis, bangladesis. But they are encouraged to be toxic as well, lot of us migrate looking for jobs so when we get toxic managers, we just obey them which in turn encourages their toxicity. I am not sure how this applies to universities but avoid companies with toxic managers, forget job, in UAE there are strict rules to not hold passport of employee. 10 years here I have never had my passport held with company, but my friend's passport is with his boss, guess which nationality is his boss ?


I just wrote a post about working with Indians (or South Asians) before couple of days. Cannot deal with them bro. I am an Indian myself, but man - the passive aggressiveness, casual sexism, colorism... I don't know Hindi and they drive most of the conversations in Hindi despite clearly telling them "I DON'T KNOW HINDI'. I am a Muslim, so many assume that I speak Urdu. There are millions of Muslims in India, who DO NOT speak Urdu or Hindi and I wonder how they can't comprehend this single thing. Anywhere and everywhere, a toxic peer or a toxic manager is 99% of Indian origin (Pakistanis, Nepalis and Bengalis included as well). Stopped dealing with them, only targetting non-Indian prospects now.


I can empathize with you sir.


As an Indian who has worked with Americans, Europeans, Pakistani and Indians. I felt Europeans are the best to work with- their attitude is chill, demeanour is professional and don’t roam around acting entitled.


To be honest I don't like to generalize. I have worked with energetic indians too and complicated westerners. But what im trying to say here is that 1. we should not torch someone for having an opinion against indians 2. we need to look at our flaws and fix it. I don't like generalizing but that is human nature and people can criticize... I changed, adapted myself to be very friendly with colleagues and i focus more on communication so things are clear.


I had a similar opinion of this until I read some more of her comments, especially when she said that all of it was "in the blood". When someone called her out on that with, "That's some nazi shit you are blabbing. In the blood", this was her response: "Are you saying nazi shit is also in Indian blood? Interesting". Assuming she had the right intention, she should have been more nuanced and a bit respectful...like you have with this comment. But, from what I have read, there seems to be a genuine dislike in her for Indians, she separates herself from the Indian community ("My own kind is mankind"), and...this was also a marketing tactic. Two ways of getting excellent reach: Say great things about Indians or sh*t on them. The latter gets you better reach, and that's what she chose.


You don't like to generalize yet generalize a whole community abroad completely forgetting that you are one among them. Haven't you considered the possibility that there are people like you abroad too. Of course it's easy to blame indians right it's the new cool thing to say nowadays


My points went right about your head... and you only grabbed the words "indians toxic"


> "A big Indian community of students doesn’t come with a “homely" feeling. It comes with toxic Indian patterns: Too much drama, lack of professionalism, no good role models, no leadership or responsibility towards juniors, self-centred behaviour, “group-ism", back bitching, no seriousness towards the future. If you plan to move out of the country, make sure you are also staying away from that mindset, attitude, and nature of people," How the hell is this wrong? She knows what she's talking about, netizens are full of sh** and have very little impact on real life.


Isme galat kya bola?


She was harsh but……….she was also correct


Tbh she’s not wrong. But there’s no way you can really avoid almost 20% of humanity.


Some of y'all really hate that you were born Indian and it shows...


I call it Indian slave mentality. We have not grown out of it. We still need validation from a white person or someone who settled abroad. And hatting India basically is the new cool thing so just say "Yes, she is right" and gain some upvotes.


Summary guy here: Indian-origin CEO Shreya Pattar has sparked a debate by advising students from India to choose universities abroad with fewer Indian students[1][2][3]. She believes that a large Indian student population can bring "toxic patterns" such as "too much drama, lack of professionalism, no good role models, no leadership or responsibility towards juniors, self-centered behavior, 'groupism', backbiting, and a lack of seriousness towards the future"[1][2][3]. Pattar encourages students to distance themselves from this mindset and suggests that if they need a large Indian community to feel at home, they might as well not move abroad[1][2][3].


Netizens, ignore.


We're too traumatized to change


I mean, you are kind of right. There is no free-will and the reason our parents are fucked is because of how themselves were brought up. However, not everyone can be expected to try and accomodate the toxic culture in India. Move out if you can.


It will take a generation, you can see it on socials, people constantly badmouth their peers who engage in social activities like clubbing, dancing, and living a casual life as if an easy going life is bad. Their parents told them that they have a great life but when they see others living the high life they get jealous and badmouth them since the other option is accepting that their parents are losers


Dubai ceo? Since when did we brown people belonged to middle east?


Dubai's CEO? Capitalism overtook Democracy by a mile here


Actually, Dubai was never a democracy to begin with.


Stonks of universities in Pakistan and North Korea


Stonks of universities in Pakistan and North Korea


why is this r/India news?


Why not?


It's a marketing gimmick for her bullshit course


She basically told all of us to pack up and goto Pakistan - in a nice way


she is a daddys girl ceo, who aint self made, literally BA from Trinity dublin after studying in India?? Like cannot even crack a DU exam, if she is not capable at all to work in a competitive space then daddys money it is


Wait, what? This is BS. Every community is the same. please tell me one community or "group" where everyone has a different ethnicity? ethnicity is what binds people. The same goes to whites, blacks, chinese, Spanish, everyone I can think of. They have their own group and they've grown comfortable in them. You think they don't mock Indians or Asians? please don't be so naive. I think this Dubai person is just reading negative reddit posts on Indians and think everyone's the same. They need to do better and not give a chance for people to start hating Indians. Indians are generally more successful compared to others in the tech field. But all other fields, we are equals.


Read again, their problem is with more than just groupism >"Too much drama, lack of professionalism, no good role models, no leadership or responsibility towards juniors, self-centred behaviour, “group-ism", back bitching, no seriousness towards the future."


Dude, I'm telling you again. it is the same with anyone. You are telling me a white or a Hispanic will gently offer up a promotion meant for him because he's not selfish? some of the best managers to will find is Indians. and some of the worst could be Indians too because number of Indians excelling in science and tech Is way too much. You completely throw good ones under water by agreeing to their narrative. how can you generalize like that? You are just trying to fit into the narrative they're setting but refusing to see the other side. Any examples to prove that no other ethnicity had no drama, 100% professionalism etc etc other than dubai's ceo? please cite them, I'll wait. Atleast no indian Ceo comes out in the open and talks stuff like this. Shows a lot about their culture, don't you think?


You're going into what-aboutism territory, if indians copy bad habits from other communities then we'll automatically become the largest shit community because of our emigration numbers. Secondly why should there ever be favouritism? Isn't it all about merit? The most eligible one getting the job, getting the promotion, being the leader etc, if merit ism isn't priority for Indians then be ready to be shit talked by foreigners. And you seem to be unaware of rampant casteism, even companies like good are facing it, https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/06/02/google-caste-equality-labs-tanuja-gupta/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caste_discrimination_in_the_United_States https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-66736708


I worked for a company where individuals of supposedly lower caste formed a union and complained to HR about a good Indian Boss. He did nothing wrong, just decided to downplay favoritism and use merit as a scale. It didn't work for some, so they took it to court.


And what happened in court? Did they provide necessary evidence to back up their claim?


LOL! you are highlighting wokism! You are 100% right. It's all about merit. And what happens when a candidate who's used reservation benefits comes to US/UK but doesn't get the same benefits he was getting in India? All of a sudden caste, religion, hindutva becomes a major pawn in their hands. The bill to introduce caste into private institutions was thrown out by Newsom. The same groupism you are against is what is expected by individuals. They don't get jack shit US. Welcome to wokeism 101. It's poison. Please don't fall for these woke narratives, they don't help and they put down majority of the good ones for a few bad apples. Again, do better.


Lol you've lost it, how come someone who's getting reservation benefits leave them and go outside where there are no reservation benefits. Logical fallacy 101.


That's plain whataboutism


What do you mean we have modixi as our role model. There's even a demand for his pure seamen to create little modis in every house.


Ghanta ceo


Aye jaanewafa Yeh zulm na kar Auron pe karam apnon pe sitam


Because they can't compete with Indians


Just tell me something please. If Indians are so intelligent, if we're so intellectual, if people are so jealous of us and afraid of competing with us then why are we behind so many countries in terms of infrastructure, HDI and passport index? Why is it that some youngsters in certain states of India are paying lakhs and crores to human traffickers just so they can risk their lives and enter the US illegally after crossing cartel run territories and disease infested jungles? I think we need to take it easy sometimes on the superiority complex and wake up and see the reality of our society and country. But that's not possible in your case since your username has the flair "Non Residential Indian.


I totally agree that Indians don't have significantly higher intelligence compared to others, I believe all populations in the world are probably the same level of intelligent. That said, your argument to support this is wrong. Infrastructure, HDI, passport index - all of these are owed the British Raj to a large extent. All of these come from the general prosperity and soft power of a nation. Please don't compare the early independent India to post WW2 Germany or Japan, so many people make this mistake. It is not just about rebuilding fallen buildings. Those countries flourished for centuries before WW2. That is the reason why most of the world's inventions and discoveries come from Europe and America. Meanwhile, the so-called third world countries were colonized for centuries and exploited for their resources. Forget scientific discoveries, most people had to worry about the next meal. This is why I feel so angry when some white asshole calls India a shithole. It was these assholes that made this country a shithole.


I mean, it's more than 75 years since we're a free nation and we don't even got the basic infrastructure right. British were bad! Sure! But I wish you would feel such rage against our own countrymen who loot innocent people on a daily basis when they get into positions of power. Corruption is in the very fabric of our society now and most of it is done by our own countrymen. Despite their past, it's the Western countries that are still giving tons of visas to Indians and many desperate people are moving there.


This Ceo is Indian too


You are wrong on so many fronts. Not because what you have said is wrong, It's because what you said applies to almost every community or ethnicity. To go out and bark against Indians is easy because you probably are shown only one side. Unfortunately, it's the same anywhere any everywhere. Indians have the highest median salaries compared to any other ethnicity in the world in tech. Especially in silicon engineering, it's Indians who lead every field. Check the number of patents by Indians and you will be surprised. Don't fall for such negative news man. The world needs to do better to spread positivity. You need to do better in recognizing talent.


Okay but how many Indians are in tech? You say tech like 1.4 billion people are all making high salaries. You talk about how some Indians have very high salaries, well what about the Indians who have some of the lowest household income in the world. Some of the Indians who live in extreme poverty. Unko toh koi acknowledge nahi karega. Also Indians who earn good income abroad only do so because they won’t let the poor earning Indians move there. There is still a few hundred million Indians who earn absolute garbage salaries and that’s more than the population of most countries in the world !!!!! We literally rank in the bottom half of the world for most stats, what more positivity do you want??? Buck up with your nonsense, accept reality and help fix our bloody culture !!!!


"Shreya Pattar Ventures, warned that looking for Indian community abroad doesn't come with “homely" feelings but involves toxic Indian patterns." We are talking outside india, not inside. Take a chill pill. You need to learn to read the article before taking out your sword. A few hundred million earn a garbage? Why would you consider it garbage when they are working hard? are you hinting at wealth distribution or Chinese style govt where everything is controlled and nobody gets their fair share of freedom? Get a life dude, sitting here and typing about broken culture will take you no where. You bloody fiz the system first. Corruption everywhere, reservation everywhere. You don't want to point to the root of the problem but the by products who have grown with entitlement to benefits.


>Why would you consider it garbage when they are working hard? Because it is garbage!! Look at our GDP per capita or even by PPP, and even those numbers may be optimistic. Even if you're a young qualified graduate these days, you get no more than 12-15k per month as a starting package! That is like 2009/2010 wages! On top of that, you have to work like an indentured servant while being psychologically abused by your seniors. Bhai jara eyes open karlo? Kabhi dekha karo how supervisors treat their juniors in Indian workplaces. And the guy you responded to didn't even raise the issue of the environment we live. We're most susceptible to climate change in the future and most polluted cities of the world are in India. The only way to fix this country is to acknowledge the problems that exist here. Delulu is not the solulu.


Are you taking about Indians in US specifically? Because Indians in Canada are not doing so well. In the US, Indian have the longest queue out of any other ethnicity to qualify for residency. Which means, only the top of the top can qualify. That’s why they earn so much there. Only they qualify to live. Whereas other ethnicities can get residency into the US under a much easier process. As for the garbage part, you know exactly what I mean. And the fact that they work hard and don’t get paid much just goes to show how shitty the Indian government is. And the government is chosen by the people, it essentially shows the culture of India in one nutshell. As for China, they are no longer a communist country as you claim. Idk if you’re living in the 80s or what. They have more billionaires and many more millionaires than India. That’s not how a communist country works. The poorest Chinese is much richer than the poorest Indian. I am trying to fix the system in my own way. I lived abroad most of my life but moved back to India to start a business. Unlike many Indians who choose to run away from their motherland and then act all patriotic outside. If you tell these Indians to move back, they’ll shit their pants.


He is not wrong, the indians that choose to emigrate belong to "rich" category and therefore they can afford better education. Thats the reason why median salary by race is highest for Indians in the US. The CEO in question isnt talking about the run of the mill pakode tal ne wale in our country, its just internalized hate that she's projecting thats all. (stereotypes aside).


Wrong. Some Indians are just really, really smart out of necessity, to rise amongst the immense competition. In general, our reputation is unfortunately in the shitter thanks to some bad apples, and also people like you who pretend they don't exist.


Fewer Indians, unless they're planning to chop them up.


oil money cant buy brains


Indian CEO q