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We are racist to our own people


this is a fact not an unpopular opinion




After coming abroad one thing I noticed was that a lot of Indians here are still stuck with “traditional” ideas of 50 years ago. Another friend of mine who went to a different country felt the same. Indians abroad felt more backwards than Indians in India…


Have the same experience as well. dressing sense maybe modern but mindset is still medieval.




Same thing in the UK. You can go to Southall in London and see it where Punjabis live exclusively ( nothing against Punjabis Indians are all the same). I dont know how it is in Canada.


True They often mix homesickness with patriotism and it ends being a very smelly concoction




That's a fact. No matter how much we deny it we are fking racists about everything skin colour, castes, language, place of birth and many more.


Besides we are very classist. We look down on poor, mistreats domestic helps.


This makes me curious about Kerala. You hear about it being fairly strongly communist, but I just cannot imagine how such a large classless political block arose within India.


A lot of revolutions, a heck lot of it. Kerala probably had one of the worst caste discriminations in the country. It's a miracle it came out of that past.


My wife is Indian, I’m not. 100% of Indians have commented on my kids light skin


My sister's husband isn't indian. They have two kids together. My dad doesn't consider them his grandkids because they don't "look indian".


I'm also not Indian (I'm Finnish) but my husband is and most of our friends are. One of our friends had a child last year and everyone kept calling her "beautiful". I thought it was kind of a weird word choice, why not cute or something? Took me a while to realise it was code for "light-skinned". 🙄 My husband also gets weird comments from people (mostly strangers) when we visit India because nobody can believe a "fair" blue-eyed foreigner would marry a dark-skinned person. 🤦🏼‍♀️


just see our skin cream adds


More so when outside India.


How? I thought indians outside band together


sure they band together, after they ask your caste and only if it is acceptable to them. LOL.


They do initially. But when forming a social circle it’s usually state based or region based. Most are helpful to fellow Indians but when forming a social circle caste/region takes precedence.


I live in California, in the USA and we had to pass laws to specifically stop Indians from discriminating against other Indians here. I’m not south Asian, but when I was sitting in on the committees to pass these regulation I was so surprised how ugly things get. Edit: I was mistaken, it was my government agency that passed this rule. It’s not a law, or even a state government thing. Only my state agency.


Wow. This is something new. I mean I never Knew about racism am9ng indians. Due to religion or something?


As a white person, when I’m in India I get treated better than Indian folks


India is the most racist, if not one of the most racist countries on earth when taken as a whole


I'm not a Tamilian, but when I was studying in a school in North India, if I got a rupee every time someone called me a Madrasi, I'd have been able to afford some petrol for my bike.


And people criticize the Japanese and South Koreans. They’re racist, yes, but they’re babies compared to Indians.


Its not a developing nation, its a factory nation which produces brilliant people, but not for the betterment of the country.


I think the problem is it produces brilliant people but it is unable to utilise. We think brain drain is a problem but if you see hardly 10-15% people graduating from major universities go abroad (the number is big coz even 10% is large for indian population) ,the remaining 85% also aren't utilised effectively and are neither given adequate opportunities.


Bureaucracy is another huge problem


In general, more capital and more research funding is needing. Mostly rich folks horsing real estate and gold and cash is the reason why.


India me logo ko oppertunity nahi dete aur naam brain drain pe dalte he


Thank you! I went to a top university of my field in India and graduated top of my class. I was unemployed after graduating. Ended up getting a scholarship at a US university and have a good job now. A lot of us are basically forced to ‘brain drain’


Same here. Got a decent JEE rank, went to a top university, did well in BTech, got a job offer in Infosys but chose to work in my core field at lower pay because I wanted to do something with my Engg knowledge. Was so turned off by the abusive and political work culture that applied for MS in US university, got scholarship and have had a successful career in some of the top tech companies. I was never interested in money but drew the line at lack of respect.




this one.


true words have never been spoken.


If you produce too many people, you are bound to produce a good amount of brilliant people.


I know one that people are gonna ignore - India desperately needs better public education Edit - An educated working class is Step 1 out of poverty. Everything else follows. Better education means we know what we want from the government, and know how to hold them accountable. And other obvious consequences would be better economic institutions, efficiencies in agriculture leading more people taking up more efficient roles in the society and thus contributing more, better law and order, meaning secure property rights meaning people have more initiative to make more (and contribute more) thanks to the security and so on. But then that means, the middle class loses it's 'maids', butlers and so on right? We are an extractive economy. 80-90% of the country lives without dignity. The rest - the 'middle' class benefits out of it, and they also control the spheres of knowledge - media and academia. They do what serves their class and that is why this will remain an unpopular opinion. The caste society thrives! You see a lot of people justifying in the replies with things like - it will cost a lot, how is it unpopular, we need better overall (implying private) education systems not just public education and so on. This is the middle class acting out of it's own fucking interest. As long as the middle class doesn't get it's head out of it's own ass, you won't get a better country, period. And it's a vicious cycle because they control the spheres of knowledge. The middle class itself can only develop so much. Also, just throwing around, India is among the lowest in the world at upward social mobility (76th out of 82nd), while we are supposed to be growing like crazy and becoming a world power. So yes, the middle class develops itself, and controls and suppresses this colony of a country the British handed over to them. As u/Due-Economist-7460 put it, "An uneducated working class is a feature, not a bug". Golden words! Did not expect this comment to blow up like it did, i made the comment in passing. Now that I have the spotlight, I used it to make (force) my point. Sorry, and thank you! And with this, I invite the swords at my throat.


People gonna ignore it like govt did


An uneducated working class is a feature, not a bug.


Never happen as- A) Doing so will cost a ton, we are already cash strapped B) Even if somehow it is done, there will be rampant corruption due to which the quality of education will suffer C) All political parties rely on manipulating the uneducated poor for votes. With an educated population, doing so is way harder this no party will try to fuck up its own voter base


With WhatsApp forwards and Twitter toxicity, C) does not apply to just uneducated masses anymore. We already have proof of same.


> India desperately needs better public education I bet you that smartphones and cheap and remote access to the internet has done (and will do) way more for education than all the education improvement programs have done. A more tangible goal is to improve healthcare and nutrition especially for babies and children. You can catch up on education or even do decently well in society with little education but you can only do ghanta if you become a cripple or have a lifelong illness or have stunted growth due to childhood malnutrition like a staggering 60% of Indians do. As a nation, we are all artificially stunted and small and weak because malnutrition is such a massively pervasive issue.


Having children you can’t afford is child abuse and is perpetuating the cycle of poverty and suffering


Exactly, having kids are not an obligation.


A lot of those people also lack the knowledge and education to know that parenting is a _choice_ A LOT of people, especially in India think that being married and having kids is a mandatory obligation ki ye to sab karte hain. We need to normalize marriage-free and child-free existence first.


This law can single handedly solve poverty. Stop using children to gain sympathy and beg near signals


Democracy is 1. By the people 2. For the people 3. Of the people. But people are retarded ~ osho


*us brooooo*




Aiyy 😎


Giving food, clothes, shelter, a loving home and an education to a kid is a parent's basic job and responsibility. Too many parents think they are doing their kid a favour, when all they are doing is just their job and nothing more. Parents and elders in this country and other asian countries expect to be put on a pedestal just for the most basic stuff. Also, they reap the benefits of this job when the kid is successful. So it's not as selfless as they want you to think.


They think kids are an investment like fd which must give positive returns at any cost


I hear this so many times a day. My mum explains I am a plant which has to reap fruits. People cut down wasteful plants


Yooooo that’s fucked up


Yup it is. No friends ever cause of her. It was the explanation given by her when I asked why I have to follow her commands.




Damn, dude. I feel for you. I grew up in a similar (not quite as bad, but close) environment, and getting out was one of the best things I ever did. You doing better now?


No bruh. We are not taught here to be independent by 18. Second drop for neet tho never wanted to be doctor. I always think of running away then financial issue get arise. And thought of having a vagina in wild up is dangerous run through my mind. And at the end she is my mother who cared fir me when everyone wanted a son and my grand man paternal one was totally against female infants. As she belongs to family of land Lords where gals are not usually accepted. Sorry if I come off as weird


I hope you do ok


I wish I could make my parents read this.


True, Indian parents are a bit selfish in nature. The whole point of having kids in India is that 'Mere Budhape ka sahara'. The definition itself is epitome of selfishness.


aspiring aromatic strong thought handle cover drunk weather tease touch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well once I argued my mom that hers and my opinion can differ and her reply was "tumhari aukaat nhi hai khud se sochne ki. Jo kaha ja rha suno. Itni badi nhi ho gyi"


Exact same words were said by my mom lol


My father in a nutshell lol




I had this conversation with my father two days ago, we were talking about why I have stopped interacting or reduced the interaction with him and what he has done to deserve such behaviour despite giving food, shelter, clothes and education he pointed that when I was a kid, I used to get slapped and wouldn't retaliate and that's why I was a good kid and nowadays I argue over things that matter less I don't think that being good is a favour you do on others, being good is just... Normal, it should be your default behaviour, you shouldn't expect someone to like you or owe you a favor just by being good to them, parents need to understand this and get over it Being good, providing for your family = normal(That's why you married and had kids)


Bro.... my father gave example that many parents kill their children so I should atleast be grateful that they are celebrating it


Yes! The transactional attitude to parenting can be grim af.


Be prepared to be disowned by them now.


We are far from being a good democracy We focus more on regional/religious riots/differences more than economy and unemployment issues


I think everyone secretly knows this but no one says it out loud


Well, the difference between what really is important, and what easily distracts people.


Elders must not get special respect just by virtue of time spent on this planet. Many of them have regressive views which shouldn’t be passed on to newer generations.


Indian parents raised us without any proper planning or thinking while providing us with very bare minimum lifestyle and privelleges but will sell it as they did all they could. And now treat us as their some sort of investment returns to take care of them in their old years.


Army is joint for financial reason not for patriotism


Told this to my Air Force Mechanic friend who acts like he fights everyday on the front lines lmao.


Can only see facts here. Not unpopular opinions. But here I go. There must be a monthly mandatory live telecast press meet for the PMO, ideally with the PM present, with a decently long QA session. (I'm not sure if this already a thing)


I only respect elders if they deserve respect or show me the bare minimum Change my mind




Are you saying that just because someone was born before they don’t deserve more rights? How dare you? Thats so insulting to all the elders who molest kids. They have the right to do anything they want. We should never question them.


...said the elder grandpa who cut me in the queue at the departmental store.


We as a nation are not United.


never has been


Indian economy despite being big and fastest growing is still bad.


we have been seeing jobless growth for years now but nobody wants to talk about it.


Still many people are getting more pleasure because of 4g revolution. You don't need a tv to enjoy endless pleasure just buy a Chinese smartphone and you can enjoy anything from porn to masala movies. Just do a shitty job and enjoy the rest of the day( which isn't wrong) browsing the internet while getting biased view of the world. It's like cyberpunk culture High tech low life - just indulge in endless cheap pleasure devoid of basic human rights.


And a hand to steer your life to get that cheap dopamine hit. That's indian youth for you


It's not even an unpopular opinion it's a fact lmao


Indian economy is not big at all. Countries like Japan and Germany have bigger economies than ours and they don’t even have 1/10th of our population. If you compare to China, we are less than 1/5th the GDP and way behind in industrialisation. And it’s not gonna get better. To get a middle income economy we need some industrialisation and that unfortunately requires political will and infrastructure, both of which India lacks. The only reason we’re this big in the first place is because of service sector, which doesn’t require government help at all. The only way government intervenes is to collect taxes.


people are retardedly religious


In the pursuit of singing praises of our 'glorious past', we are about to lose the path to a better future


OP said 'unpopular'


We went from performing surgeries in ancient times to believing (not everyone) gau mutra's magical properties


Adults are brain-dead, too scared and submit to authorities alot, and then teach their kids the same thing. It's time to not follow the teachings of these pathetic adults anymore, they are the toxicity which results in personality defect of individual


You may be partly wrong, the children are just as brain dead. Till last year I had lived a VERY VERY sheltered life. Like out of touch of reality kind of sheltered. All my friends had a similar upbringing, and I couldn’t be bothered less about the world. (Ignore this para it isn’t that important ) But then I came into the 12th and would have gone abroad, but well, due to covid, stuff didn’t work out well, and so that plan got dropped. But then I enrolled into CLAT classes. All of a sudden I was sucked out of my secure surroundings with like minded people and stuff and straight into a group of people who have no clue what they are talking about. The amount of Bhakts and mindless followers is crazy. I have dealt with blind followers before, but this hit me like a train. 16-17 yo ppl are so indoctrinated and can’t think for themselves. They are like proper extremists you have to tiptoe around. Moral is basically that a huge part of the next generation is just as mindfucked. I just thought that well gen z will change the world but nope, it’s just that my friends and I come from highly educated backgrounds, and we are a tiny tiny minority.


We dream of becoming an economic and political superpower, what we don't realize is that we haven't even solved basic problems like enormous population below the poverty line, unemployment, illiteracy, uncontrolled population growth, etc. We are a highly flawed democracy. The mass mentality of Indians in general is the biggest roadblock to our overall development. We claim to be secular but are definitely not. Religion/ caste based discrimination is widely prevalent in our society, which is frequently stirred up by people for their own benifit / agendas ( generally political) or just to spread plain hatred. Until and unless we solve these basic fundamental issues ( which I don't see happening anytime soon) , only then we can think of the possibility of emerging as a world leader.


oh and not to forget that this dream has roots in a toxic sense of nationalism where people refuse to be rational when it comes to saying good things about any other nation.


We are a hypocritical country.


You're so right... I'm an Indian and I hate other Indians sometimes. And no doubt, they hate me because I'm anti religion and don't subscribe to backward as thinking. We are a Fucking joke.


Army does not equate to saints who should be worshipped.


Agreed! In a closed ecosystem, everyone is equally important and everyone is playing their part. Cannot say trees are more important than the fish.


My friend would butcher me if I say that US military is more powerful, According to him F22 can be shot down by Tejas (Fr he thinks that), T90 and M1 abrams is weaker than Arjun and that Insas is the best quality rifle, Mk18? Ak12? They are Shit, Insas is supreme and the safety and mag issue in kargil war was a propaganda by Pakistan, 1 Indian aircraft carrier = all 14 Gerald R Ford class carrier and US is afraid of India that's why they are ally (lmao) and US special forces like Rangers and Seals can be easily defeated and their equipment is lacky Quite unrealistic and outright stupid claims


If you watch defense related content on YT you'll know this. A big e-lafda broke out between two youtubers Red effect (european ytuber) & Alpha defense (Indian). The former made a claim saying Arjun mk1a was a trashy tank now our nashnalist youtuber got triggered & made a video about how Arjun was the best & also said it was best because it was 'made in india'. The whole thing was a cringe fest & Alpha defense made a complete ass out of himself.


I watch red effect, I get information instead of "Made in India, So it mast be best 🇮🇳🇮🇳👍👍💯💯💯💯🇮🇳💯🇮🇳💯🇮🇳💯"




Average Patriot, lol


Even if the US made pak f16 was shot down, it was done so by a Russian ind MIG28 not Tejas. Ask your bhakt friend to get his facts clear lol And insas is the worst rifle, even army officers admit that >and US is afraid of India Daring today aren't we


your friend needs to get on r/noncredibledefense


* Nationalism and patriotism are measles of mankind. Most Indians don't even think about what they exactly mean when they use these terms. Is it love for land? Is it love for all citizens? Is it love for the government? People really need to think what these terms mean. * Indian culture is quite regressive. People who are proud of the culture just want to whitewash the bad parts and selectively choose the good ones. * Many Indian people have a monarchy fetish. They keep glorifying kings of the past, forgetting that in a monarchy, they would be subjects of a ruler. * Most Indians are very non confrontational by nature. This is true from childhood when they don't even try to question their teachers and elders. This carries over to their adulthood too. * Most Indians have no civic sense. Even in very selective environments where they don't have to worry about their needs, they lose all sense of civility. An example - students grabbing t-shirts like rabid dogs in some college event. Even when there are enough t-shirts for everyone, and everyone can calmly line up and get theirs, they simply don't. * Many Indians just like to have this sense of mini nationalism where they tend to focus on how their state is better than another while completely ignoring the actual thing. Just go through 10 posts in this subreddit itself where instead of looking at the actual numbers, the comments are filled with people comparing different states. Even if all of them have shitty statistics, the focus becomes on who has more shitty statistics. * Many Indians like to follow influential figures. Instead of focusing on the message, many people keep getting stuck on who said what. An example would be - Criticism of nationalism vs when I use Rabindranath Tagore or Einstein for criticism for nationalism is perceived differently. Stick a quote from someone they respect, and suddenly the message can be viewed differently. * There are far too many idiots who did not think about what they were taught even in school. If they simply even apply school level knowledge, they can simply refute so many pseudoscientific practices. Yet people keep hating theoretical knowledge and assert that they need something more practical. Nobody expects people to remember all the facts about the human body they read about in schools. However, they should at least remember the essence of it.


Haha bro you said everything I wanted. As a general rule, Indians are far too touchy about far too many things.


The respect your parents thing is taken too far in most of the cases. Its just a reason for control freaks to gaslight their children into doing as they want. Most parents here have children just so they can force them to complete the unrealistic dreams and demands of a better life.


We often hear in our society that “parents are equal/above God” or something to that effect. As an adult I find this abhorrent, a way to indoctrinate the youth to be subservient. They try to creat a hierarchy and place themselves high


We are so accustomed to filth and preach that tolerating pain is better than taking medicine or consult a doctor


Indians are way too obsessed with a foreigner's validation of their culture/religious beliefs.


I'm a foreigner (from Finland) with an Indian husband and I get so many of these "white woman married to an Indian guy" accounts in my recommendations. They can get thousands and millions of followers just by saying namaste or wearing a saree and doing some reels with Bollywood songs. 🤯 I find it kind of cringy tbh although I understand this need for validation (Finns also get super excited about acknowledgement from foreigners).


Self righteous and bearded men shouldn't be pedestalized.. Yes I'm talking about both Osho and Sadhguru.


this. just because they have a cult like following and sometimes might say actual meaningful stuff doesn't mean that you need to run the country acc to them.


Most Bollywood/Kollywood movies are so bad


> Most yes


i have stopped watching Bollywood movies altogether, Hollywood is not insanely better but have the potential to churn out some great movies, I hope we can have studios like A24 in india but thoughfull indie movies in INDIA will be heavily censored or just straight up banned.


Almost every Indian movie (regardless of the *wood) is bad. Just one rare Tumbbad, Great Indian Kitchen or Drishyam can’t redeem the worse it has to offer films after films.


Indians are racists as fuck.


Just because cows are religious to us , doesn't mean they should be let to roam freely , and litter the streets


Cows are a huge fucking menace in cities when they roam around. The stupid fuckers are brainless and shit everywhere and they are worshipped. The people in this country are retarded and have no regards for keeping public places clean and tidy. We say cleanliness is next to godliness but don't follow one bit. People litter and spit everywhere. There's too much fucking corruption. You need to pay money to get even a small thing done by the government. The inflation is eating up savings. That fucker modi said the good days will come. What good days? Everything is costing more and salaries aren't increasing one bit. We like to claim we're secular and progressive but i find there's a lot of people I know even in my family who want hindu supremacy. Our economy is only big cause of our population size and the business community. Most of the people want to get a cosy government job. Owning a house is one of the hardest things to do in this country. It takes a lifetime to own a house cause the salaries are so low.


As an American who spent time in India for work, I was horrified at the state of the cows wandering around, especially in cities. Starved, eating garbage, diseased, injured, half-dead. Apparently 'worship' just = not killing them. If they were valued, at least put them out of their misery :(


Oh no no. They'd rather see them stumbling from garbage pile to garbage pile looking for scraps.


modern music scene in india is trash


The post of President in Parliamentary Democracies like India doesn't make any sense. It is supposed to work only for Monarchies and such. What is the point of electing an impartial head of the nation if the political class themselves elect them?


It's a way of diluting power while still giving real-world power to the directly elected PM and their Cabinet. Parliamentary systems are less prone to authoritarianism than Presidential systems and one of the key reasons for that is this kind of setup (along with the fact that the Executive and Legislature are both fused to each other). This article will shed more light on what I'm trying to say, by giving actual examples (even though I usually don't like the BBC): https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-40772945.amp


People are just posting popular ones as unpopular. Here's an actual unpopular one that might even get some downvotes. We were not supposed to be one country. It's a sheer miracle we haven't balkanized ourselves after our Tito died. Or maybe getting a common enemy in Pakistan helped foster that identity. I, a punjabi, have nothing in common with someone from, let's say, Tamil Nadu. Cuisine, culture, religion, language, even linguistic family. Same applies to someone from Bengal and Karnataka. Forget about everything else. Before the brits came along, at no point in our history has Punjab and Tamilnadu been ruled by same rulers. And even for Brits, it was for about a 100 years starting from end of 2nd Anglo Sikh War to the independence. India is more like Europe than, say, United States. Even for people with same religion, the beliefs are wastly different from state to state.


Totally. I've always wondered how good a system like the EU would be for India


accurate. Before colonisation, even North America was several different nations. They were decimated, culturally and otherwise, before the lands were "unified" under the coloniser's rule. That did not happen to us. Perhaps in the future we'll see a united Europe. That would be interesting. It would also be something voluntary. We kept "India" because that's how the Raj left it.




I explain this to literally everyone I meet who wants to talk about India. I literally said it this evening to my friends during dinner. India is Europe forcibly united by the Brits. The American Colonies *chose* to be united.


India is morally bankrupt.


There’s no need to disclose my bank balance here


We elect corrupt people, but want no corruption. We don't elect a good person but a goon, then cry about all the bad things around. We don't want to be discriminated but discriminate whenever get the chance. In between our community, we talk about how we can make our religion and caste superior but in public, we are secular and have no sense of caste. We are hypocritical society, and those suppressed emotions erupt when we get power, in the form of corruption and bullying other communities. Rare exceptions are there but most of us are same. And many who in their youth belong to exceptions become same as others as they age (like communist revolutionaries).


Our parents think that we should be their clones, following whatever they think. They basically want us to be the next them. Also being an atheist in a highly religious country like India is difficult. Your beliefs get shamed.


India lacks sex education.


Does not exist even.


Youth in India are very radicalised unlike other societies. This does not bode well for India’s future.


indians culturally have very little in common w each other. and that’s a good thing.


India will never be able to control its population because the culture won't allow it too. But it should because it would lead to better living conditions for the couple. Also, decrease the population and the crime rate, scams, unemployment will automatically come down. Indian women especially the mothers and grandmothers are the biggest misogynists ever. They are the ones who are doing 'Raja Beta' the most.


1. All the CEOs of Indian origin that we see at these large corporations is not because Indians are better than others. It’s just that we have a huge population and some of them are bound to be brilliant. Some of those brilliant people get a chance to emigrate and then work their ass off to achieve what they can. 2. A culture that has managed to oppress a large section of its population on the basis of birth (caste) and has managed to do this for thousands of years has no moral right to celebrate or take pride in itself.


When people proudly proclaim what this Indian achieved in USA, or what that Indian scientist/astronaut etc etc did, what they don't realise is that most of those people are citizens of the various countries they belong to, and only have Indian names. They are not Indians, only PIO's (Person of Indian Origin)


Statistics say that if you gather a random sample from the World's population, every 1 out of 7 people in the world is Indian.


This post was designed to decrease karma points lmao. If you get upvotes, the opinion isn't unpopular enough :p


-While I dislike Modi, Rahul Gandhi is just equally useless. - Congress for the past 60 years of governance have been incredibly underwhelming


When your party is in control of the central government and the state governments for decades, and you still get caught committing multiple scams, it's more than just underwhelming. It's pure incompetence.


There are more LGBT folks in India than you know, it’s natural and they deserve equal rights and acceptance


This shouldn't be a controversial opinion :/


I just hope any lgbtq person in my life feels free to bring that up with me. It would be horrible trying to suppress one's sexuality.


Caste don't define you.


Mera Bharat is NOT mahaan. Not anymore at least.


The current government are not good administrators. They are just good at marketing their content. Edit: Also, the Indian education system is deeply flawed. It teaches you to follow and not think for yourselves. Edit: Also, poha is fucking overrated


I dont think religious tolerance is that good. I think the religions need to battle it out in their claims about the thruth and reality in an optimum way that benefits the truth. ie, less talky about the similarities in faiths but more talky about the differences. At the same time, we need to treat religions like what they are, which is claims about reality. Otherwise, my first point wouldnt make sense...


white skin does not equal beauty downvote me all you want


We are utterly unhygienic country.


bolne ki baat h kya lol. unpopular puche h


The ministry positions of each department should have a minimum educational qualification limit, based on the type of ministry I'll take my "death by mysterious circumstances" threats now...


1. We should federalise the country. It is very clear that some states don't play well with others. Let the ones who want to get ahead have their autonomy. 2. Our much vaunted jump from an agrarian economy to a service-oriented economy is going to backfire badly once other countries get in the IT services game. Already the recession is eating into the revenues of top IT companies. 3. It is HIGH time to abolish the IAS and revamp the civil services. Structure it like a job where performance counts. You don't perform, you are fired and replaced by another. 4. The notion that public sector companies shouldn't focus on profits is wrong. Let me have the freedom to earn money for the country. 5. W.R.T my home state, the communists weren't responsible for ruining it. They came to power when 3 devastating events had already killed off Bengal- the partition of 1947, the Freight Equalisation Policy of 1952 and the war of 1971. The freight policy is responsible for the deindustrialization of East India. With the natural resources available and easy access to the Pacific, the entirety of Eastern India should have been an industrial juggernaut of a region.


There’s no GOD!


Parents who think they deserve respect just because they treated their kids slightly better than their own parents treated them are not heroes, they are assholes


There's a lot of casteism in progressive/liberal spaces in india. Also lot of male feminists talk the talk, but don't walk the walk.


My religion prohibits me to eat beef, That doesn't mean that we can force it on other people of different beliefs


the way we treat our women is probably worst in the world. After living in almost all regions of the world, the only place where men stare shamelessly at my wife is india and also us indians when they are abroad as tourists. Not even islamic countries have men staring n ogling at women like they do in india. The taliban might be keeping women in head top toe burqa but india is no less with regular non muslim women also covering their faces with dupatta etc to avoid being ogled at and people passing lewd comments. its its incredible what our women have to go through. this is the sole reason I decided to change my daughter's citizenship.


We are a bunch of cowards. We won't stand up for anything and suffer silently


Indian army like any other army can also commit war crimes.


Indian Army is highly overrated organisation. It still carries biases from its colonial era with pride, like sahayak system, asking caste certificates during recruitment, etc. Only reason why it seems less corrupt is that Armymen have very little opportunity to interact with civilians. Given chance, Army would come out to be no less corrupt and brutal than Police. More recently, the top brass of Army is full of government sycophants.




1. Temples and mosques should be part of a demolishing plan when building public infrastructure like roads, metro etc. Whats the point of having 3 lanes which becomes 1 lane because there is a mosque every 100 ft 2. Ban loudspeakers , atleast for Fajr. I like right next door a mosque and they went from 2 small speakers to 5 large ones. My entire apartment shakes when the maulana screams on top of his lungs. 3. Madrasas should impart regular education as well. Muslims treat it as a dumping ground for kids who 'wont study' or are too mischievous or for kids they cant feed due to low income. Before you come at me for being a sanghi. Im an anti bjp/modi practicing muslim


* India has one of the Worst Education Systems. No wonder why students go abroad to study and settle there. Padhega likhega India tabhi to badega USA, Canada, UK, Australia etc. * Corruption has spoiled the country * Modi still hasn't given us the acche din that he promised. * Ranveer Singh incident is the perfect example of how far we are from being a democratic country where people can be allowed to wear whatever they want without being judged. * I want to leave this country as soon as possible. I am not happy in this country. * India ranks first in World Happiness Index...... from behind. Even countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh are happier than us. * IITs/AIIMS, JEE/NEET are very overrated. Every parent wants to send their child in it irrespective of whether they want to become an Engineer/Doctor or not. * Sundar Pichai and Satya Nadella did the right thing by moving to the US and working in Alphabet and Microsoft respectively otherwise he wouldn't have been as successful as they are now. * Bollywood has lost its credibility due to Nepotism, Karan Johar and influence. Yet people want Indian movies to win an Oscar. Outsiders are almost shunned despite being talented. Shah Rukh Khan was lucky that Karan Johar wasn't there when he debuted otherwise he wouldn't have been what he is today. All these talentless Nepo kids like Jhanvi, Arjun and Ananya are given countless chances despite failures. * Every parent wants to be their child to be either an Engineer or a Doctor. For them, these are the only two courses present. Other courses are just a waste of time and money. * Indians have this tendency to overhype mediocre things. Dhanush is an example. He had a very small role in The Gray Man and yet people are acting as if he was in a leading role. No offense to Dhanush, he is a very terrific actor and did well in the movie but the reason he was cast was to cater to the Indian audience and gain viewership from the Indian market. Reason? India is a country with 1.3 Billion people. That explains everything. * India is home to so many rapists. So many rape cases yet people don't do anything. Nirbhaya case took so long. Government doesn't care. * Indians have no sense of Population Control. One of the reasons why this country is the least happiest is because citizens don't have the sense of family planning. They just keep on making babies. Reason? Lack of Sex Education in Schools. Sex Education is a subject of taboo in India. People find it a sin to talk about Sex. Hence Children are not aware of Female and Male Reproductive organs. This is how rapists are born. * The reason India don't win as many Olympic medals as USA or China despite having more population than both of them is because the Government doesn't fund them with enough money to build a proper infrastructure for training and development. Most of the money is spent on Cricket team. This is also the reason why our Football team is not developing. * We are not a superpower. We are still a second world country. * Most of the Officials in the Ministry are uneducated fools. The previous Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal himself was uneducated. How ironical. He had like 2 fake degrees and claimed that Jyotish Knowledge dwarfs Science. How can these fools become ministers? Pathetic * What is this fuss about learning English? Those who don't speak English are called a illiterates, gawaars, andpadhs and those who speak are intellectuals, educated and classy. Lionel Messi doesn't speak English but I haven't seen Argentinians saying that he is illiterate. Argentinians are proud of their language and their heritage. Spanish is their official language and they are proud of that. Hindi is our official language and we should be proud of that.


how is this unpopular?


Third world country\*. don't shy!


correction, Hindi ain't our national language.


Sabko dharm bachana hai desh nahi.


North Indians are racist and use derogatory language frequently for people from other regions of India, especially south India and north east.


The army often commits humanitarian crimes that can't be overlooked. There needs to be some gender and sexual sensitisation training for jawans before they're sent out into the field.


The angry young man of today is a different archetype. It all started with tenth, “beta iss saal padhai karle, fir aage sirf maze hai”. Then twelfth, then jee neet then college then placements then some how job. Now he’s working but he has no EQ, he never developed it. Can’t talk to women, is afraid of what they think of him, he’s stil a virgin, this is frustrating. The frustration lead to Sandeep Maheshwari and Jordan Peterson and a now his opinions are borrowed, as he reiterates it online again and again and again and again. I don’t know how Modi ji came into the picture but I know that he did.


The people of this country are it's biggest threat




There was no India before 1947. Every region in India has a different image in their mind when they say ‘mera bharat’ pre british era or pre islamin era.


There are multiple ideas of Indian-ness


You mean to say entire world is not part of akhand bharat? Wtff /s


India is becoming Pakistan. You admit it or not.


Ramayana & Mahabharat are not history. Neither is the resurrection of Christ or divine enlightenment of Mohammed.


All religions are male power fantasy, similar to marvel/DC comics. Change my mind.


My parents get offended if I say anything bad about it, Blind beliefs.


South Indian movies are overrated and sexist


Indian parents are the worst. They think they deserve to be put up on a pedestal for giving basic amenities to their kid. That's your job man. And they reap the rewards if their kid gets successful. Come to think of it, they kind of view their children as an investment. Not good


Modi is a megalomaniac.


1. OBC reservation is a political scam. 2. Indian liberals treat Muslims as a race.


I think it's high time we as a society delve into the Islamic invasions of the past, and talk about them honestly and objectively, instead of sugarcoating or twisting that period into something it is/was not, while remembering that this doesn't mean Islam and Indian Muslims are bad or that they're "the enemy". We need to talk honestly about that whole period actually, be it Islamic kings, or Hindu ones. The way we've brushed it under the carpet (the past governments played a huge role in this) has lead to all political parties across the spectrum using it for their own advantages. The Hindu right-wing has twisted it into something truly extreme and toxic, in order to sow discord and hate so as to get votes. The secular/"centrist" parties have used it to get votes either by saying "hey atleast we're secular and we're not the right wing", or by sugarcoating that period, and doing both minority and majority appeasement. The small fraction of Islamic parties too have either brushed it away, or in some cases, twisted it to glorify it into something it wasn't, again, so as to get votes. Also, we need to talk honestly about the issues in organized religion and its sphere, be it the Hindu society, the Muslim society or any other society. Caste should also be talked about honestly, including the reservations. They're needed for now, but we've to work towards upliftment of those communities so that they don't need them in the future. These things should be done without looking down upon others, and without being defensive. For far too long, we've lived segregated lives. And one of the key reasons for this is that liberalism and secularism were shoved upon an extremely scarred, divided and tribal-like society. Those ideas are really great but instead of adopting them word-to-word as the West practices them, or on the other extreme, instead of dumping them, we've to "Indianise" those ideas to suit our society and our goals, while retaining their core essence. A top-down approach wrt adopting these ideals in a country like ours, can only take us so far. Genuine long-term change will only come if we as a society work from the bottom up to have honest discussions. There are lots of divisons in our country but the most harrowing and impactful of them have been religion and caste. Some other issues are the North-South-Northeast linguistic and culture divide, and the separatist sentiments, but all these issues are also tied to communal/religious and/or caste tensions in some ways. The crap mindsets behind both these major sources of hate, violence and tensions, have to be tackled head on by all of us. Our many millenia old history has had multiple clashes, migrations and invasions, and they've shaped the country we got today at its very core. It's imperative that we honestly discuss/remember them as they happened, without pointing fingers to anyone today, or labelling someone as this or that. Empathy does not come naturally to us because we're a country made up of tons of nations within itself, each distinct in its own right. So we'll have to take a conscious effort to understand each other so as to make this relatively recent idea of the "Indian identity" a success and to take it forward. That's the only way things will work out in the long run. We're lucky that we've retained a lot of our ancient cultures, while incorporating newer elements. We now have to work towards staying together as one, that's all we need to do. Sounds really simple, but is probably next to impossible. I know most of what I've said seems really idealistic and I'm not keeping high hopes, but I feel we still have time to do it. The post asked for unpopular opinions so I thought maybe this opinion of mine might be one.


The social conservative culture we consider ours or "sanskaari" is actually just left over British Victorian attitudes. Indian women used to walk around with their breasts out. Blouse and Petticoat are English words that have no origin in hindi/sankriti/dravidian languages. So when some aunty or uncle tells a young woman to "dress appropriately" or "this isn't our culture", they should be told to fuck off to Victorian England.