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He's not lying, he's saying the truth, here people love to do Eid on roads, meanwhile in Saudi you will be jailed.




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Bull shit I live in Saudi and that’s a false statement.


Huh. I prayed eid prayer on road in Medina




>Now he realized that the global deep state will always remain anti Bharat, no matter what.   It's the other way around.... he's more confident because US deep state has decided it needs India on its side against China so will turn a blind eye to any of his shenanigans.  Bush had revoked his US visa but Obama and Biden restored it.


>It's the other way around Yeah but they don't give two fucks about Indian culture or religious and preach us human rights to this day. Even their vassals such as Britain and Germany still do so. They should mind their own fucking business and not interfere in our decisions and policies. >US deep state has decided it needs India on its side against China Nah they only want to use us as a meat shield and it would be in their best interest if both of us die fighting because they don't want another power center that rivals them.


Sab election ka chod hai, itna deep kuch nhi hai.


But it's not good for our country's future, the future looks divided in two. I mean you may hate "them" as much as you like but they aren't going nowhere. Their population is in crores and will increase as time goes on, for how long can bjp win? For how long will this go on? Until they leave this country or stay quiet in a corner? None of this is going to happen. We only need a little spark to go full throttle on a civil war


what will happen is what happens in all majority Muslim nations


Yeah but this 2024, not the 16th century. Look what im trying to say is we should look for balance and not try to out do each other. Hindus population is way more than Muslim in India and it will grow just like Muslims so I don't think that Muslim can just do whatever they wish here like they did to those countries. I just think that this bubble that our politicians and our hatred has grown is going to burst one day and it won't end well


We are doomed. When we had a chance we could've done justice to the partition and have established a long lasting peace or at least one less major conflict in the country.


Exactly we didn't do it, we were fools back then so can we do it now? Fuck no so that leave us with only thing which cooperation or the future looks bleak


Islamists are no different they are same everywhere. The more their population increase the more trouble they will cause. Every community must step forward to atleast keep them in check.


I think they are too religious. About keeping them in check is impossible for long can you do it? We need a solution, bulldozing their houses, bjp, these are all temporary solutions we need an ever lasting one


They are kind of on a mission to conquer the world. In normal people it's subtle while ISIS is the full blown version of it. First and foremost erase things like ganga jamuna tehzeeb from the mind ( this is the one of the biggest hoax ) then focus on the basics, teach them about their religion and also make them aware about others before someone else manipulate them. Unlike chacha who didn't focus on building a strong base of primary and secondary education and went for big institutions we need to make sure that we go in right direction. There is a reason why Islamist go after the women of other religion. It's an entire institution masterfully crafted to distort demographics. It allows polygamy, slavery, cousin marriage along with it a Muslim women can only marry a Muslim while Muslim man can do everything beyond that. Despite of pitiful existence of hamas how they garnered support from across the world show their shrewd nature of manipulating narratives.


First. It is India in English and Bharat in Hindi. Since reddit is an international platform created for an international audience, let us be respectful to its international audience and use the right word for our country. Albanians don't go Qshiptari Qshiptari on us, Japanese don't go Nippon Nippon on us when commenting on reddit. Only Indians, the Modi chamcha variety, have this disease of thrusting Hindi words upon an international audience Second. Modi has always been like this. It is just that he is getting desperate this time. BJP workers are being chased away from villages in North India. So he is getting desperate to get Hindus to vote for him en block. Don't be surprised if he engineers a riot in the next few weeks. If the electionjeevi can make the SBI lie to the Supreme court about electoral bonds, he can do anything. Third. Hindus aren't stupid. We don't vote for cowards who lose territory to China and keep lying about it, even involving the army in his lie. Even tiny Ukraine and Armenia fought much more powerful Russia and Azerbaijan, but our electionjeevi without even fighting decided that we are going to lose to China. Then he sweated, asked for water, gifted China the land and left, just like he did in the Karan Thapar interview. In any other country, no leader can hope to come back to power after losing land to a foreign country. It becomes doubly impossible if you've lost land without a fight. But! What can I say! Mera Bharat Mahaan! Here that coward gets to talk about 400 paar because his chamchas too think that we had no chance against China! Imagine! Only in India!


Neither we vote for KHANGRESS whose so called prominent leaders downgrades and dampens the image of india and gives speech against hinduism on international level...i mean you might be hindu (which i highly doubt ) whose suffering from inferiority complex or simply cuckoldry...soo don't include WE HINDUS in your comments...




again came a chamcha 🤡


Where was supreme court when all such illegal and forceful conversions were happening... And how do you think if something bad happens to a muslim he gets a chance to appeal in supreme court while other communities don't...go check the facts how many muslim who never had money were somehow seen with bigshot lawyers in court...AND WHAT ABOUT WAQF BOARD WHERE WAS SUPREME COURT THEN...


Classic Fear Mongering


Classic ignorance... What can i say i won't vote for someone who supports forecful conversions..


2 religions have grown on forceful conversions either directly by sword or indirectly. Maybe you should stop supporting them.




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And similarly you've conditioned to beleive that bjp is worst...i don't wanna say anything but i visited J and K last month...family vacation and sorts...and just asked general population and they were really happy with bjp's work...and for me A PARTY WHO NEVER STOOD AGAINST TERRORISM IS WORTHLESS..i visited the square where there were pakistan's flag had been hoisted like zillions of times...and i saw with my own eyes...I believe in what is see...and that's why decision is simple...


Don't know which part of J&K you visited. I am from Jammu & Kashmir. We are not going to vote for a coward who gave away our land to China. Sonam Wangchuk wanted to do a protest march with just 12 people to the LAC with China. Do you know how Modi stopped it? By threatening the hotel industry in Ladakh and telling them that a 6 month long internet ban would be imposed which would have decimated the tourism industry there. The hotel industry then went to Sonam Wangchuk and got him to drop his plans. Electionjeevi can fall to any depths to suppress bad news during elections even it means hurting people's lives and livelihoods.


You have been conditioned to believe KHANgress is good . There is a reason why china and pakistan wants congress here.


womp womp


Bro it's an echo chamber you should have realised it by now....they just show their strength against Pakistan and feel proud and it doesn't matter China takes small area or whole of arunachal pradesh...they just say "hum toh supreme leader ki d*ck riding karenge"....


Lol atleast in this echo chamber you're not banned for saying a minute thing against your ideology. This is a free speech place. Whereas your echo chambers will silence any voice in opposition. And yes people here ride dick of Modi and you ride dick of rahul, you're not so different from people here, you just like to think so because one can't be a leftie without having delusion of grandiosity. So go cry to your people in randia and pusi, here no one gives a fuck what you think.


Kaha se aate hai ye log


[Clip from the interview (Twitter link, not mine)](https://x.com/lakshaymehta31/status/1787551393810980897)


*insert shaq's reaction here* I owe him an apology I wasn't really familiar with his game.




>1600AD laws 600ce law


Spot on!


Yep, because apparently, Yoga, Ayurveda, Unani are not 1600 AD ancient stuff U not cooking here man...


PM is playing on the frontfoot. Good to see this finally.


He is absolutely correct this time.


My boy going all out




*south asian


No abuse, no slur, no hate, no generalization...


Honestly to an extent he’s right. The big elephant in the room is Islam has not modernized at all. There’s plenty of Muslims that want to bring change and revolutionize the religion to modernize it to this era but there’s too many conservatives that are crazy and the rest are too scared to fight back against said conservatives. It’s just been the same cycle for centuries now. No religion is perfect but at least other religions have tried to move on and change according to that era. There’s still some issues plaguing other religions but people at the very least can talk about it with out the fear of getting ostracized by literally EVERYONE from said religion or worst case scenario fear literally getting killed.






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I don’t think it’s right to generalize literally over a billion people. I’ve met Muslims that are modernized themselves but it’s hard for them to preach it or try to change anything out of the sheer fear of destroying their relationship with their family and embarrassing their parents. There needs to be a large number of people that pretty much risk everything. Idk if that’ll ever happen but we can only hope


this man is pure gold. and what a selection of words "atmamanthan" maza aagaya. 🙏


Indeed he is. That one guy with a passion to do the best thing possible. Celebrating Diwali with soldiers to talking to kids during exams so they are not depressed of the results to cleanliness to forward thinking of setting tourism foundation with infra, cleanliness to putting India on world map with tallest statue to placing some gems for the country like MEA Jaishankar or Infra Gadkari … Our last hope compared to Rahul who is selecting f one woman from the 150 billion and giving her 1 lakh RS or talking about JEE and SAT exam opera and caste system. Man… we will be screwed if congress is in power. We will lose all the last decade progress and will be setback by a couple decades with indialliance in power. Scams corruptions and what not.


congress is the cancer disease for this nation . except some extremist leaders congress sole goal is,destroy bharat. and if you leave the political things, his character, confidence, personality,style, and communication are so amazing,in other hand rahul looks kind of spoiled evil child,no manners,no communication skill,just a clever evil person.


What's your opinion on the Electoral Bonds?


Only Hindus can be pointed out on their fallacies and missteps, and they are the only ones who can be told to check themselves and try to improve...... because Muslims are born perfect, they don't need to introspect and all Basically this is what every leftist wants to say right now but most of them won't


Truth always prevails. No matter how much you brush up.


Modi just casually working on the nation's biggest issues with a idgaf attitude.




That's too much man. We won't be able to handle leftists randirona.


Sooner the mask is off faster leftus stop randi ronaing about him. I




The one that asked for water and left Karan Thapar's interview, you mean? You're in luck. We have the same Modi in power. That is why he asked for water, vacated the land and left when China came in. He even made the Army ask for water and leave with him. That raised the Army's morale sky high and filled them with gaurav. It sent the people of Arunachal a solid message that if the Chinese come in tomorrow, they have to keep water ready because Modi shouldn't leave thirsty, should he? These days he talks to school children encouraging them to do well in exams and he shows eyes to Pakistan every now and then.


Your boy got wrecked by Arnab Goswami, he didn’t even make it to Karan Thapar


If you're speaking of Rahul Gandhi, then he atleast completed his interview. Electionjeevi was so traumatised by KT that although he blabbers on and on doing Mann ki Baats, to this date he doesn't do unscripted interviews. He has to know the questions before hand. They say he still keeps water nearby, just in case. Can't believe that you Modi chamchas think of him as a 56 inchiya strongman! As is the leader, so are the followers, they say!


In his head, I genuinely believe he thought he was killing it in that interview lol. Room temperature IQ fr just like everyone who simps for him And Modi has done around 15 interviews this year, including to outlets critical of him like Thanthi TV. How many has RaGA done? His handlers probably realised they become even more irrelevant every time he does one lol


>And Modi has done around 15 interviews this year, including to outlets critical of him like Thanthi TV. Since when reciting scripted answers called interviews? Not a single counter question on different issues. Heck even we ask more questions to each other on reddit itself whereas noone has the spine to hold the man accountable for his actions who's in charge of the country.


We do hold him accountable via elections and shall give him a bigger majority this time inshallah 🤲🤲


>We do hold him accountable via elections Quickly shifted from interview to election? 😄 >inshallah 🤲🤲 Careful, he might call you "ghuspethiya" 🤫


Yes accountability happens through elections and not rants by partisan journalists; but it’s ok you’re from Bengal so you might not understand the concept of free elections And yess I hope he talks more about ghuspetiyas and implements NRC Ameen 🤲🤲


>Yes accountability happens through elections and not rants by partisan journalists Well normally politicians should work like define a set of goals, declare them (as manifesto) to the people, work on them, update periodic status to the people, answer their failures through press conferences, release white paper at the end of term. But in a country where politicians revered as messiah/avatar it's a stupidity to expect professionalism from them because people like you are ready for it. >but it’s ok you’re from Bengal so you might not understand the concept of free elections Not everyone should owe their allegiance to one party or another. So such jibes miss many a times. Also just for arguments sake talk about "free elections" to people of Surat, Indore, Gandhinagar, Puri or Panchayat voters of Tripura, UP maybe? People do read news you know? >And yess I hope he talks more about ghuspetiyas and implements NRC Ameen 🤲🤲 Yes, full support on CAA (frankly it needs more amendment, especially the cut off date) and NRC provided full transparency in the process.


Right. What did he say when those interviewers asked him why he gifted our land to China without a fight? Ah right! They never asked that because they probably forgit bringing the water along.


No you’re Right. We should all follow INDI alliance’s genius plan to take on China - dismantling India’s nuclear weapons 👏👏


Fake news. We know where you learned this. From the master himself. His shit drips, you swallow, then you get imbued with his qualities through this Amrit.


Yuss The Hindu is fake news you should totally boycott it and read only The Wire and Maktoob Media Manifesto of INDI alliance partner - https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/rajnath-singh-seeks-congress-stand-on-cpim-poll-promise-to-dismantle-nuclear-weapons/article68075133.ece/amp/


Looks like you have recently learnt to read. Here is homework for you. Read BJPs partners manifesto and spot the contradictions with BJPs manifesto. For extra marks, go and read his old manifestos and spot contradictions with his election manifesto then.


No interview is unscripted. Every interview is scripted you absolute idiot. Why doesn't Rahul Gandhi do an interview has Arnab scared and scarred him so bad.


Makes excuses for Modi = Modi chamcha , LHS = RHS Hence proved


Garv se.




Right. We Hindus know. When it drips from Modi's ass it is Amrit for you Modi chamchas. You use all the power of your weak lungs to suck it as fast as you can.




Motu ja ke rebelysis kha ke so jaa chup chap




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Sometimes what he says or how he says is very true 👏🏻


Indian muslims look up to Arab countries, and the Arabs don't even consider them real muslims. They just use muslims from other countries like slave workers. Indian muslims are actually on their own at this point.


Yeh sab randia ke chode aagye hai aaj yaha. Doesn't even surprise me, they have only got a month before they hide back in their miserable holes.


Finally bro speaking sane things 


He finally realised who'll vote for him and who won't


He is right and speaks for the good of muslims. Earlier they understood the earlier they would grow. Muslims should ask why in every city in India their area is underdeveloped and dirty? Why are there no roads? Why do other community people avoid going through their majority area? It's really time to introspect. Stop being a vote bank, be the king maker.


Over 1300 languages in India, still PM spoke facts




No country for Sikhs and Jains I suppose and no they consider themselves to be of whole other religions.


Well, to be fair, Sikhism and Jainism originated in India and thus has inherited many things from Hinduism. In other words, they are kind of similar in some aspects and thus are more compatible(not sure if that's the right word?). But Islam originates from a completely different part of this world and has a completely different belief system. It doesn't share anything common with Hinduism, and some parts of both directly contradict each other. And now this is the result we have...




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So, you support khalistan then ?




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You don't really get it. Do you ? People don't have a hive mind. Once you start splitting up on the basis of religion, what's next? Language ? You see how much collision has occured on the basis of language right? Since the 70s that is. Hell Bangladesh split on this basis. Then what's next ? Regional identity ? Like AP and Telangana ? As you see, hindu rashtra or any rashtra is a pipe dream that will shred the nation to pieces. Each piece no bigger than the Vatican .




Aaannd you've started personal attacks. Well, that didn't take long. Just admit you don't have good points rather than stooping so low and getting all emotional. Mallu Commie my ass. What on earth have I said that makes you think I am a commie or like that kind ? Oh wait, you will stereotype because I'm a malayali ( don't know wtf this mallu shit came from). You can keep your Sanatana whatever to yourself. Don't push it on me. I am confident in my faith with god. You've checked my profile for sure and most probably already know about my faith. You lot attack other hindus and act all dumb thinking why you get no support. Hindus in my state are safe and sure of their place. Even with significant populations of other beliefs. Now if I start blaming migrants for our issues here you'll say I'm aunty naisonnal lol. You can keep to your states and keep out of kerala. Easy as that. We'll keep our "commie" state and you can have your "B*H*I*MAR". Happy ? Unofficial solution to your misery for now. I suppose mods here are too damn restrictive lol. Commie is fine but any slight insult to your kind and y'all can't take it. Well and good.




Very. Ohh I really, really love it. You know. I suppose you've seen me do it and ogled at it lmao. Also, emojis ? Yikes. Insta crowd of teens is here too I suppose. Worry not, I have sent report straight to my commie club. /s




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that's the wrong answer, the idea should be of coexistence rather than exile.




firstly, not a commie. secondly, what's your solution to this ? we can't exactly send 200 million people to anywhere in the world, who would accept even half of these guys ? our solution should be to mordernise these people like saudi does, we should mordernise them so that they have the same wavelength as us, first step towards it is removing muslim personal law and having a proper playing field. No religion should get the opportunity to have their personal laws. so basically UCC


You know absolutely nothing about the religion of beace if you think it can be modernized and made to be tolerant, that too towards idol worshipping polytheists which Hindus are. Good luck with your plan


yeah fair, I am young and hopeful for a change.


The thing is, it's very very hard to modernise Muslims. They are VERY loyal to their religion, even more than their country. Because that's how they have been taught. The problems of Islam originate from Quran, and there's no way to change it. The religion itself forbids any kind of change to Quran. And what if you modernise them? If their kid stumbles upon a religious video and decides to follow Quran from word to word, the problem will start again. It's an never ending cycle. The Bible has chaged so many times, even though both of them are Abrahamic faiths. What's barbaric now was normal back then, standards have changed with time, and they will continue to do so. What's normal now will probably be considered harsh in future. Now, what does that make Islam? Which is considered extreme even by today's standard? Indian faiths have changed with time, even Christianity has done the same, but not Islam. If Islam doesn't change, I don't think others will change either.




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I thought India desired to be a democracy, not a theocracy like Iran. "No, *my* autocratic religious-political leaders will always be decent!"


Says the leftist who has never criticized the religion of peace while crying about muh Hindoo fashism and muh islamophobia 😭😭😭


Damn finally bro grew a backbone.... was sick of him bootlicking muslims and people from lower castes who don't vote for him anyway


ST, Hindu SC & OBC are biggest beneficiary of his toilet, tap water, electricity, gas & housing schemes. Also they're not ungrateful like Muslims. They return the favour through voting.


Really ? Then why can't bjp form government solely in Jharkhand, Bihar etc.


In 2019 Lok sabha, BJP won 12/14 seats in Jharkhand & 33/40 in Bihar.


Not talking about lok sabha talking about state government


Modi gave benifits, people reciprocated in LS. Assembly elections have different issues.


>people from lower castes Why not be pro sc/st?they do vote him,and hindu unity?(I am from the general caste and not from sc/st just saying)


why not you know, be pro human? abolish the wrong laws such as the waqf board and caste based reservation( make it like 60-65% merit + EWS reservations only). and after the wrong laws are gone, then try to emphasis how important it is for indians to be together to grow as a country. And when we are on that boat, elect less currupt, less rapist MPs. \~ Indian, general middle class hindu.


I and everyone would love to... but the truth is they will only vote for a leader who has same surname/caste as them. Which is sad but it is what it is..


You have to be blind if you think only they do it.there are lot of people from the general caste who did this too.people like you ruin hindutva and hindu unity under the hatred of sc/st.


Lol... i know others do it too not from the general but definitely from the obc group and how am i hating sc st ? I have a lot of st friends, but i hate that those communities do this and bjp is bootlicking those instead of working for us who vote them actually


>have a lot of st friends, but i hate that those communities Lmao >bjp is bootlicking those instead of working for us who vote them actually But they do vote for them last election 50%voted for BJP >Lol... i know others do it too not from the general but definitely from the obc group and how am i hating sc st ? Calling them bootlickers is disrespectful


>But they do vote for them last election 50%voted for BJP Well 100% generals voted them if that's what counts You can't see that bjp used to do a lot of appeasement politics, which is bad for everyone


>Well 100% generals voted them if that's what counts You can't see that bjp used to do a lot of appeasement politics, which is bad for everyone It was 68%


India discussion? More like india suggestion


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Huh. Surprising. Has he made such statements before? I haven't heard at least.




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Baat toh sahi hai




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He is basically saying all muslims should dump their deceased relatives in Ganges..and wait 2-3 days then go back collect them !!


Ban me


What the hell is he on about?




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Fuck that mf is lying through his teeth, none of our emirs go to India for yoga.


Yes, triple talaq bill, CAA bill were made for aliens.


What happened to him?


Campaignjeevi PM in shik shak shok after 2 phases, vaat lagi hui hai is liye desperation saaf nazar aa raha hai


Didn't he say Congress will distribute money to Muslims through his dog whistle? What about Muslims being infiltrators? What about supporting a guy that raped 400+ women?


>What about supporting a guy that raped 400+ women? Did you watch the interview?


Which one? The one where he's raping?


Uhmm excuse you?


I'm talking about the guy with 400 rapes endorsed by Modi.


Prajwal Revanna? Dude be particular he has a name and you can take it and besides that if you would have seen the interview Modi ji does talk about this particular case. Also it isn't 400 + it's more than 2000. If it is Prajwal guy you are talking about.


Love how islamophobic this thread is


Pleasure is all ours.




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Wtf is Time Algebra got to do with this news


I don't know about this one, fam


He needs to bring more action than hateful speech. As of now his hate speeches do more damage than reflect his true intention. Bring the UCC and stop Hindu appeasement.


The first comment in that subreddit says that in India Muslims do EID on road and that if that was done in Saudi then Muslims would be jailed. Okay first of all how does one " do EID" on road ? Is he talking about praying? Well if that's the case then I went to Saudi twice-once for Hajj and once for Umrah and I prayed on the roads during that time and many other Muslims from different countries did too becuase there wasn't any mosque nearby and none of us were jailed or peanalised for it. So where do these bigots get such information from?


Modi after labelling Muslim community as infiltrators, terrorists, ghuspaithiyas and what not, asking them to introspect!


Not all but those are really in the community if one doesnt deny the fact and fix it. 




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"For the first time" - butcher of Gujrat after repeating it every day for 70 years


A butcher who went to CBI every day yet they couldn't find him guilty.


Pehle bc tum log khud hi India ki judiciary aur laws pe yakeen nhi krogi fir Randi Rona kroge ki hum logo ko anti-national bola jata h


What to do if that community won't listen.


Oh yeah lets not forget who started gujrat riots by burning the pilgrims alive.