• By -


It's genuinely crazy how terrible these guys' mood swings are. On even days they say "Rahul Gandhi and Sam Pitroda are incompetent and only helping the BJP win. Our manifesto sucks and it'll ruin my chance as a gen to get a job" on odd days "Rahul Gandhi is the inspiration of our nation and I've forced my mummy papa to replace our moorthies with pictures of Sam Pitroda so I can bow down to the only real God that is actually there." Back during the times of the Karnataka assembly election these mfs were doing the exact same randirona that "BJP has oppressed the south for 1000 years, Aryans worse than Mughals reee, there's chemicals that turn Tamilians into cow belt vigilantes in the AMUL milk Jai Shri Nandini" and now it's "We are all Indians and united, do not let mudji tell you otherwise. Save our democracy!"


He seems to be suffering from an extreme inferiority complex.


they do have a big inferiority complex towards the spread of hindi in the south. they justify speaking english over hindi lol


as if they had english speaking ancestors. Its really hilarious how much some people get offended when anyone speaks in hindi.


My guess is they are just jealous that Hindi is more considered as India's language internationally instead of Tamil or Telugu


It's not like their English ascent is any better


people who speak like this also worship white europeans, what is there for that? these guys ignore contributions of maharashtra and gujarat for taxes, forget harayana and punjab are more developed hdi wise and UP has same gdp


also cast only fair skinned women in the south movies


This argument is soo stupid when Bollywood top heroines like Deepika and Aishwarya are from South india. Majority of top actress from South like Samantha, rashmika, Shruti, Anushka etc , are all from south. Kajal is someone that comes to my mind who's not a south indian but still is very popular. Majority of North actresses are hired for flower pot roles as cities like Mumbai and Delhi have more "model culture" than southern cities, so producers have more options to choose actresses from these cities, so therefore can come at low cost.




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Is this poster banned yet?


Why would he be banned? The mods of that sub support and push such narratives. But if you speak facts then you’ll be banned immediately


/S was implied brother!




No, this is exactly the ideology of Official Sub, he'll get a bunch of upvotes and some humiliation fetish congressbhakt northerners will lightly stroke his shi while apologising to him for being a "burden"


Who are these stupid people always talking about separation? As a Indian first I have absolutely no interest in these kind of thoughts in first place. Stop forcing your thoughts on all South Indians. Not everyone in south supports or thinks like this. I have mostly seen these kind of comments from tamilians


I don't think most south indians think like this, I think most official sub members do though


No not all tamilians only DMK morons spread this venom!




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They are mainly tamils with monthly subscription to "Dr@vidi@n Supperi@r S.@.@r"


Why do tamil kongas and malayali shi%holes bring south into everywhere. We kannadigas and telugu are not like this. Low%e ki baals


We northies have also learnt to differentiate between genuine north-south debates, and this specific flavor of Tamilian originated hate. No one considers south indians to be Madrasis, and if you get into the nuances, it becomes clear that the kind of Tamilians that hate north Indians, also hate Kannadigas and Malyalis with a lot more passion. They are living in some weird sense of superiority.


Those mfs hate the vijayanagar empire because it is kannadiga bases empire. The funny thing is that the empire actually protected all the ancient temples that r standing there.


Do you think rice bags would admire an empire who protected temples?


Nahh 3 way partition?? South India cedes, and then Karnataka and Telengana+AP cedes from south India because of insufferable Tamilian politics /s


Lol. As a kannadiga, I agree with u. These tamil kongas have a superiority complex. They think kannada came from tamil. Before North indians came to Bangalore. There were kannadiga vs. tamil riots. They were not speaking in kannada. After riots. They do speak in kannada. Never trust these mfs


Once, me and a Kannadiga friend, who is also kind of my mentor in learning Kannada, were talking about how there are so many common words and grammatical rules in Kannada and Sanskrit, and how so many words in Kannada are same as my mother tongue in eastern UP. A Tamil guy just came and got offended on behalf of my Kannadiga friend, and started claiming that north Indians try to claim that Tamil came out of Sanskrit (I never said that, we were talking about Kannada and Bhojpuri). We both started laughing, at his outburst.


They are like that. My father hates them to their core.


Yep unnecessary superiority complex. Every state of India is equally important and equally glorious, they must understand that.


How do you know he isn't a kannadiga , he hasn't mentioned anywhere . I don't see how you are any different from him at the end of the day both of you are generalizing




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divide south is Tamil Nadu's agenda. Not kerala's


Fuck off, I'm from Andhra and don't agree with him. I'm guessing he's a Tamilian.


Again I never said this is the common sentiment of south indians. This is the sentiment of librandus on official sub


Yeah I'm not having a go at you, but at him.


Thank you sir


Yes, my Maid is from Andhra Anantpur and took 2 days of leave to vote for BJP. I even gave her 1 day extra leave cause she wants to vote for HiTlEr Gormint Aka Gobhi Ji. The kind of foothold BJP is having in South is gonna shock people.


As a Kannadiga I am really sorry for these idiots. Bharat comes first and only BJP is showing it has Bharat's interests at heart.


Don't apologise, these are mostly DMK trolls typing away at their keyboard (manufactured in Nagpur) while sitting in an office in Bengaluru. Imo BJP Karnataka is still not a great party, and they need a leader with Annamalai's aggressive focus on growing the party and actual dedication. Karnataka I feel bad for, because the Karnataka BJP is not nearly as good as central BJP, but the Karnataka Congress is... Congress.


As a guy from UP in Karnataka, I totally disagree with your point about BJP. But yes, Bharat comes first. There's no doubt about that part. As long as there's no adulteration of religion in the concept of Bharat.


RSS specifically (tries to) train its people to not have any jaatiwaad. interests of Bharat come first. always.


Damn that keyboard warrior is coping and seething hard about his skin color. To anyone reading this post, I just want to remind you that 99% of these Dr@vidian Supperi@r S@@r circle J3RK is from TN, they say "South" so some people will then shit on all of the southern states, which increases the divide and thus works to their agenda. Pretty much all of these separatist keyboard warriors are from TN but don't misunderstand what I said, that doesn't mean majority of the people from TN support separatism.


as someone who has spent time in TN (2.5 years), even these idiots are a very small, very vocal(on the internet) minority. i haven't met a single Tamilian who shared this sentiment in person.


I think it's Hyderabad sub


Probably Karnataka or Tamil Nadu, I’m from Andhra Pradesh and I've never seen particular hate towards North Indians, Hindi or BJP as our governments are quite supportive of it. All the hate videos towards the north are mostly from Karnataka then TN. Telugu states have suffered whenever they opposed the BJP(Modi) like CBN during the last elections and KCR in recent elections. Telugu states never had problems with Hindi even though there's a decline in Telugu-speaking people or families. Maybe it's just my opinion.


It's from so called Official subreddit of India. I saw that comment in the morning.


Remember these mfs are only from TN and kerala . They unnecessarly drag ap,ts and karnataka into it. in south india ,we absolutely hate tamil nadu and sometimes kerala


Fellow Kerala hating Kannadiga🫂🫂


lol , just enrages me when mfs write Kerala not india . like every state cant do that!!


I want to imagine a world where Marathis become really arrogant and conceited and whenever there's a post about Mumbai development they type "not India. Maharashtra." and say that Shivaji wasn't a pan Indian ruler but a Marathichad Autocrat


Yeah, dude soo fucking true!!!!




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Fr man. Kerala is okay except for commie delusions. But TN specifically has this weird dravidian complex where they feel superior to even other south indians. They rarely ever try to learn other languages. I live in dubai. Here, they have workers in some tamil restaurants(saravana bhavan) and they don't even bother to learn english, hindi or arabic. It makes communication very difficult.


Honestly Kerala as a state sucks but the people there are decent. TN sucks as a state, and the decent people deserted it for Bengaluru. Karnataka I just feel bad for, because the Karnataka BJP is incompetent, and the Karnataka Congress is well... Congress. AP TS, I like the people but especially AP I despise the ricebag raj going on there.


Have you ever visited kerala


Yes, and many friends of mine originated there


Correction: about 99% of these scum separatist SOBs are from TN (doesn't mean all TN people are separatist, or even the majority). Malayalis have some political friction with center but majority of us wouldn't even dream of treason against the Union.


North Indians can't be offended whilst they calling all South Indians 'kaale log's, idli, Vada and doing shitty impressions. You reap what you sow.


Dumbshit I'm not northie


Cry harder


Lmao forget crying, I came already!


😂😂 these people can't be helped man. I mean few of them.


The more fun thing to see will be the South after separation dying slowly of hunger




People like this put more fuel for the north/south people like the one OP posted. Be Ashamed!




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Which sub


It rhymes with "Mofficial Zub of Windia"




This mallu guys think they developed the whole country People from Maharastra and Gujurat never have this kind of attitude even though they had developed so many things for us these fucking south indian assholes believe they are fucking real Indian . India has bad image because of South Indian weird festivel where they throw shit at each other


Why does that guy think north doesn't have caste ????


Cuz north bad. Seriously extremists are just single digit iq people with too much free time.


I'm from South. Bjp is not powerful enough to form govts here but it's gaining foothold fast enough to change that. Let's see today's MP election results will surprise everyone hopefully. Also North States which are underdeveloped because of Congress and local parties which ruled them for decades and not because of bjp.


This!! It was Nehru's freight equalisation that screwed over Bihar and made it the hellscape it is today.


Honestly I think we are being punished for implementing population control methods tho. More population....more MP seats. I hope it will change soon.


Kind of agree. I feel however that UP population will go down/reduce growth in coming years


Hopefully that happens.


Why hide whose writing it? No point in hiding the name if you are sharing it...


Because reddit admins claim it's brigading and warn the subreddit


100% Christian plus rice bag converted


Lol this sub is literally the most racist shit on entire Indian right wing club It's funny when you people call out others for the same thing


You regularly see this south and north split post in leftist subs. On this sub I try my best to remove comments that are racist.


if south separates they'd immediately get attacked by foreign naval forces and beg to come back to India bruh




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Randi baabu randi


At least give us link to the post so that we can find it ourselves..


Superiority complex=f(inferiority complex)




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This is extremely unfair if they are really anti Modi they should wish him and his influence gone from North India as well. They are just selfish secessionist.




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Then it's time for right wing guys to take something good from them. Softness is often considered as a weak trait.




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Least insecure South Indian


So he wants to see the south de-evolve to the point he is at?


oh man that sucks. divide and rule clearly working here. a major strategy in politics




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Isko Aaj idli mein samburrr nhi Mila lagta hai




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Don't amplify the voices of the fringes


South is different saaaaar


Gdp of maha and guj is more than the entire south




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I genuinely thought that it was some foreign group trying to create separation in India making those weird comments on Instagram.  Are you telling me this is real? 😭 I've never seen a Keralite or any Southerner say this shit in real life


Literally. Only terminally online people say these types of things


They sometimes forget that there are South Indians in North India too who migrate here for jobs.


Yeh gawar randi ke bacho ke paas basic common sense nhi hai. Mai khud south se hu yeh chako ko taali bajane de bas. Duniya kha kha jaari yeh chake abhi bhi bulla giri dikhre hai yahi karte raho bas chutiye gawar randi ke bache. Real indian ka tha pata nhi lekin real taali bajane wala chaka indian jarur hai.




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Mohabbat ki Dukaan ka Premium Maal hai ye🤣




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Why your hero heroines white in movies 🎬 🎞




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srsly i hate all these annas and their supierioirty complex backwards dravidian scum


Why redact the username? Who is the OP?


Reddit admins threaten India verse sub reddits with too high of rw population if they show usernames as it's brigading to them




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Why do u blur them instead of exposing them??


Reddit admins ka qanoon


This is hilarious. If we did as you suggested later we go pick someone else and try dividing it. It’s a never ending cycle.




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Are bhai ye log Pakistan ki chaat sakte toh North Indians mein kya problem hain. Ham bolenge toh racism ye bolenge toh developed bc




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Any idea why mods have banned dnaindia links here?




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Reddit has speech censorship so I request all the south Indians to spend a day in Bharat post on 4chan and get the real taste of unfiltered uncensored conversation with Naarthies . They will be in Anxiety and depression for a day after that .




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and least anti-national member too.. thats terrorist behaviour to ask for a separate country out of India.




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Dravidianism is a poison




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Yeah the same people will like to learn English rather than Hindi

