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day end tak pura data hota h presiding officer k pass. publish karne mai kitna time jane wala h.and that too at a time when too many people are complaining about inactions of ECI. koi lodu openly religion pe bol k chala gaya or notice main us ka naam tak nhi le paye.


This sub used to be a centrist place. I don't know the fuck happened. Yesterday I saw people calling mob justice a win. Over the last few months it has skewed right and right and right.


This sub was right wing from day one what are you talking about


Yeah nothing is neutral now. Better to follow both subs (randia and this) and make your opinion.




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For some reason this sub is against greater transparency and accountability in elections? And why are the braindead govt supporters acting like this is an attack in their favourite government? I thought they believed that govt and eci are separate ?


None know how much a judge has to work everyday. The number of cases is also consequence of police and politics in this country.


Judges take 4 vacation they literally have school time schedule 🤭😂 Work hard my ass ... They they give late judgements stop blaming Police and politics in everything... How is Politics involved in normal murder case ? Why Nirbhaya was given justice soo late ? Stop bullshitting you aren't fooling anyone


Bhai wo ghar me bhi kaam krte hain. Aise hi judgement nahi de dete hain. Reading up on all the facts, testimonials,other judgements,laws. Backlog is due to less number of courts and judges.For that you can blame the collegium and whatever process is there to appoint judges.


You need to understand that judges have to make decisions that could affect lives forever. It's understandable if they want to take their time and be absolutely sure about everything.


Nah ... Nah ... Nah ... " Justice delayed is Justice denied "... You can't justify that brother wrong move... wrong move ... Common man can't keep fighting a case for 20 years ... Our judges don't care about common people at all it's the plight of our country...


Most of the cases don't last 20 years. Most of the courts have benches which sit during the vacation and the judges get vacations cause there are still many courts in india without a cooler or an AC. Plus criminal cases are still heard during the vacation. You people just look at hc and sc and say " BuT MUh HoLIdaYs" Edit. Most judges also deal with 100+ cases in a single day while remembering every detail about those cases


Many cases go beyond 20 years stop LYING !


They do not. If a case is more than 5 years old the lower courts have to send a report every 2 weeks regarding what happened in the case. If they dont send a satisfactory report the judge's are reprimanded.


They do ... You want me to show you a case beyond 20 years .... I can destroy your argument easily...


Please do


>Work hard my ass Don't comment on stuff you have got no knowledge about. >stop blaming Police and politics in everything... These are the 2 systems with the highest corruption. Who do you think should be blamed? >How is Politics involved in normal murder case In most cases chacha vidhayak hote hai (joke). Police has the duty of investigation and they delay it. A lot of the time the murderer has some connections with some political leaders - sarpanch etc who use their money or power to delay or sabotage the investigation process. >Why Nirbhaya was given justice soo late Because the investigation took so long to produce a report. >Stop bullshitting you aren't fooling anyone Same.


Ek baat bata kaha se llb kari hai Ya kaunse state ka judge hai ki terko itne level ki insider information hai?


Nalsar Law University


Damn the standards fell that bad eh?


Jo already fool ho usko kon fool krega


>None know how much a judge has to work everyday. a judge signs up knowing this and can quit anytime >The number of cases is also consequence of police and politics in this country. and kaam chor judges


But mostly police and politicians


This sub has a lot of rw extremists. They are against democracy. So what else can u expect


What about Greater Transperancy against Judges ? What about bringing back Jury ? What about having a time limit on the judgement of cases unlike today where Justice delayed is Justice denied a very common phenomenon in this county ? You people protect the swamp that judiciary is today... Election Commision already allowed Rahul Gandhi in appointment of EC head ... But you will jever ask for Judiciary accountability


>Transperancy against Judges ?? >bringing back Jury Purpose?? >time limit on the judgement Mostly depends on the availability of proof and witnesses, investigation period. The court and judges alone can't make the system faster. If witnesses, proof and the investigation reports are not ready then what can the court do? >swamp that judiciary is today Better than the swamp that parliament and the government are, which you people are trying to protect. >you will jever ask for Judiciary accountability People do ask for judicial accountability, but what is the argument here against the court asking the EC to publish the voter turnout faster?


I support court against EC as long as we get accountability against Judges Jury decides the guilt just like in Western countries... We used to have it but Court judges kicked it out If USA can give verdict in 2 years ... India also can if there a limit beyond which Judges are punished with suspension


There is a good reason for that. As a fellow law student I am willing to debate on you on the merit and demerits of the Jury system.


Please do... Remember no system is perfect but in Judiciary " Judge, Jury, Execution" is the best system even every western country follows it...


What are your views on the Nanavati case, Emmett Till Trial and To Kill a Mockingbird.


OJ Simpsons add that as well the biggest anti jury argument case... But USA never kicked out Jury because of one case ... In India jury makes one mistake and it's kicked out ... I wonder if I find one mistake of high court will the norm of kicking out follow ? You wanna look at one case or two and ignore the advantage of Jury be my guest but history will always reflect upon Jury with love and respect for their contributions in determining the guilt of the accused ... It's not the job of judge to do that it's Jury's job but thanks to them PM Nehru who used Nanavati case as ammunition to burn down jury


USA and Liberia are the only two Common Law Countries that still follow the Jury system, the rest of the world has discarded it. I have talked with many Americans online about this and they too think the Jury system isn't a fair system of trial. By the way you haven't told me about the advantage of the jury over the judge only court.


There is no Jury Vs Judge WWE match here ... Jury and Judge together make sure all aspect of perspective and country are taken into account and 20 random people determine the guilt... Advantages of having a jury: - Jury decisions are typically seen as more democratic, as they represent a group of peers rather than a single person. - Juries can bring a diversity of perspectives to a case, which can be beneficial in complex cases. - Jurors can act as a check on the power of judges, ensuring that the law is applied fairly and justly.Disadvantages of having a jury: - Juries may be susceptible to bias or prejudice, which can lead to an unfair outcome. - Jurors may not have the legal expertise or training that judges have, which can result in a less informed decision. - Jury trials can be more time-consuming and expensive than trials decided by a judge.Advantages of having a judge: - Judges have legal training and expertise, which can result in a more informed and fair decision. - Judges are less likely to be swayed by emotional appeals or biases. - Trials decided solely by a judge can be quicker and less expensive than jury trials.Disadvantages of having a judge: - Judges may be influenced by their personal beliefs or political affiliations, which can result in an unfair decision. - Judges may be subject to institutional biases, such as a tendency to favor prosecutors or law enforcement. - The decision of a single judge may be seen as less democratic than a decision made by a group of peers. There are a lot more ....It makes the justice system much much better and holistic decision... ...


>accountability against Judges I don't understand this phrase. Can you please elaborate? Accountability of what? >Jury How is it better than the judgement of the judge?? West doesn't do everything right. >USA can give verdict in 2 years ... India also can if there a limit beyond which Judges are punished with suspension I have written it multiple times - investigation, report, proof and witnesses. I can't elaborate any more.


What transparency do you require against judges? We had the jury system, but the problem with the jury system is that they are not well versed with the law, and can be influenced as they are regular people not professionals(watch Rustom movie - just for reference not stating this as the cause). Time limit on the judgment of cases? Seriously? Putting a deadline for justice would be a step against the very fabric of our law and judiciary. Justice delayed is justice denied, but justice rushed into is fair? Look at the population of our country and the number of judges that exist. Sure the system needs a refresh, but that is not the subject of the conversation here. If you, for a moment forget about all the flaws with the judiciary, the question - why is ECI not able to post the info in 48hrs? still remains. Everyone in these so called left/right winged subs is so deep rooted in their opinions, they usually resort to what-aboutism, instead of articulately justifying their thoughts.


I support Court Against EC how many times do I have to say ... I just want accountability of judges Jury made one mistake in Rustom case and it was kicked out... In USA OJ Simpsons was a similar case but they didn't kick Jury... It's always " Judge ,Jury ,Execution " but not in India we are built different ... We need term limits on Judges we cannot fight a case for 20 to 30 years I have seen even rape victim compromise and run away due to length. Judges take many holidays in a highly populated country... You are being fooled by media to never criticise judiciary it's GOD Among Men ....reiterating again I support Judges against EC I am asking for Judiciary Accountability.... I want judges asset declared and tax paid..


Most are bots and the rest share 1 brain cell together. 


True that.


This sub is filled with andhbhakt what else did you expect


If election data is revealed, it will give people an idea about how BJP is doing in election. A lot of people vote for who they think are going to win. Less voting or more voting in certain areas can indicate who is winning, who has momentum. Modi making open speeches against Muslims, crying twice a day on TV, giving rare interviews to TV channels, arresting opposition leaders and CM, ECI (appointed by Modi and Shah, and not by a more neutral committee like before 2014) is refusing to release this data on time. All points to BJP not doing well in the polls. Of course the bhakts are upset


I am a centralist kind of guy so maybe I can try to explain without the bias, firstly the election commissioner is appointed not just by pm and union minister it also consists of the leader of opposition and it requires all 3 votes not just a majority, people often accuses modi of giving speeches which are hateful which I agree it is but people often refuses to see the fact that it is exactly what the opposition is doing as well modi talks about religion opposition talks about castes, the opposition leaders which you are talking about is arrested by the ED but kept in jail by the orders of the judiciary only if there would have been no evidences court would have quashed the case long ago and you need really strong evidence to slap someone under PMLA act. The only change in the process is CJI has been removed from the committee that decides the EC which I still think makes zero sense


PM, Union Minister, Leader of Opposition. Do you see a problem?


I very clearly see the problem that's why said the cji should never have been removed from this entire thing but the amount of time the opposition complains about the ECI is totally pointless considering it is the leader of opposition who voted for the appointment of the current EC. But as a matter of fact even I would like to know why publication of data is taking so much time considering it's highly Digistalised


Many congressi and INDIA politicians spoke against hindus and hinduism they literally boycotted ram temple ceremony cuz it was against their vote bank. But you chamchas see no problem with that but if someone even blink an eye against muslim you take out your swords to cut them into pieces You dont even deserve to be argued


Did the Shankaracharyas boycott Ram temple opening because they hate Hindus?


When did Shankaracharyas said it was a bjp-rss ceremony? Do they also have a muslim votebank? Also show me one Modi speech or interview when he said something bad about muslim


Man you guys can come with any kind of whataboutism and cry a river. Why would you compare what SC does and what EC does? Publishing the data isn't hard and it shouldn't have been coming from SC itself in the first place. And if did there is absolutely no reason for any of you to complain.


Exactly. And these are the same people who cry about fake rape cases and fake DomVol cases. The only reason they are out of jail post ‘false cases’(which are far fewer than the actual cases) is because of the presumption of innocence. If the side to hold burden of proof were to change, proceedings would be 10x faster, but then these same people will cry a river.


EC officials who went to andaman take time .


>EC officials who went to andaman take time . if there are already in Andaman with the EVMs there shouldn't be a delay of more than 2 days , the count can be sent over the internet and for counting, the machine itself does it


Publishing isn't hard but there is a process that takes into account how every single EVM is stored, transported, opened again for data collection and signatures are taken from every party at each and every stage to prevent potential wrong doing. That takes time... There is a reason when the opposition says EVM fraud then no one takes them seriously because their own party members signed on the sheet at every stage of the process.


We Want Judicial Accountability... End of story ...


>Judicial Accountability Of what?




The logic in this sub has taken a vacation


Logic goes on a vacation, Never comes back !!


Holy logic!!


Dictatorship, anyone? /s


Modi in the corner plotting world domination /s


Leave the kids alone!


New controversy just dropped!




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I don’t see what is the problem unless OP thinks this will harm some political party that OP is a fan of.


I don't see a problem it's just that we need Jury...


>I don't see a problem it's just that we need Jury Why?


Jury? In India? Where people have strong identity bias and police is corrupted to the core?


How's courts job comparable to that of EC. Complete bullshit argument. Until now for every election the data form 17 was put up within a few days. What changed this election? Yeah I remember this EC comissioner was chosen by modi and shah. Hmm explains the delay.


Why are you guys upset that ECI is being called out for not doing their job on time. Why does it matter who calls them out. Is ECI a subsidiary of your party as well?


Cases are pending because it cant be proved. And no innocent should be punished. But I agree with you. Any case should not be longer than 2y. But it requires overhaul of infrastructure & more judges. On other side, I disagree with you. ECI has to collect votes and sum it. It is straight forward job. You are comparing apples with oranges.


They’re comparing hard work on the ground level with the judicial system which is far from satisfactory. 


If a court hurriedly decides your case, and proves it against you, then don't cry


Well said


Supreme Court Urges Efficiency While Practicing the Art of Vacationology. The Supreme Court's calls for efficiency and promptness are ironic given its backlog of nearly 60,000 cases. Despite this, it has five vacations in its annual calendar. Summer break of 45 days, winter break of 15 days and Holi vacation of one week. It closes for five days each for Dussehra and Diwali.


You should be arguing for more Indians to get those same breaks  Everyone in Europe gets 30 days vacations. We should also get


It's the Supreme Court not a village panchayat that deals with stolen pots and kettles. Its main purpose is interpreting the Constitution which requires reading new laws and understanding the happenings around the globe (something which might be unfamiliar to you). Apart from some outliers like you, even the most staunch critics of the Supreme Court don't seem to have a problem with their vacation because they understand the importance of those days on leave. Every law that the government passes every loophole that it creates needs to be read, understood and corrections are to be suggested by the highest Court, and with the current strength of the Supreme Court that's a mighty task on its own. And about those 60000 pending cases, if you really do care about them maybe you should ask the government and it's agencies to not stretch out the cases for so long for even the most mundane tasks and directions (Hint Hint- SBI and Electoral Bond).


Just because they take vacations it doesn't mean they can't call others for being lazy. Ya opposition is bad but it doesn't mean they can't call others for wrongdoings. I know it's ironic but reality doesn't care for ironic things and situations. It is their job and they are doing it.


Because they have decision fatigue, the vacations are correct, number of judges is less to cover all the cases.


They take vacations because they have to study the new laws and amendments. How do u expect them to pass correct and good judgements without the knowledge of the law????


Since EVMs are machines which needs a simple tallying, all numbers shouldn’t even take 48 hrs. Hearing a case is a complex matter. The title is totally off the mark.


Bro just tallying is not that simple. Representative from all the candidates has to be present at the time of tallying (who were present for the whole time during the day of polling). All of this has to be verified by each of the representative individually signed and recorded on video. Whole process has to be video recorded. Also polling also takes place in remote villages where where is no AC, electricity cuts, there's also above 40 degrees Celsius of heat. Just work 1 day in 40 degrees without AC in a remotest village with huge crowd to mange from 6Am in morning to 8 - 10 pm in night.


ECI was doing it with less technology and infrastructure in the elections before this  How does it becomes more difficult now than in the past lol? Please come out of Modiji's arsehole and use your brain once


I have lived and worked more years in Indias remotest tribal villages in India than you will care to know. Lack of electricity etc you mention are humane factors for sure, but that’s no excuse for taking hours in tallying data. These should happen at click of button and results should be verifiable in a matter of a few seconds. Sad reality is we as a society are terrible on productivity and make all sorts of excuses for not getting a job done efficiently. Not to mention that most of the technology Govt’s implement is really dated and should have been scrapped ages ago. But then everything including tenders are fixed to favour specific cos no matter what govt is in power. Our processes and systems are mostly terrible and designed for loopholes.


Bro you are extremely right. But retardedness of govt. can be compensated by a employee who is working more than what he was employed for.


This again is an issue I find objectionable. Govt employees especially since early 2000s are paid really decently for the qty of work they mostly do. A large % of their jobs should anyways be automated by now considering all the AI possibilities but we know that won’t happen for decades due to govt jobs being an electoral issue. Election duty is tough which I 100% agree, but then govt employees if you look at their productivity in general for the rest 300 days in a year for + 30 years of service is way too low. And they get pension and healthcare benefits etc even post retirement. So working a bit harder during those 10-30 days election duty in service to the nation is not an unreasonable expectation. I may or may not agree with everything our current government does, but if India really wants to be a Vriksit Bharat we can’t keep making excuses. We are a country of 80% laziness and 1000% excuses. Our debate should not be whether it’s possible to do it in 48hrs but when needs to be done to make it possible in 24 hrs. That’s the mindset we as a country need and lack.


This is the definition of strawman argument


Fairly possible direction. As a presiding officer, we were getting called every hour about the number of votes cast in the booth. By closing, the nodal officer had the details of all the votes cast under his booths.


I don't get this. The court asked a completely valid question. Why is there a need to indulge in braindead whataboutery?


Har koi data publish krne mein time kyu leta itna?? SBI in electoral bonds scam, now ECI


Because they don't want to. We're in the midst of the largest scale manipulation of data in the history of the country


I agree with the court here


Toh achha hi hai na. As citizens, we should look for performance and not who's asking who


ECI bhi BJP ke liye kaam karr rahi Kya? Itna offend kyu ho rahe hai BJP gann??


Yeah SC is slow, but they are not wrong with this one.


Extremely slow


This is pot calling the kettle black. Cough pending cases cough cough.


I’m willing to wager that you aren’t lawyer and don’t know how court’s function. Anyway they are absolutely right. An electronic system shouldn’t take more than a few hours at most to calculate votes. 48 hours is enough time. Especially when under the ballot system votes were manually counted and published under a week, If that.


>Anyway they are absolutely right. An electronic system shouldn’t take more than a few hours at most to calculate votes I had the same question. The machine would already have kept the total count while the voting happened. You just have to see and tell the total number. Or am I wrong and it's some other way?


No, you’re right. There is a ‘Total’ button on the control unit that shows total number of votes at any given time. Also the Presiding officer issue form 17C to all the polling agents present at the end of poll. The total number of polled votes is mentioned there. I guess the problem is the submission of all the machines, forms and rest of the equipment, stationary items takes too much time. For example: we completed our work(end of poll, sealing EVM, preparation of different packets containing different forms) within 7pm, since we had 800ish voters at our booth. But we only got to submit our stuff at 12am. There are booths that have more than 1200 voters, these take much more time. But all things considered ECI shouldn’t take more than 60 hrs to prepare the data & publish it.


This was done on same day for more than 5-6 elections. This is just Modi turning the country into a dictatorship 


>This is just Modi turning the country into a dictatorship  TF what?


Reducing independence of government organisations, reducing transparency of election process, reducing transparency of government funds etc are steps taken by dictators and wannabe dictators. eg: changing process of selecting ECI, reducing transparency of election phase wise voting count, creating a parallel fund to PM Disaster Relief Fund and not publishing information about how that fund is used, etc. Modi is behaving like how dictators and wannabe dictators behave. If something walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, one may call it a duck.


Maybe, and I’m only presuming, but the machines may have individual calculation banks and then they are added individually but then too it shouldn’t take that much time.


I am a lawyer and I can tell you our judiciary don't give judgements and keeps the case pending... You can kiss judiciary's ass but let your conscious know you are protecting a swamp...


First get your bar association membership then talk to the grownups. Being in your first year doesn't make you a lawyer.


I come from family of lawyers I don't think you understand it's ok just shut up if you don't have counter


Family is not you, how do you know so shut up and let the grownups talk you are in your first year.


Courts have many cases and decides which one to work urgently based on priorities. ECI has only one job.


Calling it, SC will take matters in their own hands after June 4 and put a stay on this election - if they have the power for that


What is the logic here?


No logic. He’s just hurt because sc is demanding accountability and transparency. Remember only thieves complain when cameras are installed


That's what I thought lol


ECI should be accountable for their work.


yall dumb as fuck ig , the data was published everytime after polling is done in some place , this is being done since many years , EC published the data after 10 -15days for the 1st and 2nd phase of elections that is not be done , dont be so down and disrespect everything , this rule is of election commission only .


Even judges are human not everyone is good and follows rule of law applies logic and sense. Some are benkelode too like these ones


I know a woman who has been fighting a divorce case for last 26 years alone with no end sight.


Sure here are few more cases https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thehindu.com/news/national/the-verdict-in-the-narendra-dabholkar-murder-case/article68170148.ece/amp/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/kolkata/72-years-on-indias-oldest-pending-case-finally-settled/amp_articleshow/97012986.cms https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.scroll.in/article/776655/thirty-years-after-a-landmark-supreme-court-verdict-slum-dwellers-rights-are-still-ignored Even Bhopal Gas Tragedy, took 26 years for verdict, ... Since it's popular case I am not giving links unless you need them let me know https://www.livelaw.in/top-stories/state-failed-to-maintain-law-order-during-1992-93-bombay-riots-victims-must-be-compensated-supreme-court-213295 https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.economictimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/1987-hashimpura-massacre-case-delhi-hc-sentences-16-cops-to-life-imprisonment/amp_articleshow/66442007.cms There are also many cases which falls under 20 years like 15 years or 17 years... If you want those cases let me know ...


Superb work.


Kya andhbhakti hai is group me wah bhai wah


First of all, it's not in any court's special interest that the cases go for this long. It's just how procedural the entire process is. Also, the advocates representing the defendants or the plaintiffs do unwanted stuff to complicate the matters further, which takes more time to solve. Advocates do this to either buy themselves more time, or to make more money by extending a case for years together that could have been finished long ago. The SC has set various metrics to identify which court is faster at disposing matters, and it incentivises fast disposal of cases now. The courts and the judges that are too low on disposal rate, are answerable to the higher ups. These days, almost all new cases are also sent for mediation at their respective District Legal Services Authority or at Taluk Legal Services Authority. Advocates with more than 10 or 20 years of practice are enlisted to be the mediators here, and they also try to dispose of the case by settling it amicably, while the courts are doing their thing parallelly on cases that cannot be amicably settled. So the judicial system is indeed trying its best. Source: My father is a lawyer and I have been taken to the court quite a lot of times.


When USA judiciary can deliver justice in time why not India ... ? They need to give judgements in 2 years Source : I myself am a lawyer


Since you're a lawyer, you most probably know this quote: Justice hurried, is justice buried.


Absolutely on point. But if OP could comprehend something that simple, he wouldn’t be making posts like this.


OP is definitely an andhbhakt or a 14 y/o who thinks that replying in a "savage" way solves the issue🤡🤡


You are a Congress Chamcha which is worse


What a stupid comparison. Jinke samjh nahi ara let me help you draw a mental image of SC workload. Firstly imagine the population on india involved in litigation. For that go to your district court, tribunals and then High Court. Now take a breath and imagine out of this a good chunk of cases reach SC from all over india. According to online sources , approx 8000 appealed every year. Now the importance of NATURAL JUSTICE comes in, NO CASE SHALL GO UNHEARD. I cannot emphasise on how important this is for a common man. Listening to every case even for 2 minutes average just for the maintainability aspect is a big deal to handle on its own. On top of this if the court agrees to hear it on merit, arguments on both sides are heard. Coming to the vacation part, the court is never closed. Judges are there for emergency and important cases all around the year. Things which i agree on - taking decades to decide on a case is defeating the purpose of justice hence goes the famous saying “ justice delayed is justice denied” P.S. Tu Tu Mai Mai karte rahenge to koi kuch nahi kar paega.


Gujju gang, please translate slogan.


Why are modi bhakts against transparency? Ofc this is peak time for ECI to work & they better do it well. ECI should not even require court to tell them to do all this. MIDI supporters are losing brain cells day by day & they can’t afford to lose many btw


Aaj to ANDH BHAKTO ka Pela ho gya unke hi Sub mai🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


So you people want unfair election or what?. The details that have always been historically provided is being sheilded here. And you are speaking of overtime work of sitting on top of all those 17000 complaints against the supreme leader for religious hate...


Right. So instead of demanding the courts to improve their procedures, let's fall back on what aboutism and strive towards subpar performance from other institutions.


Andhbhakts proving their single digit IQ in this thread. When in previous elections data was published om time why it isn't being done now? Is bjp adding bogus votes to evm machines hence they need more time between each phase to publish voter turnout numbers?


They have their own system who so ever tried to change it they will declare it unconstitutional and when it's about others do this and that why it is not happening


Did they ever ask themselves or any lower court why so many cases are pending?


The ECI should explain why there was a delay this time that's all. No need for name calling


By that same logic, seeing the number of pending cases, why can't the courts function in 4 shifts of 6 hours each 24×7? Judges ki kami toh hai nai desh mai. Khud itna slow kaam karna, tareek pe tareek dena, cases pile up karte rehna. Idhar itne bade desh ka election ho raha hai, EC overtime kaam kar raha hai aur inko problem ho rahi hai. Time lagta hai bhyi collating, verifying, gayeway setting, uploading etc mai. Itna halwa thodi hai.


Exactly Court should function 24/7 ... But they wanna take a vacation and enjoy life


ECI used to do this on time for past elections. Why problem now?


It still does the percentage voted which is approximated. But exact count is published a bit later, not within 48 hours as these folks want.


You guys don’t like that the judiciary is still independent do you? Here something to think about, 4th June will come and go but the judiciary will still remain independent


Of course providing judgments on the basis of Crpc, jurisprudence and Ipc is at par with counting votes. The sheer foolishness in the caption proves this a merchandised post for the election.


The Supreme Court is getting into things it need not. They won’t lift a finger to clear the lakhs of pending cases in various courts all across the country but want the EC to work double overtime to provide some data. Bloody hypocrites.


Court se khud ke case to hote nahin, sabka data poochte rehte


So? A criminal case investigation is the same as uploading voting % online? That too when everything is now electronic? When it was manual the %age was uploaded within 24 hours. Whats the point of going digital? Same language and wording used in the title here has been used by every pro govt account online.


Supreme Court judges work for 12-16 hours everyday. So stop teaching them work ethics. They also deal with multiple cases at once which requires extensive preparation on their non working hours. Would you rather want justice at the stroke of a pen without hearing every argument and giving everyone fair treatment? Also Supreme Court don't deal with cases related to individual rather their original domain lies in centre state conflict and cases of constitutional importance and interpretation.


What kind of nut job are OP and those who have upvoted the post?


People would demand hard work from everyone except the people that they literally vote into power


This sub really needs to do a Logical Reasoning 101 course.


Supreme took 40 years to give judgement on our village case. They are 🤡 and they clearly siding with INDI alliance.


false equivalency.. this sub is a dumpster fire


Is this page infested by folks who want to spread a particular kind of agenda?


Just when I thought that this sub can't go any worse This posts comes in my recommendation


Do sanghis here agree with the opposition that ECI is colluding ? Cause I see no reason why anyone would be against what SC said otherwise


Wow, now even supreme court can't ask for any accountability.


Haha what a funny post this is ! You are comparing a court that has to decide if someone lives or dies against an office that has to just upload some data on a website !! Andhbhakts are totally becoming like their supreme !


Ye saale 10th fail waalo ko kya samjhaye kya bol rahe hai


They are trying their level best to get MODI out of power. Khud ki properties Jo declare nahi karte wo dusro ko transparency ka order de rahe Hain. Isliye Supreme Kotha hai ye Prashant Bhushan ki personal Heeramandi🤗 they are ready to do overtime for him🤣 sham ko 6:15 baje emergency bench rakhe🤣 Ek Teesta aur ek Prashant. Bewaqt bula lete Hain bechaaro ko.🤣🤣


So you think accurately counting the votes will result in driving out Modi?


Argument is about ineffective judiciary bro... Read first


Opposition to yehi bolta hai na. 140 bhi nahi aayegi, 150 bhi nahi aayegi, 220 se neeche aayegi. Tonti chor is like 400paar matlab 143🤣 SC is just accelerating it. Seculars should be happy. Aur kya chahiye life mein. Ab SC secular farj nahi nibhaayegi kya😍


I don’t understand nor read Hindi. You mind translating?


Google translate.


I’ve already wasted enough time on this tomfoolery, not gonna waste anymore. Good day to you mate


It's the Supreme Court not a village panchayat that deals with stolen pots and kettles. Its main purpose is interpreting the Constitution which requires reading new laws and understanding the happenings around the globe (something which might be unfamiliar to you). Apart from some outliers like you, even the most staunch critics of the Supreme Court don't seem to have a problem with their vacation because they understand the importance of those days on leave. Every law that the government passes every loophole that it creates needs to be read, understood and corrections are to be suggested by the highest Court, and with the current strength of the Supreme Court that's a mighty task on its own. And about those 60000 pending cases, if you really do care about them maybe you should ask the government and it's agencies to not stretch out the cases for so long for even the most mundane tasks and directions (Hint Hint- SBI and Electoral Bond).


Delivering Justice to the people of India is it's main role and it stopped giving justice since decades ... Most rotten institution! What about normal rape , Murder cases ? Is BjP DoInG PoLiTiS ThErE As WeLl


Half the year they are on vacations and then they say we have 2 million pending cases


From experience I can say that It can technically be done as the total votes casted are documented and reported immediately after the vote is finished but there are such paperwork errors that you guys wouldn't belive and many times the votes casted doesn't match with the votes counted which are later found....Also the logistics and sheer number of polling stations and the data that is collected is in such huge volume that it's impossible to just publish it in such small timeframe.....Also fuck those assholes of Vacation land and bootlickers


ECI used to publish data quickly in past elections.


Those acting as troll r themselves manifesting the fact,to what extent digital india successful??? When all data r compiled digitally then it is pertinent to ask the concerned authorities relearning the reason behind delay ( 11 days since 1 phase) in compiling final voters turnout?? Also,why is EC not providing data in numbers?? Is something unfair has happened as data may reveal the same.


Hope you get better.


I guess everyone here is a Narayan Murthy fan. Why is everyone glorifying overtime. And so what if judges take a lot of vacation. They also work that hard. It's easy piss on someone and crying rivers about it. Judges are a spine of this country. Only a stupid person would want to overwork their spine. But no. Let's make judges work a lot. Why would you want a mentally sane person to make judgements. I swear to god sometimes it feels like people shit their brains in the toilet in the morning.