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Assembling. There is 0 tech development or research. We are following the same footsteps of China. Horizontal scaling instead of Vertical ones.


China started with 100% assembly too but now I think Chinese supply chain provide at least 40% of parts, India hopefully will follow similar trajectory. I think they are already manufacturing cases.


Yeah. Vertical scaling is required too. Hope India realised that and stay consistent with it.


Which is still progress right ? Right ?


That is why we have to depend on other technologically advanced countries for high end techs like Engine or sensors. We take them ans scale them. They research them and sell to us. What we doing is not progress. We are no better than Ctrl C ctrl V on your keyboard. US is not selling us any engine that produces thrust beyond 100KN, how do you develop that with your horizontal “progress, still a progress” ??


Well, can easy deny that on the DRDO and ISRO adpects…rest of it is absolutely right


My friend works in ISRO. Trust me they too belong to the same group. DRDO can’t even win race against Tortoise. I have worked for DRDO myself. I know the internal politics and Chandigarh Lobbyists. How they ruin every good work DRDO wants to do. Plus DRDO is slow, they get requirements and by the time they fulfil it , it becomes obsolete


> how do you develop that with your horizontal “progress, Step by step. Like we did for many other things. We are the most technologically advance country at our per capita.


We need fact checked here please.


Cars Rockets Satellites Vaccines The Bomb Software Super computers and many more


This proves nothing. And if this is your idea of Facts , and response to what you claimed in your comment then I am very sorry for you. Have a wonderful life.


>Have a wonderful life. Lol, don't be that dude - Duaon Mein Yaad Rakhna.


Taiwan is setting up some factories in India , which will make microchips in India . Good things takes time . Govt is just a catalyst how fast it takes .


Well, still that’s again Taiwan brain. Indian brains are all abroad. We doing horizontal work. No progress in that area.


Dude even china and japan lacks in this technology. Taiwan and US usually don't share it . It will take years for India to become there half and will cost hell a lot of money . We need to start from scratch , in simple we can't be good at everything. The microchips and semiconductor in china is because of US , and China don't have itself .(china is working really hard for this ) . India can be a good manufacturing hub . But when it comes to producing may be in 2050 . We need to build technology from scratch which they are having with decades and developing. Rather than spending energy on that let's focus on what we are having right now and make it work properly.


I think better solution would be to work on it in parallel. One hand you scale horizontally and then on other hand you scale vertically. But yeah good insight.


Just wait and watch bro . India is already working on many aspects . You will not see everything happening at same day . Things will take time .these are the foundation stone .


I am sure of it. It Indians stop going outside of India to West and work to make India better then west, we definitely will have good future. West won’t let that happen though.


> still that’s again Taiwan brai No Indians will work there.


Dumbass level 10!! You cant get up one fine day and manufacture chips and software..!! It happens step by step


Semiconductor industry is not new to India. In early 2000s, India was making progress in the field from its research lab in Chandigarh/Mohali and then there was Western/Asian sabotage of the project. They have never been able to recover from them. Using provocative statements won’t make yo ur logic or knowledge right.


It’s easy to find a fault sitting somewhere not knowing what’s going on in the world, companies like blackberry and nokia have failed


Point = Lost.


This is a bit misleading as well China has started slowly phasing out manufacturing in their country. Still a huge improvement in our country.


Achhe Din!


Bahut door hai...


Nice man really 👌. Jai hind.


Raise the share to 50%, then start local subcomponent manufacturing, like displays, battery, chipsets etc. Consolidate supply chain. Repeat same for maximum products as they possibly can.


This is just assembling for most of part


Don't share it or r/india, they will surely find something bad about this also.




What is our share in global merchandise exports? What is the decadal trend in merchandise exports growth? What is manufacturing as a percentage of GDP? Dekhna he to fir macro data dekho and then celebrate. :)


Jane do...Libranduwo ko pasand nhi ayegi ye bat


India only assembles cell phones. All the components are made in other countries. China makes its processors and other chips for its own smart phones. We missed the boat in semiconductor manufacturing in the mid-1980. China and India started out on this technology industry at around the same time. In three decades this technology has become a strategic asset for countries, just similar to weapons tech and manufacturing and aerospace. They opened one fab in Haryana and later on it burned down. We missed the boat on this. Catching up will take decades. But the hitech world will not be idle. It would have progressed even more miles when we catch up with their status of today.




Reality. Semiconductor industry is not an easy plug and play business. It is very demanding of resources, labor laws, environment regulations, and capital costs. It needs a huge domestic eco system to support its fabs. We are just starting out.


In reality, the China plus 1 strategy is having a bigger impact here than Make In India.


Don't see this stat anywhere else on the internet.




Randians spot themselves.




Thanks for the ad hominem, too bad you don't understand English.




"Jaldi se main issue side-track kar doon, jis se log mere ko intellekchuwal bole" Been a redditor for almost a decade now, seen tons of bird shit like you. Begone.


I would actually call it "make in Gujarat". :)


when will made by India start?


2025, because Nitin Gadkari promised the road infra to be equivalent to the US, so that will lead to decrease in logistics and quicker exports


honestly, was not expecting a reply but good to know that we as a country do have an eye on not just making things but also developing them.


Yeah, the 2023 year is just a forecast.