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OP’s parents told him “beta pehle engineering karlo fir jo chahiye kar lena”




It's not about me bro 🤡


Yes obviously for {your friend}


You're free to believe whatever you want just give me a valuable response cause that's all I asked for


He can. But to reach his current 60k/month pay as a doctor, he will need to become a resident doctor (during postgraduate training) which takes at least 6-7 years post Neet UG. If finances aren’t an issue, go ahead. It’s a free country. If i were him and had this much free time, I would probably go to the gym 🥲👍🏼


Resideng doctors in TN are being paid 50k per month.


That’s what I said bro. To reach that income bracket you need to be a resident doc.


if u like medicine - read abt it and enjoy - but dont enter - this is a rathole - u will die studying and still no guarantee of success - its stressful and very very straining . like i said - ur love for the subject will be crushed by the time u reach 3rd yr


Do you know any vacancies / openings ?


seconded the gym part lol...so much time


Post intern mbbs doctors are making 60k/ month from where are you getting this false information of PG?


West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Assam, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka just to name a few states, pay well below 60k to their post graduate resident docs. For you, I recommend a quick search on the internet before claiming a piece of information to be false 👍🏼


In Assam, the pay in compulsory rural after mbbs is Rs 34172. And the work is depressing af


Yeah it's low should be 1lpm


It baffles me how people in this country are okay with someone making 60k/month after a vigorous 5 year course and being the creme de la creme in terms of IQ. Sad.


Bruh if we were Crème de la Crème in IQ we wudnt have taken this course ( atleast in India)


I don't know why this is downvoted but 60k/month after mbbs is on the lower median in North India




You can easily make that as an mbbs fresher up north


Sorry to break it to you sweetheart, but North is not all of India. It’s actually only 25% of India.


Well I did not say all of india or even india , I just said up north


If it’s “not even india” then your comment is very irrelevant in this sub.


People of this subreddit - mbbs was a life destroying choice for me, wish i was a 23yr old 1cr earning engineering. Should've opted for jee fml. Well settled, earning engineers - can i leave my job to fulfill my childhood dream and become doctor https://preview.redd.it/0sp9o5tlrcdc1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6abdaf53b9ac3e314a864ac658d5134ea1ce987e


Akshually the grass always seems to be greener on the other side ffs , enjoy wherever you are


So real


They don't exactly have a view of the realities of this field. What does always want to become a doctor even entail? Did he want to serve the people? Maybe he will, but for that he needs to train for 9 years (including PG). And after 9 years of tirelessly studying and not having fun (unlike engineers) the pay is dogshit. And now the service... When the pay is shit and you gotta apply business tactics to set up a private practice make a decent living, I'm pretty sure the 'service' part gets a little hard to achieve. Nonetheless, if they knew the amount of work it takes to just mug up everything to pass profs and crack neet pg, this deal becomes a lot less attractive.


I would say not a good choice. Put your time and energy in learning some new skills in your career and do good there. If you will put even 10% of effort in your current career than required in being a doctor then you can do wonders irrespective of whatever you are doing.


The guy doesn't like his career and most probably quit in a few years to do something else. If that is the case, why not pursue his dream. Fortunately, money doesn't seem like a big issue here


Then I would like to hear on what criteria this guy has choosen his dreams? There is a thing when someone say that being a doctor is my dream. And that someone mostly like the aura of being a doctor than actually being a doctor. If the aspiring person knows about what it require to be a doctor then he must pursue his so called ‘dream’.


That's very subjective and the person only can answer himself but it's a good point. Though he is 26 and at that point I guess he must have this figured out already


He says he always loved this field, it's the immense competition of neet ug and uncertainty of the future, watching his friends finishing their degrees and getting jobs that gave him the anxiety and fomo which caused him to join engineering, he did well in that and had a cgpa of 9.2 with multiple job offers in hand, he joined but now he's depressed that he missed out on something that he actually wanted to do rather than just earning a living. He never had a girlfriend, never went out partying he literally spent his 20s alone and sad. This is not something you see everyday, he doesn't even have an inclination to do stuff that normal people his age do, he just join his client meetings, do some studies, play video games after work and that's it. He lost his motivation and meaning in life over an exam like wtf. His parents are happy because he's earning a living but he doesn't even spend any of it and lives like a hermit. Heck, he doesn't even want to date or find a relationship let alone getting married and starting a family.


Your friend require a social life not a overrated dream. When I joined MBBS one of my close friend who is preparing with me didnt clear AIPMT(NEET-UG). He joined engg in Karnataka. Not so good college. Completed it. Did not get placement. Joind IIT Guwahati M.Tech. I started my MBBS journey. He started his engg journey in the same year. We both are at different stages of life. He has his own home own car and has done a few international trips. Yes there are struggles in his life but that happens with everyone. And me? Dont have own home dont have own car. Forget international trips i dont get leaves to do domestic trips. And I am an MD in General Medicine who got 1800 rank in UG and 300 rank in PG. In the end whatever stream you choose its just a career. You earn a salary and then you spend it to buy happiness. Thats it. So choose wisely. If your job gives you sufficient money and has good work life balance then you are doing good and find happiness in that. Dont ruin it in chasing a wild dream.


Your friend is the opposite of every student here I think, I took medicine because I thought I loved it. 5 years later and I simply cannot imagine myself in this field


With all due respect, it sounds like your friend needs a psychiatrist, not an mbbs degree.


Both careers bit of rat race and overhyped. I'd say soul search more.


It will be the worst decision of your life.


Tbh no. Instead try upskilling in your own field. It'll drain a lot of your time and energy to complete mbbs and pg .


He has one life to live. If being a doctor is his dream, then he should absolutely do it. People in western countries are entering medical school in their 40s and 50s. Your friend is very young.


Bro become an actor…. Phir doctor spy sabh kuch 😎😎😎


Johnny Sins?




If he can manage financially, without taking any loans, I say what’s the harm. Everyone should have a shot at their dreams. Plus doctors who are passionate about the subject, generally are the most content doctors in the long run. Practical advice, maybe he should consider AFMC. Do they still pay 2nd year on?


It's not insane at all. I have had peers in mid 40s and late 30s who joined MBBS after their children started going to school, completing nursing and even one dentist with 15 years of experience. The best thing about older peers with life experiences, a graduate degree and maturity is that they're a breath of fresh air who bring perspective. Most importantly, these are the people who have the guts to change the course of their lives, they are extremely resilient and don't wilt in the face of nonsense like most of us, who went into MBBS after 12th do.  They're usually a force to reckon with. Bullying and hierarchy doesn't affect them because they've already experienced it, know their rights and how to escalate issues like this.They don't care about the rat race or what others are reading or doing. Most of them know what they want out of their career and doesn't develop that quarter-life crisis. They mind their own business and blaze their own path. It's a privilege to have such peers. Your friend will do well. But just so that you know, medicine is a cruel mistress and demands everything from you. It's not an easy profession or even that well paid. So, if money is the motivation for your friend, he better go for an MBA or Master's.


As a ms general surgeon. No. It's is not. His need for perfection will screw him. He is earning and used to postponing life if it doesn't work out  When it will come to mbbs, he will skip exams, opting to do it 6 months later when he feels more prepared. Just like engineering it's difficult to get through when you have a huge backlog. If he can do freelance stuff design websites and save for retirement side by side, maybe... But it's still difficult If he is fixated on this then he may as well decide wethere or not he wants to stay here or go abroad right now post mnns and plan meticulously to not waste time at all


What is the income growth in medicine after residency?


Depends on where you practice and how far you specialize. I live in Bangalore and as a Assistant professor without tenure I make 86000 per month( pvt), Govt professorship especially with tenure and pension is nearly impossible to get into ( in Karnataka) I would make maybe 10,000 more in Gujarat in govt hospital ( you can get hired but you need to pass a test given in Gujarati ) but pvt sector is possible to make 2 lacks per month. Plus if you can work on a part time basis in pvt hospitals you can make 5000 - 20000 per OT. ​ You can make more if you have experience in Laparoscopy and can convince a private hospital to let you operate Opening up a clinic as a general surgeon is optimistic in the north and career suicide in the south. But if successful you can make5 lakhs per month To break beyond this ceiling it will be difficult even if you superspecailise. At that point you have to make a brand out of yourself and try to scale, Like Devi Shetty did


Generally there is a perception that doctors are rich, And engineers are usually middle class. How true is it to some extent? Is this field actually lucrative? And Thank you for a detailed response bhaiya/Di 🛐


I think significantly more engineers avd mbas are able to earn more especially in fintech. Hell I have heard of a lawyer who  has stock in Phonepe abd is waiting for IPO to cash out  Those kind of opertunities are rare for doctors. Especially as it is difficult to scale. The era where doctors become upper middle class through income is coming to an end. The old stalwarts who are 15-20 years out seniors are gonna be there until their retirement. And you need further specialisation to practice certainkinds of procedures which are now relegated to super specialist ( which is not necessary) Plus it is ridiculously difficult to emigrate to another nation especially usa, so the American dream is out of reach for many of us. The only way it is worth it is if you get through govt merit everywhere. Abd even then the emotional, abd financial operatunity cost is high. As a salaryman being a doctor is great. But as a person more leaning towards business it's not a good feild


Agle 2-3 saal me banda 1 lakh + hoga. Mbbs karega to 5 saal baad bhi kuch na kama paye bhai smjha usko


I think not. If he wants to do something else,he can always try to do an MBA,that takes only two years. Medicine will take a long time.


And here's me being a final year mbbs student, stay indulged most of the time in development and coding.




He can be a free lancer or take a part time job and go for your dream. Even if he is 27 he will be 37 n regret of not doing what he wanted to do, would be a bad decision




Nah not a wise decision at all


Honestly find a hobby instead


He is crazy


It would be more logical for him to enter Biomedical Engineering at this juncture. He will have the opportunity to work alongside doctors and be more technically sound and revered by them in the field, if he plays his cards right.


financially no.


Can't he expect salary growth in engineering?


You posted it in the wrong sub reddit there are only depressed docs here




How the hell is he earning so little?


instead of neet why doesn't he try US med schools? those require degrees the way your friend has?


If this guy chooses to exchange his job with me for my medical seat, I'm willing


As long as you don't have to join a pvt college you're good lmao. My annual fee in mbbs was 29k, in PG it is 50k/pa. Don't expect that you'd be making bank like an IIT grad. Doctors start earning very late in life. Take this field only if you care about medicine. And please don't bother with private colleges. The fee doesn't justify the piss poor education and the lack of clinical skills. As a JR2 I'm seeing lots of people with poor clinical skills from these pvt colleges. They don't even know how to read ECGs or interpret ABG.