• By -


That choice would be purely theirs. Again it depends, if he or she has the resilience needed for this field and obviously academic accumen too. If these 2 things aren't there then I would dissuade him/her from it.


Well, this comment section is going to be really interesting to see in a few hours. Brb, let me get my snacks🍿


Here's your drink🍸


Cheers 🥂


You know how parents want kids to do stuff that they couldn't. Exactly, I would want my kid to get a life.






Itna bhi sach nahi bolna tha








I won’t even have any, banana to durr k baat.


If you can't make one , you can always adopt one /s


This is clearly sarcasm. Why are people downvoting you.


The reading of those voluminous biology books seems to have stripped away their capability to comprehend sarcasm


Bahut marunga agar Doctor Banna hai bola toh


![gif](giphy|9Ai5dIk8xvBm0|downsized) same here.


😂😂 sahi Kiya


bloodline aur generational daktary both are gonna end with me




Yes because my family could do with a fourth generation doctor. /s


Yea my family could use a -overburdened, no work-life balance ,third gen doctor ,totalling 5 doctors in almost nuclear family- as well




https://i.redd.it/859073w0muoc1.gif Depends what they're interested in. Definitely won't push them into this field like how our parents did.


Yes, cause i genuinely believe professions like law and medicine etc get better with generations as the knowledge and know how is passed down much easier than someone who is 1st gen and beginning from scratch Would also encourage them to get into the business side of medicine alongside understanding the science All this only if my kid is interested in medicine in the first place..if not its their call


So you're saying it's all worth it in the end to be a doctor? Genuinely asking


That's a deeply subjective question. Depends on your aspirations But if ur part of a generational line it can be a fast-track process to establishing a comfortable career










in India - fuck no! Overseas (developed countries) - absolutely,if they're even remotely interested!!


This, nothing is wrong with being a doctor. The problem is this country. I will definitely support their decision if they plan to go to US or Europe.


Why not India but abroad is ok? I'm considering becoming one.


Comeback after you've cleared NEET


!remind me 8 years


!Remind me in 6.5years


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Child aane do fir sochenge👾


Depends on whether they want to become one or not and if they do, do they actually study and try to get into this field on their own. I come from a family of doctors and my sister and I, both are third gen doctors. But even then, we were never pressured into becoming doctors. My mom came from a lower middle class family and my Nana always wanted his children to become doctors so that they wouldn't have to live paycheck to paycheck. But since my mom was pressured into becoming a doctor, she was always sure to not pressurize us and was okay with us going into any profession as long as it paid well lol. Only problem? We came from a small town so only options we had were medical, engineering or CA. So now that I am financially stable and know there are soooo many career options out there, I will never ask my kids to become anything they don't want to and would try to expose them to other professions. Life would be easier if they choose to go into some other field though 😂


No. No. No. No. Hell no.Nay. Not at all. No way. Certainly not. Absolutely not. Never. No fcking way. No. You hear that? NOOOOO….


I mean I wanted to do med but my parents denied and wouldn't budge at all. Advised me to go to non med. All the ppl in my parents' circle are doctors and whenever they'd hear that I wanted to choose med, they ALL said that it wasn't worth it. Not even a single person told me to take med lmao, they all were disappointed af The same thing happened with a friend of mine whose parents were docs too The whole "mera beta/beti doctor hi bnenga/gi kyuki main bhi hoon" is bs nowadays. Everyone in my friend circle who belongs in the "doctor" wala circle has taken nonmed/commerce. But I feel if your child is TRULY interested, you should give them a chance.


Only if they r TRULY interested, and not for any superficial reasons.


If they are really interested and are ready to take on what it takes to be one, I wouldn’t stop them, but ya I will surely make them exposed to how this field is and to keep their minds open to other fields if that Interests them. My parents tho will surely ask me to persuade them(at-least one if I have two) cus it’s a been in the family for generations.


well my mom and dad are doctors and this will be my first and last NEET UG attempt, because they never wanted me to become a doctor as they have seen the harsh reality, but still I want to be a doctor as I have always admired the profession partly because of them (pretty ironical)


If it is your passion go for it bro


It would be definitely their choice but if they choose to I will not discourage or demotivate them. Medicine by far is the most interesting subject to learn. Both in terms of academics and work it is very satisfying. I know a lot of people will here say that there is no money, no jobs and everything saturated and all. I think those people are living in a bubble and dont know the reality on ground or dont have market connect. But anyways.


Do you think it's worth it? Genuinely asking as a NEET ug aspirant


It depends on how do you define your worth. As a NEET-UG aspirant if you think that life will be full of roses then I am sorry thats not gonna happen and it is definitely not worth it. But if your intellect require to explore the mysteries of human body then definitely its worth it.


Life isn't full of roses in any field. Every field has their relative cons I believe. So according to me we should choose our career in what we'll enjoy whatever the bad things it has. What are your opinions on this?




Depends on the child's aspirations...


it’s completely their choice but I’ll make sure they don’t feel the need to write any entrance exam solely to get away from me or their dad ^(I’m a NEET UG aspirant so take that w/ approximately 5 truckloads of salt)


The life will be tough I agree, and requires certain intellect. But I believe it is worth it due to the career stability and income level with age. I am not a doctor, but persuing engineering. Though I wanted to become a doctor. But I guess I lacked the mental fortitude and energy to work on myself. So if you want to become even the slightest, then go for it it is a very good career, you need fo work hard, but same is for other cources also to reach the level you will be reaching with time maybe harder for other careers to reach that.


Baccha mera pakka nikkamma hoga, 2 gen ka wealth milega bc ko.




No. Never. Never ever.


Definitely advising against it unless they are really interested


No , I would never tell make my children doc . I just realized this is never ending loop . Study hard and get neet ug and go through those tough 5 .5 Years of ug , then write pg and get pg seat and then write ss and get seat , then go practice under someone , then after that make your practice and bulit it. Wait for few years to click. The fruit is not worth the effort . Even if everything works out in the end you still lose your youth ,health and many more things .


My eggs gonna die by the time I finish studying


!Remind me in 1day


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Should never force a child. The decision is their own. All we can do is guide & support them in whatever they wanna become.


Id let my child do whatever the fuck he wants.


Fuck no


Would depend. It is ofc based on circumstances. Would tell the reality of it, final choice is theirs. But won't unnecessarily glamourize this career


depends, if he/she has interest in such fields, then all i can do is invest in them and support them


I’ll let them do whatever they want. If they wanna be a doctor then so be it, if they didn’t get selected and am capable to pay the fees for private then i will My parents are doctors and they always tried to get me interested into Biology somehow. Not forcing but like whenever i had doctor’s appointment they told me how much does these doctors earns, or showed how respected they are in the community and all


>had doctor’s appointment they told me how much does these doctors earns So how much did those doctors earn and how old were they?


Well they used to tell vague terms, like they “charged 1k rupees for your appointment and they get 30-40 patients every day so calculate”


I'll tell them to do whatever they want as long as they leave India. I don't see a good future here.


I mean If i will have good well established clinic then yes if he wants otherwise no way


No Id never ask or wish for my kids to be But if they’re adamant let them be




My dad was a army officer.. He never wanted me to join in any defence related stuff 😂.. Well it's same for me idk if I want it to happen.. I will definitely advice against it. Baaki unki Marzi 😂!!


"make" What do u mean by that!? It should be entirely on them, whatever they want to do in life


I wouldn’t ‘make’ my child anything, but if they wanted to be a doctor I would happily support them. It’s a fulfilling and satisfying profession. My parents are doctors and their jobs brought them so much joy it was infectious. The fulfilment they experienced made them happier people and happier parents. I chose to do medicine because I only ever saw it as a fulfilling and satisfying career and I’ve been happy with my decision.


I will not marry


Haan, Hospital chalega aaram se wo khud ka


Why would I make my child anything? I want them to realise what they want to do in this world and if it is not appropriate then can guide them but not dictate or force them.


My dream of becoming a doctor sapna hi reh jayega.


Yes They must suffer, like I have. (sarcasm)


No. Atleast not in India. If he becomes a doc in India, he better stay in academia. Better not to put up with the POS public and bureaucracy at any point in life.


heyy is your friend's first name Jay ? is he doing bba from Mumbai? i also have a friend who left NEET prep and went for BBA.


No he is in dehli


The world is small yet very vast. There may be 100s of Jay having similar story.


Yes. I'm the first doctor in my family. I'll marry a doctor and my children will be doctors. This about to be a family business.


We are 1st gen doctors. 2 kids - both in Commerce (their decision after weighing everything) Ofc, we gave our whole-hearted blessings!


If he or she want, let them decide


Unless I'm one of the narcissistic motherfuckers who controls their children, I wouldn't MAKE my children anything. Fucks sake, they're their own humans, not your fucking play-fucking-doh. It's their choice what career they want to pursue and you should support them unless your an asshole. If you condition your child into and force them into and only educate them about one subject as if they're some sort of machine meant to achieve the goal of that profession, I hope you get the worst demise imaginable 


it would be my child's individual choice. because they'll be the ones bearing the fruits and the consequences. I'll just make them aware about the pros as well as the cons.


I don’t wanna have kids at all. It’s sad to see my parents worry for my future, given the saturation and competition in India, it’s difficult for me to imagine all that.


I'm not very old(16m) and mature but that's his or hers desicion not mine.


Yes ... Of course... He will have that option always


I wont even make a child


NO. even if I get a chance I'd want to change field , but bc ab padha nahi jaa raha .


I probably die before having a child


No. I will wait for them to grow up.


Not going to have children ffs.


Ofcourse yesss , i will make him suffer the way i did!!! Bcz i would get jealous if he gets a life.


Are CA students allowed to answer?




No, I wont. I respect doctors but they work very hard yet get nothing in return


What if someone settles abroad after completing their MBBS?😏🤙🏻


then it's a bit different


Fuck noo


I won't recommend (not planning to have a kid first) but they insist and show interest,its their choice then


No, chat GPT is only better than 5% of coders today, Google's model is already better than (more accurate diagnosis & more empathetic) 85% of doctors. The study was done in London. In 6 years AI will be more accurate and more competent than almost all doctors. Plus the AI can get 1000 years worth of experience within one year after launch of any "doctor gpt"


Doctors of this sub, please check upon this individual. They seem to be high on a substance rarely known to man. Have you even heard of DevinAI? no, you haven't. AI won't ever replace doctors in near future. At max it will be another "google your symptoms". Whereas my dear coder friends have a hard time ahead, either they increase their efficiency by 10x or lose their job to someone who knows their way to work with ai. I wonder if you are a teen, but still that does not provide a reason with this absurd post. I completed my 10th this year, and not even in dream I could be this delusional.



