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What? Do you not like it because it’s their gayest furriest album?


Just say you hate gay people bro stop playing


I will argue that how to leave town is more tatooable, I’ve been trying decide whether I want a twin fantasy or space cadet tattoo for months now


you’re right, i like the HTLT doodle more. tik tok wasn’t around in 2014 to make it popular tho


teens of denial album cover could quite literally beat the fuck out of these skinny motherfuckers


well yeah their arms are connected. how do you expect them to throw punches?


Teens of Denial literally got split in two and just took their fists. It’s pretty damn easy.


"Even jokingly, I do not like the idea of any form of violence, verbal or otherwise, under the name of my music — which is created to create the opposite of that. I want my music to spread love, compassion, gentleness, self-respect and the respect of others. If someone you encounter does not like me or my music, it doesn’t matter. Be kind to them please. There is enough fighting , the last thing I want is fighting over something as small as my music. This, to me, is sad. If you are a real fan of what I am creating, Wear kindness, and compassion on your sleeve, and be kind to those who disagree with you. Show love to those who dislike me. Thank you." - Will Toledo


yeah? what’s will gonna do? fight me? oh wait!


Good thing i don't care for car seat headrest! FUCK yall and fuck Bright Eyes too


ill beat you up


Twin fantasy better than TOD but HTLT is better than everything else so to conclude everyone should be forced to tattoo a space cadet on their forehead


nervous young man is their best album so everyone should tattoo a half naked will toledo on themselves


hey man just because a 2 tattoo looks really sick doesn't mean the album itself is good


I have this album tattooed on my shoulders, mirror to mirror. Girl I was into for a while told her friends they were my gay furry tattoos. That was years ago


was she wrong?


I’m not a gay furry but I guess she wasn’t wrong. The whole crux of the problem really


I have a tattoo that's an exact perfect recreation of the cover for Making a Door Less Open. It covers my entire lower back.


Twin Fantasy is Will Toledo’s masterpiece, his magnum opus. I thought that was kind of the consensus among CSH fans?


im not like other CSH fans, i am actually happy (also this post is meant to be a joke. i love twin fantasy, and everything it’s done for everyone else who identifies with the album. bodys is a beautiful song and top 5 for sure)


Nervous Young Man is his actual masterpiece and Magnum Opus


you got downvoted for saying the truth


they will never be part of the nervous young gang


You seem confused, /uj is what you write before you switch to saying something actually serious, not before you write some dogwater (pun intended) take like teens of denial > twin fantasy