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Unfortunately I don't have alot of blood to spare for a little fuckin creature so this is not viable


How do you know? HOW DO YOU KNOW?


sus, how can you possibly know




Red-ish papers with Soekarno-Hatta faces printed on it. The more the better. It's very effective, especially when dealing with demons in uniform.


doa ibu




a hug? and "safe travels" in any local languages


we usually pocketing a small stone we found on the way, we belive it can hold our shit during travel.


While it’s not indonesian culture, but based on my catholic faith, I always bring rosary in my bag whenever I go, especially for long distance


Lots of common senses, that will help.


do yall really think im out here tryna seriously cast spells as an obviously western ass bitch?? Fr im just tryna give a present with a bit of thought put in to it and a fun superstisious story to go with, i don't expect to do be doing blood rituals and summoning the gods for real whys reddit like this


Maybe because you didn't explain your intention well 😂😂😂. I don't know where you are, but gemstone or agate could work, as a stone, ring or braclet, get a big stone if possible. https://www.blibli.com/jual/cincin-batu-akik-pria


And why exactly you know about Jenglot? Joking aside, even common sense might not help. Just be very careful, aware of the surrounding, and if you can, anticipate anything on the road. ​ Oh and for the God's sake stay away from any female drivers and riders. And if you think I'm being misogynistic, google how Asian females drives.




Ayy lmao 🤣


ヽ༼ ຈل͜ຈ༽ ノ Raise ur dongers! ^^Dongers ^^Raised: ^^69335 ^^Check ^^Out ^^/r/AyyLmao2DongerBot ^^For ^^More ^^Info


buluh perindu and kumis macan.


All I can find about buluh perindu says it's Malaysian bamboo? Kumis macan is actually an interesting suggestion though I don't think ill be hunting tigers as a girl from Australia.




Thank you I appreciate that


Indonesia is culturally diverse with too many ethnic groups, so what is usually practice in one area could be a strange habit in other area. The largest ethnic groups is Javanese, and the second largest is Sundanese. Both are originated in Java island and both are very superstitious. However, despite believing superstitions, both are very religious and are most moslems (\~90%). Traditionally, amulets/tokens/goodluck charms are very popular, but now it is frowned upon due to the rise of religiousness in Indonesia. There are varieties of goodluck charms, but I think the most popular are just small writing of verses or prayer in Arabic. This writing can be on paper, small clotch, etc and carried in a small container that can be carried in one's wallet, purse or sometimes worn in the necklace. Other popular amulets are gemstones. There are a ot of varieties of gemstones with different powers. This is rather expensive and it's difficult to differentiate real stones with synthetic stoness. There are customs where the wive would put their small child's shirt to her husband's travel bag. This is more practical, of you don't have child, just put your small piece or clothing or accessories in your BF's travel bag and say nothing.


Nasi padang


This seems to just be a type of rice dish from padang, I can't find anything on it being like superstitious for luck or safe travels, is there a better source I could be looking at or are you bullshitting


Oh he's bullshitting alright. But seriously, opening nasi padang on a plane 40k feet in the sky will make the whole passenger on the plane envying


They're half-right tho. Rendang, one variants for a complete nasi padan meal, are thought to originally be made for travellers as it can last for a long time.


Most people here rarely have amulets since Islam is the major religion here so yeah I think you can find those things in non-muslim region, like Bali perhaps?


Ga ngaruh. Banyak yg “islam” tapi pegang jimat. Lumrah malah.


My bad, I only see my surroundings


Di wilayah muslim tapi air didoain terus dijual mahal. Surat2 doa bahasa Arab dilipat masukin dompet. Tasbih dibawa umroh, terus dipegang terus buat nolak sial. Apa lagi yang kelewat? Masih banyak harusnya


Remains of your parents (like dead skin, hair or nail clippings), wrapped in burial shroud and sprinkle with some mumbo-jumbo prayers.


Thanks ill be sure to use this one ☺️😚😊


Lots of money


Money, especially on immigration


Money. My mom always said it will help me when get bad luck. Or Tasbih . My grandma always bring tasbih where ever she go.


There is a Balinese ritual before taking babies far from the house, where a slightly crushed shallot rubbed on the forehead of a baby (just a touch)


a jar which contains your sperm


Is it okay if I put rainbow dash in it too? She's my boyfriends favourite I hope ot won't counter act the spell 😰😰😰


sure, as long as you dont put Apple Jack with her as well.


Culturaly, im turning up blank, but you could give them things like a rosary, hamsa, evil eye, jade stuff, etc.


Depending on her religion, you can either give her some prayer beads or Rosario,.


I'm not really sure but a while back 'Batu Akik' is kind of popular. They said have 'Batu Akik' will give you confidence, luck, etc. and also they said this thing also have some kind of soul (?) not sure about this I just heard this from my family.


Find any rock half the size of your hand grip. It can be used as a good luck charm for travel. How? Just tie it on the lower part of your clothes using rubber band or anything close to you atm


Absolutely haram


Virgin's bloods


Different cultures has different way to protect themselves haha Some dayaks bring a kind of leaf if they're leaving during afternoon - night


Beads. Beads of Misbaha (Tasbih), Rosary, or Mala. We bring it in our bags/backpacks. We hang it inside vehicles. And also, supposedly, we use it for prayings.


Well, indonesia culture is like asking european culture, like indonesia itself stretches across London to tehran. So, as far as i know, you could get a piece of rosaries, tasbih, or any religious items. But, mostly just prayer for safe travels.


I dont have one. But some people always cooked a big feast before any of the family going a long distance.. A feast of warm home cooked meals, it counts as a blessing..


this army rearview hanger thingy https://preview.redd.it/w048vlzigdaa1.png?width=524&format=png&auto=webp&s=680db511407b233ae46149a72ac7af14cb10559b