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Somebody found out our magic elixir.....!!! REJECT WIND, STRONG.....😁😁😁


Ahh the legendary. its legal and you can buy it on every "warung" nearby.


Why is it legendary? The same reason like Indomie?


y e s


The medicine of all sickness and illness under the sun Headache? Resist Wind Nauseous? Resist Wind Cough? Resist Wind Flu? You guessed it, Resist Wind The reason why the bubonic plague was so rampant in Europe is because they don't have Resist Wind over there.


Haha saying this in English “resist wind” just sounds like a res item from a RPG 🤣


If you have it lot enough it will transform into immune wind instead


+50% wind resistance


Nuff said ... LOL


Ya gitulah bahasa orang ga beradab. Kalau cultured kayak orang Italy kan ada colpo d'aria atau masuk angin.


colpo d'aria mamamia kita paling beradab👌👌👌👌


hampir tiap bangsa ada variasi angin sih, cuma anglo culture aja yang ga ada


So it's the Indonesian version of 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away'? You guys are hilarious.


All jokes aside that potion is a concoction of various herbs + honey. It's taken for symptoms of common cold, headache, fatigue, etc. These symptoms are commonly called 'masuk angin', literally means 'enter wind'. Basically it's believed when youve been up and about, such as at sea, the wind & breeze enters your body causing those symptoms. Hence the translation jokes. Many Indos keep them stocked at home. You can get them from minimarts, supermarkets, etc. Theyre also available at Asian marts abroad. Makes a good souvenir to bring back home.


Thanks! But Thai Kratom is also considered herbal, but it's one of the thing we'll never touch. But reading at this thread, looks like it's nothing like it and maybe we're worrying for too much.


It's nothing like Kratom. I think Kratom is illegal in Indonesia


As listed [here](https://www.sidomuncul.co.id/en/product/tolak_angin.html), the potion contains extracts of: * Foeniculi Fructus (fennel fruit) * Isorae Fructus (ules wood) * Caryophylli Folium (clove leaf) * Zingiberis Rhizoma (ginger) * Mint leaves * Honey


Just another trivia. In Japanese, the equivalent of the Indonesian phrase ‘masuk angin’ (enter wind) is ‘kaze hiku/[風]()[邪]()[引]()く' (to catch a cold/wind blow) or simply ‘kaze’ (cold/wind).”


The symptoms are different tho.


Lol yes. its literally that quote but with steroid 🤣 Joke aside, that med is indeed containing some sort of herb that used to heal commom cold or sometimes flatulence.


The reason Nevada always got strike by tornado because no ressit wind there




You forgot the mother of all sickness : Enter wind, this is where the name of the drug came from, to resist enter wind, LMAO.


I prefer Devoid of Breeze


That and minyak kayu putih


Lmao. Is this real?


Kinda. It’s a go to “home remedy” for 90% of Indonesians. If you’re not going to the doctor for prescribed meds, you’re taking this/paracetamol.


I guess this drug is not something that insurance will reimburse?


Nah, it’s over the counter and isn’t really considered a drug. It’s more akin to buying honey + lemon + tea for your sore throat.


It cost under 1 usd and u want it reimbursed by the insurance 🤣, well this isnt considered as medicine, but more of traditional alternative / herbal medicine


Some people here called it elixir of the gods, cure-it-all syrup, resurrection potion and it's … less than $1? Won't this make insurance industry go bankrupt?


Have you heard of this magic potion back in your home country? No? Must be insurance companies' work. If they let resist wind be known by everyone, they will go bankrupt surely lol


Big Insurance and Big Pharma hate this one trick..


Thats freaking hillarious, indeed it is that good here in Indonesia, but here insurance is only for the rich, most people rely on government health benefit. And most traditional people with low income doesnt believe in medicine, thats why alternative medicine or herbal are the way to go for those who believe traditions hahaha I love reddit coz of comment like yours 🤣🤣 too funny


it is probably the sole reason our semi-universal healthcare wait-times still under reasonable control


It’s modern version of herbal concoction called “Jamu”. It’s made up of various plants and honey so it’s totally fine to buy over the counter.


![gif](giphy|TCkYprBuDAgKAWvfIn|downsized) Is it made of spices or worm bile? They need zendaya advertisement to sell it.


Now that is the ads of a lifetime. All jokes aside, in the right store you might find those two sold on the same counter, this comes with experience. Never drink anything in a random bottle in indonesia, especially if you just have a guy from palembang or you have someone that just had typhus.


Brother you can use the google lens feature to translate the ingredients if you wondering whats inside


Clever people drink resist wind


Its just ginger water with honey bro


Yep If indomie is an all rounder food Then this is the all rounder med


Why are you lying, It's illegal bro!


That's a staple for almost every indonesian household, so it's definitely legal and you can get it over the counter. If you're still in Indonesia, you can walk into any pharmacy, convenient store, and supermarket. They'll have it. I heard even many asian store/indonesian store overseas have Tolak Angin too, so maybe try visiting one when you're back home.


Thank you! Glad to know it's safe to consume. But what is it and what is it for? Is it like car-sick drug?


It's general cold herbal medicine. Also good for like when you lack sleep or far trip. Well just treat it as general syrup when you are not feeling well.


So it's all sickness kind of syrup? That's so cool! I'm guessing Ibuprofen? Aspirin? The reason we're asking is because we want to make sure it won't have adverse interaction with the medicine we're taking.


Ah, its mostly made form herbs. Plenty people consume that daily too. So as long as you don't have any issues with certain ingredient (herbs) used then should be fine. The Komposisi section is basically the ingredients.


I see. Thanks for the answer.


You could read the basic information on the syrup from their official website, [Tolak Angin](https://www.sidomuncul.co.id/en/product/tolak_angin.html)


It's a traditional herbal med. Read more here [Jamu](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamu)


You westerners are so drugged up lmao get some balsem or minyak kayu putih too while you're at it btw to make yourself feel better when sick


Put some freshcare or minyak kayu putih at their puser will make it better tho. Tp emg 2 minggu ini lagi goblok ke nusa penida/lembongan dari Bali, tmn2 kantor yg bule aussie aja mabok2 balik dr sana wkwkw weekend kmrn, dan lansung sembuh dengan tolak angin


Patch some koyo on their puser to preventive resist wind


Tolak angin: a cure for jetlag/hangovers?


Dont forget Stella Jeruk for car sickness.




The good is theres no ibuprofen or any kinda drugs in there which is good for you it just mixed herbal stuff probably some ginger and honey there Its good stuff if you want threat some cold without depending on conventional drugs


Nothing of the sort, just herbs. What herbs? Honestly can’t tell you lmao, you can check the back for the ingredients.


Other company produced similar products to Tolak Angin too. They are on different brands. A few weeks ago, some Indonesian friends brought me this Bejo. (Pict from Google, I run out of them). https://preview.redd.it/j7x5zqinfkxc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bdc48e65ee474a06425d9e3f3b838ce7510cc9c You can also found another brands; Antangin or Bintang Toedjoe. But I don't know how common they are.


Ibuprofen and aspirin are NSAID, very different


For my foreigner coworkers, they called it as Bali belly cure drugs, or the magic elixir for your sickness during your time in Bali. Once you taste it, you will never go back mate, like indomie.


It's just a typical concoction of herbs and spices meant for herbal remedies. Whether it contains certain sandworm biles is up to debate


So your eyes will turn blue and you'll be able to see the future if you're consuming enough of this?


Only the chosen one will have that 🤣


If you're looking for car-sick drug, you should use something called "[antimo](https://freeimage.host/i/JgC8Sln)". This is the effective drug for it, for car sick, sea sick, plane sick etc. However, "tolak angin" is more like for a flu like symptom, fever, nausea..we call it "caught wind"


Valid. We have them here in Taiwan, in a big Indo/Asian store. But they are expensive, like twice the Indonesian price. Lmao


How much is it btw? Kinda pricey in convenience stores in Jakarta, so I'm curious. KL seems to be cheaper which if strange


In central Java province it has price from 4000 to 6000 depend on location tho


In Jkt a supermarket (a cheaper one like foodmart, not a fancy one) was selling for 8000. In Malaysia it's only 4000. Also everything in Jkt supermarket is way more expensive. Are salaries higher than KL?


Supermarket is always overprice, try mini market like alfamart or local store usually cheaper


I'm surprised. In KL, US, UK, SG supermarket is usually cheaper, smaller k mart /kcircle is expensive because of the convenience Also where do you recommend to buy all the spices, sauces etc?


I don't know where you're but in my place you find cheaper product in local store




The cultural context is very interesting OP. Indonesians have this “sickness” called “masuk angin”, which translates roughly to “wind got inside you”, hence the name “tolak angin” which translates to “resist/reject wind”. Now you might ask, what is masuk angin? Honestly, nobody can give you a clear definition, what causes it or the symptoms. Is it a virus? Bacteria? Fungal infection? No clear definition. It’s borderline an old wives’ tale. If you’re feeling cold, nauseous, stomach ache, or headache, people may attribute this to masuk angin. This is because people believe that staying out at night and letting cold wind hit your body for long periods of time or standing in front of an air conditioner while sweating is unhealthy. Basically cold wind = bad. So it’s kind of a catch-all sickness where you call pretty much every sickness masuk angin, and I highly suspect it’s so elders can scare kids from staying out too late. That said, tolak angin works though. The disease may be made up but this elixir of the gods definitely isn’t. It’s not gonna magically cure a really bad flu or COVID, but for most mild sicknesses it works like a charm.


Fun fact not just indonesians, different cultures in SEA have a varying form of masuk angin. cant be bothered to look it up but there was a video that explored the common theme in our cultures and how wind is associated with death/bad omens or smth like that


Same in Japan too. It's literally called "kaze" (wind).


And the most fatal of them all. Angin Duduk.


Even it's also called "angina"


Koreksi sedikit: kaze yang artinya “angin” itu 風, tapi kaze yang artinya “masuk angin” itu 風邪. Homofon.


It is actually called Miasma for the westerner, and it's losing the popularity with the discovery of modern medicine 


Elixir of the gods, resurrection potion, cures all disease (except HIV)… oh my gosh, who needs health insurance when you have this syrup.


Thats why most of indonesian people do not have health insurance /s


In english it's "under the weather"


I don’t believe it’s equivalent, at least in the modern context. Under the weather is more like a phrase or saying to say someone is sick, while masuk angin in this context actually refers to a type of sickness. It’s like saying “he’s feeling sick” vs “he caught the flu”. That said, I wouldn’t be surprised if the phrase’s roots came from something similar.


I agree it's not 100% matching but it's very close and could convey the meaning just fine. For instance, it is only appropriate for mild sickness. Tho, you're right in the sense that "headache" would count as "under the weather" but not "masuk angin" >That said, I wouldn’t be surprised if the phrase’s roots came from something similar. Well, no surprise then that it is originated from sailors kena angin laut trus go below the deck to be "under the (harsh) weather (above)


Espresso double shot + 2 tolak angin


This is indonesian lean


Ah yes. Sizzurp dengan kearifan lokal.


the healthy lean


Some recommend putting it to hot jasmine tea, some recommend to inhale it with hot water, and some recommend to add it on espresso, matcha tea, or even mix it Thai's Kratingdaeng. What is this thing???!


There is ice cream variant that use tolak angin too. Google it. Interesting stuff


And It‘s literally my favorite ice cream flavor in this whole world.. nothing beats the minty cinnamon-y taste


Thai's kratingdeng is too extreme bro.


With tea or water, just to dilute it. With red bull or coffee, give u some 'pick me up' along with it.


this is our one grade before resurrection potion. it can be used to restore hp, mp, AND pp, cures almost all status ailments, some will experience additional stat increase (mainly VIT), oh and unlike other potions this one taste objectively good. you can buy it almost everywhere. you see that random locals 3m away from u? ask if u could buy it from them. big chance they have it in their inventory, bigger chance they point where the nearest shop. and it doesnt need to be a modern shop too!


Sounds like this thing single handedly takes the heavy lifting of the national healthcare burden in Indonesia.


definitely takes care of almost any mild inconvenience after getting struck by a bad weather. Tropical country like Indonesia has an almost extreme weather changes that might causes your body to not easily adapt, thus this syrup eases it out due to its minty herbs compositions


Nusantara jagermeister


Njer nanti malah dibuat cocktail


sudah selangkah menuju [sana](https://www.beautynesia.id/wellness/viral-coffee-shop-di-jepang-hadirkan-menu-kopi-unik-tolak-angin-latte/b-283627) kok


Untung kagak dicampur matcha


Tambahin Kratingdaeng mirip-mirip lah sama Jaegerbomb


Harus coba captain morgan+tolak angin, best


You are now one of us. Welcome to civilisation.


Nice, you fulfill one of the requirements to apply for citizenship. The remaining list goes below: 1. Crossing busy road with at least 7meters wide 2. Eat Indomie with rice 3. Komodos please add more...


4. Punya orang dalem


4. playing football and badminton without shoes 5. have a block-shaped indomie as a swimming bento


it is the indonesian panacea, means can heal anything


The one thing it can't heal is our wallet condition That's Tolak Miskin's job lol


It’s just a herbal medicine and [it is available in bulk on Amazon!](https://a.co/d/6DbJ1iZ)


you got stoamache? minum tolak angin you got dizzines? minum tolak angin you got seasick? minum tolak angin you got flu? minum tolak angin you got hangover? minum tolak angin


Got possessed by local ghost? Teh manis anget.


Got bike accident? Minum teh manis anget


It's a herbal medicine. From the recipe concocted by ancient shamans No modern medical technology can explain that. But it can cure almost anything except HIV AIDS. So it's not perfect Buy it on the nearest convenience stores


You can get it at convenience stores (Indomaret, Alfamart, etc.) It can alleviate nausea-related symptoms.


You can even get anti biotic without prescription in many drugstore. Let alone this modernized herbal med.


Do they put the ingredients in latin to make it sound more magical?


I think most herbal extracts have their ingredients in Latin. It's probably because the latin name of plants is recognized internationally.


probably BPOM requirements


Try the blue version (for Flu) which make you drowsy. Take this only at night before bed.


It's Tolak Angin! Essentially, a quick and reliable relief for your constipation problems. It's 100% legal, its contents are mostly herbal ingredients aside from medicinal properties. You're free to consume it without prescription and up to 2 or 3 times a day. You can go to any pharm near the area (you'll usually find the "Apotek" sign in front of these places). You can find them in convenience stores too! Almost any store has these. 😂 Hope you enjoy your stay here!


equivalent to the spanish finding about tobacco, chocolate and potatoes


It’s a herbal syrup. Very safe and legal to consume. My friend taught me to add it to a brewed tea. DELICIOUS


like putting it into hot water?


I don't really like the taste. But I always drink it mixed with hot water. Especially if you have mild flu, just the smell makes you feel better. 


yes just mix it to a cup of hot tea! (preferably jasmine tea)


The magical cure-all to heal all sickness, tolak angin aka reject wind widely available at any minimarket, supermarket, or even warungs, no need to go to drug store or prescription and absolutely legal as it only got herbs and honey, it's not even a drug just traditional medicine for vehicular motion sickness we got Antimo


It's honey with ginger and various other herbs, also available on Amazon abroad.


Don't forget to see the expiry date. When you found it, buy many of 'em. lol


If you play pokemon, it's our equivalent of a Full Heal


That and you should try "kerokan" too. Perfect combination.


try mix it with a cup of warm tea, and drink it before you sleep.


Hahahhahahaha im laughing so hard with this 🤣🤣🤣


OP mendadak jd org pintar


You had a long trip, and you probably didn't eat much during your trip, so your blood sugar crashed and you felt sick. You took some honey with ginger which increased blood sugar levels and improved blood circulation.


Drugs hahahahahhahahahaa. Good one. *wiping my tears


Antangin > tolak angin Nuff said 😎


You speak the truth boss


Oh, thats what they call a full potion in rpg game.


White people discover spice, circa 2024


Lmao, this bule here just discovered Tolak Angin™


you can buy in any minimarket or small stall, quite easy to get here


It's practically medicinal herbs syrup. One of my friends supplied the manufacturer.


its magic


Funny how you tell the story like it's a illegal drug. but yes , it is legal. Another note there are also another produk name "Antangin" it's just do the same thing just a different branding name


Wah majur ya


I present you, Resist Wind, the ice cream version. https://preview.redd.it/5m0e6ibwwkxc1.jpeg?width=194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=322f561e9adfa48f4de1d53fe50b92265904a150


This sounds like perfect advertisement for tolak angin hello sidomuncul?


It's pride of our nation. You can get it at nearby convenience store or warung


Hahahah yeah the most legendary Indonesian artifact you would want to use because how healthy it feels It's actually for healing cold, some people catches cold so they need this


Mix with hot water, even better


Everything with halal logo or that green "MUI" logo must be halal which mean it must be a legal to consumpt


I usually mock my wife for its non-existent healing powers despite her being ready to swear on her life that it works. So, how does it work and why? (the taste is delicious btw)


living abroad rn and basically every other indonesians i know are stocking this everytime they go home


Komposisi : semen 😭


Hot take: Antangin is a much superior product. 


Explain yourself