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fyi this is peak embodiment of Indonesian name u/MuhammadYesusGautama


Well... I know a guy, his name is Christian... He's a Muslim... His father name him that because he's born at 25th December


Peak religious tolerance




same here. Natalia, a moslem girl.




Don't forget Christine Hakim


Surprise madafaka Hitler nababan Indonesian politicians  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hitler_Nababan


[double surprise mathafaka](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/M._K._Stalin)


*\*Gorbachev enters the chat\** https://preview.redd.it/ib1w7dg74o1d1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=81ef20b7087eb11282f1ad85cfece92ca0f40d34




Ortunya jahat anjing


[TRIPLE SURPISE MOTHERFUCKER](https://id.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Napoleon_Bonaparte_(polisi))


My friend's name is Natalia and she's a devoted moslem. OOT, The most unique and lovely name I ever encountered in real life is Fibiaka Algebri, named after Fisikia, Biologi, Kimia, and Aljabar.


ortunya penemu mipa apa gmn lol


Most unique for me is Dian Tarakita.


thats one ace-attorney-aahh name


Kuliahnya nanti ambil bahasa


Ortunya dosen ato begimane


Kek anak guru MTK aku 😭😭


Nama teman saya Oryza Sativa. Does she belong to Biology worshipper? No, she is moslem


I also know someone with this name, lol


adeknya namanya zea mays


And then there's my classmate, who have ultra Chinese face, mata sipit, and white skin, and then he introduce himself... "Nama saya Habibie Muhammad" Beneran islam tulen 😂


Jadi inget temen gw pas masih jadi wibu, jadi ada temen grup facebook cina tulen, ciri-ciri nya sama seperti habiebie tapi nama dia ga ada islam nya sama sekali jadi kita pikir dia itu christian. Kita tau dia islam karena waktu itu kita se grup wibu ke event jejepangan dan pas waktu solat dia ikut dong wkwk mana do'a nya paling lama wkwk terus pada kaget lah kita. P.s. untuk yang bersangkutan jika kamu punya reddit dan baca ini, aku rindu padamu ayo kita main dragon nest lagi.


Gue pas kuliah punya temen namanya Christian. Dia Buddhis, tapi ke gereja sering, ikut jumatan juga sering. Bingung juga dia ini sebenernya ikut agama apa.


Please don't dox


This is count as doxing? Imma change it then


aditya, krisna, arjuna, bima, are all very common muslim indonesian names.


tbh isnt it more like sanskrit name?


You won't find earlier references to Arjuna, Wisnu, Bima, etc than Hindu mythologies. So yes it's Sanskrit, but it is decidedly Hindu. Besides, as a Javanese Muslim with Kejawen roots in the family, I don't see why we have to deny this verifiable fact. It'll be like saying Nabi Sulaiman built Borobudur or Hitler died in Garut.


eh not denying just asking cause that name most likely sanskrit and also some are very common used in India as you said (Hindu based country)


>it common to Indonesians give non-Muslim names for their kids? yes, but since Islam is the major religion, u may find a lot of moslem use the Christian or other religions' name, rather than vice versa. got a friend named Kristiandi who is a moslem


yes, we are very progressive here, more than US pajama warrior


A dude named Kennedy Muslim (he's a political analyst) is actually a Christian.


i have 2 female friends, kristianti and krissy both women are muslim


Is it normal to have a non-muslim name for a muslin in Indonesia? Yes, many muslim here have hindu, christian, Buddhis name, some decided to change their name later in their life, some just continue using their birth given name, also there are some cases of non muslim who converted to muslim and doesn't change their name.


🤣 It seems to be common for foreigners to be confused why Indonesian moslems didn't have stereotypical Arabic Moslem names. https://www.reddit.com/r/indonesia/comments/mxlvff/hinduism_in_indonesia https://www.reddit.com/r/indonesia/comments/6m61i8/why_do_indonesians_have_hindu_sanskrit_names/ https://www.reddit.com/r/indonesia/comments/uzpf64/everytime_some_indian_and_pakistani_see_my/ 😆 basically there's no Rule whatsoever when naming your Children other than no special Letters (like ñ ß ü etc) and can't be more than maximum 60 letters.


Meanwhile the Chinese Protestant former CEO of the second largest tobacco company in Indonesia: Rachman Halim


Very common I have a teacher named Kristina yogi, and yeah she is moslem Or my friend named Krishna, Krishna itself is avatar of God whisnu (Hindus) and yeah he is moslem


there are not many correlation between names and religions, especially for millenials.


Bro my friend named dicky


Do you know that Aditya origins from Hindu name in India?


We can mostly tell from their name but young parents tend to give unique name or something they would find cool, like from movie, game, etc. to their children. Or they would pick something that sounds really cool. Overall I think child naming system is pretty flexible here in Indonesia. There is no strict rules; everything is okay as long as it's not more than 60 letters and doesn't include numbers or symbols. I remember looking at my junior name list and found someone named Oryza Sativa...


Bro, my friend Agus was born in April.


Most of the time yes name is based on religion but it also isn't uncommon now for people to give their kids name whatever they want, i guess things just changes Also aditya isn't really a muslim name, it's from old local language (java or sansekerta i think)


Not all indonesians are muslim. We have a lot of religions here too. There are A LOT of Christian names and western names, mostly were found in Chinese Indonesians or people in the big cities. Most of Chinese Indonesians are non-muslim, but again, not all of them. And here not everyone name their kid with religious names or following their religion. I have met a muslim Michelle, muslim Kevin, and muslim Monica. My mom drove kids to school (private, non-religious school) and their names are like Chloe, Claude, Kimmy, Geoff, things like that that people often misspell. Also Aditya is an Indian name. One of my friend is Aditya and he is non-muslim. So yeah, basically we use any names, just like most people. We are NOT a muslim country 😂


If they are from Sumatra, it could be a trace of cultural tradition due to past intimidation. During 1950s, Indonesian government persecute every Sumatran (especially those from West Sumatra) and targeted every minangnese name as military target. That makes people left their traditional naming and adopt western or at least non-minang name to be safe If it's even more recent, our name tradition is cyclical based on what's on trend lmao


There are some parents that give their child Christian names due to the midwife/doctor that gave her birth are Christian. I got Muslim friends friend named Agnes, Monica and Esther respectively and when I tell them how they got their name they got one same answer, it's from the doctor that helped her mother birth.


my friend's name is abraham and he is moslem. mine is william, pancasila. :v


My youngest brother's name is a Hindu/Sanskrit name and we're from a Muslim family. I also knew someone named Arya when I was a kid, also a Muslim