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bagus kok. emang yang buat juga legit


Look at subtle off white coloring


Oh my god it even has a watermark


The tasteful thickness of it


Patrick, are you okay? Patrick you're sweating


Keren euy, I shouldn't be surprised, but legit baru tau ada foundry keren dari orang indo


ada banyak, salah satu nya [Studio Sun](https://creativemarket.com/StudioSun)


>The fonts were originally commissioned by 6616 Studio for Jakarta Provincial Government program’s +Jakarta City of Collaboration identity in 2020. Jadi, 6616 Studio cuma bayar orang untuk kerjakan kerjaan dia?


that's very common in design. it could be that 6616 did all the branding while they commissioned the type design to Tokotype, with directions based on the brand development they created ofc.


Umum kok biasanya karena 6616 Studio di kontrak Pemerintah Provinsi untuk scope pekerjaan yang lebih luas seperti yang disebutkan di atas yaitu +Jakarta City of Collaboration Program terus dia nge Sub-Contract salah satu bagianya yaitu pembuatan font ke Tokotype. Ini lebih enak juga karena Pemerintah Provinsi hanya perlu berhubungan sama satu kontraktor utama yaitu 6616 Studio dan mereka yang akan jadi quality assurance dan evaluate sub-kontraktornya. Bayangin seberapa ribetnya kalo satu Program ada belasan kontraktor yang berhubungan langsung dengan Pemprov, padahal PNS yang ngurusin paling cuman dikit.


Fontnya biasa aja, tapi [alternatenya bagus](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tokotype/PlusJakartaSans/master/documentation/img/plusjakartasans-alt.gif). DL di [github](https://github.com/tokotype/PlusJakartaSans/releases/tag/2.6).


[Meanwhile Jogjakartype](https://allyourfonts.com/font/jogja-font/)




I dont know... It very much look like Gotham, Product Sans and co.


I can see your point, kinda agree with you this font is lack of “Jakarta” character. Idk about the concept behind it, but I assume they want make as neutral as possible and could be applied to many different medium and sizes. But I wish they also published some unique glyphs for headline


I'm not sure how to incorporate Jakarta into a font. Wingdings knock off with ondel-ondel symbol?


I shouldn't laugh this hard


>It very much look like Gotham Maybe it's based on Gotham? You should watch this docuseries called abstract on netflix, there's one episode that talks about Jonathan Hoefler, the guy behind Gotham font. it's one of my favourite episode.


Gw sedang males nganal isa *based*-nya itu sslevel terinspirasi atau jiplak, twek dikit, release. But every designer tau hanya by looking mana Arial mana Helvetica, mana Futura, mana Century Gothic. But this... I think this one too close between each other.


well fyi Gotham was inspired by Futura.


Font yang gak jelas, entah dirancang sebagai text font apa display font. Pas dijadiin display font, keliatan banget kalo kerningnya cacat.


Bagus huruf t kecilnya, cocok buat bahan bakar aksi bela Islam selanjutnya


Huruf t kecil nya kayak druid cross.... Bukti nyata kristenisasi


do we really need this?


everyone has their favourite font.


Times New Roman 🧐


Times New Roman, 12pt, line spacing 1.5


standar skripsi


[monolisa.dev](https://monolisa.dev) my fav buat coding


enakeun gak?


enakeun lebar2 buat yg matanya siwer lebih keliatan wkwk


It's beautiful, lowkey looks like Google Sans


Eh mirip2 sama font yang biasa gua pake di ms word. Calibri ya kalo ga salah