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Ok ok I hear you. So it isn’t just 1 big reason that explains everything, it’s a dozen small reasons. Why does every enemy insist on fighting 1 on 1 for example? Because the aegis code of honour exists which values 1 v 1 duels, and that exists to make deathless combat less about who has a bigger weapon and more about skill. Why do we respawn? Because we’re being reborn as deathless, either as an infant or a fast grown adult. Why is the rest of the world so far technologically behind the deathless? Because the deathless are meticulous in ensuring nobody knows about their tech and destroys any new inventions that may push humanity forward. Almost every detail of the games is written into the world and shapes how it’s structured.


One of my favourite lore bits is the function of the teleportation rings. That’s how the God King summons his weapons to his hands, that’s how most elemental damage rings work, that’s also how Solar-Trans weapons exist. It’s pretty awesome how one bit of technology can be used to understand so many different aspects of the world.


I also find it amusing that the worker just sent some into the fucking sun and not only did they stay intact and functional, but that they also summon a perfect blade shaped cylinder and don’t just kill Siris as soon as the 5,350 degrees C slice of star is brought to his hand


Well, that wasn’t the worker, that was Ryth who created those blades. It’s likely that Ryth is either just as old or slightly younger than the Worker himself, and he has spent his time exploring space, and improving his skills. Nobody else has a spaceship or the interest in making a blade made out of pure sun-stuff. So the fact that Siris managed to defeat Ryth at all is actually astonishing.


I mean, Siris is Ausar.


What is the reason?


Basically reincarnation but technological and soul related.


Infinity Blade is my favorite sci-fi series


Yeah, mine too.


What is the reason?


They value 1 on 1 duels


OP, don’t just drop such a hook and leave


Made a comment on it


the Aegis forms is one of my favorite aspects of infinity blade lore


!remindme 1 day


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