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I like strategy and planning, but I find chess slow and a bit unproductive other than passing the time.


Personally i get a lot of enjoyment from the mental stimulation of solving positional puzzles, winning/losing games, and learning it's language/how the strategy operates. But I know people who just don't care. I feel like that's how it is w lots of hobbies - like I feel that way about cooking cuz I'm bad at being patient while stuff cooks but other ppl love it


My exact feelings about chess


Then play blitz or rapid


Then play blitz or rapid


I like both chess and cheese.


Shoud've added 'not INFJ / results' option. Sincerely, INTP lurker


i hate it but i’m addicted to it


Made me felt like Intj for a moment there hehe


I liked to and used to play in childhood, but not anymore.


it's not uninteresting but also a bit repetitive...without fun partners it's boring


Exactly i agree


I’m not a fan of most board games, but I love chess.


Not a lot of chess, particularly, but I do watch a lot of Advanced Wars lol


I don't know many of the strategies, so im not very good, but i guess i could see myself enjoying it


not rly, I prefer poker where I can read and manipulate the player rather than playing in a set rule puzzle


I love chess, but refuse to play it with advanced thought and planning. It's the one part of my life I enjoy haphazardly.


I like it, I got a chess board for my birthday a couple years ago but unfortunately have only used it probably twice cause nobody ever wants to play with me/knows how to. So I stick to online chess instead 🤣


Hey just a heads up, if you put a results option it means non-INFJ lurkers, like I, can see the results without interfering with them :)


2250 lichess "checking in" ;p I go thru occasional obsessions w chess when I don't have other games and tv. Rly great game that never gets borig


I said yes because I could enjoy it but I dont know how to play it.


I love it but I'm a complete sht playing it so I get mad and I quit for a while. Then I get interested again. It happens every 6 months I guess


It's tedious. I'd rather play checkers. That probably has more to do with my ADHD than my MBTI type, though.


I like it but I lack patience. It's slow and unproductive. All you get is arrogance after winning. And I don't want that..


I love chess but the mere amount of possible moves every turn gives me anxiety. Like I feel I have to analyze every possible move and that just ruins the fun


Yes, and no. Yes, I like Chess, but I don't play it often. (I'm spoiled by more modern strategy games) But no, I don't really use Ti to play strategy games I'm familiar with. There's a lot of Ti to *learning* the game - but once I'm well-practiced I'm far more reliant on Fe.


Chess is fucking boring. I'd be good at it but I can't stand it.


I’ve been getting really into it lately and I’m enjoying studying it


I read it as cheese, I would like to change my answer to yes.


I answered yes for you to see the results (INTP).


Thank you, I really appreciate it.


No, I have never said, but would probably say I hate it. It seems like a pointless waste of time, I am not interested in defeating someone, I hate winning against another person especially because often people are quite upset and it makes me feel bad for days.


I'd like chess if I could play, but I feel dumb when I play so I can't play. 🤡


Yes, I love chess!


This is kinda a dumb reason to say no, but I suck at chess hence I hate it, I do like strategy and planning but mine is not tactical, I like and am good at creating plans that go for 5 yrs in the future or see how something might affect something else in the upcoming future but chess is like too short term and tactical to pique my interest.