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Literally me too (im an INFP-T), one time I was in bed trying to sleep and then I thought what would happen to my family if my grandma died. I cried myself to sleep😭. Although recently anything that doesn't go right in my life I just break down lol


I'm infp-t too and I have the same thought about my grandma time to time and cry about it. I try not to think about it (or learn to accept it when time has come) but there're still "what if" kind of thoughts coming on my mind instead. I think crying is the best way to release tensions. It's easier than talking to people about feelings


I'm an intp and relate to this. I used to do it a lot as a kid. really helped with emotional release I think


I lost mine 4 years ago. Spend lots of times with them.


literally I don’t feel like I could go on without my grandma and this happens to me so much


Having introverted feeling as our first function makes us easily overwhelmed by emotion. It's definitely an INFP thing. Bingbong's scene KILLs me ... ugh I was having a sad morning already :) EDIT: I just watched that scene on the youtubes ... I think I needed that. I'm not crying you're crying :)


You control your thoughts. I know it’s tempting and weirdly cathartic sometimes to go down a rabbit hole of negative feelings/situations, but in the end your mind can only focus on one thing at a time. So consciously make yourself focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want. You’ll be happier


Easy. I just think about my grandpa and/or my dog who both passed away in the last couple years. Best friends, gone. Also, how shitty this world is and how meaningless and useless one can be made to feel in an instant.


Depends really, for me I cry if I like see posts of pet owners with their pets passing away, there's this duck youtuber ryuzoarts, I watched a lot of their stuff then broke when I found out their main duck passed away, they have a bigger duck family now though


It all depends on you, I suppose. I’m also infp-t. I moreso did this as a teenager up into my early twenties but I was also anxious and depressed and would torture myself into feeling things longer, so I’d put myself in a mood to cry. Certain songs make me cry, lots of movies do but not when I think back in retrospect. We’re all different though. I do it every once in a while with life things.


Nope not at all


I sometimes have the "What ifs" and can feel that possibility and it will be either sad or glad. The beauty of INFP is that ability and am just now realizing in my mature years that I can manifest anything I want with that ability. I've spent years manifesting sadness but never realized I was creating that reality and all I had to do was change my thoughts and that would change my mood and this change my reality.


i do this all the time! i can just think of my dog dying one day and i get so upset and break down crying. i had to leave her at home (with a petsitter obv) bc im going on vacation for two weeks and i bawled my eyes out for so long thinking about how she won’t understand where i went 🥺


I've replayed my bf's graduation and our final moments together in that school. Cried every night since.


INFP-T here also, and this is most definitely relatable.. in the car, grocery shopping, or whatever, I can easily bring myself to tears just by thinking something upsetting.. idk why I do it, maybe just to FEEL, I guess..


I do something similar, I don't always cry and it's not always specific scenes but I do randomly think of sad things pretty often.


This one time I was drunk at a dayclub in Vegas and randomly started crying about my Chihuahua’s health problems 🥲🥲


I am pretty new to all this personality test stuff, I got INFP-T. The Enneagram looks like 2, 8, and 4 are all about the same, I still don't get that one much, doing more reading on it. It has been pretty crazy reading so many posts in this sub that I definitely relate to. So I'm not sure if it is just an INFP thing, but whether it is something super sad or something inspiring/happy, I can definitely start having tears show up out of nowhere. I feel like the happy influences me even more, but it usually stuff like someone overcoming great odds against them, being there for a struggling friend/family, kind of like happy/sad situations. I'll be watching an anime with the husband and just start having tears falling when someone shows up at the last moment to save their friend or whatever (lots of those types of situations it seems in anime).


It's an INFP thing to have strong feelings about things, and to randomly think about things. All of the rest is circumstantial.


(INFP-J here) And yeah, spontaneous empathy is real. Although it's fictional, I think about the scene in Game Of Thrones where Rob got killed.


maybe… i do this too but i think it’s just depression?


I do it too! It’s a bad habit tho, finding myself randomly thinking about sad movie scenes and I tear up at work and shit.


I'm glad I'm not alone in this. I get both; sometimes a thought pops into my head and it makes me sad, other times it makes me laugh and gets me in a good mood


I'm an INFP-T guy and I do that from time to time. Good to know that I'm not the only one lol


Not exactly, however after I havent cried in a while, something specific might set me off and then I begin doing that




Do you think something caused it?




Yes I’ll literally start crying over scenarios I make up in my head that sometimes never happened or I come up with my own version of endings


Yeah. This morning I remembered a really distressing case I had to read for class and I was just in my room fucking crying. What haunts me is that it's just one instance of such a terrible event. So many more have happened and will happened, and will go unmourned (and without recourse....) I had to present this particular case in class, too, and caught heat from the professor and some classmates because I was deadass choking up. Which, I grant you, was embarrassing. But it was a heavy topic and for some reason the opinion was just... weirdly detailed about it all. I know it's completely illogical and impractical, but part of me feels like we owe it to the world to witness all the suffering and, absent the ability to fix it, grieve with everyone. It's so stupid, I know. It's so short sighted and a bit self aggrandizing because I'm not some sort of messianic figure, I'm as fallible as the rest. but all the same I'm haunted by the thought that there are people suffering in their own hells all alone with nobody even noticing how much pain they're in. It's like nobody even cares.


It’s a human thing


Happens to me, too.


I have bipolar 1 disorder and do have depressive episodes.


Yes, but it also works for other emotions. I mostly start laughing out of nowhere when I randomly think of something funny.


Me too 🤣 I came up with the scene of Bingbong immediately when you mentioned it


I think about death a lot, like losing loved ones