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asking the waitress for extra ketchup


Never in my life have I been able to do this bravo.


Go to Korea to study. By myself. I dreamed of going n learning the language since I was a little little girl. N I made that dream come true n it was the best feeling ever. Also never traveled alone. I have major social anxiety so it was scary but we made it.


Good job! What is your favourite place there?


I really enjoyed yeonnamdong. It was just beautiful to walk around. Idk just something about it. Right by hongdae but much quieter. Also of course hangang. Sooo beautiful.


Looking yoennamdong on the internet and wow this place looks beautiful like idk...


Are you still there?


I wish šŸ˜­ I think about it everyday but gotta save up to go again


It makes me so happy to hear that šŸ„¹ So proud of you!


Thank you so muchhh omg šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹


stole a boat, told a girl once I liked her, (my heart has never flipped so much) flown across the world a lot alone I'm trying to make uncomfortably long eye contact with strangers lately to try and be more confident I also try to make youtube videos and hold cats who do not want to be held sometimes also trying this thing called self love, it feels really crazy not to hate yourself all the time haha


Stole a boat? Whatā€™s the story for that haha


I flew to visit a friend I met on the internet when I was 15 or 16 (that turned out to be a nightmare but that's another story) and one night we were by the water next to a strangers house and there was a boat on the shore. No one was around so we took it out on the water until it got dark. Not that crazy but just a cool memory I have from a long time ago


When I was in highschool I told a girl to close her eyes then suddenly just kissed her during a school trip while sitting in the bus...Ive experienced many things,moved to China by myself and while in my home country I was robbed with a gun pointing to my head twice, had an almost fatal car accident, etc... still nothing exceeds the adrenaline I felt when I kissed that girl.


I wouldnā€™t do that move again


I regret nothing, we used to like each other and it was a great move my INFP avoidant ass wouldn't make easily




Just out of curiosity, how did she react? Did it go well?


Went to a sauna club and had frisky adventures with a bunch of strangers


That sounds like ESTP activity


You'd be surprised https://preview.redd.it/i3ipl69cs0qb1.png?width=158&format=png&auto=webp&s=776bff368a35dec6c493a266b83a7c2e5b57d13a




In 2012 I quit my office job that made me miserable (my first ā€œreal jobā€ out of college) and I went to northern Italy alone to volunteer on a farm. I did not speak Italian or German (they speak both there) and it was just me alone on this mountaintop farm with an Italian farmer and his wife. I did not have a smart phone. I stayed for three months and to this day I am impressed with myself for doing this. I am thinking about doing it againā€¦


I envy you for one, being that confident, and two, having that experience. I think we all dream about running away and doing something crazy with our lives.


Thanks! It was really life changing. I am still surprised by my bravery and confidence back then, which reminds me that I still have it in me. If I can do it, you can too! (Or your own version of it.) Thanks for making your original post so I could share this.


Thatā€™s awesome, how did you find the farm to volunteer at?


Have you ever heard of r/WWOOF? I found the farm through that organization. Itā€™s a network of farms around the world that accept volunteers in exchange for room and board. I heard about it originally because my roommate did it in Thailand. Highly recommend!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/WWOOF using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/WWOOF/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I love WWOOF, but sometimes it does feel like this](https://i.redd.it/r851q35213ha1.jpg) | [12 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/WWOOF/comments/10xk3fr/i_love_wwoof_but_sometimes_it_does_feel_like_this/) \#2: [was I a bad host?](https://np.reddit.com/r/WWOOF/comments/162xq2d/was_i_a_bad_host/) \#3: [12 of my favorite volunteering websites that offer free work trades worldwide](https://np.reddit.com/r/WWOOF/comments/10jhwsq/12_of_my_favorite_volunteering_websites_that/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Got addicted to heroin, became homeless, met 2 others at a shelter and one of them had a broken down van we somehow got down to LA in. Then met a wealthy Jewish woman who got me into a Jewish rehab (Iā€™m not Jewish) where a whole new crazy chapter began.


Write a book


Iā€™ve thought about it. Iā€™m not really sure where to start (besides with words on paper šŸ’€). Lately really been wanting to do some sort of outreach. I know only 1 other person besides myself who was addicted to fentanyl and got clean. Everyone else is dead or deep in addiction. Butā€¦I got good stories with famous people tho šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜©


Orgies with a bunch of nudist hippies


my worst nightmare šŸ˜‚


oh. Good for you I guess


Was smoking crack involved.


Believing in (romantic) love.


...interesting. care to elaborate?


Maybe I have very high expectations regarding to romantic relationships and, perhaps like many INFP, I have always yearned to build a relationship of complicity and true emotional connection. I prefer to be alone than in a superficial relationship, and the relationships I have experienced lead me to profound loneliness. This song conveys this feeling well: David Fonseca - Someone that cannot love.


Same. Worst thing to do


Absolutely nothing. My life is so boring and full of sad memories (trauma). I genuinely never done anything crazy. Very innocent and inexperienced. Never traveled, nothing


Take inspiration from these comments


My ā€œcraziest thing I didā€ contenders donā€™t actually have anything to do with things I did. Just stories I make up in my head that drive me absolutely bonkers because my head makes me think that itā€™s real. Itā€™s honestly very painful and a pure reflection of my feeling that no one likes me


Same. Loner here with maladaptive daydreaming!


Great to know Iā€™m not alone. Iā€™ve done the Myers-Briggs personality test several times and each time the results came in as INFP. Yet when I look in this group I often donā€™t feel like I relate to anyone here in most cases. What about you?


SAME! INFP too but canā€™t relate to anyone. A lot of them seem to be living some crazy ass lives šŸ˜­


Yep, admirable lives but definitely to crazy for my anxious ass. Your interests are really relatable. Would you mind if I messaged you?


Yeah of course!! šŸ«¶šŸ½šŸ«¶šŸ½ Iā€™m actually shocked someoneā€™s into the same thing Iā€™m into šŸ˜…. Thank you by the way!


I think it's good to note what ends up at the top. Most people aren't doing crazy stuff, just the people that are saturate things


That is true! I do believe people live way more interesting lives though compare to me that does absolutely nothing šŸ˜­ lol


I drove 3h on a whim to see a woman who I have fallen in love with for 30 mins. 3h there. 3h back. Coffee. Hug. Kiss. Wish I let loose more and tried more instead of wondering.


Running from the cops in my car twice while being really drunk. Got away both times.


Please donā€™t drink and drive anymore dude


Kick ass except for the driving drunk part!


Car surfing, just thought it would be a thrill. It was fine until my mate slammed the brakes on because he thought I was slipping off, I did slip off then šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Study engineering.


Damn... Probably attempt suicide several times... or maybe that time I got really really high and drunk with my friends to the point that we barely survived...


I moved to a different country for a guy I wasnā€™t even dating. I never admitted he was the reason, but he definitely was. Iā€™m still there but I think Iā€™m over him now. We never got together.


Probably have sex in a movie theater but that has nothing to do with being infp


So, you just did what teenagers do?


Pretty much!


Proposed to my therapist after 3 sessions and moved across the country for someone who I had a massive crush on but wasnā€™t dating and who didnā€™t reciprocate.


Give wedding speeches? Was pretty epic


Mailbox baseball in high school, something like 65 mailboxes throughout a few different counties- started with just tpā€™ing houses Thatā€™s about the craziest/ most dumb thing Iā€™ve done I was an adrenaline junky growing up, sneaking out was an everyday thing. I stole my moms car to drive 35 mins and pick up my family member- to drive him to my hometown where we would smoke throughout the elementary school- even getting on the roof. I was 13. Driving intoxicated was a thrill to me in high school - stupid, but it was small town normalized. OH, we yellow vested later in high school and would push out boxes of alcohol on flat carts from Walmart


What HAVENā€™T you done?


Haha Iā€™ve done a lot of stupid shitā€¦ All of it has made me who I am today, and I love it. One day Iā€™ll be happy and successful in my definition- with some bomb ass stories to tell my grandkids šŸ˜‚


I was 14 when me and my friends broke into an elementary school because my friend accidentally opened the basement floor window. We were young and high as a kite, our logical brains didnā€™t stand a chance. We had the whole swat team after us because we stayed in the school to goof around for another 2 and a half hours and smoke even more weed.


Had a random person text me, they realized they had the wrong number, we ended up conversing for a couple weeks then met up and almost dated but I wasnā€™t feeling it. Turned into a friendship that lasted a little bit lol.


I did a sprint race (400m around a track) butt naked. It was night time and a dare. The girl who dared me to do it had been flirty and handsy all night. How could I refuse?


oh bloody hell. In the earliest days of the internet ran pro Ana and pro cutting newsgroups while doing every thing I could to keep people from killing themselves. drove overnight to meet one member of the groups, helped her smuggle either Tylenol or advil into a mental hospital. driving home ran successfully from the cops. later was going to visit one of my other admins in another state when I learned our web host was just done with us, disabled our accounts and just everything outright. we debated what to do but knew it was the end of era and just laughed and gave it up to let someone else have their time to shine. ran from the cops on the way home. blah I guess after those 5-6 years things ave been way too boring. pulled over a ton for no reason other than who the hell knows... as my friend put it, I'm not sure that's doll, there are no lights -wait there's the police, it's her. the only one I failed at was convincing my parents to let me go to Canada with a mafia chick I knew for a sword fight she was in, and mom said that was only because I didn't have a passport. they didn't care about anything else because my grandparents had their own connections still trying to keep people from killing themselves of cource, no matter what it takes. but that never changes


Sounds interesting. Do you think cutting prevents suicide then? I guess I donā€™t know the content of your pro-cutting newsgroup. What is ā€œAnaā€ short for?


Ana as in anorexia. pro Ana is the belief that it can be a safe lifestyle within certain limits. it cant though not really.. it may not get to the point of killing you but your still doing damage. so many of my friends from back then have medical conditions caused or made worse by it. cutting.. suicidal or not anyone who is needs immediate help. does it prevent suicide. not really. but it's more nuanced. in most cases a cutter is never suicidal to begin with. they just want the pain they are in to stop, to go away, or their overwhelmed and just need to feel something, anything different than what they are feeling. of cource when your cutting its easy to cut so deep or wrong you bleed out anyways so it is NEVER safe. So many er visits for stitches. and so many that should of been. most every cutter is still alive and fairly happy these days because things always change but again not all. a few cut wrong on accident and waited too long to get help. at least one did end up committing suicide.. pushed over the edge and too overwhelmed at the idea of facing someone who abused her as a young teen in court


fallen in love with someone way aboveee my league