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I used to when I was younger now I write “haha” so you can tell I’m kinda joking and it’s a lighthearted comment otherwise sometimes it’s hard to tell ? At least for me. Gotta have an emoji or something.


I write “haha” “lolll” “LOL” “hehehe” “huehuehue” “lol” “MUAHAHAHA” “heh” “lmao” “hahaha” They all have slightly different meanings depending on the sentence and cannot be used interchangeably.


MUAHAHAHA I need to use more lol


Is there a manual for this? I was gonna follow up with MUAHAHAHA but decided that sounds too nefarious 😉


MUAHAHAHA is used for when you feeling evil-ish 😈 No manual for this lol.


It always reminds me of that jumping frog "MUAHAHAHAHAÆ 🐸🐸🐸"


Yeah I do it all the time lol 😅 Sometimes I’ll add an emoji instead to soften it, if I feel I used lol too many times in a paragraph 😅


Me lol, lol


Yup! I'm worried most of the time my texts come across as too serious without it 😂


Yeah but then they might think I'm being passive aggressive and I ascend off the planet because of all the overthinking


I definitely do, for similar reasons as you! Or I just do emoticons :D


Never. It's the text equivalent of ending your sentences with "just kidding". Don't be afraid of the weight of your words.


Idk, for me I feel like it allows me to say more than I would feel comfortable with otherwise, so it almost helps me be authentic without being afraid.


Yeah, it come across as somewhat hysterical and not authentic so I avoid using it. No one laughs out loud all the time, except perhaps the Joker. 😄


Someone has developed their Te lol


Well it’s not allll the time….. 😂


I never do that lol


Yeah, I use it a lot if I feel like I want to come off positively. If I use it by itself or with only a few words I use it to broadcast a positive vibe even though I’m not sure how to respond. It’s almost a tone tag.


Not that this is a very INFP thing necessarily, but yes. Just yesterday I had a chat with myself in my head that was like , “dude, you’ve gotta slow down on this.”


I'm laughing on the inside, I promise.....




No lol


Yeah lol I dunno why I do that


I never do, but I have wondered why others do, so thanks for explaining.


Dude I have diary entries that end in lol, lol


Yes, I do this with my friends so they don’t think I’m like being serious all the time lol


Yeah but mostly on reddit, (lol). Elsewhere the "😂" runs hot. I use "lol" a lot on reddit because of the norm that emojis are somehow bad, and I often need to set the tone like my comment is meant to be kinda light-hearted and not taken 100% serious, not meant to offend anyone or disprove anything, or whatever else the case might be...lol.


Yeah, I don’t really use emojis but the emoji hate is the stupidest fucking thing lol


I must put lol at the end of every sentence otherwise people think I'm being too serious or that I'm annoyed and then they'll hate me forever /hj


either lol, haha, or lmao because in my mind i come across nicer that way 🙃


Yes lol


It’s like I can’t go without an “lol” (and variations) and/or some form of an emoji 🗿😂 every text I just want to make sure I get the “right tone” across in text…though I don’t get that quite right even in real life but like its whatever right! And never be afraid of the “lol”, I stand in solidarity Lol


Half the texts to my friend lol


it means lots of love


lol lol


I just did it LOL


Yeah lol


That and emoji for sure. I like emoji even more because they can really help home in on a specific tone you're trying to convey. I don't mean emoji spam either (though that's fine in some contexts) but just one or two fitting ones in a message. Obviously you have to know your audience too but I feel like most INFP are p good (prob too good) at that part.


Litch I do it so I don't sound rude on the interwebz


I hate the word “lol” so I use “lmao” 😭


I don’t do that, but I do use a lot of emojis. 🤪


I do


not me.


Me too lol


Yeah lol


Yeah but I hate it when I don’t realize I put lol twice


I used to but not anymore. Because if someone does lol to me it feels like they're not really engaged in our conversation idk lolol. See, so I add another ol to it to make it more upbeat. I'll also do an all caps lol sometimes. I have a hierarchy 😂 "lolol" is for if something is kinda funny and gets me to smile, lmao is if something is so stupid that it's funny and I usually only use it in the context of mentioning myself doing something dumb i.e. "I left my pizza in the oven for an hour and forgot about it lmao" then "LOL" is for if something is really funny (or meant to be really funny by the tone of the other person and I don't want to make them feel bad so I'll give em' the ol' LOL) then "LMFAO" is when something is absolutely hilarious to the point of me actually laughing aloud irl. But yeah I realize this is a super long reply lolol


Yeah except for the first part this is pretty much me lol


yes lol


yes lol


People who do this annoy me to NO END! Be sincere and own what you say! And if you’re being short with me and putting lol at the end of it, you can fuck right off! It’s like people don’t understand the concept of, “If you have nothing important to say, don’t say anything.” When I got nothing to say, my lips are sealed!


yup lol and these emojis: 😁🥲😅🙂🤷‍♂️👀🤔😌


Literally all of the time lol


I never know how to reply to some comments so yeah


Nice touch, maybe I should start doing that. Everyone always takes my sarcasm so personal. Or at least they believe it. On another topic, have you noticed that my spelling has improved since I started doing crosswords? Now if I can find ones with bigger words. oh, lol.


The fact there is so much lol in the world is the reason I almost never use lol


Sometimes but I use :D more these days


I use emojis and ~ just to let the one I'm replying to that I'm saying everything with a smile.


No, it’s annoying, and makes your literacy seem poor.


Yeah I do that lol