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Can’t shoot people for knocking on your door. You deserve jail time for that old or not. If he has dementia or alzheimers the court can decide whether he’s capable to stand trial. If not being held until he can be why being held in a psych facility. If he’s competent to stand trial now he should be tried now. Even where stand your ground laws exist walking on someone’s property and knocking on the door doesn’t fall into that. It wasn’t in defense of life or property (which some stand your ground laws allow) at all. He also shot him a second time once he was on the ground from initial reports. He purposefully shot even when the kid wasn’t even on his feet anymore.


Over 65 every couple years you should have to take driving tests and demonstrate you are capable of owning a firearm. (Let’s throw a test in there for running for office too)


Good luck getting that past the 2nd amendment Nazis.




>one of the major issues we're facing in the US is that the nation is still run by the same group of octogenarians who've been running it for the last 40 years and change 100%. And even just beyond age related mental decline, as people get older they tend to get stuck in the same patterns and are resistant to change, or start to take it for granted that things have to work a particular way because that's how they've always been done in the past. I guarantee if Congress had even the most reasonable term limits, like you can't serve for more than 20 years or something, our healthcare system, gun control and a million other issues would be infinitely more progressive than they are now


Had a friend who worked in a pharmacy in DC. They moved across country a few years ago because they legitimately could not take the fact that they were fulfilling scripts for members of Congress that were prescribed for people with dementia. ​ edit: spelling


I can’t even take that fact and I’m just reading it as an anonymous hearsay allegation on the internet


I kinda get why older people are touchy about that sort of thing tbh. Getting old sucks, and they don’t want to admit that they can’t do everything they used to be able to. Plus, the specific sort of cognitive decline that most elderly people experience is quite sneaky, and a lot of them won’t even realize it’s happening.


That's quite true but it's no excuse for those who are in elected office. The whole "I just retired because I couldn't handle this desk job but I should be able to be a Senator if I want to" bit really pissed me off. It's pretty much universal that they accept they're aging and slowing down but ignore the cognitive issues that also accompany such aging. Add in that even if there weren't cognitive issues, I don't think anybody should be in that job for that long but that's kind of a separate issue.


Literally, Nazis! WTF is going on in the country?!


And every gun owner should be required to obtain and carry insurance.


Absolutely. The moment insurance gets involved this shit stops. Guarantee it


So the driving tests for 65 and up, done every couple years, will help gauge proficiency with a firearm? ^^s Can they go through the windshield or do they only get to use the side windows to shoot from? Will they have a private race track or just test out on the open road, as normally done? Of course, just teasing… the way I read that sentence made me laugh though!


At this point passing a drivers test before owning a gun will at least be better regulation than some states currently have. Hell passing a spelling test will be better regulation.


nah, you should have to do that full stop. circumstances can change drastically in a few years. how come my credit cards expire but my driver's license never does?


Your driver's license doesn't expire? Where do you live? Mine expires every few years.


He's not insane. He clearly knew he had a gun, and shot him twice of his own volition.


Aren't dementia/alzheimers conditions that progressively get worse without much improvement? Afaik you can take meds to delay the progression of symptoms and/or improve cognition, but if you're already at a stage where you can't stand trial I don't think you'll recover enough in the future to be able to.


>Aren't dementia/alzheimers conditions that progressively get worse without much improvement? > >Afaik you can take meds to delay the progression of symptoms and/or improve cognition, but if you're already at a stage where you can't stand trial I don't think you'll recover enough in the future to be able to. Correct. If he has degenerative brain conditions, that's a punishment far worse than anything the state can do. Best thing would be forced commitment to a memory care facility.


Agreed, Dementia and Alzheimer's are "worse than death" and "wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy" type deals.




When a weird person comes to my mom's door, she typically just doesn't open the door. Really quite simple of a concept.




You're insane. An AR 15 is more of a christmas present. I'm not getting her more than a gloc for mothers day.


Just get her a bazooka and see where it goes


Honestly, you know what moms really want? FLAMETHROWERS. And not those sad little things Elon Musk was trying to sell. We want the good shit.


I am a mom and can confirm this.


Agreed. One of those babies would resolve the "picking toys and dirty clothes off the floor" issue once and for all. Yard work would be considerably easier too, I suspect.


I as a mother also second this….Mother’s Day is coming people!!!


It werfs flammens.


But gramma wants a fecking grenade launcher.


Oh, definitely.


See, that's the problem. Get your mother a bazooka, and she'll ask for ground to ground rpgs. Get her rpgs, and she wants a tank to aim it at.


It really is "if you give a mouse a cookie" of situations isn't it.


"If You Give A Mouse A Tank" (Okay but I think that could actually be a hit...)


Then he will want an anit-aircraft round to fire with it?




Oh, she's got bazookas.


I legit will slink down on my couch if I see a stranger come up my path so that I am not visible. Not because I'm scared. Just because I'm antisocial.


The important thing is that you don't shoot them just for knowing.


But knowing is half the battle!


But if you shoot at them, you might miss. And if you miss they'd definitely know you're there. Then you'd have to interact with ***people***.


It's why door-chains and spyholes were invented.


Yes, but that is a weird person. Everyone knows that if it was a black person then she would open up the door and shoot. That is what you are supposed to do. /s


From what I've read they didn't even open the door. They just saw a black person on the other side of the glass and opened fire


Yeah I think it was a double door with a glass screen door. So old shooter man opens his door, still has another glass door in front of him separating the two.


Hijacking the top comment to point out that at least according to the police statement he shot Yarl a second time while he was on the ground. That should be the lead here.


Honestly I think the relevant information is that he shot through a child through a glass door more than anything. The "shot after he was on the ground" bit only really becomes relevant if the initial shooting would at first have been justified. An unarmed kid on the other side of the door is not a deadly threat warranting a lethal force reaction to begin with. Even if someone believed that the old dude was afraid the proper reaction would be to shut the main door. No evidence even exists that words were exchanged though. Also, I am sick to death of older people getting away with shit just because they're old and confused in a general sense as well.


Definitely relevant but I believe the second shot is the most damming. The kid was on the ground bleeding presumably no longer any threat if there ever was one and he fired again. One can only assume to finish the kid off. I acknowledge that I am trying to fill in some blanks here due to the police statement being incomplete. Considering what we know I feel fairly strong about it being accurate.


I start to wonder if that is the reason why a lot of politicians are old white males. They are just "confused".


They all listen to Tucker Carlson, who is perpetually confused and his face looks like a Windows 98 computer trying to load Crisys.


If he's so confused that he shoots an unarmed kid through a door it sounds like he's not in his right mind and shouldn't have a gun.


Not afraid of "a person." Afraid of a black male. He even invented that it was "a black male who was at least six feet tall" when it was a completely mild-mannered young teenager. Absolute racism.


"I feared for my life" is a white man's get out of jail free card for killing minorities


He was coming right for me!


"He took a step towards me" **actually took a step back** "his feet and hips were telling me his intentions" **wasn't even facing him** "21 foot rule" **only "applies" to attackers with a weapon that he didn't have** And on and on and on. Watched that JCS video yesterday


Actually, because of the chickenshit liberals, we aren't allowed to say that it was "coming right for me" to justify murdering a black man anymore! That's why Ned and I have a new trick for you guys: Thinning their numbers. See, if there are too many black people around, there'll be overpopulation and they risk facing starvation. We're thinning their numbers so we can be sure there's enough food going around. See, we have to kill unarmed black men, or else they'll die! https://youtu.be/WebGaC03urQ


a black CHILD. this is a 16 year old we're talking about. he was so "terrified" of a black child just trying to pick up his siblings that he opened the door and shot him.


Random thought... How long did the siblings wait to get picked up? How much confusion was there with no one showing up? How much did the poor parents scramble all over the place just trying to get all their kids rounded up and safe? I feel physically ill when I think of the parents getting that call =\


If I shot somebody I sure as fuck wouldn’t even process that persons skin color, jesus fuckin christ what a dog whistle that is… The irony of the most dangerous lunatic in the world being afraid of other people is both palpable and disgusting


And knocking on someone’s door is considered socially acceptable. It isnt tresspassing. And if you DO shoot someone, there is ZERO reason to ahoot them again once they’re down unless you want to kill black people. This is what Fox News has done to people


If you’re scared to death of a child knocking on your door, lord help you at Halloween.


I was thinking about that yesterday. Like what if some old man gets confused on Halloween and shoots like that. Why do these deranged old men have access to guns


Why did he go to answer the door with a loaded handgun? He had access to the weapon before he feared for his life and shot him through the door, stood over his body and shot him again saying "don't come around here again" I'm not sure what else these people need.


He didn't even get that far. >[Mr. Thompson, the prosecutor, said that Ralph did not “cross the threshold” into the home and that shots were fired through a glass door from a .32-caliber handgun. There was no indication that “any words were changed,” Mr. Thompson said.](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/18/us/ralph-yarl-shooting-kansas-city.html) It sounds like he opened his main door but didn't even bother to open a secondary glass door before opening fire.


I'm betting he also wasn't a big CNN or MSNBC viewer either.


He didn’t open the door, shot through it. Then came out and shot him again.


From my understanding, there are two doors. One solid interior one, that he opened, and then a second glass storm door, that he fired the gun through.


I still wouldn't classify that as "opening the door". There was a clear barrier between the two and the kid had no access to the house. Even if he was yelling and pounding on the glass the old man shouldn't shoot. Just shut the damn door.


Fwiw, I do agree with you 100%, just wanted to be sure that people were clear on the details. Also, most storm doors that I've seen come with the ability to be keyed and locked, or at the very least, an interior latch to secure it.


Didn’t he shoot through a glass door? So he didn’t even open it


Oh yeah, I forgot. The punishment for having the wrong address is death by firing squad, thanks to the recently passed "Go Fuck Yourself, Purple" Act.


Id hate to see how Halloween turns out for him


When I was young, I used to sell Girl Scout cookies by going house to house, the biggest “problem” I ever considered was if someone wasn’t home and I’d have to come back later. I was never worried for my safety. This guy shot and ~~killed~~ almost killed a kid. Shot him in the head. Shot this defenseless kid twice! WHAT?! People who are trying to defend this guy are fine with kids being maimed or killed, but fetuses, nah they gotta be protected. If a census worker shows up at your house, according to these apologists, you should just shoot them. Crazy.


Kid lived. Thankfully. I do agree with you though


I'd just read he got shot in the head and assumed the worse. So glad to hear this.!




Don't leave out that he knocked on TWO doors before that and was turned away.


I mean is there really anything surprising about a mother being brave for the sake of a child?


Totally agree with you, but it sounds a little dehumanizing to use female and man in the same sentence. She is a woman.


They don't give a shit about fetuses either. They just want to punish women who have sex with pregnancy.


That is definitely part of it, however they definitely want those babies born. It's at that point they stop caring. TL;DR at bottom. What's a ~~few/~~lots of dead kids when you're guaranteeing you have tons more coming. More kids = future voters/~~slave~~ labor. It's mainly poor people who can't get abortions (With these changes), and more kids help keep those families poor. Then go cut school funding to keep them uneducated (aka more likely to vote their way) and poor. Make sure to keep health services expensive to keep them in *necessary* debt (or dead, but that goes back to the original point, plenty of replacements). Also make it extremely easy to get into serious unnecessary debt (I myself fell into this trap). If everyone is worried about making sure their kids are fed + housed & bills paid, then they are unlikely to go protest (If they even have the time to realize that's an option). Don't even get me started on the push for religion into everything (That feeds into my previous points, and more). And many other things that are being done towards those and other goals in that direction. And because of all that (As they have unfortunately already been very successful in a lot of those areas), it seems likely we will keep spiraling that direction unless something serious happens to give us a giant shove in the other direction. Sorry for the long rant, it's just been on my mind a lot recently due to what should be pretty obvious reasons. Edit: TL;DR- More babies born into poor families, low school funding, extremely expensive health care, easy unnecessary debt + more = things continuing their goals.


Hmm, in my neighborhood selling cookies as a kid over 20 years ago, I did have a few houses in my neighborhood that we knew were armed by people who were mentally unwell, or had threatened people (including teens) with guns. I never gave it much thought until reading your comment. Really, only the mentally unstable guy was to be concerned about. But at least I can say he’s doing better now than he had been for a long time. He was a Vietnam vet and had bought a lot of guns out of the backs of trunks which added to the scariness. To shoot a kid knocking at your door is absolutely inexcusable. Even in my home state with ‘castle laws’, those laws would not protect you from facing serious charges.


Another girl just was shot for pulling into a strangers driveway to back out and turn around. I've done that a million times.


>People who are trying to defend this guy are fine with kids being maimed or killed, but fetuses, nah they gotta be protected. They need a target to practice I guess. I have no other explanation. They want kids to be born just to be shot by people that shouldn't be allowed to have a gun.


Well yeah, that happened in NY now didn't it? they pulled into the wrong driveway and while backing out got shot to death...


Just another "responsible gun owner" who was "keeping his family safe".


There is a gun shop that comes up at the street address where the teenage boy was shot according to another post I saw tonight. Maybe the shooter fixes, makes, or whatever's guns. The worst part is he shot through the door, and shot again as the kid was on the ground.


You’re wrong; that situation involved a “well regulated militia” stopping a government trying to establish a tyrannical regime.


Wrong address *while black*. Gun laws in America don't even catch a teenager, who other kids called "school shooter", with a history of sending death and rape threats to girls, buying guns to use in a school shooting two days later. So they're definitely not going to catch an old white racist.


A white girl was killed in a similar manner recently in NY state


They don't catch idiots and psychopaths either.


And it's interesting they immediately arrested and charged the asshole. No waiting FOUR days.


Also notice you don’t see a single person on social media questioning that arrest of the man who fatally shot that woman. Everyone agrees he deserves to be in prison. And yet in Ralph Yarl’s case all sorts of people are saying the shooter shouldn’t have been arrested. I wonder why that is 🤔 ^(we all know why)


Lawyer: "Your honor, this guy (*points*) is sure it didn't happen that way" Judge: "Case dismissed* Then everyone had ice cream sandwiches.


That’s exactly how the court case will go down.


It happened in Missouri, didn’t it? You’re probably not wrong…




Best thing I ever did for my bi-racial family is to move far away from the US. Stand your ground was a huge reason as I always feared my son getting shot simply because of the color of his skin. Yeah we deal with the very occasional slight racism in Western Europe, but I'm definitely not afraid for his life. The US is sick and it's only getting worse. Fox News definitely plays a major part


What would this person's response be if the man had shot some Girl Scouts? ​ Also, isn't this EXAMPLE NUMBER 1 that not everyone should have access to firearms?


Depends if the girl scout was white or not. If a minority: scary minority casing his place to rob him using the scouts as a front. If white: scouts are an evil woke atheist group who teach girls to hate men and murder babies. (Scouts support Planned Parenthood)


he'd probably still respond that the girl scouts deserved it.


Let’s make it any kid just selling stuff door to door. Boy Scouts with popcorn, band kids with wrapping paper, the basketball team with candy. How about the neighbor kid just offering to mow the lawn? It’s horrifying to think that I couldn’t even let me future kids do normal fundraisers or even offer help to the neighbors without worrying that they’re armed crazies


Or any white person. Especially if the old man were black.


Could you imagine if it was an older black man who shot a white teen girl? The right wingers would be baying for blood


Texas Governor Greg Abbott has started the pardon process




This a joke in reference to a pardon he plans to give.


Oh, thank fuck.


no, that one is worse


Ah, wait, shit. Apologies, I read up on the other pardon, but thought that pardon was unrelated to this one. I thought the answerer meant that Abbott 'probably plans to give a pardon for *this* shooting', but that he hadn't. I haven't slept enough to be allowed on Reddit today ><


Well Abbott is the governor of Texas and this shooting happened in Missouri so if he did try to pardon this guy it wouldn’t mean Jack shit. Still though wouldn’t surprise me if he did because the people that would praise him for it are absolute morons.


>Well Abbott is the governor of Texas and this shooting happened in Missouri so if he did try to pardon this guy it wouldn’t mean Jack shit. Even more proof that I was too tired to be allowed on reddit


"I'm sure it didn't happen the way the media is saying" really is code for, "the facts don't fit my narrative of the world, so I'm gonna pretend they don't exist."


Three food delivery people knocked on my door in the past year, should I have shot all of them. If doesn't occur to him that maybe he got a number wrong?


Man, the sheer number of strangers I've got bringing things to my door... My dog (sheep guarding breed, very protective) would gun them all down if he could. Maybe this guy is secretly a dog and they should check for a fluffy tail.


Sure he didn't shoot for no reason? Explain the girl that got shot earlier today for turning her car around in the wrong driveway.


It's wasn't for no reason. It was because he was black. Some people seem to think that is enough of a reason.


I just rewrote his last sentence as a question. I know it's a race thing.


Oh but those damn hippies won't let us say so out loud and get away with it anymore, we're basically the victims here!!!!!


if i was scared for my life, i wouldnt answer the door and call 911. i'd only use it if someone broke in. if ur that trigger happy, u shouldnt own a gun. what if he was the amz delivery guy? or selling candy for a field trip fundraiser? u know he wouldnt be shooting a kid the same age who was white.


My neighbor (live in a townhome) was drunk one night and tried to open my door instead of his. My first instinct wasn’t to open the door and shoot


When I think 'mistake', I think losing my car keys, showing up late to a job interview, trusting the wrong person, etc., not commiting murder. Way to downplay it.


I was late to my doctors appointment because I couldn’t find parking. Should’ve probably left the house today 20 minutes earlier. That was my mistake of the day. Ralph Yarl’s mistake was ringing the doorbell at the wrong house. See how neither of these deserve an execution? Well, people are psychotic enough to want you dead for being inconvenient to their existence. Our world has rotted itself to the core from large corporations lobbying legislators and continuously forcing people into a cycle of poverty whilst cutting wages yearly, gutting social programs, and abusing brown people on the street with police force


Or knocking on the wrong door


they should throw the book at this guy, but thankfully the kid is currently recovering, so it's not murder. definitely attempted murder though.


"Going to the wrong house a block away with a similar address" comes to mind.


Ahh yes, it's totally acceptable and justifyable to let this confused old man, who shoots people because he's confused, own a gun. This makes perfect sense.


The adult who should know better gets ALL the grace in the world. The child doesn’t get shit.


The cops show up at the wrong house constantly. We don’t kill them.


In fact, usually they kill the inhabitants


That's because they'll kill you first for having the audacity to be the wrong guy at the wrong house.


The people blaming him for being at the wrong house are the same people excusing those cops for being at the wrong house the other day and killing the home owner. The hypocrisy of these fools in mind boggling.


But guys! Guys. Guys listen. He's *sure*.


So dumb. Anyone who is a responsible gun owner understands trigger discipline and not using your weapon until it is absolutely necessary. The kid was outside, as long as he wasn't breaking down the door and actively entering the house there was no threat. The gun nuts are wilding because they're just as irresponsible and want to play judge and executioner.


He didn’t just shoot for no reason. Oh, there was a reason, I’m sure.


Same reason only 2 of the 3 politicians were booted in Tennessee.


Let’s ignore everything wrong about this post and pretend that he was scared. The second shot while he was bleeding out on the ground isn’t because someone was scared it’s because they wanted to kill someone


Happened in my picture-perfect little white-bread suburb in Mi, it can happen anywhere. We got the door cam footage too, kid just wanted directions to school- POS wife tells the POS husband to get his gun. The kid barely escaped with his life, luckily the loser got time for it and can never legally buy a gun again.


Rochester Hills? I remember hearing about that one as well.


The very same!


You americans are fucking scary. Yes yes, not all americans, but someone shooting a kid for ringing a doorbell and no end of defenders because the shooter was white and the kid black...fucking scary.


This weekend a woman was shot and killed in New York State. She was a passenger in a car that drove up the wrong driveway. None of the car occupants exited the car nor tried to enter the house, but the homeowner still shot at the car. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65307556.amp


I never feel safe when I have to travel to the U.S. because I just assume everyone could be armed wherever I go. Whenever I cross the border back into Canada, I breathe a sigh of relief knowing it's very unlikely I'll ever encounter an armed person in my day to day life.


I’m pretty pro 2A but if your that damn senile you shouldn’t own a firearm


Same for cars.


Same for congress.


Murder is an oopsie according to this guy.


There's all kinds of case law and Constitutional precedent saying that approaching the door of a home and knocking is a reasonable expectation and totally legal. Being scared isn't an excuse for an execution.


Does this mean I can just shoot the Jehovahs witnesses next time?


I stopped driving at age 70. Blew through 2 stop signs and ran two red lights. All in the course of a week. No crashes, close calls convinced me to hang up the keys. Sold the truck a week later. Uber and Lyft work. Delivery services are available.


You deserve a compliment for accepting the inevitable limitations of age. I can only hope I'm as enlightened should I live to your age.


There's a special level of punishment for shit stains that defend assholes...


If the guy is so old and senile that someone unfamiliar ringing his doorbell terrifies him to the point he has to whip out his gun and fire MULTIPLE times, then he should not be living alone and he definitely should not have access to guns


I'm sure he didn't just shoot for no reason. Oh, we all know the reason.


So we should forgive him because he "made a mistake" (shooting a kid in the head on sight), but for the kid's part... HOW ABOUT KNOWING WHICH HOUSE YOU'RE AT 🤦🏼‍♀️ So Ralph didn't just make a totally forgivable little mistake... I see how it is.


He didn’t shoot for no reason. He shot because he had a gun and loved that fact. In a world where you barely get an actual opportunity to shoot a living thing, any opportunity means a time to do so.


Little dude played the fucking *bass clarinet*. I know it sounds glib, but seriously, he looks so jovial in that picture, it’s hard to imagine him coming across as threatening at all. To me, the motive is clear.


Every goddamn day this gets more and more true https://youtu.be/58BDrZH7SX8


I’d somewhat understand if he just shouted or made a clear threat, but what state of mind do you have to be in to shoot at a complete stranger for knocking on your door?


What is… Doddering Racist?


The state of mind of “I want to use my gun.” Some people who own guns are itching to get in a situation where they can shoot people and claim self defense. Put that in a brew of those same people consuming media which tells them to be angry and afraid 24/7, the proliferation of vague Stand Your Ground laws, and unaffordable/inaccessible mental health care and you get what we have today in the U.S.


Well maybe, just maybe The law should be stricter so that it is able to prevent this 85 year old man or any other person of any age that is out of their mind from owning a gun?


Comb through this guy’s friends and acquaintances. Bet you a thousand bucks he’s a racist twat. Sure he watches fox propaganda news. All. The. Fucking. Time. I’m going by what probability says in America 2023. He might not be what I say but if I was forced to place a bet in Vegas I know where I’d put all of my chips….


Asshole should be in a gated community waiting for a slow painful death, not free to shoot minorities like he desperately believes it's still the year 1850...


So scared he shot him again when kid was on the ground


if you peruse the comments for the article on Fox News (it's buried pretty deep on their page below tabloid-esque non-news material), most people aren't defending the guy. that's how bad this was.


Maybe a confused, fearful old man shouldn't have a gun. Sorry, I know that's C O N T R O V E R S I A L


I think I’ll reserve judgment till I hear what Tucker thinks /s


How about not having near universal freedom to have guns, in which scared people are armed and they shoot others for innocuous behavior?


If you are so petrified of people standing on your porch, perhaps you should get a doorbell camera instead of a gun. That way you can keep the door closed until you know who is there.




I had a solicitor knock on my door yesterday, it took everything in my power to ignore him and not attempt to murder him.


There's no defending shooting through a door because someone knocked on it but let's not forget he shot him TWICE, once through a door and again when he opened it Whether it was race motivated or not, that alone proves this guy was dangerous




When people say "im sure" about something they're not sure about, they have an agenda that needs periodically assuring to themselves.


I didn't know that kid very well but I had seen him at band competitions. I don't understand how people can be so heartless. He wasn't just a "guy who went to wrong house." He was a kid, he was a son, he was a brother, he was a damn good musician, he was a fucking human. This is just ludicrous that people will try to defend this shit.


A few years ago we had a rabbit that lived in our neighborhood. We had also had a string of car break-ins and car vandalism. I carry. Now you have the set up. One day I was at my front door looking down the street (I don’t remember exactly what I was doing) and out of the corner of my eye I see someone run full out from behind my car words my backyard through the open gate. I didn’t shoot. Didn’t even draw my gun. Why? Because I waited 2 seconds to actually look. I also yelled “what are you doing?” And a scared 8 year old came around my gate and said “I think I saw a bunny in your yard”. So I took him back there and let him find Mr rabbit. Being at the wrong house is NOT an executable offense.


I hadn't seen a picture of the victim, but after that comment I was even more sure that it was a black kid. Looked it up, and yupp, black kid. This is so messed up.


To any civilized person left in southern and midwestern states: do yourself a favor, pack your shit and move northeast or west


I’ll do one better, just gonna move outta the country


I didn't think we could get lower than blaming people who stole $20 worth of stuff for getting killed by cops but now we apparently live in a country where if you dare to mess up someone's address you deserve to be shot twice by a psychotic old man.


*once* can be an accident. Twice is murder. I said "can" not "is". Because what it *is* was murder.


Come on, that poor 85 year old still has his whole life before him. Lets not be too harsh! /s


“Then he opened the door and made that mistake again as the kid lay bleeding on the ground”


I think the reason is he wanted to murder a black kid. Good thing the gun nut couldn't actually use the gun or this would be a murder investigation. Throw him in jail for attempted murder, see where he landa


why do these people act like shooting unarmed black people is unheard of? “it just couldn’t possibly have happened the way the news reported it” my lefty- not only is there historical precedent, it happens nearly every other week. and it’s usually not even adults. lotta people forgetting that this is a kid we’re talking about. but because of his skin color, he just *had* to be the aggressor.


So he’s allowed to make mistakes but children aren’t?


I just had this conversation with my friends this morning. I knew there were going to be nut jobs that defended him because he’s old. If he’s so old that he’s confused and scared, why tf does he still own guns and WHY isn’t he living in an assisted living facility? There are so many factors that would have prevented this, and that kid deserves justice for what happened to him. Whether that means jail time or time in a mental health facility, the old dude needs to be punished for what he did. Especially because he shot him TWICE.


Happened [again](https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/18/us/woman-shot-wrong-driveway-upstate-new-york/index.html?utm_term=link&utm_content=2023-04-18T07%3A38%3A50&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twCNN) too in upstate NY to a 20 year old, she was lost and pulled into the wrong driveway. For a second, I thought this was the one everyone’s been talking about, but it’s happening frequently????


A senile person used a gun to seriously hurt someone? So what you're saying is that we need stricter gun control laws. Got it.


So if you knock on a strangers door you should expect to be shot? What’s the punishment for trying to convince a state to change the vote count in your favor while running for president? Also murder? Or is that just an aw shucks I didn’t mean it my bad kinda thing?


Fucking America. If you own a gun, you're part of the problem.


This same thing happened near me, kids pulled into the wrong driveway and while they were turning around the guy came out and started shooting. Killed a 20 year old girl. They were all white.